=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: rick on February 19, 2014, 10:16:15 PM

Title: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: rick on February 19, 2014, 10:16:15 PM
This would of scared me at one time but after reading Ray’s papers I can only be thankful for having the truth.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on February 19, 2014, 11:14:01 PM
How do you watch more than 1 minute of this nonsense

Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: microlink on February 20, 2014, 12:04:05 AM
Yep, nonsense. Sad so many believe such lies. All is of God I have to remind myself.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Extol on February 20, 2014, 11:55:29 AM
How do you watch more than 1 minute of this nonsense


I made it to the three-minute mark, since he didn't start preaching until 2:18.  ;) ;)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Max on February 20, 2014, 02:10:38 PM
I didn't watch it at all. I just read a few comments, but I can only handle reading so much garbage. It's amazing to me how ET believers get so angry and defensive when someone mentions that there isn't an eternal hell and either resort to personal attacks or stating some cliche or out of context verse.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: rick on February 20, 2014, 07:36:01 PM
I watch about 10 minutes in disbelief , people are falling for such garbage and yet at the same time, I realize I was free from the false doctrine of hell after many years of believing such a thing.

I don’t feel I’m smarter or better than anyone of those people in the audience but I do feel blessed having the truth.

This guy was telling people that they will be homesick their first night in hell but what about all the pain being cause by the fire , how could one even think about home.......LOL

peace and love to all.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: loretta on February 21, 2014, 03:30:07 AM
Oooh. Jentezen Franklin used to be my favorite preacher. :)

Boy, does he cover everything and so much emotion! :)

Listening to him against the truth as Ray taught, makes you want to laugh. :)

How we believed such nonsense! :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: theophilus on February 21, 2014, 01:29:44 PM
I'm sorry guys but after watching this video in its entirety, I became thoroughly convinced of the existence of hell!!!  :o
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: indianabob on February 21, 2014, 02:26:22 PM
So then Theophilus, why are you here sharing with us who are not convinced?
Please explain yourself if you will. Inquiring minds want to know.

Your friend, Indiana Bob
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: microlink on February 21, 2014, 02:29:31 PM
I do not know for sure but I think Theo is just being funny, sarcastic, or any other word of teasing. Right or wrong?
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: rick on February 21, 2014, 08:22:38 PM
Well Theo, you better ask Jesus into your life because according to this guy you only have one chance to get saved, and you Theo must get saved in this you better not blow it.

It’s kinda funny because I was under the impression God does the saving but this guy says its up to you.

Just like Ray said, the most important decision in your life and you leave God out of it.....LOL

All I can say is the truth has set me free from fear of mans imaginary hell and all that goes along with it.

I’ll be praying for you Theo.......Good luck brother.  8)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: theophilus on February 21, 2014, 10:57:54 PM
Mikrolink link is correct brothers and sisters!!!  ;D I ain't never going back to where I came from, God willing. Blessings to you all.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: loretta on February 22, 2014, 12:52:49 AM
I'm sure IndianBob was also just teasing.  But can you imagine someone from Christendom reading this thread - they'd be so confused.  Now that would be funny! :)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: theophilus on February 22, 2014, 01:39:38 AM
I can imagine!!!
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: theophilus on February 22, 2014, 10:40:10 AM
Mikrolink link is correct brothers and sisters!!!  ;D I ain't never going back to where I came from, God willing. Blessings to you all.

I'm sorry Microlink that I butchered your forum name. I added a letter K and the word "link"!  :-[

I used to watch and like Mr. Franklin. Others were Jimmy Swaggart, Jack Van Impe (the guy who's memorized hundreds of scriptures) and his wife Rexella Van Impe, R.W. Schambach, John Hagee, Morris Cerullo, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Richard Roberts and Paula White. There's another preacher that I'm missing. Oh yes! Rod Parsley!

I remember that Jimmy Swaggart went to my country to preach many years ago.

I have to say all these people have a way with words. They are good at what they do! They are great manipulators of people. I guess their masters in divinity have paid off.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: rick on February 22, 2014, 11:24:27 AM
Hello Loretta, I notice Mr Franklin starts by speaking softly and ends up shouting the message with a loud voice, He has a way of working up ones emotions I suppose and looking at the size of his audience he must be very wealthy too.

