=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on July 25, 2006, 09:49:01 AM

Title: Tithe
Post by: Craig on July 25, 2006, 09:49:01 AM

I read your two pieces on Tithing.  I am thankful for you writing these.

I’ve been deeply disturbed by my church’s handling of passing the plate.

“Now let’s continue our worship in giving His Tithes and Our Offerings.”

I’ve even gone so far as to read the position papers of some main denominations in America : PCA, AG and Southern Baptist.

They all agree.  Tithing is expected of Christians.  It’s a “should”.  I feel like throwing up.

I’ve studied the topic carefully.  I don’t see it.

Hey, I’m a Jewish Believer.  Maybe I’m a Levite, who knows.  Maybe I should get the tithe (kidding.)

Anyway, my wife and I just funded part of the wedding of a friend of our son.  The parents of the bride/groom were not in a position to help.  So we did.

We’re also trying to mentor the couple.  We’re gladly opening our home to them, feeding them, whatever they need.

I think this is more what Christ had in mind.  Meeting the needs of those we come in contact with.

