=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: deftarchangel on November 13, 2010, 11:47:41 AM

Title: Do we HAVE TO go to Disney World?
Post by: deftarchangel on November 13, 2010, 11:47:41 AM
I guess Disney World just ain't what it used to be.  Now it's Dick's house that is the place to go!    ???


Title: Re: Do we HAVE TO go to Disney World?
Post by: Beloved on November 13, 2010, 10:32:41 PM
This is funny but sad, the boy was being honest. Today's kids are so bombarded with things and activities that they are a bit spoiled . When we were growing there were not that many choices and we were primed by the Mickey Mouse Club. Today kid may not see Disney as that exciting. It appears that the mother was more interestedin taking them there. In addition this house is being run as a democracy. The kids votes appear to constitute the majority. What they want they can get.

By the way I am not typical I did not go to Disney Land until I was 40. I went with friends and their little boy. I still cannot get that "its a small world after all" out of my brain.

I was not that impressed by it. Yes it was big an colorful but even by the high tech rides then did not phase me I am sure they have jazzed them up. However I was amazed by the Bronx Zoo and the live animal.

I think that kids consent to  most things to make their parents happy but are most impressed by things that stimulate their own deep talents and interest...... things they can particpate in themselves like baseball, motor biking dancing etc. All the rest are just distractions because for a lot of kids life becomes boring too easily. They whine about going to school etc but if you leave them alone with there stuff they soon become bored.  

Okay there is a point, today the internet may be a new element because now the distractions are limitless. Okay wait until the electricity goes off.

Okay now I am off for my own 4 minute distraction.
Come along .  What do you think?   Sorry to the dial up folks.  

Title: Re: Do we HAVE TO go to Disney World?
Post by: Beloved on November 14, 2010, 01:39:55 AM
Instead of "it's a small world afterall' how about 'it's a great big wondrous creation after all

Exactly: And that is the just the physical...add to that the spiritual and it far more than the world can even begin to imagine.
