=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on February 20, 2007, 08:33:01 PM

Title: Faith
Post by: Craig on February 20, 2007, 08:33:01 PM
    I have been a Christian my whole life, growing up in a Pentecostal church. Sometimes though I have doubts. It just seems kind of arrogant that us, on this tiny planet (among 200 billion galaxies in this universe) can actually know the origin of it all. Are you that sure of your faith? I wish I could be. Thanks. Lisa.

    Dear Lisa:
    Yes, I am pretty sure about things that I am pretty sure about.
    Somebody MADE US!  I'm sure of that? Whoever it was is fearfully powerful and smart.
    To me, it would take a "God" to create us and the universe.  So that's what I call that
    powerful, intelligent, wise, and I believe LOVING Creator.  I call Him 'GOD'!
    Now then, the $64,000 question. Is that all we know about the Creator God? He made us.
    Anything else?  Yes, there is a lot more. God is obviously a great artist--just look around.
    I like to look at my cats (especially when they were kittens, but even now, they often play like kittens even though they are adults).  They have so much fun. They make up silly games all the time. They can make a game out of almost any movable object. And they are loving, and sweet, and kind. My favorite, Stumpy, especially loves to be held and hugged every morning. I do that while I read emails.  I learn a lot about God through my cats. God made my cats.  What kind of a God would make such marvelous animals as kittens and puppies? 
    Next, let's get crazy.  What if this Great Creator God actually wanted to give us some kind of an insight into the reason why He created us?  Would't that be something?  Well, I believe He has. I believe what we call the Holy Scriptures are more than just a man-made collection of myths and fabulous stories of old. I don't have time to tell you why I believe this, but I do.  The knowledge that  these books contain is unfathomable and unattainable.  We could study them for thousands of years, and still keep learning more and more.  Maybe it would behoove you to just keep reading the things that I write about, and maybe you too will become a true Believer in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
    God be with you,