=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: Dennis Vogel on February 01, 2013, 04:52:08 PM

Title: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 01, 2013, 04:52:08 PM
I've been feeling a lot better. Just not as strong before the vertigo, but getting stronger each day. Happy to get on with my life.

Then yesterday evening I had really bad chest pains. My blood pressure was 181 / 105.

After a while it got a little better and I slept okay and woke up feeling fine but then the pain return but not nearly as bad.

I went to my doctor first thing this morning then a heart specialist this morning and now I'm scheduled Monday morning to get dye in my veins to see if I have a blocked artery. If I do they may do an angioplasty and stent. I don't think I'll let them do the stent because I've read bad things about them.

I got a prescription for some nitro but it does not do much good.

My office is downtown and I intentionally park on the 4th floor of the parking garage to walk down then up the four floors on my way home. Monday when I walked up the stairs I only got a little out of breath. And I blamed that on being in bed for a month with the vertigo. But there is no way I could walk up one flight of stairs right now.

I do not understand how I can walk up four floors with no problem one day and a few days later have a blocked artery?

Whatever. I'm sick of all this.
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Gina on February 01, 2013, 05:47:20 PM
And you're positive it's not anxiety-related?
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 01, 2013, 06:04:03 PM
Don't know Gina.

The pain is not going away so I'm off to the ER.
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on February 01, 2013, 06:44:47 PM
Feeling for you Dennis and praying for you. I hope it will all pass soon.

Here's a cool verse, I hope it is of encoragement to you:

1Pe 5:10  And the God of all grace, who did call you to His age-during glory in Christ Jesus, having suffered a little, Himself make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you.

Peace be with you Dennis

2Th 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace continually by every means. The Lord be with you all!

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: gregorydc on February 01, 2013, 07:54:23 PM
Amen Rhys. Still praying here for you Denis, you will be fine you are in the best hands you could ever be in Denis. Fear not!
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: cjwood on February 01, 2013, 11:32:50 PM
dennis, i pray you are home by now and that you are okay.  have any of you other mods heard from dennis?

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 02, 2013, 12:59:31 AM
Just got back from the ER (5.5 hours) and they don't know what's going on.

My stress test on the treadmill was 'abnormal.' But that's kind of vague.

I feel okay at the moment. Just a little discomfort.

Still going for the dye thing Monday AM.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on February 02, 2013, 01:14:34 AM
Thanks for the update Dennis. Can be tough what we go through especially when there is uncertainty. Know the Lord is with you and your friends thoughts and prayers as well.

God bless

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: cjwood on February 02, 2013, 02:37:48 AM
hope you can get some rest tonight dennis.  praying that God will cause your body to be able to relax and restore.  let us know how things go.  ray was your very close example of faith during times of suffering.  stand in the knowledge that God's power is stronger than the chains any suffering can place on us. 

easy to say.  harder to do.  but, with God all things are possible to those who love the Lord.

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 02, 2013, 10:25:24 AM
Tuesday I had my final two dental implants done. Please do not be critical. I need to be able to chew on both sides of my mouth else I will destroy the implants on the other side if my mouth.

I was given Amoxicillin as an antibiotic. Found this this morning: (

Without Gina's searching the Internet last time I don't think I would have thought to research this.

It's interesting that 32.86% of people over 60 years old (me) get this. And high blood pressure triggers it. I think it's a vicious circle. The more pain the higher the blood pressure, the more pain ...

This could explain why the nitro had no affect and my blood pressure going up to 181.

At the hospital I was given a 24 hour slow release nitro. The regular nitro give a bad headache for about a minute. Now I have a moderate headache which should be over sometime this evening.

But my blood pressure is way down to 85 / 60. But my pulse stays over 100. I have a beta blocker to lower my pulse rate, but I'm not going to take it. I think my body know what it's doing. Just interesting, that's all.

Who knows? Someone with chest pain may find this on the Internet someday and in turn get interested in Bible-Truths? (looking for a reason).

I think this soap-opera should be over.

Thank you again everyone!
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 02, 2013, 11:12:18 AM
Many years ago I wanted to pull all my teeth but my dentist talked me out of it.

Bad teeth can cause a lot of health problems. I wish I would have just had them all pulled. I would have a LOT more money in the bank.

Hayley, there is a procedure where they pull a tooth and insert an implant right away in the socket. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Gina on February 02, 2013, 01:17:07 PM
Oh wow, Dennis.   God is amazing.  Thank God for the internet and for the people who put this information out there.  I'm really glad you're feeling better.
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: arion on February 02, 2013, 03:12:39 PM
Would of thought that the doctors could of figured out that you are on Amox and have put two and two together.  if your still going to do the dye test it's no big deal.  Had similar chest pain and high BP about five years ago and did the test to make sure.  Was clean as a whistle but if you feel some chest pain and then are concerned about cardiac issues that can certainly spike your BP and pulse rate.  Glad your feeling better, this too shall pass.
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: darren on February 03, 2013, 08:48:25 PM
Hi Dennis, when I was in my mid 30s i suffered from extrem chest pains. It was like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Then the pain would move to my jar which is a bad sign. Went through all the test, dye, ,mri, tredmill, even got a long needle stuck  in my small vain where the wrist meets the hand this is how they check the oxgyen going to the heart. Any way they said it was anxity. My mom said next time take an alkasalsa and see what happens. Sure enough it happen again serious pain did what my mom said and lo and  behold, gone as soon as i drank it. It wasnt heart burn it was a gas bubble in my chest. Unreal. Anyway I just wanted to give you some info you might not have thought about. For what its worth. I thank you for all the hard work you and the rest of the mods. do. May God bless you and keep you healthy so that you will be with us for a long time.

