=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Anjel Uriel on September 22, 2022, 08:23:49 PM

Title: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: Anjel Uriel on September 22, 2022, 08:23:49 PM
Hey brothers and sisters. As I said in my previous post, a hurricane hit the island of Puerto Rico. It was a category 1 if I’m not mistaken, thankfully it wasn’t as bad as the last hurricane that came through here which was a category 5 called Maria. I didn’t experience Maria because at the time I lived in Florida. However, I’m living right now in Puerto Rico and experienced Fiona. Power went out the day of hurricane and water was out too. I’m blessed because I’m okay and no one in my family suffered any harm. Water returned 2 days ago and power today during the morning.

I thank our God and Lord that my family installed solar batteries after Maria so I was never in the dark. Because they’re not the most powerful batteries, I couldn’t use the microwave or the AC so that was a bit annoying but nothing of much importance really, our stove is gas powered so we were fed well. Temperature reached 104 degrees, but I could always go to the roof to get fresh air so nothing to worry about.

Again, I reiterate that I’m blessed because I live in the north in the metropolitan area, near the capital, so we were given priority when the power was being fixed. I have recovered power, water and internet (our internet provider headquarters were affected but now they’ve fixed it).

Nevertheless, people are in need, especially in the south, a lot of them haven’t recovered from Maria and because it’s a mostly rural area, it’s almost as if they’ve been discarded by the government. In Maria they had to wait for the US (since PR is a part of the USA) to help and if I’m not mistaken, when financial help finally arrived, corrupt politicians stole a lot of the money so thousands died and many more are still in need, so this hurricane was like a kick while they were down.

Please pray for those people, not for me, because God knows that He has protected, comforted and blessed me in ways I can’t even describe and He has restored my household to its pre hurricane state in a question of days. So please pray for those in need, especially in the south, for God to comfort and blessed them as He has done for me.

Despite all this, I’m at peace. I know that all this happened because God purposed it and that it’s all a part of His Plan. Brothers and Sisters, all your words in my previous posts were a source of comfort and strength during this time. I wasn’t worried about the hurricane but about my spiritual state regarding my struggle with sin. However, you all were instruments of God to uplift my spirit and dare I say I would have been moved to tears if I wasn’t filled with joy for all that God has done for me. Thank you for all and God Bless you.
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: ralph on September 22, 2022, 11:23:49 PM
Glad to hear you are doing well bro!    It's crazy, but I was just having a conversation with my Wife earlier today about Puerto Rico, how they are being ignored by our government and that there is definitely corruption involved.  I have a lot to say about this, it's unfair and cruel,  but I fear this might become politically charged and I don't want to break the rules, so I will stop there. God bless Anjel. 
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: Musterseed on September 25, 2022, 09:21:18 AM
Thanks be to Our Lord , we made it through the storm here in the Annapolis Valley NS.
A big mess to clean up but nothing compared to the coastal regions and especially
Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland.

I too am at peace Anjel, and pray for what must needs be.

The sun is shining this morning. A good day for cleanup .
We are so blessed and so loved. What an amazing God we have .
I am in awe.

In Christ Pamela
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: indianabob on September 25, 2022, 12:55:24 PM
Glad to hear you are doing well bro!    It's crazy, but I was just having a conversation with my Wife earlier today about Puerto Rico, how they are being ignored by our government and that there is definitely corruption involved.  I have a lot to say about this, it's unfair and cruel,  but I fear this might become politically charged and I don't want to break the rules, so I will stop there. God bless Anjel.

Good morning Ralph and Anjel and Pamela,
Good point about Puerto Rico.
Reminds me of an article I read in the past about the U.S. adopting certain territories over the recent century, such as Hawaii, Guam and so forth. Article wondered how the local citizens would have fared if the U.S. had not asserted control and the territory had formed their own independent government and commercial operations.
Most seemed to believe that the benefits outweighed the difficulties.
This idea seemed appropriate for our discussion since we believe that God arranges for us to have challenges in life along with the blessings so that we can learn to appreciate the blessings even more.
Love to read some comments on this topic.
Indiana Bob
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: Dennis Vogel on September 25, 2022, 02:20:15 PM
Many rich people move to Puerto Rico because there is no federal income tax collected or paid to the feds.
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: indianabob on September 25, 2022, 05:01:05 PM
No Federal income tax.
That is the way it was until 1920 and should have remained so.
Each individual State pays an assessment to the Federal government to maintain commerce and military and State Department.
The assessment based upon population and other factors is collected by the State government by whatever method they choose and then sent to DC along with two Senators to watch over the disbursement of said assessment.

