=> General Discussions => Topic started by: Musterseed on January 23, 2017, 06:10:32 PM

Title: WOW
Post by: Musterseed on January 23, 2017, 06:10:32 PM
As I write, I am shaking. I experienced today something you have all talked about. Babylon.
I went to visit my friend today who has fourth stadge breast cancer. So sad, she looks like a
Holocost survivor, so frail. I love her and although we were able to have a few laughs and talk about friends and family, I really wanted to quell her free of dying which she has every right to do
because she doesn't know the truth. Out of love for her , I decided to tell her about God raising the dead, salvation for all, how God will leave no one behind. She said" how do you know"? I said
It's written in your Bible, it's scripture, God's word. God's promise." I naively thought she would
Ask me to read it to her..... She is a Baptist, hell believing , tither. I did not know this. She never spoke about this in the four years I have known her. She just said she believed in God. ...Well...
the beast arises even from the sick and dying. She went up one side of me and down the other, emediately I thought of the many warnings, I read here, do not throw your pearls. I was devastated, she say exactly what I have read in Rays papers, "well if God is going to save all, why can't we all just sin? Your bible is not like mine, everyone interprets differently, etc, etc. And
I could not believe my ears when she said" I hate the Catholics", I told her God says we must love our enemies ,I felt so bad because here is my friend possibly going to die soon and I upset her. I feel terrible. Right away I called to Jesus and told Him I was sorry and help me. I apologized to Beverly, kissed her and changed the subject.
Thank God the VON nurse and her husband came, I just wanted to leave.
I felt like dung, walking home, how could I do such a thing?😞 I was ashamed.As soon as I got home, I went to BT
General Dicussions, clicked on a random number and this thread.

Ninny.  Re. Wow.  July 10, 2009.  About Ray getting better

Someone had a post Philippians 1:15...  "Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will.
Vs. 16...The latter do it out of Love knowing that I am put here, for the defence of th Gospel.
Thankyou Jesus. Lesson learned. I'll never do that again unless I am asked directly. I am much calmer now, Thank the Lord.He is so good. I do not like Babylon. Thanks to all here on this forum,
It is a soft place to fall. I hope I planted an itty bitty seed today. God Bless You all 🙏🏼 Pamela

Title: Re: WOW
Post by: lostANDfound on January 23, 2017, 07:31:49 PM
Sorry to hear that went so poorly. Why do we have to learn these things the hard way, hey? 
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: octoberose on January 23, 2017, 10:42:56 PM
You didn't do anything wrong at all. Not everyone reacts the way your friend did. Some are quiet or questioning or even grateful. Some just say they don't see it that way. But not everyone goes off on their friend like that.   You stepped out in faith and your intentions were only good. And when she does die and her next sight is the Great White Throne, she may just be saying " Oh My Goodness, she was right! "
  How were you to know she would act like 'swine'? Now, that you know, you won't pursue it but I think we make a mistake by not speaking up.
  God will work this out and will show your friend the hardness of her heart. And God will bless you for your faith. 
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: indianabob on January 23, 2017, 11:15:44 PM
Hi Pamela,

So sorry to learn of your difficult experience with your friend.
A scripture comes to mind.

Heb 12:11  Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

So please be patient with yourself, God knows our hearts and this experience will lead to righteousness.
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: Musterseed on January 23, 2017, 11:54:54 PM
Thanks so much guys. God said to love our enemies.I really want to obey
Our Lord. I remember Ray said in one of his papers that God Loves us for who we will be and not who we are now. I am inspired to Love all  humanity as a whole for what it will be, not what it is now. I believe it is easier that way, for me. God taught and chastened me today. I thank My Lord
God for His Love and understanding and to you also. 🙏🏼God Bless You

I truly in my heart feel very sad for those, who cannot right now  experience this amazing Love.
 My God, how Blessed we are.🙏🏼    Pamela
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: cheekie3 on January 24, 2017, 04:57:52 AM
Pamela -

Thank you for sharing this with us:

