=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Craig on May 21, 2011, 11:55:46 AM

Title: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Craig on May 21, 2011, 11:55:46 AM
Just wanted to tell you guys I look forward to seeing you all sometime today.  Let's all meet up just inside the pearly gates by the pavilion on 2nd and Gold.  I heard at least one of you is there waiting.  He said they have high speed internet.

Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Patrick on May 21, 2011, 12:15:21 PM
Living on the West side, I'll be one of the last to arrive! Save some refreshments, please!
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: gmik on May 21, 2011, 12:26:54 PM

 :D :D

(just one more thing for the late nite comics!!)
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Samson on May 21, 2011, 12:34:06 PM
Just wanted to tell you guys I look forward to seeing you all sometime today.  Let's all meet up just inside the pearly gates by the pavilion on 2nd and Gold.  I heard at least one of you is there waiting.  He said they have high speed internet.


If I get raptured up, hope it ain't raining there, that ain't no Heaven for Me. I request Dry, Clear, Sunny Weather, about 75 Degree's, otherwise, I ain't going,  ;D.
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: JohnMichael on May 21, 2011, 01:20:00 PM
65 degrees and no humidity, or no deal. ;D
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: mharrell08 on May 21, 2011, 01:28:17 PM
65 degrees and no humidity, or no deal. ;D

And i want my mansion to have a view of the ocean   :D
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: arion on May 21, 2011, 01:56:03 PM
I can't mock those folks for being so gullible even though I would like to.  By the grace of God you know.....

You can imagine what Camping's fervent believers must be feeling today.  No wonder why Christ said that when the Son of man comes would he find faith on the earth?  A number of these people will cast off any faith whatsoever that they had and be extremely bitter and resist any attempts to reach them with the true gospel.  And the corporation itself after laying low for awhile will pick up where they left off (like last time in 1994) like nothing ever happened and keep on taking people's money with no shame.  If the 'leaders' over there had an ounce of integrity they would admit that they were deceived and shut down all the radio stations but of course that will never happen.  And then too of course the major media will have a field day with their mocking as well.  It's all by God's design of course and not a day goes by that I don't remind myself of that fact...often.  These sort of things must happen but it's aggravating to watch stuff like this happen and see the gullible being sucked into the matrix as it were.
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: lostANDfound on May 21, 2011, 03:26:40 PM
thanks for that, arion.
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Dave in Tenn on May 21, 2011, 03:59:44 PM
In the early 80's, I was at a revival in our baptist church.  The preacher there was named Anis Shorrosh (if I'm spelling that correctly), and he taught from scripture that the world would end in 1988--forty years after the birth of the nation of Israel.  When I talk to my family (who also attended this church) now, they don't even remember him preaching that.  The year 1988 came and went without them so much as noticing that 'this might be the year'.  I, on the other hand, was a true believer.  I won't enumerate all the ways that this false prophecy has negatively affected my natural life.  In my flesh, I should have hoped that SOMEBODY had stood up in that revival service and rebuked--even mocked--that prophet of Baal.  I should wish that somebody had smacked me around a little and preached what little truth they knew about "the date and hour".  What it might have done to improve my life I can't say.

But nowadays, I'm THANKFUL for the bitterness it caused (and contributed to) and I praise God for what role it played in the 'losing of my faith'.  For me, the Gospel is not additive.  This is not the next stage in my upward spiritual evolution.  Everything that came before, I count as dung.  I know that it wasn't all dung, but I consider it that way in relation to the real good news.  I didn't get to 'here' without going through 'there'.  This is true.  But I also didn't get to 'here' without losing my first love and tasting the bitterness of religion and false doctrine. 

So from that perspective, I can only HOPE that some will be crushed by this day.  When they've been crushed enough, they will be in a better place.  Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.

I hope ya'll understand.     
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: arion on May 21, 2011, 05:12:09 PM
I hope ya'll understand.

