=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on October 28, 2006, 09:42:15 PM

Title: Thank You
Post by: Craig on October 28, 2006, 09:42:15 PM
Dear Ray,

It's been a couple of weeks or more since I've visited your website.  I've been an avid regular for 20 months now.  I am thoroughly enjoying your newest teaching, "Twelve God-Given Truths to Understand His Word."  It is priceless, really.  I am so greatful that He led me to  tonight.  I have been praying for a way to teach these truths to my 10-year-old daughter.  I read several of your other teachings to her and also some of Preston Eby's teachings, but I've been at a loss to present God's truths in a more structured manner.  Nevertheless, it has been amazing to watch the Holy Spirit working in her and to witness the development of her spiritual discernment.  ; She is becoming spiritually wise beyond her years; that is no joke.  I know this newest teaching is going to be a special blessing to her.  It is a solid answer to a mother's prayer.

Thank you for your commitment to teaching His truths!!  God bless you and everyone else involved in


Dear Cathy:

As you can tell, I am hopelessly behind in answering me emails. Thank you for your kind words, and I hope that you and your family and your daughter are still doing well.  I have some interesting information regarding the New Testament teaching on Gehenna fire and judgment, that will be posted as soon as I get some sections of it straightened out.

God be with you,
