=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: Dennis Vogel on December 21, 2012, 03:35:38 AM

Title: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 21, 2012, 03:35:38 AM
For the last three days I've been getting serious bouts of vertigo. It mostly comes in my sleep.

All of a sudden the room starts spinning and I have to sit up and stare at something to make it stop. This morning I had to grab onto the bathroom sink and the wall to keep from falling.

I've had this before and taking antibiotics has always stopped it. I've taken three Penicillin VK 500 mg today but it just now woke me up again. So I don't know what's going on. It is scarring me.

I have a very weak stomach and I cannot take being nauseated and the spinning makes me sick to my stomach. When I feel like I'm going to throw-up I pass out.

In all seriousness, I feel like I would rather die than throw-up. It's that bad for me.

I've be close to throwing up several times but I've begged God to be merciful and I have not thrown up in many years. But the last time I was close I got numb and the chills and passed out next to the toilet. I think I go into shock.

It's 71 degrees in my bedroom and I have a sweater on but I'm almost shivering. My blood pressure is up but I think it's from anxiety.

Please pray for me. I cannot take being nauseated.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dave in Tenn on December 21, 2012, 03:38:57 AM
You sound like my mother in that regard.  She doesn't deal well with nausea at all.  Will be praying for you.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on December 21, 2012, 04:10:38 AM
For the last three days I've been getting serious bouts of vertigo. It mostly comes in my sleep.

All of a sudden the room starts spinning and I have to sit up and stare at something to make it stop. This morning I had to grab onto the bathroom sink and the wall to keep from falling.

I've had this before and taking antibiotics has always stopped it. I've taken three Penicillin VK 500 mg today but it just now woke me up again. So I don't know what's going on. It is scarring me.

I have a very weak stomach and I cannot take being nauseated and the spinning makes me sick to my stomach. When I feel like I'm going to throw-up I pass out.

In all seriousness, I feel like I would rather die than throw-up. It's that bad for me.

I've be close to throwing up several times but I've begged God to be merciful and I have not thrown up in many years. But the last time I was close I got numb and the chills and passed out next to the toilet. I think I go into shock.

It's 71 degrees in my bedroom and I have a sweater on but I'm almost shivering. My blood pressure is up but I think it's from anxiety.

Please pray for me. I cannot take being nauseated.

Hello Dennis,

I will certainly be praying for you! Sounds like a pretty rough situation, specially to be waking you up from your sleep.

My question to you is; Have you seen a doctor about this? If not, I would suggest you see a doctor as soon as possible!
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on December 21, 2012, 04:36:22 AM
My heart goes out to you at this time. Praying for you my friend. God bless

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: cjwood on December 21, 2012, 04:45:32 AM
dennis i pray that you can find the cause of your symptoms.  vertigo runs in my family but none of us have experienced what you are describing.  i pray that the Comforter will indeed comfort you during this time.  and that you can get some decent rest and a respite from this perplexing situation.

i agree with alex, you need to see a doctor. 

we all love you and it would be too much to bear if anything happened that took you away from us.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Seeker on December 21, 2012, 05:29:44 AM
Hi Dennis
Hayley is on the right track, I have the same symptoms & it's caused when your ears becomes full of wax, try removing it, any doctor can do a ear syringe, it works.

You're in my prayer, GOD Bless!
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: virginiabm on December 21, 2012, 07:56:50 AM
I will pray for you Dennis. I know what Vertigo feels like, and it's not fun. I've had bouts with it off and on for years. It comes on all of a sudden. It scares me real bad when the room starts to spin.  I pray God heals you from this condition and comfort you as you heal in His will I pray.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 21, 2012, 10:22:31 AM
I was at the doctors yesterday but I told him this has always gone away with antibiotics so he did not look to closely. But he looked in my ears and nose.

I'm going to try and see him again today but many businesses are closed until after Christmas.

I've had to sleep sitting up the last two nights and I'm not sleeping well.

It happened again just a few minutes ago and I have not taken the antibiotic yet. So I know I'll be a little more sick for a few hours after I take it.

I have a friend who's sister has had it for over 20 years. She is house bound. That scares me.

Thank you all.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: levycarneiro on December 21, 2012, 11:02:42 AM
Praying for you Dennis.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on December 21, 2012, 11:03:08 AM
Praying for you, Dennis.  Since you can't think too positively right now, I'm going to think positively for you.  God is very merciful.

(Vertigo is the worst.  I used to get it twice a month around my period from the age of 12 to 21.  Couldn't eat, crawling on all fours to the bathroom just to drive heave for two days straight and praying to God the entire time.  It was just lovely and then I got knocked up and it went away completely.)

I'm praying for your sister's friend too.  I thank God for what He is about to do. 

Please keep us updated.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: gregorydc on December 21, 2012, 11:44:48 AM
Hello Denis,
I am also praying for you my friend. God bless and heal you.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 21, 2012, 12:01:28 PM
I have an appointment with a specialist this morning.

Just before this started I got some water in my ear in the shower and something told me it wasn't a good thing. Maybe that's all this is. I hope so.

I'm a little goofy from not enough sleep and sick to my stomach. I think my nerves are making me more sick.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Craig on December 21, 2012, 12:07:20 PM
Did you try this?  I found it on the web.

Within a week, 95% of the patients who performed the modified Epley procedure had complete resolution of their symptoms

How to Do It

Patients start by sitting on a bed and placing a pillow behind them so that it will be under their shoulders when they lie back. Then,

   1 Turn your head 45 degrees to the left, if the vertigo is in the left ear, or to the right if it is in the right ear.

   2 Lie back quickly with shoulders on the pillow, neck extended, and head resting on the bed. In this position, the affected ear is underneath. Wait for 30 seconds.

   3 Turn your head 90 degrees to the right (without raising it), and wait again for 30 seconds.

   4 Turn your body and head another 90 degrees to the right, and wait for another 30 seconds.

   5 Sit up on the right side.

The maneuver should be performed three times a day and repeated daily until there are no signs of vertigo for at least 24 hours.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on December 21, 2012, 12:17:09 PM
It's  definitely possibly  ;D water in your ear canal, Dennis.  God bless you!  If you have one of those baby syringes, get it and suction the water out of your ear.

Rubbing alcohol is a drying agent and it will dry up the water in your ear canal.  I've had swimmer's ear and the pain went down into my jaw.  I dropped rubbing alcohol in my ear and the problem was cleared up in a matter of days.  Plus the alcohol will clear up any infection taking up residence in your ear.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 21, 2012, 02:58:38 PM
Specialist said it was not water in my ear.

He wanted to spin me around in the chair and make me dizzy but I would not let him do that. I told him I would rather have a hot iron on my back than that. And that is the truth. The nurse said they have other patients like me.

So they are going to see me again in a few weeks. I don't know what to do now.

But they gave me medication for the dizziness. I hope it does not make me sicker.

It seems to be getting worse. I cannot look down to read something without getting dizzy and sick.

Craig, I've read about that before. I don't think I could do that now.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on December 21, 2012, 04:17:43 PM
If your doctor wants to spin you around in a chair then spend him around in a chair. I play tennis with my doctor and if he tries anything I make him pay on the court.  ;D

All the best to you

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: eagle on December 21, 2012, 05:44:24 PM
Hello Sir

It might be trigger points in the Sternocleidomastoideus muscles. They actually show on your photo. They run from the bony knob behind the ear
to the sternum and clavicle. Trigger points in these muscles is a source of many problems, including dizzines,nausea,blurred vision,earache etc.
You can squeeze these muscles right now to find out if they are the
source of your pain. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 21, 2012, 09:12:10 PM
Not getting any better. The dizzy medication just gives me a slight headache.

I hope tonight is not worse. Sometimes as soon as I close my eyes the room starts spinning.

Eagle, I am not in any pain at all. And I don't have any vision problems or earache. But I will try squeezing those areas.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on December 21, 2012, 09:29:49 PM
Not to pressure you, Dennis, I know this isn't fun for you at all, but do you think you might be able to try dribbling the alcohol in your ear (and then letting it run back out) like I suggested?
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 22, 2012, 06:54:53 AM
This thing doesn't seem to favor either ear. But I'll see if I can use a cotton swap.

Just checked my cell phone messages and I have an appointment in three weeks for a bunch of through tests. I cannot take this for three more weeks. If I don't see some improvement soon I'll go to the emergency room.

