=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: Kat on July 28, 2010, 02:59:06 PM

Title: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on July 28, 2010, 02:59:06 PM

Well I've tended to be kind of private about family matters, but it's high time that I seeked your prayers and any advice would also be appreicated.

My oldest daughter (27) has been dealing with what we thought was a case of stomach ulcers for years. She does not have insurance, so has never been diagnosed, just self treated with OTC stuff. But recently we saw a TV advertisement by a lawyer who was advising those who had taken Accutane and had developed certain diseases (Crohn's and ulerative colitis) to contact him concerning a lawsuit that was being filed. Well this set off alarms to us, because she had taken Accutane as a teenager for acne. We did a little research on these diseases and she can relate most of her symptoms as matching with them. Realizing the seriousness of the condition she might have we are now in the process of getting testing done to diagnose what is wrong. She will have an endoscopy/colonoscopy next week. On top of that she had already determined she was gluten intolerant by remove wheat form her diet and now whenever any slips by she gets sick. That is also getting checked. But just wanted to ask for your prayers for her.

My youngest daughter (20) has also been dealing with some type of digestive upset. A few months ago she began having bouts with nausea and vomiting. The first time we just assumed it was a stomach bug, because it seemed very similar. But then it happened a few days later, than again a couple of weeks later. So we went to the Dr and he tested for this and that and it all came back neg, stopping short of a colonoscopy. We were thinking that maybe it was just a bout with something and it was over. She has been trying to stick to a healthy diet, because she seem to recall eating fast food before a couple of these episodes. Well this past weekend (a month after her last bout) it happened again. I was out of town for the weekend and she ate pizza and chicken nuggets out of the freezer and was sick all day Sunday, but was okay by Monday morning. Btw others ate the same thing and did not get sick. We are assuming that there must be a connection with the junk/fast food that is causing the problem. Now I know that processed foods are not good for you, but what is in them that could be causing this terrible reaction. We realize that she needs to avoid these type foods now, but anyone that may know anything about this I would be glad to hear from you.

Just wanted to have your prayers and input as I know that in a "multitude of counselors there is safety" and I know there is much wisdom here.

My thanks and appreciation in advance for all your prayer and to any who can contribute any advice.


Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Dennis Vogel on July 28, 2010, 03:17:36 PM
I will ask God to help both your daughters Kat.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: judith collier on July 28, 2010, 03:33:01 PM
Hi Kat, familiar with some things you mentioned. This past winter I had nausea for over 2 months and lost weight. Sometimes it was just a hint of nausea but it was still there. I started taking some old nexium I had and that helped for the time the pill was working but finally it did go away on it's own. It didn't seem related to diet but I was more comfortable eating fruit than anything else. I couldn't even look at some foods. The Dct. said it was a bad virus. Of course it's always a virus!
My son has ulcerative colitis (what a horrible disease and no cure) He never took Acutane though. The Dct.'s think it might have been water he drank in a stream in Canada. This kind is definitely a virus, not a parasite, that just doesn't go away. There is new medicine for this though. It consists of a 4 hour hospital stay every two months and getting the new drug intraveniously. It appears to be helping. He is not allowed to drink tap water even though our city has an outstanding report. I do not either because of my malady. Distilled water is the best.
I will remember your daughters in prayer as there are many illnesses that are hard to diagnose.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on July 28, 2010, 04:09:17 PM

Hi Judy,

Well I can certainly sympathize with your son's condition, since my daughter is going through this. Thank you for your prayers and I'll remember him in mine. I never thought about the water. Will have to get distilled water and see if that helps. Thanks for your input, everything I can learn now is good.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: arion on July 28, 2010, 06:34:16 PM
Have you thought about contacting Dr. Steger?  He might have a real good idea about any environmental toxins or nutritional deficiencies your daughters might have.  After watching the video at the conference that guy sure seems a whiz with the body and it's systems.  And prayers for God to give you wisdom.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on July 28, 2010, 07:43:21 PM

Hi Arion,

Yes I have thought about Dr. Steger. But I know he is absolute staunch in his position about diet and he believes in cutting out all wheat and dairy, only a very small amount of meat, only organic fruits and vegetables etc. I agree with that mostly, but it is really hard to do, we are already doing the best we can with that. But it may come to paying him a visit, because from what I have read the meds for Crohn's is really bad for you. I have done a lot of reading on herbal supplements and right now she is on some of these and it has been helping. But thanks for the advice, we'll just have to see as things go along.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: cjwood on July 28, 2010, 07:45:18 PM
kat, i will add you and your daughters to my prayers. it is a hard thing to watch our children suffer physically, no matter how old they are. i can't give you any real medical help, but i can pray to the Great Physician, and He can guide you.


