=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Kat on December 02, 2010, 05:10:29 PM

Title: 300 sextillion stars
Post by: Kat on December 02, 2010, 05:10:29 PM

300 sextillion = 3 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0

"WASHINGTON – The universe may glitter with far more stars than even Carl Sagan imagined when he rhapsodized about billions upon billions. A new study suggests there are a mind-blowing 300 sextillion of them, or three times as many as scientists previously calculated. That is a 3 followed by 23 zeros. Or 3 trillion times 100 billion."

"It's fun because it gets you thinking about these large numbers," Conroy said. Conroy looked up how many cells are in the average human body — 50 trillion or so — and multiplied that by the 6 billion people on Earth. And he came up with about 300 sextillion.

So the number of stars in the universe "is equal to all the cells in the humans on Earth — a kind of funny coincidence," Conroy said."

Coincidence I don't think so, but interesting for sure.
Title: Re: 300 sextillion stars
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on December 02, 2010, 05:47:39 PM

Great find! Thanks for sharing Kat! 8)

Title: Re: 300 sextillion stars
Post by: santikos on December 02, 2010, 06:21:39 PM
Psa 147:4 He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by [their] names.

Gen 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [he made] the stars also.

Psa 8:3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

Psa 147:4 He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by [their] names.
 :o :o
Title: Re: 300 sextillion stars
Post by: gmik on December 03, 2010, 03:02:16 PM
Wow...dizzying numbers!!!
Title: Re: 300 sextillion stars
Post by: Shawn Fainn on December 03, 2010, 04:19:46 PM
Coincidence I don't think so, but interesting for sure.

Title: Re: 300 sextillion stars
Post by: indianabob on December 03, 2010, 07:49:59 PM
Interesting number.

However, it seems that some mathematicians think in even larger quantities than we do.

See definition below:

sextillion [sɛksˈtɪljən]
n pl -lions, -lion
1. (Mathematics) (in Britain, France, and Germany) the number represented as one followed by 36 zeros (1036)

2. (Mathematics) (in the US and Canada) the number represented as one followed by 21 zeros (1021)
[from French, from sex- + -illion, on the model of septillion]
sextillionth  adj & n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
Title: Re: 300 sextillion stars
Post by: longhorn on December 03, 2010, 09:54:52 PM
Just saying the word Sextillion is kinda fun. Go ahead, you know you wanna.

Title: Re: 300 sextillion stars
Post by: chav on December 04, 2010, 04:47:56 PM

300 sextillion = 3 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0

sure its not the combined US and UK budget deficit ?

I find all this stuff mind-blowing.It just fills me with wonder at God and his great creation.
Title: Re: 300 sextillion stars
Post by: jassy on December 05, 2010, 04:15:27 AM

The ever expanding universe. So does that mean each time a baby is born there are fifty trillion stars just for that little mite?
Makes you feel kinda good.
Whether you are in a ghetto or a condominium on the French Rivera you have fifty trillion stars to your name. Thats a lot of star dust.

How big is God? So much more than our tiny little minds can comprehend.