I managed about three hours sleep tonight with a somewhat calm stomach by staying very still.

Turning or tilting my head much is out of the question. Just sitting upright and looking down to read makes me sick.

My work is backing up.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on December 22, 2012, 07:01:03 AM
Still praying for you, work backing up is a bit of a hassle I get the same myself at times. God bless

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: onelovedread on December 22, 2012, 11:27:46 AM
I promise I will keep praying for you.
I had a mild bout of that some years ago and it was horrible.
Yours is much more acute so I can imagine the anguish and discomfort.
I pray that God will quickly ease your situation and give you the strength to go through.
My heart goes out to you, brother.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Foxx on December 22, 2012, 11:36:11 AM
Dennis, it sounds very miserable. I know the feeling of standing up fast to the point of being dizzy and almost falling but this sounds very serious, never experienced such vertigo.

I think you should go to the ER if your doctor is unable to see you now. Its been a few days now right? Just go to the ER, we don't want anything bad happening to you. The wise choice is to forget seeing your doctor when you clearly need help now.

Praying for you.

Additionally, if you are sick, and possibly vomiting and losing sleep you will weaken your immune system and become dehydrated and you could become susceptible to other disease like the flu, colds, infections...we don't want that, please go to the ER, it sounds serious.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 22, 2012, 12:19:25 PM
Thank you everyone.

The dizzy medication is working better now. It's very much there but it has taken the edge off. But there is no way I should drive. And working is not a good idea.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: lauriellen on December 22, 2012, 12:36:14 PM
my heart goes out to you. i pray God will show you mercy and give you relief. it feels like the suffering of so many of us has been multiplied lately. God have mercy on us all.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Vera on December 23, 2012, 01:53:15 AM
I'm praying for you Dennis. Our Lord Jesus is with you....
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dave in Tenn on December 23, 2012, 01:58:30 AM
Don't they have taxi's in Mobile?  Do what you need to do when you need to do it.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 23, 2012, 11:41:41 AM
Don't they have taxi's in Mobile?  Do what you need to do when you need to do it.

I have children and grandchildren that have cars and drive Dave, so that is not a problem.

Starting day six. I've figured out if I take 1/3 the dizzy medication pill about every 2 hours I get the least side-effects.

While sleeping I must keep my head turned to the left or straight ahead. Turning my head to the right is not good.

Reading about this on the Internet, I see it usually lasts 2 to 3 weeks. So I just need to tough it out.

About a month ago I bought an adjustable bed to make reading and watching TV in bed more comfortable. Things could be worse without it because it seems the more vertical the better.

Work is still my biggest problem. I'm too light headed to do anything of consequence. It takes a lot of effort just to write in this thread.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: bluzman on December 23, 2012, 11:54:07 AM
One of my sisters and a guy that I worked with had a problem with an inner ear imbalance.
This was a very difficult time and both required surgury to solve the problem. That was maybe 25 years ago , and my sister hasn't had any problems with dizziness since.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Samson on December 23, 2012, 10:35:48 PM
Thank you everyone.

The dizzy medication is working better now. It's very much there but it has taken the edge off. But there is no way I should drive. And working is not a good idea.


Sorry to hear about your recent health issues, Pray that the Medical profession is able to come up with a solution that relieves your suffering. didn't know what Vertigo was, my wife says it has something to do with ones equilibrium. May God shortly intervene in your behalf.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: cjwood on December 24, 2012, 03:04:06 AM

Work is still my biggest problem. I'm too light headed to do anything of consequence. It takes a lot of effort just to write in this thread.

dennis, i remember when i saw you in mobile in the middle of september, while visiting manuela, that you told us how hard you were working and how much time you spent taking care of business (paraphrasing).  manuela told me that you were always working, working.  i highlighted the above part of your post because i was thinking, maybe God is causing you to have to slow down.  and the only way you were gonna slow down from working was to, well, knock you on your butt.

but, you will get better and come through this, and you will most likely try to make up for lost time at work.  but please, take good care of dennis.  you are the only dennis we have.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 24, 2012, 11:21:59 AM
i was thinking, maybe God is causing you to have to slow down

No doubt I've slowed down. Only worked six hours in the last eight days. All very simple stuff.

Day seven and there is no change. The hardest/most dangerous thing is taking a shower. I sit on a milk crate so if I fall it will not be too far. Think how much you move your head in the shower with your eyes closed. I try to make sure I bounce off a wall and not the shower door. After bouncing off a wall I have to sit very still for a while to keep from getting sicker and get my balance.

I'm getting use to it. It's becoming a way of life. When it starts to get worse I take another pill. How did people deal with this before drugs?
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Foxx on December 24, 2012, 04:30:35 PM
can someone give you a ride to the ER  :-\
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on December 24, 2012, 04:42:44 PM
I was at the doctors yesterday but I told him this has always gone away with antibiotics so he did not look to closely. But he looked in my ears and nose.

I'm going to try and see him again today but many businesses are closed until after Christmas.

I've had to sleep sitting up the last two nights and I'm not sleeping well.

It happened again just a few minutes ago and I have not taken the antibiotic yet. So I know I'll be a little more sick for a few hours after I take it.

I have a friend who's sister has had it for over 20 years. She is house bound. That scares me.

Thank you all.


Antiobiotics only work on bacteria and for this to go away due to antibiotics would suggest an ear infection which is messing with your equilibrium when you lay down. I'm no expert on ear infections so I don't know if it's possible for them to screw with your equilibrium like that but it would be reasonable to think so. I mean it does make sense, the choclea and the semi circular canals are apart of the inner ear and they are responsible for balance, equilibrium, detection of acceleration etc.. through the perilymph and endolymph fluids contained within them. An infection of this area due to bacteria could really mess with your sense of balance but I think an infection that deep is rather odd but again, like I said, i'm no inner ear expert!

Here is another suggestion to the cause Dennis;


Because balance is a complex function, there is often no single identifiable cause of falls in an elderly person. However, older people with chronic dizziness or imbalance are two to three times more likely to fall in comparison with older people who do not experience these problems.1

Symptoms of a sense of lightheadedness or disorientation (dizziness) and/or a mild to violent spinning sensation (vertigo) can have a variety of causes: vestibular (inner ear) disorders, central nervous system disorders (such as stroke), cardiac problems (including low or high blood pressure), low blood sugar, infection, hyper-ventilation associated with anxiety attacks, medication side effects or interactions between drugs, or an inadequate or poorly balanced diet. A thorough evaluation by a physician is usually necessary to help sort out these different possible causes and arrive at a correct diagnosis. This task can be even more complicated when multiple problems are present. In such cases, the trouble in any one system may not be severe, but the combined effects may be enough to cause a serious problem with balance. For example, an elderly individual with arthritis in the ankle joints and a mild degeneration in vestibular function may be able to balance adequately until under-going an operation to remove cataracts. The disturbance in vision during the healing process and the adjustment to the new glasses or contacts may then be sufficient to result in imbalance and falls.

Of all vestibular disorders, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common in older adults. BPPV causes vertigo, dizziness, and other symptoms due to debris that has collected within a part of the inner ear. This debris, called otoconia, is made up of small crystals of calcium carbonate (sometimes referred to colloquially as “ear rocks”). With head movement, the displaced otoconia shift, sending false signals to the brain and causing dizziness or vertigo.

This is what the vestibule and the choclea of the innner ear look like which are responsible for the balance, equilibrium, acceleration detection etc..

Might give you an idea of where this is happening and what it is affecting if you can visually see it.

God bless,

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: walt123 on December 24, 2012, 08:31:22 PM

This may work for you,hope you get better.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 25, 2012, 11:25:45 AM
Thanks Alex, some interesting facts.

Walt, I have ginger here and am starting it today. We'll see. Thanks.

I'm counting the days - Day eight
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: eggi on December 25, 2012, 04:29:54 PM
Praying for you Dennis. My mother had this terrible dizziness a couple of years ago, she had a virus om the balance nerve.

God bless you,
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: microlink on December 25, 2012, 10:49:09 PM

Will pray. I do not like to see eople giving remedies. Everyone is different. God knows and will heal you Dennis.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: deblynn on December 25, 2012, 11:03:00 PM
I'm just now reading this.  My first thought, too, was a form of vertigo, but I pray your doctor will have the wisdom to know what to look for, and the knowledge to help you get over it.  I agree with you about the nausea.  I've always said it's the absolute worse feeling in the world; I can deal with excrutiating back pain over that.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 26, 2012, 12:10:55 PM
Day nine and I'm trying not to use the medication today to see what happens. If I'm careful how I move I can keep the dizziness reduced. But if I roll over onto my right side while sleeping the room starts spinning instantly.

