=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: lilitalienboi16 on April 25, 2013, 03:27:43 AM

Title: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 25, 2013, 03:27:43 AM
Believe it or not... what sparked my fascination for science and medicine came from a bible verse and it came in the smallest of details.

Mar 8:22-24 "And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him. " And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. And he looked up, and said, I SEE MEN AS TREES, walking."

Now in case you didn't catch what I did.. this blind man, after having been given his sight, did not understand at all what he was seeing. He couldn't differentiate between men and trees. The one clue he had to make any sense of anything, was that he knew men could walk.

What fascinated me so much about this seemingly insignificant detail was that it wasn't until the advent of modern science, where we could restore the vision of blind people through surgery, that we realized: Even if you give a person who has never seen before, vision, they need to LEARN what they are SEEING. Nothing of what they see makes any sense to them at first.

I was flabbergasted by such a detail in such an ancient text once I finally made the connection. It was truly amazing and really sparked my fascination for medicine and science. Though I only realize this now.. looking back, it all started as a little boy, with one seemingly insignificant detail at the time, one little verse.
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: Dave in Tenn on April 25, 2013, 05:00:57 PM
cool.   :)
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 25, 2013, 05:12:18 PM
cool.   :)

Thank you dave, I thought i'd share. I was really thinking hard as I was working on my personal statement as to what was the trigger that made me decide in my heart I wanted to become a physician or at least be involved in the medical field. Its a tough statement to write and I don't think it was just a switch that went on one day and instantly made me realize I wanted to be a doctor. These personal statements require a lot of brainstorming and I believe what was originally nothing more than an innocent curiosity as a young boy about a silly bible verse was really the planting of a little seed that would grow and grow, ultimately giving rise to my decision of wanting to become a physician. Of course.. all this is only something I can ponder now, after looking back on some of these events in my life. In the midst of it all, I never had realized nor really was aware what that verse of scripture, what those little words from our Lord would bring about in me.

A good place to start a personal statement I believe :)
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: zvezda on April 25, 2013, 05:13:14 PM
Now in case you didn't catch what I did.. this blind man, after having been given his sight, did not understand at all what he was seeing. He couldn't differentiate between men and trees. The one clue he had to make any sense of anything, was that he knew men could walk.

just wanted to point out that in verse 24, the blind man hasn't been given his sight yet, he was restored after Jesus put his hands on the blind man's eyes again.

8:25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

this reminds me of a movie i watched long time ago -  "At First Sight" - based on actual event
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 25, 2013, 05:27:32 PM
Now in case you didn't catch what I did.. this blind man, after having been given his sight, did not understand at all what he was seeing. He couldn't differentiate between men and trees. The one clue he had to make any sense of anything, was that he knew men could walk.

just wanted to point out that in verse 24, the blind man hasn't been given his sight yet, he was restored after Jesus put his hands on the blind man's eyes again.

8:25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

this reminds me of a movie i watched long time ago -  "At First Sight" - based on actual event

I disagree and I really don't want to turn this thread into a debate but I will defend my reasoning here before we drop this matter. If you want to further debate it, you can email me or go to the general discussions section and start your own thread on it.

First of all, notice Jesus spat on his eyes and put his hands on him in the verse I quoted. What wa the consequence of this action?

The man tells us the consequence of such an action, it allowed him to see men but he could not understand them to be men. Were they men or were they trees? He knew both of them stood tall and upright and that men walked but why couldn't he seperate men from trees despite knowing these things? Because His mind could not make sense of what his eyes were seeing. He never learned to understand what sight brings to the brain.

Now, the second time, Jesus did something to His brain most likely, rewiring the nerves perhaps as well, to allow this once blind man  to finally understand what it was he was seeing for the first time. The men were no longer like trees moving but trully men.