As I write, I am shaking. I experienced today something you have all talked about. Babylon.
I went to visit my friend today who has fourth stadge breast cancer. So sad, she looks like a
Holocost survivor, so frail. I love her and although we were able to have a few laughs and talk about friends and family, I really wanted to quell her free of dying which she has every right to do
because she doesn't know the truth. Out of love for her , I decided to tell her about God raising the dead, salvation for all, how God will leave no one behind. She said" how do you know"? I said
It's written in your Bible, it's scripture, God's word. God's promise." I naively thought she would
Ask me to read it to her..... She is a Baptist, hell believing , tither. I did not know this. She never spoke about this in the four years I have known her. She just said she believed in God. ...Well...
the beast arises even from the sick and dying. She went up one side of me and down the other, emediately I thought of the many warnings, I read here, do not throw your pearls. I was devastated, she say exactly what I have read in Rays papers, "well if God is going to save all, why can't we all just sin? Your bible is not like mine, everyone interprets differently, etc, etc. And
I could not believe my ears when she said" I hate the Catholics", I told her God says we must love our enemies ,I felt so bad because here is my friend possibly going to die soon and I upset her. I feel terrible. Right away I called to Jesus and told Him I was sorry and help me. I apologized to Beverly, kissed her and changed the subject.
Thank God the VON nurse and her husband came, I just wanted to leave.
I felt like dung, walking home, how could I do such a thing?😞 I was ashamed.As soon as I got home, I went to BT
General Dicussions, clicked on a random number and this thread.

Ninny.  Re. Wow.  July 10, 2009.  About Ray getting better

Someone had a post Philippians 1:15...  "Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will.
Vs. 16...The latter do it out of Love knowing that I am put here, for the defence of th Gospel.
Thankyou Jesus. Lesson learned. I'll never do that again unless I am asked directly. I am much calmer now, Thank the Lord.He is so good. I do not like Babylon. Thanks to all here on this forum,
It is a soft place to fall. I hope I planted an itty bitty seed today. God Bless You all 🙏🏼 Pamela

You did exactly what He intended you to do.

Your motives were pure.

Truth is Truth.

Your friend appears to have a lot of unforgiveness in her that has led to bitterness and hatred.

He judges the intents of our hearts.

Pamela, you are Guilty as Charged in Fact - you told The Truth to your friend.

I know what it is to be treated like this by colleagues, friends and family.

The pain will go away, and you must only feel guilty or bad if you have done something wrong.

Only He can Reveal The Truth of this incident to you, Pamela.

Warmest Regards.


Title: Re: WOW
Post by: Musterseed on January 24, 2017, 11:27:50 AM
Thankyou for your response and kindness George.
I continue my humble journey and every hour of every day is a struggle of learning to endure.
Sometimes I forget that I have a suit of armour. This is another day, one more closer to the Lord
And another adventure.
🙏🏼 God Bless You George.  Pamela
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: Porter on January 24, 2017, 12:34:09 PM

1Co 12:29  Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
1Co 12:30  Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?
1Co 12:31  But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

Maybe part of the lesson is in learning "a more excellent way" to show the truth. If I share my knowledge and don't have love, it's worthless.

1Co 13:1  If I speak the languages of men and of angels, but do not have love, I am a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
1Co 13:2  If I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
1Co 13:3  And if I donate all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
1Co 13:4  Love is patient; love is kind. Love does not envy; is not boastful; is not conceited;
1Co 13:5  does not act improperly; is not selfish; is not provoked; does not keep a record of wrongs;
1Co 13:6  finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth;
1Co 13:7  bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

We know that the best way to show our love is by doing things for people, and sacrificing ourselves in some way. Like Jesus who said there is no greater love then to lay  down your life for your friends; And then He did the ultimate deed as we all know. We don't have to literally die to show our love, but we can put our personal needs and wants aside for the betterment of someone else.

So I think sharing our knowledge is ok, but it's nothing compared to showing our love through good deeds done out of love; that is the more excellent way.