I’m extremely thankful I can see through all of Christendom, you see, its not about God , its about the money. Yes, money is their god.

Not talking about the attendees of these pastors, preacher or priest , these are the one who pay for their mansion, jets, and cars and provide then with big bank accounts too.

Oh, when they ever learn? If they only knew more people will be saved after the resurrection than before the resurrection and that hell was a hoax all along.  ;)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 22, 2014, 02:56:08 PM (
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: acomplishedartis on February 22, 2014, 03:30:34 PM (

just, WOW...

You read about it and you can't believe it. You watch images and you can't merely believe it. Is like a bizarre real time true movie.

Good finding Dennis.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on February 22, 2014, 03:46:24 PM
Kenneth Copeland is a lovely man who always follows the scriptures...........For you have 4 planes and been faithful with them therefore I will give you 8 planes good and faithful servant  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: rick on February 22, 2014, 04:24:10 PM
Dennis, that link you gave really does prove its all about the money and not about God.
Like I read in and earlier reply, I have to remind myself its all of God even my being apart of the B.T. family.  :)  :)  :)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Abednego on February 22, 2014, 11:02:01 PM
I'm not sure I believe it is always about the money.  I know the love of money is an issue, and that is why we are warned about it.  But I'm not convinced that it's always the love of money.  I believe some of them are just deceived, albeit to a greater level than some.  I can believe that some of them really think they are doing the right thing and are deceived by all the scriptures that are used to preach the prosperity gospel.

That being said, it's a small minority I think, but I still don't lump them all in the same group. Deception is tough, and can't be overcome by their own power.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Max on February 23, 2014, 12:42:46 AM
Sickening video. I'm definitely sharing that on Facebook and Twitter. I've watched some of these guys on TBN and those other Christian channels, mostly just to make fun of them, but sometimes it angers me. There was one guy trying to sell this miracle water thing, and he said it was approved by Dr. Jesus  ::), and people were totally buying into it. Pretty pathetic.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: acomplishedartis on February 23, 2014, 04:52:16 AM
I'm not sure I believe it is always about the money.  I know the love of money is an issue, and that is why we are warned about it.  But I'm not convinced that it's always the love of money.  I believe some of them are just deceived, albeit to a greater level than some.  I can believe that some of them really think they are doing the right thing and are deceived by all the scriptures that are used to preach the prosperity gospel.

That being said, it's a small minority I think, but I still don't lump them all in the same group. Deception is tough, and can't be overcome by their own power.

If it's not just greed, then it's also vanity, and urge for temporal pleasures. Of course they are just deceived, BUT I believe that all these rich preachers KNOW (at least on the back of their heads) that something is NOT right, even so their conscious is almost completely cauterize. Truly these rich preachers are not as usual naive christians thinking that they do the right thing. Just for the grace of God I am not as blind as them, seriously. When I was a kid I wanted to be a preacher since my dad was a preacher. Then my dad died, I became religious church goer, and eventually some truths came to my path, since then I have been on a life spiritual roller coaster...

Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Rene on February 23, 2014, 10:50:41 AM
I'm not sure I believe it is always about the money.  I know the love of money is an issue, and that is why we are warned about it.  But I'm not convinced that it's always the love of money.  I believe some of them are just deceived, albeit to a greater level than some.  I can believe that some of them really think they are doing the right thing and are deceived by all the scriptures that are used to preach the prosperity gospel.

That being said, it's a small minority I think, but I still don't lump them all in the same group. Deception is tough, and can't be overcome by their own power.

I believe the deception is so great that some of these "prosperity ministers" actually believe that the more riches they acquire is a sign that their ministries are actually being "blessed" by God.