ps.  please let us know what your oldest daughter's tests show.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on July 28, 2010, 08:05:08 PM

Hi Claudia,

Those prayers are very precious to me. I will let you know.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Joel on July 28, 2010, 11:35:14 PM
I am praying also, I had a bad digestive problem and a surgical procedure about 20 yrs. back.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on July 29, 2010, 09:11:58 AM
Dear Kathy
I value that you have trusted us here with the fragile and upsetting circumstances you are caused of God to be experiencing right now. It is so difficult when our loved ones, especially our children suffer. A loving Parent would a hundred times over, in a heartbeat, step in to rather take the suffering and protect our children no matter how old they are.

My husband Abrie, last year, had an horrific episode of a form digestive illness that your account makes me recall. It re-occurred this year and he had to take two courses of antibiotics.

After suffering the effects of this illness, we decided that we should take a natural anti-parasite supplement called Wormwood. We all take this supplement now more as a preventative measure rather than a cure.

To assist recovery through efficient defense against whatever has upset your dear girls, not enough can be said to improve the immunity systems of the body through whatever natural means available. Also be sure to keep the flora that is in the intestinal track, well supplied through nutrients and other immune system building supplements. A health specialist will best be able to direct you to the required products in your Country.
It comforts me to know of your faith and that Spiritually, I know you know that God is in control, to the better, most beneficial outcome for you and your dear family.  Please keep us posted. Hugs to your girls and to you......

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Nan on July 29, 2010, 10:19:58 AM
Will pray for your daughters.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on July 29, 2010, 11:04:39 AM

Joel and Nan, your prayers are greatly appreciated.

Arc, knowing other peoples experiences is a help. I had been studying herbal remedies for a number of years now, there is so much to learn. But for a while have directed my focus towards the digestinal tract and I have found a lot of herbs that are time honored in there helpfulness in that area. I have stocked up on quite a few that the older DD (Chanel) is taking daily. I learned the need for flora/probiotics a while ago and we have been taking those for some time now. With the change in diet and the supplements she is doing better, but we are very interested in knowing what she actually has and will let everybody know.

My younger DD (Tyne) is what we are more perplex about. We have really tried to consider all she was doing as well as eating to find a connection with her bouts of nausea and vomiting, so far all we can determine is maybe the junk/fast food. So I think she knows to stay away from that stuff now. She is going to the University in a couple weeks and I just don't like to think of her being away from home dealing with this. But if she will stick to a good diet (she had been eating pretty poorly), well maybe now she will be okay.

Just talking about this is helpful in many ways, thanks for all the input.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Samson on July 29, 2010, 12:24:12 PM

Well I've tended to be kind of private about family matters, but it's high time that I seeked your prayers and any advice would also be appreicated.

My oldest daughter (27) has been dealing with what we thought was a case of stomach ulcers for years. She does not have insurance, so has never been diagnosed, just self treated with OTC stuff. But recently we saw a TV advertisement by a lawyer who was advising those who had taken Accutane and had developed certain diseases (Crohn's and ulerative colitis) to contact him concerning a lawsuit that was being filed. Well this set off alarms to us, because she had taken Accutane as a teenager for acne. We did a little research on these diseases and she can relate most of her symptoms as matching with them. Realizing the seriousness of the condition she might have we are now in the process of getting testing done to diagnose what is wrong. She will have an endoscopy/colonoscopy next week. On top of that she had already determined she was gluten intolerant by remove wheat form her diet and now whenever any slips by she gets sick. That is also getting checked. But just wanted to ask for your prayers for her.

My youngest daughter (20) has also been dealing with some type of digestive upset. A few months ago she began having bouts with nausea and vomiting. The first time we just assumed it was a stomach bug, because it seemed very similar. But then it happened a few days later, than again a couple of weeks later. So we went to the Dr and he tested for this and that and it all came back neg, stopping short of a colonoscopy. We were thinking that maybe it was just a bout with something and it was over. She has been trying to stick to a healthy diet, because she seem to recall eating fast food before a couple of these episodes. Well this past weekend (a month after her last bout) it happened again. I was out of town for the weekend and she ate pizza and chicken nuggets out of the freezer and was sick all day Sunday, but was okay by Monday morning. Btw others ate the same thing and did not get sick. We are assuming that there must be a connection with the junk/fast food that is causing the problem. Now I know that processed foods are not good for you, but what is in them that could be causing this terrible reaction. We realize that she needs to avoid these type foods now, but anyone that may know anything about this I would be glad to hear from you.

