=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Dynamo54 on September 04, 2023, 01:06:38 PM

Title: Is there anything that is not planned?
Post by: Dynamo54 on September 04, 2023, 01:06:38 PM
Did Ray ever expound on this scripture in relation to God’s knowing the end from the beginning (His Sovereignty)? And in relation to a time and season for everything? God knows the number of hairs on our head and that changes daily. I have often wondered about the scripture below.

KJ Ecc. 9:11
I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Time and chance….the unknown…the unexpected…..the unplanned. Is that what it is saying in the scripture?
Title: Re: Is there anything that is not planned?
Post by: indianabob on September 04, 2023, 03:24:21 PM
It is not so much that God can see into the future, but rather that the plan for mankind is written and God controls the play being acted out on the stage of life.
To the ordinary human it seems that time and circumstances are controlling our lives whereas it is really God who creates evil and good in our lives all according to God's purpose and desires.
Title: Re: Is there anything that is not planned?
Post by: Dave in Tenn on September 05, 2023, 12:46:50 AM
I think that's pretty much it, Dynamo.  Look at vs. 12 just following.

Just to add:  the word translated "chance" does not mean quite what it means today.  It simply means "an occurrence". 

HE knows the end from the Beginning.  HE is the "Placer" and ultimate cause of everything.  WE don't know what happens next.  Any "occurrence" to us is unknown, unexpected, and least the biggies are, and often even the most mundane.  We make plans, but the Lord determines the outcome.  We may expect a result, but the result we get is always up to Him.  It's not to the swift, or the strong, or the wise, or to those with understanding, or skill.  It's good to have these things, and not-so-good to lack them--but God is sovereign and follows the counsel of His own will.  He is working in us to will and do His good pleasure.   

"For you it is given to understand, but to them it is not given".  I'm betting you can find similar "verses" related to swiftness, strength, wisdom, and skill.

Title: Re: Is there anything that is not planned?
Post by: indianabob on September 07, 2023, 10:05:21 AM
Very well stated Dave, short and to the point.
Everybody is included in God's plan and will receive the gift of life eventually, so don't be overly concerned about your own future life, worry will not change a thing.

I think that's pretty much it, Dynamo.  Look at vs. 12 just following.

Just to add:  the word translated "chance" does not mean quite what it means today.  It simply means "an occurrence". 

HE knows the end from the Beginning.  HE is the "Placer" and ultimate cause of everything.  WE don't know what happens next.  Any "occurrence" to us is unknown, unexpected, and least the biggies are, and often even the most mundane.  We make plans, but the Lord determines the outcome.  We may expect a result, but the result we get is always up to Him.  It's not to the swift, or the strong, or the wise, or to those with understanding, or skill.  It's good to have these things, and not-so-good to lack them--but God is sovereign and follows the counsel of His own will.  He is working in us to will and do His good pleasure.   

"For you it is given to understand, but to them it is not given".  I'm betting you can find similar "verses" related to swiftness, strength, wisdom, and skill.