With that former system the Feds couldn't bribe the States with gifts of Federal Grants because all the other States would object.
It left the balance of power with the States and with the people themselves, which was the original plan in the Constitution.
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: ralph on October 02, 2022, 12:52:10 PM
Thanks be to Our Lord , we made it through the storm here in the Annapolis Valley NS.
A big mess to clean up but nothing compared to the coastal regions and especially
Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland.

I too am at peace Anjel, and pray for what must needs be.

The sun is shining this morning. A good day for cleanup .
We are so blessed and so loved. What an amazing God we have .
I am in awe.

In Christ Pamela

I was just thinking about you Pamela.  So happy to hear you are ok. 
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: Musterseed on October 02, 2022, 02:01:48 PM
Thank you Ralph,
As we get older and more decrepit, my husband and I are finding it very difficult
to maintain this property. It’s a lot of physical work and my husband is still waiting
for a new hip and now a knee also, over three years now. The healthcare in Canada
is atrocious, people are dying in emergency rooms now, waiting for care.

It’s getting pretty bad, but with that said, I know that regarding affliction and tribulation,
1 Thessalonians 3:3…….. we are destined for this.

Acts 14:22…..strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue
in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom
of God.

Isaiah 3:11,,,, but WOE  to the wicked, it will be ILL  with him, for what his hands have
dealt out shall be done to him.

And ECC.8:13 also

May God be with us all in these very trials and tribulations, let us pray for endurance
and wisdom to be overcomers in this world.
I think we all here are in the bosom of the Father. What a beautiful place to be.Would we want to be any
where else? I love you all. Hang in there, He is coming.💕

In Christ, Pamela
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: Wendy on October 03, 2022, 08:17:35 PM
Glad to hear your ok.
That's awful about the hospitals up there very scary. love your encouraging words means a lot to hear them
It we'll be nice when He comes.
God bless you and your husband☺️
God bless
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: ralph on October 04, 2022, 08:31:59 AM
You're welcome Pamela.  :)

Although I am not as far along in age, I can certainly relate to the trials and tribulation. 

It's so terrible that you are dealing with such a  pitiful healthcare system there in Canada.   There is no reason why anyone should be lacking.  Such a shame.  I pray you get the help you need.

With all the trials we must endure, there is also this comforting scripture:

Psalm 34:19
19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all.

He must be coming soon.  I've never seen the world so out of control.

Much love to you. 
Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: Musterseed on October 04, 2022, 11:36:54 AM
Thank you Wendy and Ralph.
Yes the world is out of control for sure.
However , everything is going exactly as planned
by our Sovereign Lord. Thank God .

ECC. 3:18…. I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men
that God might manifest them that they might see that they themselves
are beasts.

Luke 18:8… when the Son of man returns, will He find faith on the earth?

Quote from Ray,,,, where there is no faith , the beast appears.

Brute beasts and raging waves of the sea…. ( Jude 1:13) & ( Isa. 57:20)

Rom. 12: 19… being at peace with ALL mankind , you are not avenging yourselves
beloved, but be giving place to His indignation, for it is written, mine is vengeance !
I will repay , the Lord is saying.

Yes, the Lord is at peace with all mankind.

Ray states” In Gods due time, all humanity will voluntarily desire
with their whole heart to be a member of the family of God.
No one will be forced in or out of Gods family.
They all will WANT to have faith.

Jesus is coming to judge the world in righteousness.
To judge is to set things right .

It will be emotionally traumatic and painful, but it will be a good thing.
Men will be forced to look at themselves, with open spiritual eyes,
and they will hate what they see. They will eventually desire with their whole
heart to be cleansed and rid of all these carnal ways.  ( from Ray)

Rev.11:15… The Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom
of our Lord and of His Christ.

It’s just a matter of time and happy ( blessed) is he who waits. God Bless you all.

Title: Re: Hurricane Fiona
Post by: ralph on October 05, 2022, 02:21:49 AM
Well said Pamela. I find it amazing how God will at times put the perfect words into our minds at just the right moment.

Proverbs 15:23
23 A man has joy by the answer of his mouth,
And a word spoken in due season, how good it is!