Just wanted to have your prayers and input as I know that in a "multitude of counselors there is safety" and I know there is much wisdom here.

My thanks and appreciation in advance for all your prayer and to any who can contribute any advice.


Hi Kat,

          Sorry about the condition of Your Daughters. Hope your able to find the CAUSE of their symptoms. Removing all Starches and Sugars might help. It seems that wheat Gluten is almost in everything. I tried to find a Gluten free bread in the food stores, can't find one. Recently(May 1, 2010) I started limiting my Carbohydrates and lost 19 pounds, also did a total Colon cleansing(5 days, no food), only Amino Acids, the Colon Cleansing Formula and Juice. I lost seven pounds and 2 1/2 inches off my waist during those five days. It's unbelievable what comes out of the body, the accumulated sludge off the intestinal walls and Colon. Your Daughters might have Food Allergies. I think Dr. Steger is pretty much spot on, except for the protein intake. Proteins and Fats keep you from getting Hungry and delay Hunger. Proteins, Fats and Vegetables as a primary source of food intake is a good way to eat without getting hungry. No processed in a box foods, no fast foods, try only one starch a day at the maximum. In your Daughters case, for now try no starches at all, especially pasta, bread, noodles, muffins, rice, corn, etc.

        My Prayers go out in your behalf, also I enclosed a web-site link for Natural Source Products. I think Ron Kosloff might be able to help you. His articles on Nutrition might give you some ideas on what to do. Also I've included His phone number, He's a very nice and approachable person. See Below !       Tel. # 313-372-1807(Ron Kosloff)

           The Above are just suggestions for resource, Samson.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: walt123 on July 29, 2010, 01:29:30 PM
Hi Kat and all family members

Here is something that everyone can do  that is not expensive,and it worked
for me,its called the" Master cleanse" which is a lemonade diet and it
consites of organic lemons, grade B maple syrup,Cayenne pepper,and water.
there is lots of info on the web,the book I read was-The complete Master cleanse"
by Tom woloshyn.
You  need to do a 10 day diet in order to get results,I did a 14day and 4mos later
a 17day diet and can say it works,here is somethings about the diet.

The master cleanse diet is actually a detox diet. In fact, it is more like a fast. The master cleanse diet is explained in great detail in the book The Master Cleanser, by Stanley Burroughs, its originator. You may wish to get hold of it as it provides information about the techniques in fulfilling the lemonade diet plan.

The master cleanse is specifically designed to help you cleanse your body of toxins and not directly a weight loss program. However, by removing toxins, you not only lose weight but can also alleviate other chronic symptoms that you have been experiencing.

The master cleanse is great for the prevention of digestive diseases and disorders. The reason that this system seems to work so well is because most disease begin in the intestines, which is exactly the area that lemon cleansing targets. It is also a quick way to reduce your weight or control weight gain.

With the master cleanse diet, your kidneys and digestive system can be completely cleansed upon completion of the program; as will all cells and organs be purified. Any waste and calcifications or hardened areas within the joints and muscles will be flushed and pressure upon the nerves, arteries and blood vessels will be alleviated. Body fat is also lost during this process. Your bloodstream gets rejuvenated along with your overall appearance. You will find that the elasticity of your skin improves with the lemonade diet. Lemon is said to have the natural ability to act as a loosening and cleansing agent.

PS.What I wanted to add was another benefit was losing weight,
I mean I started at 200lbs and lost 40lbs on my first try of 14days
and like the book says your body knows what your weight should be,
I am 5' 10" and my weight is 160lbs and as long as I eat the right stuff
I stay at 160 and it doesn't matter if I eat more or less it stays around
the same.I use to have chest pains ,my knees hurt,my back,light headed,
stomach pains,bladder-not being able to hold to long,and know anything
is working like it should.

Hope the info will be helpful.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on July 29, 2010, 05:20:01 PM

Hi Samson,

I have been working to improve my diet for some time now and I have been 'preaching' to them about the benefits of eating better and up until recent with not much results. But now they are forced to make some dramatic changes because they have to and it is helping.