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Seeker on February 04, 2013, 07:26:14 AM
Hey Dennis, don't worry about the stents & medication thereafter, I've got 4 stents from my 2 attacks & still going strong at 50. Enjoy everyday that the maker gives you because you won't know the hour when he calls.

Seeker from RSA
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 05, 2013, 01:18:02 PM
After five EKG's that were all okay, two blood tests that were okay, and three chest x-rays that were all okay I was feeling okay about this. All the time I was in the ER I was feeling no pain, I was fine all day Sunday until that evening and I started getting pains again. Nothing as bad as the first time, but I knew it was there.

Went back to the ER at 4:AM Monday morning and started feeling okay again.

Did the dye test at 9:AM and they found a 95% blockage and fixed it with a stent.

I never had a heart attack or did any damage to my heart. Go figure. The doctor was amazed.

I'm back home and have to take it easy for a few days.

So no more bacon (my favorite) etc., ice-cream, or salty stuff  :(  But I'm still here  :)
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Gina on February 05, 2013, 01:32:47 PM
That is wild.  I'm glad you're better Dennis.  Keep us posted. :)
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: darren on February 08, 2013, 01:43:13 AM
That really good news Dennis. I'm glade the Docs. finally found the problem. I just saying, after 5EKG, 2 blood test and3 chest x-rays that were all OK. Dam!! Then back to the ER did the dye test and found the 95% blockage That's something else. Thank God. Just so i understand correctly all these EKG, blood test and x-rays were done on Sun?? Then the pain started again early Mon. morning that's when  they found the blockage?? I'm just would have thought the doc.would have ordered the dye test first. Is the dye test where they make you drink the dye then run on a treadmill?? The do an MRI?? Just wandering. Just curious as to why not do the dye test Frost? Would that not have shown the problem right then Therefore they would have been no need for all those other test??

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on February 08, 2013, 02:17:47 AM
All the best to you Dennis. I will eat all the bacon and ice cream and also all the salty stuff for you. There is no need to thank me, I love to help where I can.  ;D

Bless you Dennis

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 08, 2013, 09:05:40 AM
Well, I still have a serious issue and so far the doctor cannot determine what's causing it.

If I exert myself just a little too much I become exhausted. Sometimes to the point where I feel like I'm going to pass out.

Just walking to the kitchen and back a few times starts the process. At its worse I have to sit for a few hours to regain my strength and stop feeling sick.

Yesterday evening I sat at my computer working for almost four hours straight with no problems. When I was done I went to the kitchen and back a few times and it took 20 minutes of sitting still to feel good again.

I have no chest pain.

Yesterday morning I went to the doctors so they could draw some more blood to see if I am bleeding internally. It wore me out getting ready. Walking from my bedroom to the garage made it worse. I did not recover in the 15 minutes it took to get to the doctors office.

My son Brian dropped me off at the entrance and the 25 steps to the receptionist made it worse. In the 40 minutes I waited for them to call me I recovered some but there were three times I thought I was in trouble and was going to pass out.

They took the blood, did another EKG and I went back a few hours later for an ultrasound. The EKG was fine again and I'll hear about the blood test and ultrasound today.

Maybe I caught something in the hospital? Maybe it's a respiratory problem, but I don't get out of breath. I just get very weak.
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Rito1980 on February 08, 2013, 01:41:13 PM
Dennis maybe we can help to find what caused it. Where you on a certain medication?
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: cjwood on February 08, 2013, 06:44:19 PM
dennis, i pray for God's healing power to take hold of your body, mind, and soul.  i can relate in some way to your feeling of exhaustion when only walking short distances in the house, and getting ready to go somewhere, due to the fibromyalgia issues that still flair up in my life daily.  but, i hope you are able to let God the Father take care of the details as to what is going on.  His power is mightier than any trial that confronts us.  rest in His peace.

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 09, 2013, 08:35:54 AM
I'm pretty sure it's getting better. It may even be gone. But I'm not going to push it until I get some work done this morning. I'll post here again later today.
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 09, 2013, 12:45:11 PM
It started getting better yesterday afternoon. I've been walking around the house at normal speed and no problems.

Just got off my exercise bike (inherited from Ray). I went one minute and everything feels fine.

It may have been that dye. My friend said there are a lot of nasty side effects. It may have taken this long to flush it out of my system.

These last few months makes me feel like I've been "ridden hard and hung up wet"  :)
Title: Re: What else?
Post by: darren on February 09, 2013, 03:16:32 PM
Hi Dennis, my aunt went through the same thing. She couldn't walk down the hall without have to sit down and rest, she was so out of breath they did all the usual test and couldn't fine anything wrong. ends up the docs miss a small clog in a small vain leading into the main Arturo. just a little vain among many that all leads to the heart. come to find out she had two heartattacks that didn't even show until many more test but after the fix the small little clog she walks and never runs out of breath. Please I'm not trying to worry you just try in put out some info that might or might not mean anything.

God bless you keep on asking questions to the docs. many just take the docs word like their God. Docs. are human and do make mistakes and miss things they shouldn't. keep on pushing on

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on February 09, 2013, 09:44:52 PM
Your progress is encouraging to me. still praying for ya!

I liked your line "ridden hard and hung up wet" sounds tiresome :)

God bless

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 10, 2013, 01:42:47 PM
Thank you. I'm feeling normal today. So I think this is over.

Title: Re: What else?
Post by: Headdy82 on February 10, 2013, 03:48:53 PM
Hello Dennis.
            I am a new member amd first want to thank you for the site amd allowimg me to be apart of it. My father had showed me this site and I am glad he did. Secondly,I was reading your posts. And I am sorry you are going through so much. It will all get better! Everything as you know,  is purposed for a reason. Ill say a special prayer for you. Sincerely -Heather  :)