The reason for the two separate actions by Jesus is because this is exactly what happens when you give sight to a blind man who's never seen before in their life. They don't understand what they are seeing when they receive their sight. You need to teach them to understand, we can't do what Jesus did and rewire their brain after we give them back their sight, its just not possible for us. We have to use therapy and teach them. Hence this is what you are seeing with the two separate actions by Jesus on the blind man and the consequence for each action. To be honest, the story would have been much more suspicious had the man been healed of his blindness and instantly understood what he was seeing when he had never seen a thing his entire life because we know now through modern science that, that just isn't what happens. But alas, this isn't how the story goes down, it shows us the reality of the matter long before science ever figured it out. Similar to paul and how He was inspired to write long before science ever knew, that invisible atoms make up the visible world!

Your response, in my humble opinion, is a good example how most people completely miss this tiny detail. They got lost in the bigger things like, Jesus could give sight to the blind. There is a process to receiving sight, its not just a one step thing, snap your fingers and BAAAM, you can see and make sense of it all, and this story demonstrates that perfectly. A seemingly insignificant detail which in reality teaches us not only a spiritual lesson but a scientific one.
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: Kenneth Clark on April 25, 2013, 05:31:17 PM
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: zvezda on April 25, 2013, 06:24:22 PM
hi alex, you probably misread me because my previous message was short and unclear, i didn't mean to disagree about the process of receiving sight, believe it or not, i fully understand the process, i have friends who got cochlear implant and they needed to make many appointments with their audiologists so they could learn and understand sounds and speeches, without these therapies, the implant could be useless.

and that's also why i mentioned the movie "At First Sight", this movie describes how a blind man deals with the changes to his life after he regains his sight. you would think it's a happy event for a blind man to be able to see, but the therapies and adjustments could be difficult and frustrating.

as for the verses, if that's how you interpret, then let's leave it at that  ;)
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on April 25, 2013, 07:50:37 PM
I never saw so much in that verse before. Thanks for sharing Alex.

Rhys ;)
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on April 25, 2013, 09:39:56 PM

Wow Alex. So cool. That is truly beautiful that you are inspired by what you did not understand and lead by Who you Love.

Arc :)
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 26, 2013, 12:07:27 AM
I never saw so much in that verse before. Thanks for sharing Alex.

Rhys ;)

It was my pleasure Rhys! :)

Wow Alex. So cool. That is truly beautiful that you are inspired by what you did not understand and lead by Who you Love.

Arc :)

Thank you arc, exactly how I feel! Of course, there were other factors as well but this one definitely goes back the furthest I think. I think! :P
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: Dave in Tenn on April 26, 2013, 02:06:49 AM
What is the "personal statement" thing?
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: onelovedread on April 26, 2013, 01:23:35 PM
Now I'm not sure if what I'm now seeing, is what I'm really seeing ??? ;).
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 26, 2013, 01:59:41 PM
What is the "personal statement" thing?

Hello David,

A personal statement is about a two page letter to medical schools in which you try to "sell yourself" to them. Its something you write that gives them a glimpse of who you are that they could not have gotten through your transcript/grades/letter of recommendations/MCAT score.

So I'm trying to be as genuine as possible but also realistic and not preachy. Religion and Politics are absolutely taboo and "no-no's" when writing anything "academic." So you can realize the predicament I'm in. I can't really talk about God yet God has been absolutely everything in my life. The world doesn't understand this though, we all know that the world is a world of "Free willers," but alas I am no child of free will. It was by the grace of God alone and by all the power in prayer I received from everyone here that I was able to do as well as I did on my MCAT. Thats the honest truth. Without all you here having supported me, without God, I would have fallen flat on my face during that very trying time in my life.

The hard part is giving them a glimpse of who I am without offending anyone and yet being true and honest to me. I'm told not to use the word "God" in writing my personal statement but rather "my faith." Yet, I ask... my faith, in WHAT? -.- hah. Its not so easy!

