=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on December 06, 2006, 12:38:29 PM

Title: Marriage
Post by: Craig on December 06, 2006, 12:38:29 PM
Hi Ray,
i couldnt find in the whole bible where GOD commanded us to get married through the blessing of a pastor, priest etc.
what is the truth regarding two people want to get married through the church or government official i mean what is the difference?
while some people are not officially married at all yet they are as fruitful as people offically married in the church or any authority (goverment).
it is acceptable to GOD for two lovers to live together without matrimony? i mean in cases like faithful partners who love each other  but circumstances are difficult for them to be married publicly due to culture pressure and some other things like parents disapproval, and most of all financial difficulties.
your reply will shed some light.
thank you very much for sharing tons of truths to us who treasure it.
GOD bless u & ur family.

Dear Hilbert:
I know of no society on earth in which marriage is not performed in some form of ceremony.
Furthermore, we are to obey the laws of the land that do not go directly against the laws of God. The marriage ceremony does not go against any laws of God.
There are legal reason as well as social reasons why this should be done. Whose name do your children take (legally)?  You can get married at any courthouse in any county for about five bucks.  And the "mother-in-law syndrome" will always play a part in marriages. No one is EVER good enough for their dear little girl.  Sorry, I can't agree with you on this one.
God be with you,