=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Gina on April 10, 2012, 10:33:51 PM

Title: Darts, Anyone?
Post by: Gina on April 10, 2012, 10:33:51 PM
A man goes into a bar for the first time and gets an invite to a game of darts by the regulars. 

"I've never played darts before but I'll give it a go.  Tell me what to do." 

After playing for an hour, the man loses not a single game and makes some incredible shots.  One of the players says,

"Hey, you said that you never played before!

"I haven't, but there's lots of flies in my apartment.  I've got some old darts.  I'll throw 'em at 'em and pin 'em to the wall.

"But doesn't that make a mess on your wall?" 

"Nahhh, I pin 'em by their back legs."