The nausea is not as bad. I think I'm getting use to being dizzy.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on December 26, 2012, 06:32:14 PM
Hi Dennis

I continue to pray for you and hope the dizziness will soon leave. I know all the work you do here is not in vain and thank God for it and for the way He is using you.

I feel strongly that the passage below says it better than I ever could.

Philemon 1: 3-7
3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
 4 I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, 5 because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus. 6 I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. 7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people.

God bless you and may your faith be strengthened at this time.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 28, 2012, 09:32:18 AM
I started to get better yesterday. This morning I rolled over to my right side to test and I could still feel it but the room did not spin. I think I'm 70% over it but I'll wait awhile before driving.

I very much appreciate everyone's prayers. It was very difficult.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: onelovedread on December 28, 2012, 11:33:18 AM
Great news Dennis:
Now I'll pray even more for your total healing. God is indeed merciful!!!
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Joel on December 28, 2012, 12:27:15 PM
Hello Dennis
I pray that you are doing better. I had a problem with a bad ear ache when I was a kid, and my Mother took me to the doctor. He washed both ears out, and there was immediate relief when he washed the one out that was aching.
I have some hearing lose on the left side, I think mostly due to running loud printing presses and working with the noise mostly on the  left side for twenty six years.
You mentioned getting water in your ears in the shower. I have that problem if I stand with my back to the shower head. I started shampooing my hair facing the shower now and that has helped. Not quite as comfortable though.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 28, 2012, 05:07:03 PM
I bought ear plugs just for the shower Joel. Thanks.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 30, 2012, 01:12:30 PM
Now I have the flu and vertigo.

Here is something interesting and mentioned in this thread. Dr. Mercola was Rays favorite doctor. (
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on December 30, 2012, 02:35:57 PM
Hey Dennis,

Yeah, I mentioned the alcohol in the ear. 

Alcohol works better & faster IMHO.   (Feels AMAZING!!)   Tho it can run down your throat and you'll taste it. 

Peroxide tickles your ears but you won't taste a thing if it runs down your throat.

Read somewhere cold / flu viruses enter our bodies, not through our eyes, nose and mouth, but via  our EARS.  (Think:  whisperers and heaven forbid your own fingernails -- handling dirty money, etc..)

I don't know why or how true, but 2 years ago my very sick friend and I were at a concert.  My friend leaned over and whispered directly in my ear.  I swear -- in a matter of minutes that virus was tickling my ear...   "Gotcha now girrrrllfrinn, hehe!  Gotcha gotcha gotcha Gotchaaa!!!! 

Yeah, that was no fun.  I know exactly how you feel Dennis.  I'm sorry you've got the flu.

(Please pardon me for another suggestion, but the flu (and food poisoning) is easily wiped out within hours or a day with activated charcoal -- $8 US at your local health food store or online.  My brother [a former police officer] taught me that trick.)

God bless you Dennis.  You're in my prayers.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 30, 2012, 06:52:52 PM
I have some activated charcoal Gina. I'll try it.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 31, 2012, 08:57:40 PM
"men would have patented the process and sold it to others for billions of dollars"

Many home treatments they cannot patent else they would.

I've gone to every link in this thread and in emails and pm's people have sent me and I've learned a lot. Even though I have always responded I want you to know I appreciate it.

To John's point. I have tried hard the last year to just let everything go and trust God. But it's not always that easy.

John, do you not think I begged God for almost two weeks over and over to cure this before resorting to other means.

One of the things I've read in the links provided is stress can bring on vertigo. My job is very stressful and I have never handled stress well. I'm a type A personality and always want it done yesterday. So this has forced me to slow way down (to Claudia's point).

The peroxide thing made the vertigo much worse. So I researched alcohol (Gina) and most said it works but a few said it damaged their ears. But I tried it with a Q-Tip and it at least got me back to where I was before the peroxide.

This flu I currently have is the worse I can remember since I was about eight years old. A good friend at work had it a few weeks ago and he was coughing up blood. My son Brian, his girlfriend, her four year old son and my new seven month old granddaughter were also coughing up blood. The baby has been to the doctor four times (they just now got back again) and it is winding down. But my coughing just started today. So I have coughing up blood to look forward to.

But it's not nearly as bad as being sick from the vertigo. So I can tough it out. They got the flu about a week before I did and it will be at least a few more days until they start to feel better. But this flu is not as bad as the vertigo thank God.

At first the flu settled in my kidneys and the headaches and pain kept me up all night. Buy Brian had the same thing so I knew it would not last. My prostrate felt like it was the size of a grapefruit. It was painful going to the bathroom. But it passed. Sometimes my hands and feet get icy cold and I cannot get warm (like now). But it's not vertigo.

The only person in this house not sick is my oldest son Keith. We are all counting on him for help.

So my blessing are Keith, I've learned to manage the vertigo, and I'm being forces to slow down.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rene on January 01, 2013, 12:21:34 PM

This flu I currently have is the worse I can remember since I was about eight years old. A good friend at work had it a few weeks ago and he was coughing up blood. My son Brian, his girlfriend, her four year old son and my new seven month old granddaughter were also coughing up blood. The baby has been to the doctor four times (they just now got back again) and it is winding down. But my coughing just started today. So I have coughing up blood to look forward to.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says that children under 2 and people over 65 years of age are at the highest risk of developing serious complications like pneumonia if they get sick with the flu.  Since you and your granddaughter fall within this high risk category, I hope you pay diligent attention to your symptoms.

Here is the CDC link regarding seasonal Influenza (flu):

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Michael on January 01, 2013, 07:49:00 PM
Hi Dennis,
Sorry to hear about your Vertigo, (no pun intended). I'd like to add another thought or 2 if I may. Are you using artificial sweetener in your diet? There appears to be a link between artificial sweetener and vertigo.

"During a lecture, I said, "If you are using aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc.), and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasm, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss-you probably have 'Aspartame Disease'. " (

Some general ideas concerning Vertigo, including a blurb about artificial sweetener. Also some thought that Niacin may help relieve Vertigo.
Meniere's Syndrome and Tinnitus (

"Some additional and interesting therapeutic uses of niacin include Meniere's syndrome (ringing in the ears plus nausea) and high-tone deafness.  In long term therapy, improvement was obtained with only 150-250 mg daily (Bicknell and Prescott, The Vitamins in Medicine, 3rd ed., p 379)." (

"2) The same morning I received a call from Saskatchewan from a woman born in 1924. I had seen her in Saskatoon many years ago. She had been suffering from severe Meniere's disease which had not responded to any medication nor diet. On her own she had started taking small amounts of niacin and for the first time began to get better. She came to Victoria in December 1987 with her husband and consulted me about her orthomolecular program. Both were normal. I suggested she remain on the niacin 1 gram three times daily, the same amount of vitamin C, some vitamin E and B complex 50's. In 1993 she reported that she was normal but she was worried about her husbands arthritis" (

As you can see, I'm more of a none participant in the organized medical industry. I see and hear of too many people becoming slaves to the medical industry. IF there is a natural alternative to a pharmaceutical, I'll look into it, but not just randomly. I like to see the research done. If the alternative 'healer' does not include verifiable research, I don't consider it viable.
Of course, if ones brain is about to explode, one might want to high tail it over to the local Hospital.

I hope you find something useful in the links above.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on January 01, 2013, 08:01:03 PM
For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.
1 Corinthians 1:26

For those of you who have God's Spirit, I ask you to call on the humility of Jesus, and realize that most of you are not all that smart in the ways and wisdom of the world.  That you are not the brightest bulb when you enter a room, or when you read a book or something on the internet.  You have not been trained to think clearly and discern true facts from wrong facts.

God called you that way in order to confound the wise and mighty of the world.  However, you are easily deceived by the likes of a Dr. Mercola or Dr. Steger and the many like them.

Call on the Spirit of God, and ask Jesus to open your eyes to simple facts that hydrogen peroxide or activated charcoal will not cure the Flu virus.  If they could, do you not realize that some men would have patented the process and sold it to others for billions of dollars?

