=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on February 11, 2011, 08:28:46 AM

Title: Your Logic
Post by: Craig on February 11, 2011, 08:28:46 AM
Dear Justin:  I will make a few COMMENTS: in your email..............

Dear Ray,

For the next part of this letter, I shall play the role of someone who takes your doctrine as 100% true and carries the thinking out to its entirely logical conclusion.

COMMENT:  There is absolutely nothing "logical" to you conclusion.


I, Justin Johnson, do hereby annul my repentance for every sin that I have committed over the years, as I had no choice whatsoever in the matter and was forced into doing so without my knowledge or consent.

COMMENT:  Oh really?  And just where in the world did you ever come up with that big of unscriptural nonsense?  Not from my writings.  What do you mean you "had no choice whatsoever in the matter?"  You make all your own choices.  Where have I ever taught anything different?  God did not "force" you, me, or anyone against our will to do anything that we didn't want to do.

Furthermore, I demand the immediate release and total pardon of every criminal everywhere, on the grounds that they were forced by a merciless sadist to commit those crimes for his amusement.

COMMENT:  Seriously, Justin, when someone comes up with states that ridiculous, you would think that they would give at least two or three references to back up what they are asserting.
Where have I ever suggested that God "forced" criminals to commit their crimes?  Or worse, that God did so for His amusement?  When did your mind jump the tracks and begin thinking like this?

 This being, known commonly as "God", claims to be omnipotent and in control of all things, and at the same time loving. I charge that this is obviously not the case. He, through his minster Ray, has claimed to create evil for a good and ultimately loving purpose.
COMMENT:  No Justin, I am not smart enough to come up with such a marvelous plan. I got it from the Bible.  First, that God created evil (Heb: 'ra' -- translated "evil" over six hundred times in the Hebrew Scriptures) is a matter of Scriptural fact that orthodox Christianity blatantly denies and rejects ("I make peace, and create evil [Heb: 'ra']: I the LORD do all these things" (Isa. 45:7).  I believe this Scripture, why don't you?  As for the "good" part, all that God created was not only "good," but "VERY GOOD" (Gen. 1:31).  Don't you ever bother to read your Bible?

He will cause his creatures great pain to purge them of what he put there in the first place.

COMMENT:  Actually, God did not "put it there in the first place."  Have I ever said such a thing?  Read James 1:13-17 for an explanation of how "it got there in the first place."

 This proves that they need not have been made imperfect, but could have been made as the perfect creatures that he says they will be made into in the first place, thus proving either his lack of love or lack of omnipotence.

COMMENT:  That is your carnal assertion, not mine.

 The minister, Ray, claims that sin and suffering are necessary for eventual perfection, but I charge that an omnipotent God, which he claims to be, could have easily made his creations with the knowledge without putting them through extreme suffering. I would furthermore like to file a case of child abuse against God.
COMMENT:  You do err, Justin, not knowing God or the Scriptures.  Even Christ Himself "learned obedience by the THINGS WHICH HE SUFFERED" (Heb. 5:8).

*Roleplay over*

COMMENT:  Conversation over!


PS   Good luck on your law suit against God.

You see? Deny that is an entirely logical position to take if your doctrine is true.

Furthermore, I advise you to read Jeremiah 32:35:

"They built the high places of Baal in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to offer up their sons and daughters to Molech, though I did not command them, nor did it enter into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin."