Although their behavior offends my spirit, I do, however, understand that they have a purpose in God's plan in this age.  For one thing, we can look at them and see that we are the ones truly "blessed" because we are no longer deceived by their deception. 8)

Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: microlink on February 23, 2014, 02:24:16 PM
So true Rene. Offends me as well. Just have to view it as part of God's purpose. As Paul said:

Php 1:15  Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:
Php 1:16  The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds:
Php 1:17  But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.
Php 1:18  What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

Try to rejoice.  ::)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Abednego on February 24, 2014, 02:31:15 PM
I believe the deception is so great that some of these "prosperity ministers" actually believe that the more riches they acquire is a sign that their ministries are actually being "blessed" by God.

Exactly.  Many of us have seen the videos of these ministers being questioned, but if you look you'll also see videos of the congregations being questioned as well.  Most of them stand behind the prosperity of their pastor for this very reason.

Now if some of them progress into ministry, of course they will still think the same way and make no excuses for the blessings that God bestows on them as well.

Although there are ministers today that know what they are doing, I believe there is a fair number that sat under this teaching before they started their own ministry.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: John from Kentucky on February 24, 2014, 03:11:48 PM
Make no mistake about it.

It's all about the money.  Show me any human work---religion, business, government, education---everything---they are all one thing----and I'll show you where the money is.

It's the golden rule.  He who has the gold, rules.  In this world, if you have money, then you're king of the world.  Without money, then you are nothing.

But, there is another Way coming.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: se7en on February 24, 2014, 03:59:17 PM
Moises you took the words right out of my mouth....

"just, WOW...

You read about it and you can't believe it. You watch images and you can't merely believe it. Is like a bizarre real time true movie"


Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: loretta on February 25, 2014, 02:46:21 AM (

Oh my gosh, you've got to see it to believe it!  I'd heard about such lavishness while in Christendom, but had brushed it away. I'd been suckered.  And I'm so ashamed to admit it. :(

Surely they've had their reward.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: acomplishedartis on February 25, 2014, 03:55:07 AM

I thought about giving a little change of direction to the conversation and ask, what other purposes do you guys

think that this deceived, pathetic, egocentric preachers have in God's plan... ?

Firsts purpose I can think about is to show us contrasts.

Another one is the necessary blindness of humankind for a while so that we realize that we are beasts and need salvation.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: rick on February 25, 2014, 09:28:12 AM
Hi Moises.

You bring out a couple of excellent points.

We know God said He would send them strong delusion, I believe that the timing is for all generations (was, is, and will be )

I believe the multitude of people are greatly deceived and being carried further away from Christ by these evangelist.

I heard some of these evangelist say that Christ became poor so we could become rich, also I heard them say by His stripes we were healed.

I’ve read these scriptures myself but they are clearly taking them out of context. You know, most of the world population lives in poverty, and in the U.S. most people live from week to week and others day to day.

This nonsense they hear gives them hope of maybe living or having a better way of life, being able to provide things their family needs. These preachers are not interested in preaching Christ but rather using Christ for their own personal monetary gain.

The sad thing that I see is there are people who die as a result, absolutely they die, when they say by His stripes you are healed they believe it, give a love offering, then stop taking their medication they need and death takes place.

Others loose even the little bit they have believing He became poor so we can become rich and all they need to do is sow their gift and receive back 100 fold and the deception just goes on and on.

I think on the other hand that most if not all the t.v. evangelist are in it for the money, they cannot possibly believe what they preach.? Can they    ???
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Abednego on February 25, 2014, 10:51:57 AM

I thought about giving a little change of direction to the conversation and ask, what other purposes do you guys

think that this deceived, pathetic, egocentric preachers have in God's plan... ?

Firsts purpose I can think about is to show us contrasts.

Another one is the necessary blindness of humankind for a while so that we realize that we are beasts and need salvation.

Also, to remind me where I came from and it gives God yet another opportunity to point out when I'm judging others.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: rick on February 25, 2014, 12:58:33 PM
Hi moises,

Some other thoughts also, judgement is on the house of God at this time, and when His judgements are in the earth then the inhabitants will learn righteousness.

what I’m thinking is that we are the house of God and its we who are being judge, so its we who are learning righteousness at this time and so all these things like deception and all other forms of evil are for our benefit to learn righteousness .