It pains me that God's people are sifted by Satan in this current  system and taken advantage of.  Humble yourselves before God and ask Him to mercifully guide you and direct your path in all things, both spiritual and material.

Amen John!

As someone who is a year away from medical school, it pains me to see so many deceived by such foolish trickery.

The medical field is not the bad guy, Dr.'s aren't hiding cures from the public or purposely mis leading and miss treating patients.

If there is a method out there that works then the medical field is on to it.

Your best bet for finding a cure or answers to your problems is to seek out a professional physician. (Aside from praying to the Lord for guidance and resolution, of course! =] )

Things like wax candles in the ears isn't going to fix or even alleviate your problem. Sorry.

God bless,


Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on January 01, 2013, 08:08:17 PM
Mark 2:17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

JFK, you're not easily deceived when you're drinking your whiskey are you.  Hey, man, I've cured hangovers with activated charcoal and wheatgrass juice, so howdyalikethat!

And JFK what you don't realize is that activated charcoal is used in municipal water supplies to filter out all KINDS of junk.  Hospitals use it all the time to curtail the effects of some very harmful street and psychiatric drugs.  This is how my brother, a former cop, knew this.  It works.  I'm sorry you don't believe it.  It might not work for you, but not everything works for everyone at all times.  These doctors will not save us from eventual death, but they do have a few good ideas up their sleeves.

Gina, there are natural barriers that exist within the human body that prevent things like activated charcoals from having the same affect that you might witness them having on water.

For the ear, there is a barrier known as the tympanic membrane which separates the outer ear canal to the middle ear and then even more so to the innner ear.

Dennis' problems seem to be stemming from within the inner ear. Charcoal and wax candles to the external ears reaching to the outer ear canel will do NOTHING for him because that tympanic membrane blocks the middle ear and the middle ear blocks the inner ear (Where his problems seem to stem from.)

Also Gina, activated charcoal works on poisons ingested by patients because they are forced themselves to ingest the charcoal and it enters the stomach where it binds these harmful substances before they can be absorbed by the body through the blood stream. If they enter the bloodstream, the charcoal does nothing. It itself is not absorbed by the body and hence will also do nothing to alleviate problems in other regions of the body.

You think ingesting charcoal where it enters the stomach, for dennis, is going to help remedy a viral infection of the inner ear or crystal lattice formation in this head region?

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss John, Gina.

Also, the flu virus can enter the human body through the mouth and nose. Why do you think little kids, who put their hands in their mouths all the time are constantly plagued by the cold? (The cold is a type of flu) Think children of 2-3 years old. Always bringing home something new from school or daycare. That's why they tell you to wash your hands.

Lastly, activated charcoal does NOT WHIPE OUT the FLU or kill any virus. The amount of misinformation in this thread is amazing. Sigh..

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Michael on January 01, 2013, 09:10:01 PM
Hi lilitalienboi16,

Though I agree with you that there is a wealth of disinformation, or rather, misleading information on the web concerning 'natural' remedies, do not be so quick to dismiss them all.

I see that you are going  to become a medical student. From my 'armchair quarterback' stance, my thought is that you will be trained in a certain way that correlates with organized medical practice, no? You will be taught certain things, but will you be taught everything?
There is plenty of viable research done in the yesteryears concerning 'natural' remedies that is ignored in the current years.

There have been many studies on the benefits of megadoses of Vitamin C, (,
but one doesn't hear much about Vitamin C from the medical industry, except that it causes kidney stones, (which I have read, may be a flawed study). Is this partially because Vitamin C cannot be patented which would mean that there is not much money to made from it?
Perhaps it's because unless one subscribes to various medical journals, one would never hear of the organized medical studies done with vitamin C.
(By the way, after reading many articles about vitamin c, I did my own test of high doses, 90 grams, for a short period of time when a particular problem arouse in me. It fixed the problem with a interesting, though temporary, side effect which was also suggested in the literature I read).

I applaud you in becoming a medical student, I really do. Not something I would, or could endure or do, but be wise and do not think that what you learn is the be all, end all to medical problems. I do have some issues with the medical community, but it may not be because of themselves, but because of government intervention, rules and regulations and....loopholes.
I'm sure you will be taught about plain ole' vitamins and minerals. Perhaps take some time to really study them if not given the chance in medical school.

In a parallel thought, is that not what organized religious theology does? Teach what they know and consider everything else craziness and wrong?

All I can say to anyone reading this is to ask God for guidance and discernment. There is plenty of junk science when it comes to medical issues.

Luke 10:34 (NIT)
Going over to him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them.

1 Timothy 5:23(KJV)
Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

All the best lilitalienboi16,

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on January 01, 2013, 09:30:57 PM
Hi lilitalienboi16,

Though I agree with you that there is a wealth of disinformation, or rather, misleading information on the web concerning 'natural' remedies, do not be so quick to dismiss them all.

I see that you are going  to become a medical student. From my 'armchair quarterback' stance, my thought is that you will be trained in a certain way that correlates with organized medical practice, no? You will be taught certain things, but will you be taught everything?
There is plenty of viable research done in the yesteryears concerning 'natural' remedies that is ignored in the current years.

There have been many studies on the benefits of megadoses of Vitamin C, (,
but one doesn't hear much about Vitamin C from the medical industry, except that it causes kidney stones, (which I have read, may be a flawed study). Is this partially because Vitamin C cannot be patented which would mean that there is not much money to made from it?
Perhaps it's because unless one subscribes to various medical journals, one would never hear of the organized medical studies done with vitamin C.
(By the way, after reading many articles about vitamin c, I did my own test of high doses, 90 grams, for a short period of time when a particular problem arouse in me. It fixed the problem with a interesting, though temporary, side effect which was also suggested in the literature I read).

I applaud you in becoming a medical student, I really do. Not something I would, or could endure or do, but be wise and do not think that what you learn is the be all, end all to medical problems. I do have some issues with the medical community, but it may not be because of themselves, but because of government intervention, rules and regulations and....loopholes.
I'm sure you will be taught about plain ole' vitamins and minerals. Perhaps take some time to really study them if not given the chance in medical school.

In a parallel thought, is that not what organized religious theology does? Teach what they know and consider everything else craziness and wrong?

All I can say to anyone reading this is to ask God for guidance and discernment. There is plenty of junk science when it comes to medical issues.

Luke 10:34 (NIT)
Going over to him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them.

1 Timothy 5:23(KJV)
Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

All the best lilitalienboi16,

There is a huge difference between the Spiritual truths of God's Word and the natural understanding of the carnal world.

So what you are telling me is that as God's truths are to us in religious matters through his spirit and not the studied theologians that so too is the herbal remedies and internet websites with their pseudo science and misinformation to modern medicine?

So what you're saying is herbal remedies are like God's spirit and His truths and that modern medicine and educated physicians on natural matters (which require no spiritual understanding mind you) are like the blasphemous and damnable theologians? Really?

In medicine, you have the informed studied physician and scientific research verse the unsupported and often times uneducated opinions of individuals on the internet both attempting to address a matter entirely carnal and physical. On the other hand, in religion, you have God's Truths which can only be revealed to people by His spirit because the phsycial and natural man cannot recieve these things on his own, they are foolishness to him.

While I thank you for your kind words, this opinion and view point has always been very stupid to me.

It's so easy to say the things you do when you havn't studied the human body, bacteria, molecular biology, organic chemistry and viruses etc... etc..

I'm in no way boasting but apparently a dose of reality is what people need. I wish people would have a reality check and stop and think for a minute about what it is they think they know so much about and why it takes 12+ years to become a physician if , and that's a big if, all the pieces fall into place perfectly. For the majority of physicians, it takes many more years than just 12 to even be able to adequately treat hurting and sick people. But by all means, please, google your way to killing viruses. Achieve what the medical field seaks so desperately to do in all its years of existance in your tiny life span.

Maybe people should humble themselves and stop being so stubborn and pretending to be experts on every matter and maybe just go in and see a phycisian?

The world isn't full of bad Dr.'s and in fact, I will argue, they are a small minority. If you have a negative view of the medical field than you need to set aside your pride and arrogance and re-examine why you feel that way.

Dr's aren't Jesus and they can't raise the dead and they certainly cannot help those whom God has planned must go at this time or that time. All we can do is pray to God to have mercy on us and use us as vessels of healing through which He may be glorified and a person's life extended. Ultimately, we are all dying. We were dying the minute we were born.