So, the personal statement, while not guaranteeing me anything, can really make or break my application to medical schools. Interviews often hinge on personal statements. I'm applying this July... Its a long shot for the california schools, at least the M.D. schools. I might go D.O. since I'm competitive for D.O. schools in california. DOs and MDs go through the same training and are both doctors, one is just an older philosophy of thought while the other is younger and newer. As God wills of course.

Hopefully this answers your question and then some!  ;)

Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 26, 2013, 02:03:06 PM
This is very cool Alex. A seemingly not-so-significant verse got your attention even at that young age (I am sure it would have been lost on me).  God WILL have His way with us  :).
I pray for all success in your studies and your future medical career.  I truly believe that this is meant to be. Your heart is in the right place.

God bless you little brother

Thank you Janine! I'll be applying this July to MD and DO schools. God willing, I can get in the first time around for the fall of 2014, if not.. then I'm back to retaking my MCAT and pushing for a post baccalaureate program/masters. It would be really nice to get into some school this time around.. the MCAT is exhausted and I just want to move forward past this part in my life... but its as God wills :/ If He has me going through an even longer and harder path.. then I will follow where He leads.

Blessings to you as well dear sister.
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 26, 2013, 02:03:50 PM
Now I'm not sure if what I'm now seeing, is what I'm really seeing ??? ;).

You're now... entering the twilight zone!
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: cjwood on April 26, 2013, 04:14:10 PM
hi alex.  yes indeed our God works in mysterious ways.  i have been doing a study on the very same verse you quoted.  been trying to understand why some blind people received clear sight immediately after being healed by Jesus, and then this one where the blind man needed an additional touch of Jesus' hands to see clearly.  like when we, as blind to the Truths of the Scriptures, are given sight by the Holy Spirit to see and understand what we are seeing.  some see the Truths immediately and some need an extra "touch" of the Spirit to see and understand what they are seeing.

you are such an awesome little brother in Christ.  i have enjoyed so much watching you grow in Christ before our eyes through the posts you have logged through the years.

can you maybe start your personal statement with the Scripture reference itself, then go on to explain further what it was in the Scripture verse that caused you to desire to go into medicine?  the Scripture doesn't even mention God directly.  don't hold back on giving credit to this verse and how it planted the seed in your heart of wanting to be a physician.  it just blows my mind how the "world" is so afraid of bringing God into the picture or even using His name.  gotta stay "politically" correct i guess.  don't want to step on any toes.  but, if your personal statement could keep you out of a job because you mentioned this verse, then that is a feather in your cap as far as God the Father is concerned i think.  but i can understand your being hesitant to use the verse because of the ramifications it may bring.  stand strong in the faith your Creator gave you alex.  if you can only mention the word "faith" and not "God" then i guess go with that.  maybe say that your faith in the Author of this Scripture is what caused you to know that it was used to spark the interest in your heart for healing the sick.

thank you for sharing this verse and for sharing your story.

Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: Rito1980 on April 26, 2013, 06:20:42 PM
We have cures for cancer and AIDS but by the will of god we are not allowed to use them. All glory to god. :)
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: Dave in Tenn on April 26, 2013, 06:36:00 PM
The study of vision and how it is related to the brain is fascinating.  I have a color-vision deficiency, a lack of a certain receptor in the structure of my eyes.  Though I see color, I do not see the same colors that most people see, so I have an inkling of how all these things tie together.

Beyond that, we really DO 'see' with our brains.  There is so much work the brain does to interpret, decipher, and process what our eye's 'see'.  There is even a large "psychological" aspect (for lack of a more precise term) involved in 'sight'.  I think that ties in very well with what you are talking about.

Anyways, not to push you where you don't want to go, but the study of this/these phenomena might well turn out to be a 'specialty' down the road.  Regardless, it's very interesting to me and has enriched my Spiritual life as yes, I can pick up what you are laying down.   ;D

Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: Rene on April 26, 2013, 07:21:13 PM

you are such an awesome little brother in Christ.  i have enjoyed so much watching you grow in Christ before our eyes through the posts you have logged through the years.

