=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: se7en on August 08, 2013, 01:40:53 AM

Title: Christian Music
Post by: se7en on August 08, 2013, 01:40:53 AM
I used to listen to christian music like KLOVE the radio station (christian radio station in the states) etc. all the time but ever since coming to the knowledge of the Truth.... I can't seem to listen to it anymore. The music or talks.

There are some really heartfelt songs out there... I mean, they will make you tear up and feel emotional but I just keep thinking... "What spirit are they coming from?"  I know all things are of God, but I can't join into that music like I used to. It feels "meh" to me. I keep thinking that songs like "what a mighty God we serve". are great lyrics but when I hear people sing it (on the radio), I can't stand it.

And I know it's not their fault. I love those guys, I really do, I recently not long ago came out of that, I understand and have compassion for them, but I just can't listen to the music anymore.

I still enjoy music like Sigur Ros (Icelandic band) and instrumental music. It helps me to meditate on God's word. But when I hear christian music, even if they are singing scripture, I can't seem to get into it.

Have you guys or are you guys going through something similar? Similar feelings toward christian music?

Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: Dave in Tenn on August 08, 2013, 01:51:59 AM
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: loretta on August 08, 2013, 02:55:56 AM
Me too.

Even more so, the children's music video that have these Sunday school kids bopping around singing, 'I asked Jesus into my heart, and I'm saved' or something like that.  Can't remember the lyrics, its been so long ago. 

You ask about the spirit, and I believe it is the key.  It's more the 'praise and worship' songs that I cannot listen to anymore.  Do they really know whom they're worshipping?  Is this really worship, as Ray also pointedly asked.  Christian music, like every other genre provides soulish pleasure, which is not bad in itself.  But once your spirit is filled, you don't need those emotional highs anymore.

I can't believe the change in myself. There was a time when I listened only to christian music all the time and everyone in the home/car were forced to listen as well!  I can imagine how they must have felt... :(
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: Addison on August 08, 2013, 06:38:28 PM
I can relate for sure.

I also really like some of Sigur Ros' music. Have you ever heard Jonsi's solo album? He is the singer of Sigur Ros if you didn't know. The song "go do" is really beautiful.

Music is pretty much my favorite form of worship and I listen to music all the time. The thing with music is that you can interpret it for yourself- so you don't be too concerned about the views of the artists themselves. For instance, I've been listening to Matisyahu a lot.He is an orthodox Jewish reggae/hip hop artist and I find his music empowers me and makes me yearn for God.

I understand the dilemma when it comes to music though- we want to listen to music that comes from a true spirit with true and meaningful lyrics, but it's hard to sympathize with music that we know comes from Babylonians. I believe God has showed me some really amazing and beautiful music. I'm actually convinced that some of the bands I listen to believe in Christian universal reconciliation. PM me if you might want to trade playlists!

Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: se7en on August 09, 2013, 11:35:17 AM
Thanks guys! Good to know that I'm not alone in this!

Addison, definitely :)  and I just listened to Jonsi's Go-Do, It's great!  On pandora I usually listen to the "sigure ros" station so anything that comes out of there is generally really good.

Sigur Ros
This Will Destroy You
God is an Astronaut

Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: lauriellen on August 18, 2013, 12:34:25 PM
same experience for me as well. :-\
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: microlink on August 18, 2013, 12:46:55 PM
Me too. Exactly the same feeling.
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: Dennis Vogel on August 18, 2013, 02:59:23 PM
In church they start out with fast music and work down to slow, emotional music designed to put you in an emotional mood.

People confuse the emotion with God's spirit. I've been emotional after good movies but I know it was the movie manipulating me and not something supernatural.

You go into a movie theater expecting to be manipulated, but in church I think people coat-check their common sense and surrender to the powers that be.
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: cjwood on August 18, 2013, 04:47:20 PM church I think people coat-check their common sense and surrender to the powers that be.

AMEN dennis. amen.

Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on August 18, 2013, 05:47:42 PM
I use to be worship leader in church and that's what we did with the fast songs first and it was very emotional but I did experience close times with God in the worship part that seemed very true to me. I felt though I was the only one getting to that place while every one else was waiting for the music to finished because they had enough of the music now. I had enough of it after a while as felt I was there to get closer to God at least in my thinking then and they were there to play church - keep out of hell stuff. I felt sometimes like my heart was in it but there's wasn't. It's like they are there for different reasons than I am there for so felt at odds with it all.

I far prefer know the truth that Ray mentioned because that brings me to a place of true worship which goes from deep inside to out instead of the emotional outside to in music which just entertains the senses and doesn't bring the true change unless you accept His truth.

Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: dodrill on August 18, 2013, 06:06:03 PM
Any way you cut it - on any subject you choose
we are emotional sentient beings - nothing strange about this
I enjoyed this link because it shows how dark/light human nature is and also how far we have come - every thought has a root - every principal has a power - and there are laws that govern our universe - first the physical; then the spiritual - think this is why I love what Ray brought to me - Spirit willing - I question why - and thank God for all who do - why in my lifetime - I only have to contend with corruption and misinterpretation - the earth is not flat and the church is not the building
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: se7en on August 19, 2013, 01:54:06 PM
Oooh, going to watch that when I get back home this evening. The first part looked interesting.
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: ez2u on September 09, 2013, 08:08:48 PM
hate to be entertain worshiping in praise and thanksgiving is so beautiful.  sometimes i believe my spirit is singing unto the Lord  i can hear it inside
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: ez2u on September 09, 2013, 08:10:58 PM
i don't like this entertainment  praise and thanksgiving is so wonderful  sometimes i can hear my spirit singing  inside to the Lord 
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: Felix on September 10, 2013, 08:37:29 PM
I used to sing the old hymn "Holy holy holy Lord God almighty God in three
persons perfect trinity.... And I thought what a great song. Now, I think as
Ray said "What a Crock"
Title: Re: Christian Music
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on September 11, 2013, 05:29:15 AM
I used to sing the old hymn "Holy holy holy Lord God almighty God in three
persons perfect trinity.... And I thought what a great song. Now, I think as
Ray said "What a Crock"

Oh no I use to sing that one too, some quick repentance may be needed.... ;D
