=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: lilitalienboi16 on July 11, 2011, 05:31:20 AM

Title: Another Prayer Request
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on July 11, 2011, 05:31:20 AM
So, I have a very near and dear friend to me. We're really close and I've known her for a few years but she was born with a very scary disease in my opinion known as cystic fibrosis.

I haven't spoken to her in maybe a week now but She was on my mind heavily tonight and I Just wanted to ask you all if you could every night remember her in your prayers, if possible. I know its asking lot to always think of her but recently at a coffee shop I had someone inform me that their friend had a friend pass away from cystic fibrisos and this girl was only twenty. ( My friend is not yet twenty.) I don't know how the conversation came up, as I never mentioned this to the person at the coffee shop but It stopped my heart for a moment.

I'm not asking for a miracle cure, I Just want her to live longer...Shes an amazing person.

I've known about her condition for a about two years now but it took some courage to come up and ask you guys this on my part. I can't really say why.. its odd but I think its the right thing to do.

Thanks to those of you who read this and silently do pray and to those of you will try your best to keep her in your prayers. For privacy reasons I'd rather not bring up her name.

God bless,

Title: Re: Another Prayer Request
Post by: Nan on July 11, 2011, 09:10:11 AM
I will pray for your friend, Alex
Title: Re: Another Prayer Request
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on July 11, 2011, 02:38:14 PM
If you want, please pray for a miracle cure... I do want it for her and the Lord knows this, i'm just afraid to get my hopes up is all.
Title: Re: Another Prayer Request
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on July 11, 2011, 05:03:01 PM
If you want, please play for a miracle cure... I do want it for her and the Lord knows this, i'm just afraid to get my hope up is all.

I do not know what a miracle cure is.  God already decided, before this girl was born, how and when she would die.  God does not change His mind.  However, I will pray for this girl, the only prayer that is ever answered, and that is God's will be done.

Thanks for the reminder (about the dying part...) -.-

I think its also possible that God through our prayers had already fashioned for a miracle cure to come her way and if i'm going to pray, i'm going to do it filled with hope despite my fears of having that hope crushed. It's wrong to let my fears get in the way of what this girl deserves and to hold back, I realize this now. Pray with all you got even if sometimes, it can be scary!
Title: Re: Another Prayer Request
Post by: grapehound on July 12, 2011, 05:47:09 AM
Amen Alex, as The Bard said,"let courage be your sticking post".

I have personally witnessed miracle cures on several occassions; one of them was me.

I had suffered a weeping eczema on my leg since childhood, had decades of treatment by the medical profession, all to no avail, and I got used to the condition.  One, only one mind, dear soul came to me one day and asked if I had a problem with my leg; I affirmed.
He said a simple prayer.
I'd had the condition for over 30 years, so didn't expect much.

My bible study for that week was the story of Namaan and Elijah, where the king's man was instructed to bathe in the river 7 times.
I simply bathed my leg in cold water every day and claimed my healing.

I used to prepare for bed wearing a stocking to prevent my skin sticking to the sheets.
On the 7th day, (a Saturday) I woke earlier than usual and was provoked to immediately examine my leg.

A large scab had formed during the night. When I removed the stocking, the entire congealment came away with it !  The following day, all that was left was a small 2 inch scar;
a reminder of His act of Love.

I give our God Glory today for His mercy, and always enjoy praising Him publicly for all He does.
Some may say, "That's insane!", but a man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Take courage Alex; in ALL your petitions to Him.

Muchest Luv,

Grape x
Title: Re: Another Prayer Request
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on July 12, 2011, 08:20:37 AM

 Grape ~ Thank you for sharing how Father spoke His Love for you, to you....

Also what you say here, quote " but a man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.....

....... double witness to seal in bold type the TRUTH of THAT! Bravo!

 Alex...keep on keeping on little handsome brother and look that fear Dragon right in the eye...Father's got your back!

Arc x