=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on August 01, 2006, 09:46:25 AM

Title: Preach Gospel
Post by: Craig on August 01, 2006, 09:46:25 AM
 I do a lot of math because I am in the electronics field. One thing we learned in math is that if a=b, b=c, then a=c. From you lake of fire series you used the verse that God is a consuming fire. We also know that God is Spirit. So if God is fire and God is spirit then the fire must be spirit so it is the lake of spirit, or divine fire. I like you series, but listening to a friend of mine during one of our discussions, he brought the purpose of the urgency of preaching the gospel of everyone was to be saved anyway. What are you thoughts or maybe you have covered this and I have just not found it on you website or FAQ.



Dear Michael:

I don't know of any "urgency" to preach the gospel?  It is being preached at the exact pace in which God wants it preached. It has not reached nearly all the people in the past, and it is not reaching nearly all of the people now.  Millions a year die who have never heard the gospel.

But there is coming a prophesied time in which the whole world will be covered with the Knowledge of God, and even those who died and never heard, WILL HEAR.

God be with you,