Someone has mentioned to me about gallbladder problems causing nausea and that got me to thinking. I had my gallbladder removed when I was pretty young (25-26) and maybe that has something to do with  my youngest DD's problems. Maybe it's the 'fatty' food that is triggering her bouts with nausea and vomiting. Will need to check into that more.

Walt, I know that master cleanse would help most anybody. I certainly need to seriously think of doing it.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: onelovedread on July 29, 2010, 05:40:40 PM
I'm sorry I don't have any medical advice, but I promise that I will pray for your family.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: tamaralv on July 31, 2010, 11:20:02 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that your girls are having these problems. Please know that your family is in my prayers and thoughts. As a mother, I can certainly empathize with you! My daughter has PCOS and I knew something wasn't right for quite a long time, but was told repeatedly that it was "hormones" and she would "grow out of it". I know this is hard for doctors to understand, but there are some things a mother just knows about her child! After 3 yrs we finally were sent to a wonderful doctor who took one look at her and said "I don't even have to do the blood tests...she has PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)! We may have gotten the run around and certainly we saw doctors that I would never take her back to, but here we are 2 years later and Bailea is doing well on her medication and is pain-free for the most part. I think I was just so thankful to finally have a least now we know what we're up against! Fear of the unknown is the worst!
Kat, you recently helped me with something very scary in my life and I wish I could return the favor to you with words of wisdom or sound medical advice, but my prayers and love are all I have to give. Just know that I'm thinking of you.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on July 31, 2010, 01:39:37 PM

Onelovedread and Tammy, knowing you are praying is a great blessing and comfort. And yes not knowing is hard, because you don't know what it is or how best to treat it. But hopefully we will know soon with Chanel anyway. She recently read that aloe is good for ulcers and started taking that and think it may already be helping.

But it is a good thing to seek out one another for help and advice, that is the way that God uses us to give and receive blessings. I know that there are many that are praying that I am unaware of (lukers and people that just don't state they are as I do a lot of times). I just thank God for all of my brothers and sisters known to me or unknown, it's all the same.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Ninny on July 31, 2010, 02:37:25 PM
Kat, I will be praying for your daughters, too! There are so many things that could cause those things I know it's frustrating trying to get to the bottom of it wears you down after a while! I will pray that everything can be fixed very soon!
Kathy ;)
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: iris on August 01, 2010, 08:00:14 PM
Kat... I am sorry to hear of your girls being sick. My prayers are with your family and I pray that your girls get well soon.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Linny on August 01, 2010, 10:18:47 PM
Hi Kat,
Will certainly be praying for your precious daughters.
My 2 thoughts upon reading your post.
1) soy- it can be an allergen for many and it causes the symptoms you described. It is also imperative if you go off of dairy to make sure you do not substitute soy as it will be perceived by your body the same as dairy.
2) the first thing I'd get them both on-if they are not already- is a good digestive enzyme. I buy mine from a doc in OK but I'd also trust Dr. Mercola's if you need a good one. The ones that are shelf stable and don't require refrigeration are the best. I'd have them take about 2 or 3 with each meal for a while and see what happens.
Also, have they either one been on any antibiotics? If so, they need to replenish their good bacteria with a good probiotic regimen.

Hope everything is something easy to fix!!
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on August 01, 2010, 11:44:40 PM

Kathy and Iris, I am very thankful to know you remember us in your prayers.

Lin, I've always considered your advice to be right where my thinking is too. We generally avoid soy products, so I'm thinking that is probably not it. We have been using digestive enzyme and I have found the Pearls product and they are taking them at this time, like you said they don't have to be in the refrig and also can be taken any time.

Both girls are doing good right now, with the one steering clear of the junk food and has not been sick. My older DD is taking a few supplements and something (or maybe everything) is helping. It's still a week before she has the colonoscope, but I will let you all know.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: karenmarie on August 02, 2010, 03:51:49 AM
One of my daughters has PCOS - so far hasn't found an effective treatment, but she is an adult in another city and I can't make her go to the doctor! But, while looking for and suggesting various ideas for her diet, I found a book, The Maker's Diet, which may be helpful for your daughters, Kat. The author had all sorts of serious digestive ailments, to the point of death, then either found this diet or was inspired by scripture (can't remember which). Anyway, it's not the Daniel diet, which is fruits and vegetables and water, but just foods recommended as "good" in the bible. Goat cheese and yogurt (probiotic), veggies, whole grains, fruits. No modern processed food. I don't have the book here, but remember finding it interesting. You may find a description of it on Amazon.