1Jn 3:18  My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Thanks Pamela, your post caused me to remember what I've learned here, which in turn caused me to gain a better understanding through this little study I was inspired to share.

 You can still show your friend you love her Pamela in a way that may be more beneficial to her. May God grant us all a love such as He has.
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: cheekie3 on January 24, 2017, 05:20:42 PM
Mr Dear Pamela -

We must never forget that all our emotions, thoughts, pain, suffering, hurt, feelings, are not physical:

Thankyou for your response and kindness George.
I continue my humble journey and every hour of every day is a struggle of learning to endure.
Sometimes I forget that I have a suit of armour. This is another day, one more closer to the Lord
And another adventure.
🙏🏼 God Bless You George.  Pamela

He puts us through His Consuming Fire, from time to time, and He does not let us have a way out - as He has determined that we must walk and suffer through these trials.

He is building up your character to be like His, Pamela.

Perhaps, you should search out your heart's intent in that situation, and see it for what it is.

The desire to do Right and please Him, was put there by Him, and Him alone.

I feel alone, totally alone, at times like these, and I suffer so, but we all know that He will never leave His Elect nor forsake them.

Perhaps, you should now gently place your yoke and burdens on Him, and let go - and wait patiently for Him to gently guide you into The Truth of this matter.

Warmest Regards.


Title: Re: WOW
Post by: indianabob on January 24, 2017, 11:48:36 PM
Well said George and helpful

Thanks for sharing, Indiana Bob
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: Musterseed on January 25, 2017, 12:26:57 AM
Ah my friend George, I understand the loneliness and suffering and the building of Character is all part of our walk with the Lord and I'm loving this journey. My faith grows stronger every day. My days and nights are filled with talking to the Lord about everything, I think sometimes He might say" My child, will you be still a little While". I think about Him even when I am talking to others,
And as soon as I wake in the morning, I say " good morning Lord, thank you for another day to tell you how much I Love you, and it begins. I watch very little TV but I love music, so, sometimes we dance. Reading has always been my favourite thing to do, I used to read many different books and magazines. Unimportant stuff. Now I only read scripture and BT. I pray and have my cries of anguish every night, every night. Then, He gives me peace and my mind goes to the same place
It has been going for the past year. To the ocean. Every time I am with the Lord in my mind, I am
About five years old. I recognize myself, dark curly hair, big round eyes, I am wearing a little white dress and I am barefoot. Jesus and I are sitting on a big log, my feet don't Even touch the sand.
I take His big hand in my two little hands and I see the bob boo on His hand. I kiss it and hold His hand to my cheek and look up at Him. I cannot see His face but I can feel His smile. Then we go skip rocks, I tell Him "look Lord, five skips and He says " I only got three" , I know He's letting me win. He picks up a rock and puts it in my hand, it's that little white stone, and He says" put that in your pocket for later."He starts walking ahead of me up the sand dunes and I try to keep up.
I put my little foot prints in His big ones, but it's tiring and I fall down sometimes so I call Out to Him, Jesus, Jesus, He turns, goes down on one knee and I run, He grabs me and picks me up,
I wrap my arms around His neck so tight and say to Him, " please don't ever leave me" and I kiss His cheek. He carries me up over the sand dunes and we disappear. This is my comforter
every  night. Lately my little sister has been showing up on the beach, she is two in my dreams and sick so I take her by the hand and guide her to Jesus, my sister was born with polio. My dream ends now with my baby sister sitting on Jesus lap, I feel happy about that.
I know the trials and tribulations can be fierce, I know I will be chastised, I know I will be hurt and
He gave me armour for those times, I just have to remember to take it out of the closet and put it on and keep it on, but I take it off when I go to the ocean. I don't think God wants me to be sad
All the time, He says rejoice, don't worry about anything, that's really hard to do, but I'm giving it my all. George, come on now, cheer up, our Father is a King, I say that out loud all the time.
I have to tell you something funny, my husband and I were painting tonight and he mentioned
How the world was changing for the worse, I said" don't worry about it, God is in charge".
He said " Well He's not doing a very good job", and as soon as it came out of his mouth, the
Power went out and it went pitch black for about two seconds and came right back on, haha, I said
Thankyou Jesus and my husband just walked away shaking his head. Serves him right, talking about God like that. Anyway , as you can tell, I am in one of my talking moods tonight, consider yourself lucky, My Lord God puts up with this while trying to teach me. I think there was a reason
 The nuns wouldn't let me go to church with the rest of the class. God Bless Gods children everywhere as He tucks them in every night. 🙏🏼 Pamela
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: Dave in Tenn on January 25, 2017, 04:16:07 AM
Joh 3:18  ...he who is not believing hath been judged already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