Yes this topic hits close to home for me because I have to stand by all too often and watch mis information spread and people talk bad about phycisians and avoid the Dr.'s like a plague yet they would willing jump into the arms of the uneducated unknown pseudo scientific community of the internet for help. They think they've found a youtube video that sounds smart so suddenly they are experts on the matter (NO i'm not refering to the hydrogen peroxide video posted in this thread but I am skeptical of that as well. I was refering to another video posted on this forum about science and medicine not too long ago.) Well, I won't stand idly by while my brothers and sisters are deceived.

I know vitamins are good for you, this isn't about vitamins. The human body is very complex but like I said, wax in the ears or charcoal in the stomach isn't going to fix Dennis viral problem and issues of vertigo. This is an middle/inner ear issue and as he stated viral as well.

God be with you,

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: levycarneiro on January 01, 2013, 10:25:58 PM

Yes this topic hits close to home for me because I have to stand by all too often and watch mis information spread and people talk bad about phycisians and avoid the Dr.'s like a plague yet they would willing jump into the arms of the uneducated unknown pseudo scientific community of the internet for help. They think they've found a youtube video that sounds smart so suddenly they are experts on the matter (NO i'm not refering to the hydrogen peroxide video posted in this thread but I am skeptical of that as well. I was refering to another video posted on this forum about science and medicine not too long ago.) Well, I won't stand idly by while my brothers and sisters are deceived.

Hello Alex,

on that video you mention here from the other not old thread, there's a lot, a real lot, of science-backed literature, including some books that were mentioned in the same thread and many others not mentioned there. So if the initial video, made by a comedian, it's a stumbling block for anyone to wake up to some truth, that's totally another problem. One other guy, of a non medical profession, a journalist, wrote one of the most innovative and investigate books on diet of recent history that debunked many myths (good calories, bad calories) to those that search for the truth. So what's the truth? Medical truth only comes from medical doctors? No, they come from science. Whether this science comes from a comedian, a journalist, or a programmer.

- sometimes people from outside of any field can improve that field while people from inside can't for many different reasons.
- if someone is presenting something that is truth, that is science-backed, it doesn't matter for me if that person is a comedian or any other profession. Reasons made that that person went further in search of truth in any field that others just didn't care about.
- if something is truth, a comedian or a clown will not make it be a lie. On the contrary, by other authors, studies, books, you will see it proven true time and time again.
- not all of us here (or any one) are so naive to just think "omg, this video is awesome" when one sees a smarty-pants video on the internet. If one video really makes sense, we non-doctors research it a little more, and a little more, until we have evidence, and assurance it's truth.

On the negative view of the medical profession, it might just be that it's hard to find a good and evolving doctor. How many times did people here go see doctors that are just "basking in the sun" of their profession? How many are just concerned with the next Medical Seminary in the Caribbean? I know this is all stereotypes, but the truth is: it's really hard to find good doctors these days, so we patients are doing a lot of legwork in researching new things that doctors are not even aware they exist. I know this for a fact, not only in Brazil but in the US too.

Just some ramblings on my side of the story as a patient :)

God bless
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Michael on January 01, 2013, 10:38:46 PM
So what you are telling me is that as God's truths are to us in religious matters through his spirit and not the studied theologians that so too is the herbal remedies and internet websites with their pseudo science and misinformation to modern medicine?
So what you're saying is herbal remedies are like God's spirit and His truths and that modern medicine and educated physicians on natural matters (which require no spiritual understanding mind you) are like the blasphemous and damnable theologians? Really?

In medicine, you have the informed studied physician and scientific research verse the unsupported and often times uneducated opinions of individuals on the internet both attempting to address a matter entirely carnal and physical. On the other hand, in religion, you have God's Truths which can only be revealed to people by His spirit because the phsycial and natural man cannot recieve these things on his own, they are foolishness to him.

Sorry, that's not what I was saying.
Did you look at the Vitamin C paper I linked? Did you see the references at the bottom which included the researcher and the journal, (sometimes a medical journal), that published said research?

While I thank you for your kind words, this opinion and view point has always been very stupid to me.

It's so easy to say the things you do when you havn't studied the human body, bacteria, molecular biology, organic chemistry and viruses etc... etc..

Fair enough, but I'm a simple operator of optical fiber machines which our learned engineers can't run even though they are the ones who wrote the running instructions....and no, I'm not equating what i do with the practice of medicine.

I'm in no way boasting but apparently a dose of reality is what people need. I wish people would have a reality check and stop and think for a minute about what it is they think they know so much about and why it takes 12+ years to become a physician if , and that's a big if, all the pieces fall into place perfectly. For the majority of physicians, it takes many more years than just 12 to even be able to adequately treat hurting and sick people. But by all means, please, google your way to killing viruses. Achieve what the medical field seaks so desperately to do in all its years of existance in your tiny life span.

Maybe people should humble themselves and stop being so stubborn and pretending to be experts on every matter and maybe just go in and see a phycisian?
I never said I was an expert. I did say there may be alternatives to synthetic pharmaceuticals.

The world isn't full of bad Dr.'s and in fact, I will argue, they are a small minority. If you have a negative view of the medical field than you need to set aside your pride and arrogance and re-examine why you feel that way.
I'm sorry, it's neither pride nor arrogance. It's from watching 2 parents, and some others, slowly dying of pharmaceuticals and being slaves to the medical industry with all of their expensive tests that had nothing to do with the illness...not even remotely. They were simply money making tests. Funny how, in one case, all of the tests stopped when Medicaid stopped. It would take too long to go into the details, so I won't. I prefer not to be a slave to the medical industry. I don't want to have to schedule my life around doc appointments that may or may not help. But that's just me. I suppose that if I came down with a life threatening illness, or broke a bone, I would reconsider my position, but my 'advice' as it were, was not concerning life threatening illness. I am not suggesting that Physicians in general are bad, but I think it the laws and legal guidelines and Hospital bottom lines may compromise a Physicians work.

Dr's aren't Jesus and they can't raise the dead and they certainly cannot help those whom God has planned must go at this time or that time. All we can do is pray to God to have mercy on us and use us as vessels of healing through which He may be glorified and a person's life extended. Ultimately, we are all dying. We were dying the minute we were born.

Yes this topic hits close to home for me because I have to stand by all too often and watch mis information spread and people talk bad about phycisians and avoid the Dr.'s like a plague yet they would willing jump into the arms of the uneducated unknown pseudo scientific community of the internet for help. They think they've found a youtube video that sounds smart so suddenly they are experts on the matter (NO i'm not refering to the hydrogen peroxide video posted in this thread but I am skeptical of that as well. I was refering to another video posted on this forum about science and medicine not too long ago.) Well, I won't stand idly by while my brothers and sisters are deceived.
I agree that the there is a lot of bad information out there.

I know vitamins are good for you, this isn't about vitamins. The human body is very complex but like I said, wax in the ears or charcoal in the stomach isn't going to fix Dennis viral problem and issues of vertigo. This is an middle/inner ear issue and as he stated viral as well.

God be with you,


And with you,

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Michael on January 01, 2013, 10:54:40 PM
Oh, and Alex,

I sincerely apologize for having marginalized the Medical Profession in such a way as to have you come to it's defense. I did not mean to paint my disdain of it with such a wide brush.
I also apologize if you thought the scripture I quoted was meant as more marginalization. It was only to show that, in those 2 cases, a natural product, wine in this case, can help with small I think that people would prefer wine over say, Pepto-Bismol.

Take care,

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on January 01, 2013, 11:23:19 PM

The baby and her mother both had the flu shot a few months ago. Doctor said this is another strain. The baby is much better. She just coughs a little now.

"During a lecture, I said, "If you are using aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc.), and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasm, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss-you probably have 'Aspartame Disease'. "

Some general ideas concerning Vertigo, including a blurb about artificial sweetener. Also some thought that Niacin may help relieve Vertigo.

I have not used aspartame since the 1980's when it gave me tipple vision. I cannot tolerate any artificial sweeteners.

I have Niacin and I use it from time to time to lower my blood pressure. I'll try it tonight. Thanks.

The dizziness has not lessened, if anything it has increased, but the severity is not as bad. But I think it because of the flu.

