=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on June 22, 2011, 10:48:17 PM

Title: Why did God create humans?
Post by: Craig on June 22, 2011, 10:48:17 PM
Hello Ray. My name is Edward. I hope you are doing OK (with your given condition). My question is one of a philosophycal type. Why did God create humanity? I have read your e-mail answer on why are we here, but the question is of a different content. Did God have a "need" to create us? Was there an insuficiency with Him? I know that the end result is for God to have children. But the question is WHY? Why create children?
I hope you understand the question.
Thanks in advance! Praying for you and your family.

Dear Edward:  Yes, I understand your question.  I will not be able to answer it in a simple
email, however.  I am doing an in depth study which will more fully answer your question,
but it may not be ready for a long time.  There are many many things that need clarifying
in the Scriptures before I can publish anything.  I can tell you, however, that yes, God does
have a "need" to do what He is doing through humanity.
God be with you,