=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: Linny on January 12, 2011, 07:40:26 PM

Title: Prayer please
Post by: Linny on January 12, 2011, 07:40:26 PM
Please be in prayer for our dear sister GodIsGracious as her beloved sister has lost her battle with cancer and has died. She has been by her side for a while now and I know she would appreciate our prayers.
Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: Vangie on January 12, 2011, 10:06:03 PM
Thank you for posting this Linny.  GodisGracious is a wonderful sister in Christ and my heart is with her in this time of sorrow. 

Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: AwesomeSavior on January 12, 2011, 10:11:45 PM
Dear Linny:

I will pray for GodIsGracious in this difficult time. Thank you.

Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: cjwood on January 13, 2011, 01:46:39 AM
thank you lin.  i was wondering where she had been.  it seems that the pain of losing a close loved one is hovering over us.  i pray for our dear sister, and her family, as they suffer this loss, that God's comfort and mercy will cover them, as He works out His plan and His purpose for our sister, her family, and each and everyone of us.

Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: Nan on January 13, 2011, 10:24:58 AM
Thanks for the update. I will pray for her.
Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: Linny on January 14, 2011, 06:29:39 PM

Do not feel like you have to say anything. Just answer the questions as they are asked. I wouldn't over answer either. Just simple truths with scriptures if you have them to give. You can always come back later to give the scriptures you feel answer the questions he has.
It is always difficult, when given scriptures that go against the teachings ingrained in us, to hear the truth and accept it. Especially at first. But your only responsibility is to give the best answer you know and allow God to deal with the hearer. You will do just fine.  ;D

I hope you and your family will feel the prayers being lifted up for you as you go through these most difficult days ahead.

Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: Kat on January 14, 2011, 09:12:20 PM
GodIsGracious, I am so sorry to hear about your lose. You and Nancy were so blessed to have the time together that you could share this truth with her. Do not be concerned with what to say to Jim. You have a foundation of the truth and when the questions come you will say what God gives you to say. I will pray He will strengthen your family during this difficult time.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: jingle52 on January 15, 2011, 10:27:12 AM
Janine dear sister, I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved sister who is now resting in peace with the hope and faith in our Lord, and reading your description of her, a few verses came to mind:
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth
Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled
Blessed are the merciful:for they shall obtain mercy
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God

May God stregnthen you and your family in this time of sorrow. There couldn't be a more gentler and sweeter person for her husband to turn to for what you have learnt here on BT.

God's Blessings!
Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: judith collier on January 15, 2011, 07:06:06 PM
Janine, it is not your responsibility to convert, only to speak humbly of your beliefs and the hope you have in them. Deathbed conversions don't usually last. One doesn't have to use words to convey the love of God.
I am so sorry for you at the loss of your sister,
Love, Judy
Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: Linny on January 16, 2011, 01:05:54 PM
I have found in my previous dealings with people who need to hear truth that my first desire is to respond to their untrue beliefs and to argue. But I resist this (as you said, it would not be a good time or a worthy endevour) and keep my mouth shut. It never fails that as I sit and listen, God provides me an opportunity to inject truth into the conversation that doesn't offend and is His teaching and not mine. I literally feel like He is providing my words for me. You are doing a good job in watching your responses. God will provide the time and the words as He wishes in His time.
Sending love and prayers to you.
Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: Samson on January 17, 2011, 12:36:33 PM
Hi Janine,

Sorry, I didn't notice this Thread earlier, although I did wonder about Your whereabouts. Hope that Your emotionally feeling a little better. Trying to visualize Your loss in order to feel true empathy and glad Your a pleasant valued member of this Forum. My prayers go out in Your behalf and I pray specifically for an emotional healing that's only caused through God's influence.

                          Kind Regards, Samson.
Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: EKnight on January 18, 2011, 09:17:39 PM
Janine, I am so sorry for your loss.  It is most painful for those of us left behind but God is good and merciful.  I sincerely hope that you find the words to give to your sisters husband and that maybe this tragedy brings him into the knowledge of truth.  Whatever God's plan, we know it is always for the best even if we can't see it clearly.

God Bless,

Title: Re: Prayer please
Post by: lostANDfound on January 19, 2011, 05:26:36 PM
Janine I haven't met you but I think along with everyone on this forum we all know you.  You heart is so beautifully displayed in words here, and it is evident that God is indeed doing a good work in you.  Thank-you for your openness, thoughtfulness, responsiveness.  Praying for comfort from the greatest Comforter and wisdom and patience in all your daily interactions with all the "lost" God has placed in your life.  I guess I pray that part for all of us.