=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: Musterseed on October 27, 2021, 05:03:26 PM

Title: Prayer Request
Post by: Musterseed on October 27, 2021, 05:03:26 PM
Hello all. May God Bless You All

I got a text from our daughter this morning asking for $5000.00. They are behind on all their
bills and everything will be cut off. Over the last seven years we have given them all our savings,
bought them a used car, furniture, clothes, airline tickets and much more. We do not have any more
savings and would have to borrow money to give them. They are draining us dry.
We would give everything We have to care for our grandchildren and actually we have even offered
our daughter our house. They used to have really good jobs and a home in Yellowknife but gave it
all up so our son in law could follow his dreams. His dream was to take photos of half nude and
some full nude women. He even got caught fornicating with one while our daughter was pregnant
with the twins and our daughter stayed with him anyway and to this very day, that’s how he makes
money, that and doing photography for the UFC. He brings them in to their downstairs and does photos.
Our fear is that if he becomes desperate enough he may take photos of the twins and put them on the net for money. I do not trust him and I don’t know why my daughter is going along with him. He has cheated on her twice that we know of. This man is the most selfish person I have ever known.
Even when they had barely any food and ate the leftovers from the kids plates , he convinced my
daughter to get a big dog and a cat and now a hamster. I once saw him punch their cat in the face.
I told him he was evil. He once kissed me on the lips and slapped my behind and can’t tolerate him
any more. I know we are to love ( agape) all people but I do not love him , I have tried.
This whole situation is putting a lot of strain on my husband , he is a kind man but he is very angry.
He is not a believer and today we had a big argument. I know Gods will will be done in this matter and He will do according to His Will not ours. I know whatever happens will be Gods will but my
poor husband is at his wits end and says he will not give them any more money. We live on pension
and he is not well. He has been waiting for a new hip for three years. I feel so sad for him.
I know scripture says we are to help our family and we have been for years but are we to continue to do this until we are homeless ourselves.? I remember Ray saying that Paul was so kind that he was taken advantage of ,and I know everything
is God’s. I am confident that God Will sort all of this out either way . I am distraught however not being able to talk to my husband about Gods will. He gets very edgy when I speak about God.
I am aware that this is a trial a test , another one of many. Thinking of my children of being homeless
or worse exploited is very unverving. We have always trie to help our son in law and told him
we love him but today I’m thinking it’s time to call a spade a spade. Enough is enough.
Please pray for us.
Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by: Dennis Vogel on October 27, 2021, 05:39:48 PM
I suggest you do not borrow any money. It will disappear down the same rabbit whole and you may end up homeless.

I suggest you tell them the grandchildren can come stay with you but they will have to fend for themselves. There's a place where helping ends and enabling begins which does them harm, IMO.

About your husband. Rays says to just leave him alone when it comes to what you believe. You have this forum which is better than nothing.
Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by: Musterseed on October 27, 2021, 10:43:14 PM
Thankyou Dennis
My husband will not send any more money except for food. They had been spending money
on video games but no food in the fridge. 😢Our daughter is full of fear now but I told her she
has a warm bed and food here with us if she wants to come. We had been warning them that this
day was coming that we could not support two families any more and you are right Dennis, about
the enabling. We were not really helping them , just putting bandaids on a festering wound.Her
husband talked her into taking out her pension money in 2014, $ 250,000. It was all gone in less than
a year and not a thing to show for it. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. It’s humbling.

God’s will be done
In Christ , Pamela

I am so grateful for this forum
Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by: AwesomeSavior on October 29, 2021, 01:56:05 PM

Remember when Jesus overturned the money changer's tables and called them out for being a "den of thieves"? (Matthew 21:13 and Mark 11:17 and Luke 19:46)

He also rebuked the Pharisees that they "devoured widow's houses" (Matthew 23:14 and Mark 12:40 and Luke 20:47).

Paul was also angry with the Corinthians for their fornication (1 Corinthians 5:1 and 2 Corinthians 12:21).

My point is don't be afraid to put your foot down in righteous anger at all this perversion and wickedness with your son-in-law.

I will pray for divine protection and guidance for you and your husband, and feel free to join.

Big things will be coming, in more ways than one.


Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by: Musterseed on October 29, 2021, 04:18:57 PM
Thank you so much Dean.
I actually was reading the Synogoge of Satan this morning and read
1 Tim. 1:20 and 1 Cor. :5:5

Ray wrote, quote,
“Paul used Satan for the destruction of the flesh of the fornicator in Corinth,
just as God Himself used Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may
be saved in the Day of the Lord Jesus. God used Satan on Job also.
We’re these not beneficial purposes for which Paul used Satan ? Is not Satan
still alive and well on planet Earth?  Do you doubt that God’s true servants can
yet turn blasphemers over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh? “ unquote.

Me….”. WHAT ? 😮”
Would someone like to explain this please.

Dean, you said, not to be afraid to put my foot down in righteous anger. I needed to hear that
cause when I get angry I feel like I am not doing right. But it is righteous anger , this anger I feel.
This man has been taking advantage of us for seven years and hurting our whole family.
Today we learned that he has been using our oldest grandsons phone and put seven hundred
dollars on it. Our grandson is the apple of our eye . He is 18 years older than the twins and has never
asked for anything, he works hard for little money and tries to help his mom as much as possible.
This breaks our heart that he is also taken advantage of. 😢
This sounds like. Luke 12:51-53

Again Thank you Dean for your prayers. May God Bless You .
In Christ Pamela
Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by: AwesomeSavior on October 30, 2021, 11:40:10 AM

Interesting quote that you posted from Ray regarding the purposes of Satan.

Judging by every disgusting act committed by your son-in-law, there is a real possibility that something else is occurring here.

Even Paul dealt with one who was proclaiming the truth (Acts 16:16-18).

Regardless if that is the case, we have ALL authority in Jesus' name. Greater is He who is in you...

And... your husband will appreciate your righteous anger as vindication for his own anger at all this filthiness.


Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by: Wanda on October 31, 2021, 05:51:51 PM

Ray wrote, quote,
“Paul used Satan for the destruction of the flesh of the fornicator in Corinth,
just as God Himself used Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may
be saved in the Day of the Lord Jesus. God used Satan on Job also.
We’re these not beneficial purposes for which Paul used Satan ? Is not Satan
still alive and well on planet Earth?  Do you doubt that God’s true servants can
yet turn blasphemers over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh? “ unquote.

Me….”. WHAT ? 😮”
Would someone like to explain this please.

1 Corinthians 5:1–13

Sexual Immorality had defiled the Church and Paul advised them to remove such ones from among them if they did not listen to reason,  and turn away from their sinful actions.

11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.

By removing such ones  from association, Satan was permitted to intensify his attacks on him, which caused him to repent of his sin (2 Corinthians

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by: Wendy on October 31, 2021, 08:36:42 PM
Dear Pamela .

Prayers that God helps you through all this .sorry to hear of your troubles family troubles are the toughest .

God bless,
Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by: Musterseed on October 31, 2021, 08:46:03 PM
Thank you Wanda and Wendy. I am very grateful for this family right here on BT.

I thank God for you all.

In Christ , Pamela