So, what is this "judgement"?
Joh 3:19  `And this is the judgment, that the light hath come to the world, and men did love the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil.

So, what is this "evil"?

It's an adjective that describes the works.

From Thayers dictionary, edited.

Thayer Definition:
1) full of labours, annoyances, hardships
1a) pressed and harassed by labours
1b) bringing toils, annoyances, perils; causing pain and trouble

She turned your word aside because she prefers her "darkness".  She wouldn't even know it was darkness, but her words condemn her.  You can't hate and love God at the same time.

Thanks be to God, however, because Joh 3:17  ...God does not dispatch His Son into the world that He should be judging the world, but that the world may be saved through Him."  If you believe He did and He will, then you believe on His name.

Title: Re: WOW
Post by: Musterseed on January 25, 2017, 08:39:43 PM
Thanks everyone for your advise. George, my friend  Beverly was given away by her father to an orphanage
When she was just a little girl, abused and unloved and then thrown out at 18.
She then married a man who beat her, put guns to her head , took her and her children out on dark highways and left them there plus unspeakable things, so yes unfortunately she is bitter, but you know what
When that man was dying she went to the hospital and forgave him. Porter, thank you for the scriptures on Love. My friend , Beverly, prefers to be in her house at this time now and
I help her husband who is 80, take care of her, doing housework, her feet, feedings, taking her out for fresh air, praying with her and so on,,I do not know how much more beneficial I can show her my love, but I am open to advise. I have watched many of my loved ones wither away to death
It was very difficult not knowing the truth at that time. I feel settled in my heart now, knowing
I made an honest effort of truth out of desperation to someone I love who is desperate to cling to the only belief she knows, so thanks to God and a fellowship friend, I am humbled by the whole experience. Today I got a call from my baby sister, the little one with polio in my dreams,
She has been suiscidal all her life, and today she wanted to know about God. We spoke for over an hour and by the end of our conversation she was laughing. She wants to know more. Great is Our God. Thankyou all for being gentle, this is not easy.🙏🏼God Bless You
PS.  Thankyou Dave
im a believer

Title: Re: WOW
Post by: cheekie3 on January 26, 2017, 04:39:30 AM
Pamela -

Thank you for sharing this with us:

Thanks everyone for your advise. George, my friend  Beverly was given away by her father to an orphanage
When she was just a little girl, abused and unloved and then thrown out at 18.
She then married a man who beat her, put guns to her head , took her and her children out on dark highways and left them there plus unspeakable things, so yes unfortunately she is bitter, but you know what
When that man was dying she went to the hospital and forgave him. Porter, thank you for the scriptures on Love. My friend , Beverly, prefers to be in her house at this time now and
I help her husband who is 80, take care of her, doing housework, her feet, feedings, taking her out for fresh air, praying with her and so on,,I do not know how much more beneficial I can show her my love, but I am open to advise. I have watched many of my loved ones wither away to death
It was very difficult not knowing the truth at that time. I feel settled in my heart now, knowing
I made an honest effort of truth out of desperation to someone I love who is desperate to cling to the only belief she knows, so thanks to God and a fellowship friend, I am humbled by the whole experience. Today I got a call from my baby sister, the little one with polio in my dreams,
She has been suiscidal all her life, and today she wanted to know about God. We spoke for over an hour and by the end of our conversation she was laughing. She wants to know more. Great is Our God. Thankyou all for being gentle, this is not easy.🙏🏼God Bless You
PS.  Thankyou Dave
im a believer

Your friend Beverley has had a rough life.