Hope this can help. Tammy, what medication did your daughter find that worked for her PCOS?

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: jassy on August 02, 2010, 05:38:51 AM

Well I've tended to be kind of private about family matters, but it's high time that I seeked your prayers and any advice would also be appreicated.

My oldest daughter (27) has been dealing with what we thought was a case of stomach ulcers for years. She does not have insurance, so has never been diagnosed, just self treated with OTC stuff. But recently we saw a TV advertisement by a lawyer who was advising those who had taken Accutane and had developed certain diseases (Crohn's and ulerative colitis) to contact him concerning a lawsuit that was being filed. Well this set off alarms to us, because she had taken Accutane as a teenager for acne. We did a little research on these diseases and she can relate most of her symptoms as matching with them. Realizing the seriousness of the condition she might have we are now in the process of getting testing done to diagnose what is wrong. She will have an endoscopy/colonoscopy next week. On top of that she had already determined she was gluten intolerant by remove wheat form her diet and now whenever any slips by she gets sick. That is also getting checked. But just wanted to ask for your prayers for her.

Hi Kat. Thank you for sharing this. I showed my sister your post last night. Her daughter, my niece also took Accutane for acne five years ago. She is 28.Everything fell into place. The joint pain, vulnerability to infection. and a host of other maladys which a healthy young woman should not be experiencing.

At least now we know whats going on. thats half the battle. Both my sister and I were vehemently against her taking this drug but she was adamant and paid for it herself.  I understand, her skin was bad and this was the wonderdrug.

It worked like a charm, but at what price? God is in control and He prompted you to post this, I am sure.
We can just pray for each other and see where the road takes us.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on August 02, 2010, 11:38:28 AM

Hi Karen, thanks for mention of the book, I plan on getting it and this will give us some helpful info. This PCOS that you are referring to is an ovarian problem, right? What Chanel is experiencing is digestive, probably ulcerations in the intestinal tract.
We all take a vit-min and probiotics supplement for starters, she also takes slippery elm, cat's claw, gum guggul and aloe vera daily specifically for her condition, as research shows all of these are helpful with these digestive problems.

Jassy, what a mixed blessing, good that you way find the answer to your niece's problems, but sad to know she may also have such a serious condition. But yes knowing exactly what you are dealing with will help. But it also opens up a whole new can of worms, as the pharmaceutical treatment is really bad too. We intend to continue to use diet and supplements and feel this would be the best approach. We can certainly support each other in prayers.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: karenmarie on August 02, 2010, 12:22:59 PM
Hi Kat,

yes PCOS presents as a hormonal, ovarian problem, but it in reality is a huge systemic disorder leading to diabetes and heart disease among other things. There seems to be a relationship between diet and controlling the syndrome. Frustrating to treat unless you find an endocrinologist who looks at the whole body and all systems. My daughter doesn't like doctors or medications, so I've been hoping and praying and suggesting dietary changes. The Maker's Diet seems like a good eating program for lots of people with health issues. I recommended the book as I seem to recall the author had Crohn's Disease, and ulcers throughout his digestive tract.

As I progress into my 50's, I've noticed troubles with food myself. Last November I cut way back on meat - maybe one or two servings per month. That has helped a great deal. I'm also trying to limit processed carbs - my downfall is potato chips, but I never buy them - that helps. No control if I'm at someone's house who puts them out, though. :D

Will be praying for everyone's health and for inspiration and guidance to good treatments and help.


Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: gmik on August 02, 2010, 07:38:58 PM
Kat, will be praying for your girls for hurts mom's to watch their children suffer!  God will lead you to the answer.

Just as a by the way, I am changing over to the "caveman" sugar, chemicals, etc etc...veggies, fruit and nuts, only free range, non hormone meat and poultry...  I am feeling good and no hunger cause you can eat anything natural.  I get most of my stuff from Whole Foods Market (not as expensive), but I save money on no junk food or fast/food.

I am hoping to ease symptoms of this modern age- arthritis, IBS, head aches, back aches.. hi cholestorol etc.

This is the beginning of the 3rd week so I am still a novice, but I will let ya know.

