=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: rrammfcitktturjsp on February 16, 2007, 09:52:54 PM

Title: Yep, I caught him red-handed
Post by: rrammfcitktturjsp on February 16, 2007, 09:52:54 PM
To All,

  This afternoon my precious son dumped some kool-aid on the floor.  He sat in front of the mess and just patted his hands down in the floor.  I could hear the stuff going squish squish in the carpet.  I did not get mad, I looked at his face and he was happy.  So David and I let him play, and then we cleaned it up.

  David-Lee saw me looking at him, and waved and said hi, and I burst out laughing.  His hands were stained red.  I looked over to David, and said, yep we done cuaght him red handed.  My son oblivious to what we were saying, just screamed and laughed and was so cute.

   I thought to share this with you all as it brightened up my day.


  Anne C. McGuire
Title: Re: Yep, I caught him red-handed
Post by: gmik on February 18, 2007, 12:40:04 AM
That sounds so cute.  My youngest got into the flour and poured it all over the kitchen floor and of course he was white from head to toe.  We laughed and had a good time.  Fortunately we took a picture too, so thats how he "remembers" the story. :D
Title: Re: Yep, I caught him red-handed
Post by: PKnowler on February 18, 2007, 01:37:11 AM
Yeah well while you guys are amused over a simple act of cuteness I have a little terror running around. Ha ha  :D

She is only18 months but I think she's hit her terrible 2's early.  ;D She can push a chair up to any counter, get into cabinets, and open our industrial size refrigerator. They don't have locks for the fridge that I know about. She is fast too! She loves to dump things
out. She dumped coffee grounds all over yesterday. It was sitting on the counter next to my coffee pot. Oops

She has gotten into the hot chocolate mix to her delight. The kids didn't put it way fast enough. She loves squishy things!  ;D  Like Butter, jam, whip cream, etc. she quickly commandeers the prized possession and runs into the living room and flings it everywhere. Yuck!   

I can't get too mad at that little face though- even if she is mischievous.

My little Abby Girl!

Here's a thought ladies. Next time one of our little one does something cute and we get a picture- let's share it.

The best way is to open a free account at or somewhere similar.

It is a free online photo and video storage place.
You upload your picture, copy the code and paste it in the forum (or anywhere you want it online). Easy! Try it!

I think it will be fun.

Bless yall!  ;)

Title: Re: Yep, I caught him red-handed
Post by: gmik on February 18, 2007, 02:00:07 AM
NOOOOO.  That beautiful little gal did not do all those things!!! :-*
Title: Re: Yep, I caught him red-handed
Post by: rrammfcitktturjsp on February 18, 2007, 04:10:07 PM

  Awwwww, what a little angel she looks like.  Kind of heard like Gena says to believe all those things, but I am beginning to believe those things as well.  Mine can open cabinent doors.  OH man, well I had better go and rest becuase my little precious boy is asleep.


  Anne C. McGuire