I think this has something to do with pressure in my head. The coughing started and as soon as it stopped I get really dizzy for 10-15 seconds. I've determined not to cough. But I have coughed enough that my ribs and stomach mussels are very sore.

Gina was correct about the alcohol. I got some drops for swimmers ear and it is 95% Isopropyl alcohol and 5% glycerin. Have not tried it yet.

Alex, as I've said I have an appointment with a specialist in 9 days.

When it comes to doctors I think we need to strike a balance between common sense and trusting God. If a doctor can help then use him/her. There are many children in cemeteries whose parents thought they were trusting God to heal their child. J.W.'s come to mind.

I've been using activated charcoal to settle my stomach for quite a while. I know it works for that anyway.

I have been taking this heavy duty Vitamin C for a few months: (

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Michael on January 02, 2013, 12:28:25 AM
Coughing fits make me quite dizzy as well. I hope that is part of your problem because the solution is simple...stop coughing, Lol..

That vitamin C is very expensive for 30 doses. If you have a moment to read the paper I linked to, they used intravenous ascorbic acid, (vitamin c), but in other papers, the use of oral ascorbic acid worked fine. It was the therapeutic, (high), dosage that helped, not the type of C. If that brand works for you, carry on. If you would like a less expensive C, I use this. (
You can always increase the dose to equal the strength of your current and still be cost conscious. (

When it comes to doctors I think we need to strike a balance between common sense and trusting God. If a doctor can help then use him/her. There are many children in cemeteries whose parents thought they were trusting God to heal their child. J.W.'s come to mind.

I wish you well,
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Samson on January 03, 2013, 12:30:49 AM
Hi Forum,

Just thought I'd add my two cents to this Medical Profession discussion(Here We go again). I don't claim to know everything about Medicine, after all, I'm not a Physician. However, after my recent experience with my Quadriceps Tendon rupture and it's subsequent repair and continually rehabilitation, I'm looking at Medically based issues in a more holistic manner. It behooves us to examine information and material related to Our personal health issues, not taking for granted what Orthodox medicine or Alternative medicine has to say. In making an intelligent choice in determining what path We take in this regard, We don't want to assume that the various approaches We choose have thorough knowledge of every detail affecting Our health. Unfortunately, like in everything else, Politics, Money, insurance policies, greed and imperfect Humans are involved in the claims from both the Orthodox & Alternative approaches. The Orthopedic Group that worked with Me have, so far, been pretty good in working with Me both financially and surgically. Having no Medical Coverage changed their approach considerably. Other issues in my Knee were not addressed, therapy is being performed by myself, drugs were issued at a minimum, etc. Dr. Friedman mentioned that my Anterior Cruciate Ligament & my Meniscus Pad had issues, but were old injuries that healed, but not exactly the way the should, but He wasn't going to address them, only focusing on the reconstruction & reattachment of my Tendon. If I had medical insurance, He would likely have fiddled around with these other issues which undoubtedly would have greatly added to the cost. For His up front approach and clearly explaining everything and the unexpected extended time He spent on the Surgery, because the Tendon had crawled up my leg and He had to manipulate towards my Knee, the projected time of the surgery was doubled. This leads Me to inform all of you that although I appreciate Dr. Friedman's hard work & effort, The MRI was misleading and causing Him to believe my Tendon was still partially attached and not ruptured, so there's a prime example of a procedure that is lacking-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

Also, the FDA plays a politically motivated part in approving certain drugs. If no money is going to be made by the Pharmaceutical industry, their unlikely to approve it, even if the particular item has the ability to help individuals. DMSO(Dimethyl sulfate) is a prime example. The FDA couldn't find anything wrong with it, but it's very inexpensive to make and has limited income potential. Read the works of Dr. Stanley Jacob for details.

When a medical issue involves Bones, Tendons, Ligaments, Cartilage and the repairing of these, I give Orthodoxy a thumbs up. Other areas involving diseases and illnesses, I'd like to examine from a wider perspective which includes supplementation, not to an excess, but more as a preventive measure to build the immune system. Antibiotics and pain killers have their good use, but as a last resort when natural means have failed.

Thanks, Samson.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on January 03, 2013, 12:06:06 PM
Dennis asked for prayers and look what happens.  We just can't help ourselves.  I'm sure we all just want the best for you.  My prayer is that regardless of what you choose to do, you feel better and are relieved of the stress. 

Another thought, but this comes from a Dr. Christine Salter, M.D., board certified in family medicine who talks with John Dinsley, author of "Charcoal Remedies" (video link below).

This isn't for everyone.   I just find it fascinating and I wanted to share.  If you disagree with it, that's okay.  I'm not forcing anyone to try this.  It's just a suggestion.  I'm not a doctor.  I can't give advice, only offer suggestions. 

I'm not prideful or arrogant against doctors.  I just have yet to see one conventionally trained western medical doctor help anyone in my immediate family who was seriously ill.  But that's not their fault entirely.  God just hasn't given them the means to heal everyone all the time.

(It's interesting to note that many of the pharmaceutical drugs that are in use got their start from plants and shrubs and herbs.  (Think of that well-known phrase, Let food be thy medicine.)  And then there's that phrase: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  So yes, people like me are looking for that preventative measure to keep us out of the doctor's office.  But I would never tell anyone to stay away from doctors.  Steger and Mercola, while not my favorite doctors, are doctors-- they're just not the kind that people are most familiar with.  And we tend to go with people and things that are most familiar to us even though those people and things may not be the answer.)

I suppose if anyone is of the opinion that a poultice of activated charcoal (as mentioned in the video below) applied to the skin to draw out toxins is strange and ineffectual, I can only imagine that same person would have laughed at Jesus for spitting on the ground to make a mud pack to put on the blind man's eyes, which gave him sight.  Did Jesus really and truly do that?  Do you believe that Jesus did that and that man's sight was restored?  I do.

So without further ado, here's to mud in your eye! :-D

( Mods, feel free to delete this if you feel it's inappropriate. )

(Michael, Levy, Samson I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts.  Michael, not to harp, but I am one who is not in agreement with megadoses of C -- having tried that myself only to wind up sicker than a dog one year with cracked ribs from coughing.  We look at a plant or an herb, but we don't find megadoses of a single solitary nutrient in them.  What we do find, are lots of different nutrients all working synergistically.  And even then that plant can't stand up to everything and anything -- and will eventually die.   My thing is:  proper order, proper balance is the key.  I know you mean well, and I'm sure you have your reasons, but I respectfully disagree -- even though you weren't speaking to me specifically.  Thank you for your contribution regardless! :) )
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: cjwood on January 04, 2013, 12:51:37 AM
i have been staying with my momma (86 yrs old) in the hospital for 8-9 hrs for the past 3 days.  (i have the day shift. 2 of my other sisters have the night shift) my mom had a TIA on new year's eve, then a stroke on new year's day.  she is doing much better.  but, i wanted to say in total support of alex, that the medical profession IS a vehicle our Father Creator works through.  for His purpose.  after watching the ER nurses and physicians work with my mom, and the MRI, and echocardiagram, and ultrasound, and chest xray (yes, i am well aware of the radiation), AND the blood pressure medication, tylenol, and coumadin (small blood clot in groin).  yes, prescription drugs.  but drugs that our Lord has made available as a vehicle to heip my momma.  i know also that she has never had heart and vascular problems before in her life.  and this is because her Creator caused her to live a life eating healthy foods, no tobacco, and no alcohol.  so now, her choices then, are working synergistically with the medications.  each of our lives present different paths to where God is leading us.  judgement has no place.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Michael on January 04, 2013, 12:30:38 PM
God is/has created circumstances in Alex's life that are currently leading him towards a career in the medical field.

God is/has created circumstances in my life that currently lead me away from the medical field...........until I start bleeding from my ears that is, lol.

Who am I to argue?
Question? Yes. I do question my own path all of the time. I also question a lot of what I find concerning alt. therapies and try to find fact based information to back up such ideas.
Alex is correct, there is a lot of non fact based information out there. But here again, for those that follow such advice, God has created circumstances that lead them that way. I'm not saying we should not try and point them in another direction though.

In my post to Alex I wished him all the best in pursuing that field and I truly meant that.

Do to the difficulty in communication through forums, it sounded as if Alex poo - poo'd the entire alternative medical approach. In my response, I think Alex may have thought I did the same concerning the medical establishment. I think neither is true.
My posting of the Vitamin C article was primarily for Alex to see that there are fact bases studies, in what could be considered an alternative therapy and that he may want to reconsider what I thought was his viewpoint..... that all alt. therapies are quackery.