Sure do.  What satan means for evil God means for the ultimate good even though as we've been taught that sometimes we can't see that until quite a bit later.  It's just unseemly to give into any temptation to mock those people.  The world relishes in that of course but we've all been deceived.  One of my first trips down the religious spectrum was Herbert Armstrong (as I know others here went down that road) and I ran the gamut of deception after deception until I discovered the 'truth' of full gospel pentacostalism only to discover later it was just another 'ism'.  Deception has been symbolized as an onion with many different layers and I keep telling God I've got to be at about the core of the onion right now.   ;D
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Extol on May 21, 2011, 05:28:11 PM
I can't mock those folks for being so gullible even though I would like to. 

Looks like I'm one of the gullible ones too. Here I was getting excited about a BT conference or something, only to open the thread and read this.  ;D
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Ninny on May 21, 2011, 06:03:02 PM
Good words...Thank you Dave...  :)

And Craig...Since it's highly unlikely that any of us are going anywhere today...except for me...I'm planning on taking my grandson to Pizza Hut!! :)
Someday soon I hope we all DO get to meet...we are going to have some laughs!! Mostly at the dumb things we have said on BT over the years!!
So listen...if everyone else is taken and we are left...We are definitely gettin' together!!  ;D ;D

Kathy ;)
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Dave in Tenn on May 21, 2011, 06:31:11 PM
So listen...if everyone else is taken and we are left...We are definitely gettin' together!!  ;D ;D

Kathy ;)

Just think how light the traffic will be.

Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: One Love on May 21, 2011, 07:16:25 PM
Oh yeah, just bring it on!
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Craig on May 22, 2011, 09:39:17 AM
Well it looks like the meeting got cancelled.

Back to the grind.

Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: arion on May 22, 2011, 10:13:59 AM
And my Tigers lost another ball game so a stinky day all around.   ;D
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: crazy4bam on May 22, 2011, 10:48:43 PM
I have something really sad to say about all this! I watched the news this morning ans they reported that over a dozen people sold their homes, quit their jobs, sold everything they owned, and gave away their life's savings because they believed that man. The real sad thing is Mr. Camp didn't give away his 75 million dollars.
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: longhorn on May 22, 2011, 11:34:57 PM
Just started stage 1 of building my Rapture Rocket.  All those who want to get there a " little quicker " shoot me an e-mail, space is limited.  I'm bringing in some of the finest jet propulsion experts to the farm this weekend.  Pet's are allowed but limited to dogs, cat's birds, horses, chickens, goats, pot bellied pigs, lizards, rabbits, camels, white tail deer, butterflies, turtles, gold fish, and lamas.  Don't worry about food, it will be provided.  Anyone with cd's of Journey and Little River Band, The Cars, Head East, Styxx, Foghat, will have priority seating.

Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: gmik on May 23, 2011, 10:47:54 PM
 :D :D :D

I too got hoodwinked in husband cancelled his dream hunting trip to NewFoundland Canada so we could all rapture up as a family- we even practiced jumping up .... :P :-[

so, I can't judge too harshly anyone else getting caught up in a fever!!
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Stacey on May 24, 2011, 04:31:29 AM
Isn't 2012 the Aztec bad news arising?

Yep. That's gonna probably be the biggest end of the world happening in our lifetimes (wonder how many millions of dollars will be wasted on this one) but, after that one passes like the rest of them have and will, we can continue on looking forward to the real return of Christ!
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: gmik on May 25, 2011, 11:51:59 PM
Now Mr. Camping is saying it will be in 5 months!!

Get over yourself already!!!!
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: daywalker on May 26, 2011, 01:33:53 PM
Now Mr. Camping is saying it will be in 5 months!!

Get over yourself already!!!!

hahaha... ya, I saw that too. He claims it was a "miscalculation". LOL... Can't wait to hear his next excuse in October.........

Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: daywalker on May 26, 2011, 01:41:15 PM
Now Mr. Camping is saying it will be in 5 months!!

Get over yourself already!!!!

hahaha... ya, I saw that too. He claims it was a "miscalculation". LOL... Can't wait to hear his next excuse in October.........

Scratch that... Based on his history, he'll probably use the SAME excuse.... AGAIN...

