=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on February 25, 2007, 11:20:49 AM

Title: Fear
Post by: Craig on February 25, 2007, 11:20:49 AM
Hello Mr. Smith,   I have been reading your website for some time now I am praying for you for I fear that you do not wish for God to be God but a god that you can fully understand which we never will and we will have eternity a learn about Him.  As to hell not existing why would God bother with heaven if no hell?  Why reward with out punishment?  Your logic is not sound.  The lake fire appears in Revelation 19: 20 than again in Revelation 20:10-15.  Do you not believe that the book of Revelation is not part of the bible?  I pray that you will come to the saving knowledge fo Jesus Christ for I fear you not a saved man and will one day find yourself in that very place you so fear.  Timothy
Timothy: I fear your Christian hell about as much as I fear you.