=> General Discussions => Topic started by: Nelson Boils on July 24, 2016, 03:35:55 AM

Title: Repentance and Guilty of all
Post by: Nelson Boils on July 24, 2016, 03:35:55 AM
From the transcript "Repentance and Guilty of all"

Ray said, "All through your life you learn to mature... learn to operate in society... learn to obey the laws of the higher powers and so on... stopping at stop signs... staying under the speed limit etc... You do all these things, which are admirable, we should do them. But there comes a time when you have to just stop 'doing good things' and repent of who and what you are. Then you will start to make real progress."

What does he mean by "..stop doing good things and repent of who and what you are?"
Title: Re: Repentance and Guilty of all
Post by: cheekie3 on July 24, 2016, 08:05:25 AM
Job -

From the transcript "Repentance and Guilty of all"

Ray said, "All through your life you learn to mature... learn to operate in society... learn to obey the laws of the higher powers and so on... stopping at stop signs... staying under the speed limit etc... You do all these things, which are admirable, we should do them. But there comes a time when you have to just stop 'doing good things' and repent of who and what you are. Then you will start to make real progress."

What does he mean by "..stop doing good things and repent of who and what you are?"

I am not sure what Ray meant.

Ray could have meant the following, because the first thing we are commanded by John The Baptist (representing The Old Covenant) and Jesus Christ (who is The New Covenant) is to repent:

When we come to a place where we question everything that is, and agree that we did not come from ourselves or by a mistake, we must first stop doing our own view of good works, repent to Him and ask for forgiveness and for His Truth that will set us free from bondage and deceit and lies.

Only then, by denying ourselves, can we see who and what we truly are In Him, and see others at what stage they are in, and we start to learn knowledge which when perfected becomes His Wisdom in us, and we then truly become part The Body of Christ doing His Great Works of Righteousness with Him (as He is our Head and we are part of His Body of Called Out Called Out Ones).

I have always asked why, and have probably annoyed a lot of men and women by my many questions, but how can we learn if we do not ask questions.

I still ask why, but now my requests are directly to Our Heavenly father through His Beloved Son and Our Master and Saviour.

I do not know if this is helpful, or not.

Job, I believe our job is to be living letters representing Him as stewards on the Earth, as others should be able to see by our motives, way of thinking, speech and actions that we are not of this world, but are here in this world being nurtured by Our Heavenly Father to be His Peace on Earth (as well as demonstrate His Love, Patience, Meekness, Kindness; Joy, and all His other characteristics and attributes).


Kind Regards.

Title: Re: Repentance and Guilty of all
Post by: Extol on July 24, 2016, 10:20:43 AM
Hi Job,

I believe he is referring to the fact that a lot of people think they are good, upright people Simply because they obey the laws of the land. I once knew a fellow who said "Good people don't go to church because they haven't got any sins to get rid of." He thought he was a good person and had it made , because he was a decent guy who didn't go around stealing and murdering.

I don't think Ray meant to literally stop doing good things...he meant we can't do ONLY good things. That's not enough. If that's all it took, this walk would be pretty easy. On the outside, I seem like a really good person. I smile a lot (don't let the picture fool you) , am very friendly and say hello to people I don't know. I'm modest, respectful , polite, extremely generous. If I wanted to, I could probably fool almost everybody into thinking that I really am this great person . But if I did that, that would be all the reward I would get (Matt. 6:2).

Thanks to what I have learned here, I know the real me, and what needs to be done to him. While it's still true that I'm friendly, polite, respectful and generous, I am filled with pride, lust and an untold number of foolish , fleshly vanities. It's not good enough to be respectful and generous and obey the law of the land...i need to overcome the beast within, and that's exceedingly difficult, as we all know. Going the speed limit and being generous are very easy by comparison. In fact, the more I hunger and thirst for righteousness, the more difficult it seems. I'm just so thankful that I don't have to be the one to overcome myself.... because i could never do it.
Title: Re: Repentance and Guilty of all
Post by: rick on July 24, 2016, 05:28:31 PM
Hi Job,

The question should be can a person do good things on their own ? Only good things come from God.

I agree with extol , I don't believe Ray is saying to purposely do wrong. If a person does right that's a good thing but what's the motive of their heart ?

Scripture says the heart is deceitful above all thing , people may give the appearance of doing good but there good is not really done from a good heart.

To give and examples let's say a man sees a feeble old women looking to cross a busy street and he helps her and makes sure she gets across the street safely , one cannot deny he did a good thing right.

What was the motive of his heart ? Was he concerned she would of been hit by a car ? If that's the case then that would of bothered his conscious , so you see he helped her for his own sake.

Now if the spirit prompts the man to help the women then he's  not helping her for his sake but is doing so under the influence of the Holy Spirit .

The women is being help either way but not by the same motive.

Think about this Job, if God is sovereign and man does not have free will and man cannot make an uncause choice then man or women cannot do whatever they want but those who believe they have free will believe they can do whatever they want but these people are deceived and one day either here and now or there and then learn they do not have free will.

Everything about us is wrong and only God can change us, you ride down the street doing 60 in a 30 mile zone and get pulled over and get a ticket and so you learn to not do 60 in a 30 because of the fine you received but you know you still want to do 60 you just can't afford to keep getting a fine.

But we must learn to do right and I'm convinced only God can teach us because our hearts are wicked and deceitful above all things and who can know it ?

God bless.

Title: Re: Repentance and Guilty of all
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on July 24, 2016, 06:31:21 PM
Jesus said your righteousness has to exceed that of the pharisees to enter the kingdom of heaven and the pharisee's obeyed all the laws of the OT.

Paul said that when it came to the law he was blameless and yet despite that he could breath slaughter against the church of God.

Paul said he would not have known sin except the law had said, 'thou shalt not covet.'

Indeed its the heart of man that's the problem. The pharisees were outwardly beautiful but inside they were full of dead men's bones. It was their hearts that was the problem and God can see and try the heart. So you may appear outwardly good to carnal man but to God who see's the heart and knows your very thoughts (and the lusts that others cannot outwardly see) knows that man in his current condition cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. It is only by God's divine influence upon our hearts that we can be renewed and made new again in the hands of The Potter.

Revelation is that man himself is the beast. Until you see yourself as the beast of revelation you will make little progress in your spiritual walk. All good comes from God and our own works are but filthy rags. Jesus said you will know them by their fruits and to bring forth fruits worthy of repentance.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

But God who has began the work in us will also finish it.

Therefor we who do believe have entered into rest. And again, "'wait for me,' says the Lord."

Blessed are all they that wait for Him.

God bless,