I feel the same way about you, Alex, but don't let it go to your head! ;) :D

I know, you know, that if it is in God's plan for you to get into med school, you will do so.  Just speak from your heart.  I am confident God will lead you in the right direction.

Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 30, 2013, 06:56:26 PM
hi alex.  yes indeed our God works in mysterious ways.  i have been doing a study on the very same verse you quoted.  been trying to understand why some blind people received clear sight immediately after being healed by Jesus, and then this one where the blind man needed an additional touch of Jesus' hands to see clearly.  like when we, as blind to the Truths of the Scriptures, are given sight by the Holy Spirit to see and understand what we are seeing.  some see the Truths immediately and some need an extra "touch" of the Spirit to see and understand what they are seeing.

you are such an awesome little brother in Christ.  i have enjoyed so much watching you grow in Christ before our eyes through the posts you have logged through the years.

can you maybe start your personal statement with the Scripture reference itself, then go on to explain further what it was in the Scripture verse that caused you to desire to go into medicine?  the Scripture doesn't even mention God directly.  don't hold back on giving credit to this verse and how it planted the seed in your heart of wanting to be a physician.  it just blows my mind how the "world" is so afraid of bringing God into the picture or even using His name.  gotta stay "politically" correct i guess.  don't want to step on any toes.  but, if your personal statement could keep you out of a job because you mentioned this verse, then that is a feather in your cap as far as God the Father is concerned i think.  but i can understand your being hesitant to use the verse because of the ramifications it may bring.  stand strong in the faith your Creator gave you alex.  if you can only mention the word "faith" and not "God" then i guess go with that.  maybe say that your faith in the Author of this Scripture is what caused you to know that it was used to spark the interest in your heart for healing the sick.

thank you for sharing this verse and for sharing your story.


Thank you Claudia, for your very kind words! I'm trying but its not easy! I'm still very human and I make mistakes all the time. Mistakes i'm often times very ashamed of. The pulls of the flesh have not abated since the last time I wrote to you all in that struggle. There seems to be no end in sight and it is a great shame I carry with me. I struggle greatly within over that matter. I don't want to make this thread about that though, only to reassure you all that I understand my limitations and that all good things are from above (As rene exclaimed, we must always remain humble!).

It is most certainly curious that this is the only time we get such a perspective on the healing process but you know, it makes it all the more important because it shows us that God could have easily inspired this passage to be written like all the others, but He did not. He wanted us to be aware that there was more to it than just the snapping of the finger.

I've disguised this story in my personal statement to make it as non offensive as possible to whoever may be reading it and perhaps to even make it so if they are not very intuitive, that they may not even understand what I am speaking about but enough to understand how my curiosity for science and medicine began. I'm tempted to share my personal statement with you all but if I do, it will probably be in the private section of these forums as I don't want it to be some in the open. I do use the word faith and I feel very strongly led by God to not be ashamed of it nor Jesus and to speak the truth of how great an influence my Lord has had on my endeavors and continued strength in pursuing my hope. I'm going to try and figure out a way if possible to at least mention my Lord Jesus once so that credit is given where credit is do. We are all nothing without our Savior, it is because of Him that we even exist, let alone have come thus far so how can I not speak this truth?

The Lord makes all things possible. I'm praying for His guidance on this one, as I attempt to do in all things.

With love,
Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: acomplishedartis on May 01, 2013, 05:50:24 AM

take courage my friend.

I liked your post. It all has to start somewhere...

Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on May 03, 2013, 05:35:03 AM
Bless you Alex. Your posts are an encouragement to me and how you put God first in your life.

I too struggle with the pulls of the flesh in all sorts of areas of life, temptation seems to have it's ugly face around every corner.

How we need Him in the centre of our lives. A desperation that cries out of me daily.

Bless you my friend

Title: Re: The Words that would spark a flame in a little boy
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on May 06, 2013, 03:47:04 PM
Thank you Moises, and Rhys :)