In 1992, Camping wrote a book titled "1994?" about the world coming to an end that year.
He wrote, "When September 6, 1994, arrives, no one else can become saved. The end has come."
He said this earlier apocalyptic prediction didn't come true because of a mathematical error.
"I'm not embarrassed about it. It was just the fact that it was premature," he told The Associated Press last month. But this time, he said, "there possibility that it will not happen."

Read more:
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: Grace on May 26, 2011, 02:17:16 PM
Now Mr. Camping is saying it will be in 5 months!!

Get over yourself already!!!!

hahaha... ya, I saw that too. He claims it was a "miscalculation". LOL... Can't wait to hear his next excuse in October.........


Scratch that... Based on his history, he'll probably use the SAME excuse.... AGAIN...

In 1992, Camping wrote a book titled "1994?" about the world coming to an end that year.
He wrote, "When September 6, 1994, arrives, no one else can become saved. The end has come."
He said this earlier apocalyptic prediction didn't come true because of a mathematical error.
"I'm not embarrassed about it. It was just the fact that it was premature," he told The Associated Press last month. But this time, he said, "there possibility that it will not happen."

Read more:

I listened to his open forum the night he was being interviewed by the media after may 21....he said a long time friend of his, Otero, I think was his name (I'm not sure but, I think this person had left FR a long time ago but, don't quote me because I may not be correct)...anyway, this friend and Camping had talked after all of this and he was explaining to Camping that this was a spiritual event that was to take place and not a physical, therefore, from what I gather, he (Camping)  is still of the assumption that his May 21 date was not wrong, spiritually, but he had been looking to the physical aspect....therefore, the October date still stands from "his point of view".... because "now" his "eyes" have been opened to it.... so, I'm thinking he is going to be teaching in this direction now if there are any followers left after all of this...

This is NOT what I BELIEVE.....just want to make sure you understand that I'm NOT agreeing with him, only giving the information I heard on that discussion a few days ago with the press.
Title: Re: Announcing Bible Truths Meeting!
Post by: daywalker on May 26, 2011, 08:27:16 PM
Now Mr. Camping is saying it will be in 5 months!!

Get over yourself already!!!!

hahaha... ya, I saw that too. He claims it was a "miscalculation". LOL... Can't wait to hear his next excuse in October.........


Scratch that... Based on his history, he'll probably use the SAME excuse.... AGAIN...

In 1992, Camping wrote a book titled "1994?" about the world coming to an end that year.
He wrote, "When September 6, 1994, arrives, no one else can become saved. The end has come."
He said this earlier apocalyptic prediction didn't come true because of a mathematical error.
"I'm not embarrassed about it. It was just the fact that it was premature," he told The Associated Press last month. But this time, he said, "there possibility that it will not happen."

Read more:

I listened to his open forum the night he was being interviewed by the media after may 21....he said a long time friend of his, Otero, I think was his name (I'm not sure but, I think this person had left FR a long time ago but, don't quote me because I may not be correct)...anyway, this friend and Camping had talked after all of this and he was explaining to Camping that this was a spiritual event that was to take place and not a physical, therefore, from what I gather, he (Camping)  is still of the assumption that his May 21 date was not wrong, spiritually, but he had been looking to the physical aspect....therefore, the October date still stands from "his point of view".... because "now" his "eyes" have been opened to it.... so, I'm thinking he is going to be teaching in this direction now if there are any followers left after all of this...

This is NOT what I BELIEVE.....just want to make sure you understand that I'm NOT agreeing with him, only giving the information I heard on that discussion a few days ago with the press.

Ya, I read that too, he claims it was a spiritual judgment and that no one can be saved anymore from now unto October 21 (if i read it correctly). It's like the saying Ray uses, "you cannot corner a snake in a briar patch". This charlatan will continue his false prophecies so long as their are ignorant sheep out there willing to shell out their hard-earned money to fatten his wallet. When that Great Day that he keeps trying to predict actually comes, He isn't going to be so happy about it...

Daywalker  8)