Samson, get Tree of Life bread in the frozen section at WalMart!!  Goes by various scriptural fav is Ezekial :? and Genesis ?:?  No wheat or flour of anykind and it is delicious.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: octoberose on August 06, 2010, 03:00:01 AM
Dear Kat,
 My girls are similar ages. It doesn't matter how old they are, we're still their mothers.
My son is on accutane- I really didn't want him to be but he's old enough to decide for himself. So far he's done pretty well- no achy muscles at all. We'll just have to see.
 I wouldn't let an ambulance chasing lawyer upset you too much (we get the same stuff on TV here). 
 Have you heard of Mannatech? It's a based on glyconutrients- my husband had 7 polyps last time he had a colonoscopy and he feels better now after 20 months of taking the nutrients so we're anxious to see how his next colonoscopy goes. He also has diverticulitis and he does feel better.
 Thank you for all you do. You are so committed to this site and spreading the truth of the Good News and I'm really grateful.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on August 09, 2010, 04:19:59 PM

Dear Brothers and Sisters, your prayers are very precious to me, thank you so very much to all of you!

Okay we took Chanel for the colonscope this morning and here is great news... they found nothing but some internal hemorrhoids. This examination removed concern about the serious diseases that we had thought there could have been. Now we still believe that she has gluten intolerance (the Dr. wants to do further testing to determine that for sure), but we know that already, by her eating it and getting sick. Anyway that really does not seem so bad now since the more serious problems are not there.

I just want to give praise to God for this blessing, He truly is so good to us.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Linny on August 09, 2010, 05:05:28 PM
Whew, I know how relieved you must be Mama! So happy for you!  ;D
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on August 09, 2010, 05:08:57 PM

That is such a relief! His Peace is so valuable. :)

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Roy Coates on August 10, 2010, 12:17:33 AM
Praise the Lord
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: fox on August 10, 2010, 04:28:55 AM
Hi Kat,

One ingredient which has become prevalent in almost all fast food and even soups, cooked
meats and other convenience foods from the grocery store is MSG (monosodium glutamate).
Some people seem to build up a tolerance to it (at least for a while) but it makes some people
very ill. Your daughter might want to avoid it for a week or two then add it back as a test just
to see if it might be a problem. There is so much crap added to our food nowdays it is really
hard to avoid all the things which might not be good for us.

My 90 year old mother is supposed to follow gluten free AND low salt. It is almost impossible to
eat out or buy anything at the grocery store which is prepared - bread, crackers, chips, soups,
frozen dinners, box dinners, spreads, BBQ sauce, salad dressings - almost everything has wheat
OR high salt OR MSG OR artificial sweetners. They can be found but your shopping will take a long
time as you read all those itty bitty labels.

I cook almost everything from scratch but I will admit that when it is late and I am very tired it
is not so easy.

By the way gluten-free bread is readily available in the area where frozen rolls are sold. Rice pasta is
also usually available in a section of the pasta isle.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on August 10, 2010, 01:54:09 PM

I do want to thank all for there advice, I have taken into consideration all that has been offered. You know I just don''t know what to make of Chanel having no sign of disease in her digestive tract, other than God's mercy. We were so expecting to have an ordeal to endure for a long time and it was weighing heavy on us. She is going to continue with the supplements for now and may try a little gluten at some point, just to check and see. But yes the relief is huge and your prayers I believe helped us a great deal.

The younger daughter did have another bout of vomiting last week after we ate out in a restaurant. She feels fine up until and after, but has that period of nausea and vomiting. It must be some ingredient that we have not pin pointed yet. Fox, I was aware of MSG, but thought it had been removed from most foods because so many were sensitive to it? But I'm sure there are any number of trigger ingredients it could be and it is just going to be hard (if not impossible) to figure it out. How do you find out all that is in the food when eating out? Home cooking doesn't seem to cause a problem, so I'm trying to encourage her to cook her own food as much as possible.

love to all,

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: judith collier on August 13, 2010, 04:25:15 AM
Kat, very glad to hear your daughter hasn't anything life threatning or too serious. I think of all the people with chrones and ulcerative colitis and feel bad for them as this is not one of those diseases that they want to share except maybe on the internet. And it is an isolating malady as they are confined to their homes and have to call into work or bring a letter from the dct. explaining it. My son suffers so much and only a few people know. Who would want to talk about it. Even family members think he is malingering unless I go into graphic details, which of course they don't want to hear.
Thank God for this new treatment but I worry about his future health from all the steroids and pills. I just have to believe God has His hand on him.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: zee325 on August 13, 2010, 07:14:27 AM

I have been thinking of you and your girls. I am so glad to hear about the test results. There are a lots of good advices given here. I just want to add one more thing (if you have not already known). Take care and advice them to stay away from ice, icy food or drinks. Warm is ideal.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on August 13, 2010, 10:43:39 AM

Judy, I will continue to remember your son in my prayers.