Clearly this process is teaching us to hate that which is evil giving us the contrast of good and evil, so we will know good and evil which will make us like God.
How else can we judge the world in righteousness ?
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: arion on February 26, 2014, 10:38:43 AM
I never watch Christian TV but the other day I happened across Daystar and what do you know but ole Binny Hinn [or Hinny Binn as I call him] was on.  He had a talk show going and was interviewing another Christian guy selling health products and a lot of what the guy said made sense as I've come to some of the same conclusions on certain things myself.  They mentioned the website and I took a gander at it and it was pretty much all multi level marketing with prices way the heck too high.  The products might be o.k. but the guy is obviously more concerned about money making then helping people to get healthy and to make a small profit.

I turned the TV off and went to work.  And then yesterday I turned the TV back on and it was still on Daystar.  And lo and behold Mr. Creflo Dollar was on [Just love that guys fitting, heh] and I was surprised that he wasn't talking about money but you know that things always have a way of getting back to that subject sooner or later.  Creflo was talking about the garden of Eden and how good we would have it if Eve didn't sin, ect ect ect.  Goes back into the same meme' that Adam and Eve screwed it up with their free will so on and so forth.

In the old days I would have to watch stuff like that for a long time in order to spot the error.  It all sounds so good and wholesome to the ears.  But these days I can spot the errors almost immediately.  Like Ray used to say when he picked up a Christian book or paper that he could see heresy usually on the first page but sometimes in the fist paragraph and once in a while in the first sentence. 

Obviously we're no better than the false teachers and they are necessary in the working out of God's plan.  And although it's not a scriptural analogy [because Christ paid the penalty for sin] the thought flashed into my mind of the old 'Mr. Goodwrench' commercials.  Remember those?  The punch line was always 'You can pay me now or pay me later'.  I'm glad for the desire to repent now of all these false beliefs and teachings.  In this age God shows us a little about ourselves at a time and we repent as he shows us these things.  Imagine standing before the Lord on that day thinking that your sins are forgiven you because you prayed a prayer at church, ect only to find out that you had not even begun to repent for the evil and wickedness inside of you.  I'd much rather see the evil and repent now thats for sure.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Dave in Tenn on February 26, 2014, 10:10:16 PM
Well put, Arion.

Moises, I think it's like this because this is the way God works.  He's got greater things in Mind for His Kindred, and He never intended for us to naked and ignorant in the garden forever.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: rick on February 26, 2014, 10:20:59 PM

Obviously we're no better than the false teachers and they are necessary in the working out of God's plan.

That statement to me is where its at, I find at this point in time, the only difference between those who God is calling now and those who He’s not calling in this age but will be calling in the next age is we who are called now understand that we are no better than anyone else.

Because I’m learning the truth of what I’ am who I ‘am and what I’ll be is the only difference. Does truth make a difference ? Yes in every way, without it, I would have not know the goodness of our creator in this age .  :)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Joel on February 26, 2014, 11:47:53 PM
During my early days I have been picked up and shaken until my last farthing fell out and bounced into the coffers of ill gotten gain. :(   I often gave and did it joyfully.
It is sickening to see proof of the excesses that today's clergy are enjoying at the expense of the poor and needy.

Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: loretta on February 27, 2014, 04:07:02 AM

I heard some of these evangelist say that Christ became poor so we could become rich, also I heard them say by His stripes we were healed.

I've heard it said that Christ wore purple robes, and purple was a color only the rich could afford.  Also that his robe was seamless, meaning costly, which was why the soldiers cast lots for it.  That if Christ was rich, there's nothing wrong if his followers are also rich.  This is the pinnacle of deception

But you're right, the only difference between them and us is that the truth has been revealed to us, so we can hate evil and love good.

Nice thread, guys.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Dennis Vogel on February 27, 2014, 09:45:34 AM
Here is an excellent bible study by Ray about these crooks: Study 6-01-08 Pt_1.mp3 ( Study 6-01-08 Pt_1.mp3) Study 6-01-08 Pt_2.mp3 ( Study 6-01-08 Pt_2.mp3)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: AwesomeSavior on February 27, 2014, 02:20:44 PM
I'd hate to be these prosperity preachers on Judgement Day. They are gonna reap the whirlwind…Nevertheless, glory to God  :)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: rick on February 27, 2014, 07:59:17 PM
Thanks Dennis for putting those links out there.