Vitamin C therapy has been studied by the Orthomolecular Medical establishment. (
"Orthomolecular medicine is defined as the therapeutic use of substances that occur naturally in the body. Originally defined in the context of treating and preventing psychiatric diseases, the intent of orthomolecular therapy is to provide the optimal molecular environment for the brain and other tissues by altering the intake of nutrients such as vitamins (and their metabolites), minerals, trace elements, macronutrients, as well as other naturally occurring metabolically active substances."

If anyone has time to kill, or an inquisitive mind concerning this type of therapy, there is an archive of journals available to read here, (

I'm sorry that megadose C did not help. There is some suggestion by the Orthomolecular group that if a certain amount of C does not help, take more. There is a paper or article somewhere called, '100 gram, (100,000 mg) cold'. If I can find it.... (Not what it was called, but the information is contained here, (
Vitamin C does not work for everything, but the research shows it will work for a lot, either on it's own or in synergy with other nutrients. Something else to keep in mind, not all C is created equal. Unfortunatly, not all retailers are honorable. Remember the melamine in dog food issue?
I do understand though why you do not believe in megadosing with C.
(BTW, I did mention previously that I experimented on myself with high dose C and it did indeed work. But as you've mentioned, we are all different).

The nurses that helped my Mom were great, all of them. The Doctors were ok, but they all seemed not to have the time to answer questions, or they answered as they quickly headed to the door. I completely understand that they are busy so I tried to keep my questions direct and short.
This attitude was not just at one hospital.
While I stayed with her, which was 7-8 hours a day over the course of a month or 2, there was a slight undercurrent of something not quite right. In retrospect, despite the wonderful nurses and there attitude and help, it does look like money played a major role in the care of her.
So as you can see, in my case, I have to question the motives of the Medical establishment. I'm sure that ALL of the Doctors mean well, but I fear that rules/regulations and financial bottom lines may take precedent which could compromise their sincere desire to help.
As for my Dad, it's too long, but I see the same undercurrent when looking back.

Having said all of that, I wonder what my opinion would be if both parents made it out of the hospitals alive or if my own circumstances with the medical establishment were positive? As I said in the beginning of this, 'God has created circumstances that lead me to............'

Lastly, I think I'm coming across as some alt therapy guru or prophet or at the very least, a Vit C guru/prophet. I really hope not, because I'm not. I was just using that vitamin as an example. I think we all know that we need a synergy of nutrients to keep us well, as well as God allows. (Saying that brings a question to my mind that at some point, I may bring to the forum).

I think Ray has shown us that we should never, ever take another persons word, at least in one aspect of our lives, but good advice in other aspect, without, if at all possible, researching for ourselves. But yes, sometimes we don't have that capacity and we sometimes have to take a, 'leap of faith', which may unfortunatly, end in bad results.

Being new here I'm sure a lot of you have your guard up concerning this 'new guy'. Perhaps I should introduce myself at some point. Just know for now that I've been lurking here for a couple of years and though you don't really know me, through this forum I know some of much as one can know someone through a forum.
On that very long note, I'll leave this conversation, (plus I burned my breakfast and am late for work from typing this up).

I'll too will pray that God gives you the relief that you so desire.


Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on January 05, 2013, 12:17:45 AM
Thanks for pointing things back to Christ where they should be John.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God 1 Cor 10:31

Maybe we should be doing this more. It has worked for me:

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6:33


Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on January 05, 2013, 07:37:23 AM

Dear Dennis

This might explain your symptoms, and provide you a solution for immediate relief.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on January 05, 2013, 07:21:49 PM
It's completely hypocritical that people praise and love science when it agree's to their beliefs and views. When it designs cars, Airplanes, computers, medical machines, pacemakers, things that make our everyday world go round. Yet as soon as it comes to the very same science which trains your physicians and guides the research which finds new ways to kill cancer, cure diseases, obliterate bacterial strains, virus' etc.. you suddenly become doubtful. You shun it. You talk bad about it, you doubt it and suddenly you yourself are an expert now in the field of medical research, medicine and nutrition.

Science is great when it makes creationists look silly with their idea's of 6000 year old earth but God forbid it train and teaches our physicians intimate things about biological organisms such as ourself and expounds for us their complexity and beauty and gives us an opportunity to heal these machines with which through time, ordained by God, they should decay and whither away.

If only some of you realized how silly you sound. To an outsider looking in. You can't see it because you're so caught up in the midst of it.

Ever stop and think that maybe doctors don't tell you everything, not because they are greedy, corrupt money hungry ******** but rather because you, with your lack of training and education in the matter, your ignorance, would be impossible to explain to you? It's like trying to teach a baby how to write words when he's still learning his alphabet or worse, hasn't even learned any of the letters yet.

But whatever, continue on your path, as was said; It is all of God and you are right, God puts the circumstances in our lives which motive us, move us, create doubt in us, direct us, etc... So that's all ill say about this.

God be with you all,

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on January 05, 2013, 08:41:00 PM
Ummm… I think……

But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” Matt 9:12

I wonder who is responsible for all of this…..

Who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, Psalm 103:3

Maybe this is happening….

And he said, “Go, and say to this people: “‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” Isaiah 6: 9-10

Hijacking going on with your post Dennis. I hope you get better soon.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: onelovedread on January 06, 2013, 10:05:38 AM
I know that God has not abandoned you and He together with the trial will be making the sequel also, to enable you to undergo it.
I wonder if all this self pontificating and one-up-man-ship is helping you, and making you feel better.
I can't read your mind but I think the reason you posted was to ask that we keep you in our thoughts and prayers, and recommend possible remedies.
Now it seems to be degenerating into debate.
I hope the mods close this thread soon. It's getting ugly and tedious to read.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on January 06, 2013, 04:19:34 PM
Hello dennis,

I apologize for having participated in what has quickly derailed your thread. Please forgive me.

I have not stopped praying for you though and will continue to do so! I hope your condition improves and you feel better soon! Hopefully your specialist was able to provide some sort of help!


Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: octoberose on January 07, 2013, 10:24:07 PM
Does anyone know how Dennis is doing? It's distressing to hear of all his suffering and I am praying.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on January 08, 2013, 12:01:33 PM
I'm just waiting to go to the doctors Friday.

It got a little better Friday but then bad again Saturday. It's worse now than it's ever been.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on January 08, 2013, 01:11:53 PM
Oh wow, Dennis.

Let's everyone pray that God has mercy on Dennis and on Dennis' employer and co-workers (I know they need you) and his work isn't doubled by the time he's healthy enough to return to full days.  Let's pray their needs are met abundantly by God until Dennis is able to return to work.

 God is good.

Let's pray that Dennis' employer has mercy and understanding regarding Dennis' illness and doesn't increase Dennis' anxiety and stress, since he's probably not able to work much if at all -- I know the guilt that goes along with that and that causes stress. 

Let's pray that God gives your family and kids the ability to continue to pitch in where they are able, to alleviate your stress and worry.

Thanks everyone.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on January 08, 2013, 01:13:40 PM
And let's pray that God blesses the doctor that Dennis sees to be able to make Dennis feel better and speedily. :)
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: eggi on January 08, 2013, 06:57:36 PM
And let's pray that God blesses the doctor that Dennis sees to be able to make Dennis feel better and speedily. :)

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: gmik on January 08, 2013, 09:19:14 PM
hope all g oes well w/ dr visit...let us know
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: gregorydc on January 08, 2013, 10:38:30 PM
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on January 09, 2013, 05:34:49 AM

I gave you a video that offers a PHYSICAL explanation with a physical remedy ~ like giving sea water to a person who is thirsty.  Did it help maybe for the brevity of the illusion that an alcoholic feels for the illusive comfort of whisky!

Your experience is a great Gift Dennis with Gina who has rightly turned attention towards the Great Physician. Two Amen's are on record, with several others that will be off record, spoken in the silent closet where our siblings go to speak one on one with God.

There is no healing the human condition. Transmuting it or as Jesus declared, overcoming, is the joy to be known and celebration to be glad, no one will be left stuck in a human limited association with death.

Christ is in you, as He IS, now, not as He WAS, in times past, crucified, and beaten to a pulp, that Babylon upholds.