Hi Zee, hmm icy foods? Hadn't thought of that and we do like to eat ice cream, will let them know that warm food is better.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Patrick on August 13, 2010, 10:08:59 PM
Quote from: Kat

  I was aware of MSG, but thought it had been removed from most foods because so many were sensitive to it? But I'm sure there are any number of trigger ingredients it could be and it is just going to be hard (if not impossible) to figure it out. How do you find out all that is in the food when eating out?

Kat, this is a pretty good article regarding "MSG."
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on August 14, 2010, 12:10:06 PM

Thanks Patrick, I sent this to my daughter. Sounds like MSG is a definite possibility.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Patrick on August 14, 2010, 09:53:10 PM
A Chiropractor posted this link today; at the bottom of the article, there are some food brands listed that use MSG (or other pseudonyms). Y'all may have already seen it. Eating healthy is just as easy as getting saved; sorry, I couldn't resist! ;)
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: cjwood on August 17, 2010, 03:57:50 AM
Eating healthy is just as easy as getting saved; sorry, I couldn't resist! ;)


i just saw this comment of patrick's, and just wanted to say i thought it was brilliant patrick. i hadn't seen that list before so i'm also glad you posted in.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on August 17, 2010, 05:13:25 AM

I had missed that!

I am glad you caught and highlighted that jewel claudia!


Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on August 17, 2010, 11:37:38 AM

Eating healthy is just as easy as getting saved;  Yea, that was an absolute truth. Thanks for the link Patrick, now I am able to compile a list and put it up on the frig so we can learn what we need to avoid.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: soberxp on August 17, 2010, 12:13:59 PM
hi,KAT, nature yogurt is very effective for ulcers.and stop drink coffee. ;D

as for Accutane,over here ,in China, I only know that the ACCUTANE can cause depression (a serious consequence:suicidal tendency) from a science TV program  :-\
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Kat on September 11, 2010, 11:29:30 AM

Just wanted to give an update:

My oldest, Chanel, is sticking to a gluten free diet and is doing well on it. We have even found that quite a few restaurants have gluten free pasta, you have to ask, because it may not even be on the menu.

The youngest, Tyne, has a more difficult time with a MSG free diet. We Have researched and formed a long list of all the hidden MSG ingredients in foods and it is a lot. Pretty much all processed foods have it in one form or another. She has been preparing her meals from scratch, which is better for her any way. So she has not been sick since she has meticulously removed MSG from her diet. We had determined that restaurants have a lot of MSG in there food, but she can go to the ones if you know they use fresh ingredients and just be careful in ordering. She just has to avoid it as much as she can and seems to be doing all right so far.

So things are not so bad. When you're in the middle of a health crisis you tend to get worried and fretful, but we always need to remember worry will never solve anything. Thanks for all your prayers, advice and suggestions, it was all very helpful.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Nan on September 11, 2010, 04:30:52 PM
Thanks for the update. I am thankful that your daughters are doing better.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: judith collier on September 11, 2010, 07:37:50 PM
Kat, so glad for your daughters. It only takes a few bad things to happen and we can get worried quickly especially when it is our children.
Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: cjwood on September 12, 2010, 02:44:35 AM
thanks for the update kat. we would all do well to adhere to your daughters' new eating habits.

Title: Re: prayer request for daughters
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on September 12, 2010, 06:40:43 AM

It is very important that the Lord caused you to disclose to us the trial He sent you regarding your sweet daughters. I know you were tentative and sensitive to your circumstances and I can see now, how the Lord made and caused this Thread to be opened.  8)

We have learned through another thread on Dr Jimmy Steger’s Book,  via Mark who was inspired to feed us Rom 13 : 14 followed by Judy embracing the virtue of the carnal nature not having the upper hand! 8)

For me this manifests again that God is everywhere on these Threads. Even Dave noted how much we have grown in the Spirit of The Lord by contrast to where we were some years ago.  :D

All the Work of our Lord, through, with and in us growing us all up! :) to conduct ourselves as He is, does and shows.

I am happy you are in peace and the sanctuary of His Blessing Kat and that the Peace given to you can and is shared with us who anguished for you in your trial.

Love to you and your daughters