I like how Ray coined it when he said its not always about the money its only about the money.  :( Ray hit the nail right on the head .
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: theophilus on February 28, 2014, 12:40:59 PM
I have listened to both of them now. Thank you Dennis. Here's a link to a short video that shows that an apparent unification of evangelical and protestant churches have begun to take place:
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Abednego on February 28, 2014, 02:15:05 PM
I have listened to both of them now. Thank you Dennis. Here's a link to a short video that shows that an apparent unification of evangelical and protestant churches have begun to take place:

I can't believe I just saw that.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: theophilus on February 28, 2014, 02:24:11 PM
I have listened to both of them now. Thank you Dennis. Here's a link to a short video that shows that an apparent unification of evangelical and protestant churches have begun to take place:

I can't believe I just saw that.

What are your thoughts Abednego?
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: loretta on March 01, 2014, 04:08:37 AM

Matthew 7:16

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Abednego on March 02, 2014, 08:28:07 PM
I have listened to both of them now. Thank you Dennis. Here's a link to a short video that shows that an apparent unification of evangelical and protestant churches have begun to take place:

I can't believe I just saw that.

What are your thoughts Abednego?

Although I have seen other things that spin my head, I didn't really expect to see this in my lifetime.  I thought things would go this way, just didn't think I would ever see it.  You can see the progression, i.e. Protestant and Catholic churches recognizing each other's baptisms.  I can understand the Protestant position, but with the weight the Catholics put on baptism as a sacrament this is surprising.

Also, think about the WCC.  Right now the Catholic church does not belong, they only send observers.  It won't surprise me to see them join in the near future.

The kicker for me was a sermon I heard from Jesse Duplantis.  I was still knee deep in deception at the time.  I hadn't found this site yet, but I knew something was wrong and was shaky in my beliefs.

I heard JD talking about a Catholic nun he was watching talk on tv and he gave her some pretty high praise.  Then he came out with a statement that blew my socks off.  He said, "We're all going up the same mountain and all roads lead to the top.  As long as you stay on your road you'll get to the top".

All I could think was Jesus never spoke about all those roads JD seems to know about.  And Jesus didn't call it a road either.  We're to go through the strait gate which may better be referred to as a path.  The way that leads to destruction is a broad gate which may better be referred to as a ROAD.

So I guess I'm not surprised, but I sure am interested.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Dennis Vogel on March 02, 2014, 08:53:44 PM
A little out of context but I think it fits:

2Th 2:11  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Riddles on June 28, 2014, 12:16:27 AM

This guy was telling people that they will be homesick their first night in hell but what about all the pain being cause by the fire , how could one even think about home.......LOL

So this guy is claiming that hell has a night/day? Hilarious.

Not to worry, you won't get homesick after that first night (??) in hell, guys. Eternal torment is like college!

Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: theophilus on June 30, 2014, 12:50:29 AM
How do you watch more than 1 minute of this nonsense


By turning off your mic and trying to read his Mr. Franklin's lips! ;)
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: John from Kentucky on June 30, 2014, 02:45:05 PM

That's a cute little girl you're holding Dennis.  I assume it is your granddaughter?
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: Dennis Vogel on June 30, 2014, 04:09:36 PM
Yep, Amelia. 2 yrs 2 months old.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: cjwood on June 30, 2014, 05:04:33 PM
was thinking the same thing as jfk.  that's a cute little girl in your avatar pic.  will have to meet this child next time i'm in mobile.  grandaddy dennis   :)


p.s.  it is all about money and deception in the churches today.
p.s.s.  by His stripes we ARE healed.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: wat on June 30, 2014, 10:43:28 PM
Dennis has kind of an early president's look going on.


I'd vote for him.
Title: Re: They teach with such conviction but have not a clue.
Post by: cjwood on July 01, 2014, 01:48:06 AM
 :D :D :D

cracked me up there loc. 
