=> General Discussions => Topic started by: Mzantsi on April 30, 2023, 05:29:25 PM

Title: Payday
Post by: Mzantsi on April 30, 2023, 05:29:25 PM
On payday,when the Lord is revealed,what are you looking forward to doing with your riches?
Title: Re: Payday
Post by: indianabob on May 01, 2023, 12:59:47 AM
On payday,when the Lord is revealed,what are you looking forward to doing with your riches?
Great question. If my reading of scripture is even close to correct I will be distributing my riches continuously to those who have needs and teaching them how to use it wisely.
God's plan for His elect for the future is all about giving and not about receiving gifts from others.
Our reward is having a people to care for and motivate that they may experience the love of God in their lives as we have.
Title: Re: Payday
Post by: Mzantsi on May 01, 2023, 08:50:07 AM
I love Your mindset,I am 100% sure You got that from Your Mother. Do you remember Her? Do you miss Her? What do you remember about her or what do you miss most about Her?

Title: Re: Payday
Post by: Porter on May 02, 2023, 10:11:48 AM
Mzantsi, you wanna know a little secret?

1Pe 1:20  He was destined before the foundation of the world, but was REVEALED at the end of the times for you

If the “end of times” is now, for you, then Jesus has ALREADY been revealed, for you.

If Jesus is going to give you an inheritance, and Jesus is a “down payment” from a portion of that inheritance, then you are rich already! Do you want to know another little secret? After you've received the full payment of the inheritance in Heaven, you will then become an inheritance of the Lord for the world itself.

Eph 1:11  In Him we were also made His inheritance, predestined according to the purpose of the One who works out everything in agreement with the decision of His will,

Eph 1:12  so that we who had already put our hope in the Messiah might bring praise to His glory.

You will be the worlds payday!