Her forgiveness of her abusive husband is an act of love.

I am sure that all on this Forum will be praying for your friend Beverley.

It is good that you laughed with your sister.

There is a lot going on in the world that we do not really fully understand.

It is good to know that He is The Saviour of All; and that death is not the end of life.

It is better to give than to receive; and He came to serve - and Commands us All to serve as He served others.

I recollect that Daniel waited three (3) weeks for an answer to his prayers - and although we are Commanded to pray that His Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven, I at times of pressing despair wish that prayers were answered more pressingly - as His Elect have His Spirit guiding them to pray correctly.

Warmest Regards.

Title: Re: WOW
Post by: Porter on January 26, 2017, 11:45:39 AM
Good to hear Pamela. You're doing the best you can and sooner or later it will pay off, I just know it. :)

Mat_5:16  In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

1Pe 2:12  Conduct yourselves honorably among the Gentiles, so that in a case where they speak against you as those who do evil, they may, by observing your good works, glorify God in a day of visitation.
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: Musterseed on January 26, 2017, 06:25:12 PM
Hello everyone,
Hope you are all well. So the Lord inspired me to read Winning souls for Jesus, right after I posted
Last night.
"YE are the salt of the earth... YE are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid
let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and Glorify your Father which is in Heaven.

Neither light or salt make any sound whatsoever. ... Ray
" All is of God "
Ray... It is not wrong to tell others of your knowledge of God and His word, however it is not your responsibility to get people saved. Only God can do that.
I went for a long walk in the woods today, I love nature. Normally I would listen to music, but today was one of silence and meditation. I reflected on all the advise and scriptures you were all so generous with and realized what wonders were in my life. I was laughing and crying at the same time and saying" Thankyou Jesus, You are so good to me." With everything you all were teaching me, Truth, Love, compassion, patience, intent of heart, and faith and with Rays teaching of winning souls, I feel armed with enough knowledge now to know what to do when and if this situation happens again, so Thankyou all very much from my Heart. So I decided to listen to my music and
The song that played was Be Still by the Fray, it is on You tube and I would love to share it with you but unfortunately I am not tech savy. Anyway I was not paying attention and decided to cross the busy road without looking. Thank God I didn't get hit, it was close to home and all I could think was , if I had gotten hit , my husband would have seen the paramedics and run to see what happened, my body would be laying there on the ground, my headphones on the the song that I was listening to at the time......... Just a closer walk with Thee......Ha,Ha, I can see the headlines now. After the trial, God makes me laugh.   🙏🏼    God Bless You All.    Pamela.
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: indianabob on January 27, 2017, 01:41:58 AM
Hi again dear Pamela,

I get a lot from your messages and today I noticed another point to think upon.
In my former days, even having some truth, I made a chore out of kneeling to pray and being careful to make my words appropriate and sincere.
In more recent times, like you apparently, I just stop what I am doing and start talking to God/Christ as I pace around the house or move from chair to couch or the front porch and this often happens while I'm watching TV or writing on the keyboard.
It is as if Lord Jesus is following me around the house and giving me thoughts as I speak out loud.
The problem is that my wife, who often naps during the day, may overhear me and come into the room to ask "who were you talking to..."  ::)
So then I try to speak a little more softly, but it is the way I feel that God communicates with most of his little children, children from 8 to 80 years young.

Thanks for sharing your most personal experiences. It is helpful.

Indiana bob
Title: Re: WOW
Post by: Dave in Tenn on January 27, 2017, 01:58:49 AM
Sounds a little like me on the way home from the Nashville Conference in 2008, and very much like the night I first read and believed the truths Ray shared in the letters to Hagee and Kennedy.  I confess it isn't like that with me all the time.  But when it's "the time", it's always like that.