Dennis, you have come out of Babylon. Prayers already spoken by Ray and Jesus that you never return to Babylon, are most surely with you! How can this not be true. It is fact. Ray prayed for you as truly as Christ Jesus prayed for Simon who was desired of Satan.

Ray left the teaching that Jesus Christ was not His body cadaver. Ray taught that Jesus, His personality, soul and sentient being, after crucifixion, did not set off to teach those in "paradise".  Jesus died. That is what is happening to you but with far more Grace in your favour Dennis, for Jesus said we could do more than He could do for greater things you WILL do.

My prayer is that this be appointed for you Dennis, not to mean you must die physically, but that you must overcome, physicality.

Letting go of your idea of who you are, can't happen with human will or strength nor by personal or physical medicinal properties. If it could, Doctors would have overcome death in their patients by 100% Only God has done such a thing! By His Spirit,  transformation  occurs. Everything  taught by the world is wrong. Doing this and doing that, or knowing this and knowing that, doesn't and can not or ever, side step death.

Transformation and overcoming, is by His Spirit not knowledge, or knowing better.

Death for a moment, not an eternity, is conditional to human experience.

What is not Christ, will melt away.

Identity and the only association that can remain, is  Christ risen in you, Who brings the quickening of the body, in experience of communion as HE IS,  Who is beyond pain, decay and death. 

I can see Christ Himself, dawning in you Dennis.

A quick fix of an injection or a medical formula to put your body on its feet, your mind back on the job, your life back into the world, and your sense of physical well being into balance, I pray, be a manifest liberation from false association with death, the shadows of death's emissaries that are illness, disease suffering, grief loss and agony, that are all  conditions of humanness.

Addiction to humanness is not stronger than life. God' Spirit is your liberty.
I pray that you'll accept completed association to the perfected state of Christ in you, with full unequivocal surrender to  wholeness of perfection you are called to be. Ask, and you shall receive. I pray that you ask. You're being called Dennis. That is certain!

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: arion on January 09, 2013, 07:51:07 PM
I have to admit that my flesh cringes when I considered the suffering that Ray went through and what you are now enduring.  Ray didn't get cancer because he sinned and your not enduring what your going through because you've sinned. 

I don't understand why God sometimes uses physical suffering for working his ways in us instead of using spiritual pressure to mold us in his image sometimes.  Some people have physical problems while others have psychiatric and psychological trouble and still others have both.  And it sure seems like others burdens are more desirable than others.

It's easier said then done when we are in the middle of the trial but as we've be taught when we are on the other side we can look back to see that God was with us all along even though he seemed so distant at the time.  No real words of wisdom or medical advice but know we are standing with you and praying that God will make a way for you.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Joel on January 09, 2013, 10:36:35 PM
Words spoken by Jesus have stuck in my mind lately.
Matthew 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

Thanks to anyone that are about doing good, helping those that are suffering in what ever way shape or form. God has the final say whatever the outcome shall be any way.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on January 11, 2013, 03:05:25 PM
Just got back from the doctors. I've pretty well know what I have for a while by researching. It's called Positional Vertigo. (

It can be cured by an exercise similar to what Craig suggested: (

I tried it yesterday but the spinning was very violent and I could not continue. My plan is to get on the medication that reduces the symptoms and do the exercise and try and get over this.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers. These last three weeks have been hard.

I have not been able to work and I'm thinking about quitting my job. It is very stressful at times. I'd like to find something else to do. But first I need to get better.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on January 11, 2013, 03:59:47 PM
Will pray for wisdom for you in your job situation.


Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on January 11, 2013, 04:01:42 PM
Just got back from the doctors. I've pretty well know what I have for a while by researching. It's called Positional Vertigo. (

It can be cured by an exercise similar to what Craig suggested: (

I tried it yesterday but the spinning was very violent and I could not continue. My plan is to get on the medication that reduces the symptoms and do the exercise and try and get over this.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers. These last three weeks have been hard.

I have not been able to work and I'm thinking about quitting my job. It is very stressful at times. I'd like to find something else to do. But first I need to get better.

Exactly what I shared with you on page 2 Dennis.

Quoting myself page 2; Of all vestibular disorders, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common in older adults. BPPV causes vertigo, dizziness, and other symptoms due to debris that has collected within a part of the inner ear. This debris, called otoconia, is made up of small crystals of calcium carbonate (sometimes referred to colloquially as “ear rocks”). With head movement, the displaced otoconia shift, sending false signals to the brain and causing dizziness or vertigo.

It's nice to know that my medical zeal did not mislead you. Thank you Lord!

Glad you know now with certainty what it is and knowing is half the battle!

I will continue to pray for your strength to do the exercises needed to regain full strength!

God bless,

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on January 11, 2013, 05:56:42 PM

What an awful thing to deal with.  My heart goes out to you. 

Listen, you said your dentist or someone had performed a sinus lift.  Not sure if you knew this already but I found this on Wikipedia re your symptoms:

There is evidence in the dental literature that malleting of an osteotome during closed sinus floor elevation, otherwise known as osteotome sinus elevation or lift, transmits enough percussive and vibratory forces capable of detaching otoliths from their normal location and leading to the symptoms of BPPV.  It can be triggered by any action which stimulates the posterior semi-circular canal which may be:


Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on January 11, 2013, 07:07:50 PM
From Dennis:

About three months ago I had oral surgery then I started feeling really bad.

I was light headed all the time, dizzy, very tired, and had headaches. It was really hard to work.

I associated the problem with the surgery so I went my MD then to a eye, nose, throat doctor. But everything was good.

. . .

This is the link to the procedure that Dennis is talking about:,14087.msg124241.html#msg124241

I came close to having very serious problems and possibly a diabetic coma or worse after having oral surgery yesterday.

I’ve been going to a specialist doctor / dentist (he is also a medical doctor) to have implants put in for missing teeth.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Michael on January 12, 2013, 01:49:20 PM
Wow that has got to be driving you crazy.

Gods health, His patience and quick recovery to you Dennis.

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on January 13, 2013, 05:25:05 PM
The exercise makes me really sick. I've done it four times so far. I did it early this morning and I'm still very sick from it. I don't know if it's worth it. I don't think I'll do it tomorrow. This is all that comes to mind:

Job 2:10 ... What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? ...
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on January 13, 2013, 05:29:02 PM
Well I'm praying to God that you feel better soon.  Who can live like that?
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on January 17, 2013, 01:59:11 AM
It's humbling to know how quickly God can pull the rug out from under us.  Keeps one from laughing too loud and too long.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on January 17, 2013, 09:06:45 PM
Two days ago was the worse yet. But yesterday I woke up feeling a little better but I did not do the exercise.

I did the exercise this morning and it was not as bad but I've just felt just so-so today. But much of the vertigo is gone. So I'm hoping it's almost over.

And I managed to work 1.5 hours today. But it was hard to concentrate.

This has been a hard month and has made me think about many things in my life (all I've had is time). Times are hard and it doesn't seem right to quit a well paying job and look for something more satisfying. But...

Ecc 2:11  Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on January 17, 2013, 09:10:48 PM
I too hope it's almost over for you. I continue to pray for you. I understand the verse you shared, feel a bit that way myself sometimes.

God bless

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on January 17, 2013, 10:15:31 PM
Glad you're feeling a little better.  What a nightmare.  And I thought I had problems. 
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: gregorydc on January 17, 2013, 11:11:53 PM
Still praying for you as well Denis. Thanks to God for letting you feel better.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Dennis Vogel on January 18, 2013, 10:42:51 AM
I did the exercise this morning and no vertigo. So I guess it's over. But I'm still weak as a kitten. I suspect it's going to take a while to get my strength back.
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Gina on January 18, 2013, 11:15:02 AM
oh thank God.  I hope it has gone for good.  You're probably weak from not eating, I would imagine.  I wonder if you could mention those exercises to your friend who has the vertigo?
Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on January 19, 2013, 01:44:20 AM
Good to hear the exercise is working. I pray that you may regain your strength quickly.

Isa 40:31  but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.  

Title: Re: Really need everyone to pray for me
Post by: cjwood on January 19, 2013, 01:48:17 AM
good news to hear dennis.  on our part and yours.  i pray that you continue to improve, and that God the Father gives you insight into how to continue working at your job, without allowing stress to build up.

it is good news to hear that your vertigo has gone.
