=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: SandyFla on March 12, 2007, 05:23:31 PM

Title: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: SandyFla on March 12, 2007, 05:23:31 PM
Last week I posted that I accepted a position at a job I thought I really wanted.

When I got there on Friday, I found that I had no computer. The job consisted of answering the phone and greeting people who come in. The rest of the time was spent sitting idly and looking out the window. I didn't really have a chance to check it out because I was told I had to let them know THAT DAY or they would give the position to someone else. Whoever thought there would be no computer for me to work on???

I can't do a job like that. If I lose my computer skills, it will be nearly impossible to ever find another job if/when the time comes.

So I'm back to square one ... make that MINUS one, as I already turned in my resignation at my current job, and after March 22, I will be unemployed. I signed up with a job service, so hopefully something good will turn up.

I know God is in control, but it feels like I'll be living on the street by this time next year! Maybe not, but life looks very bleak and hopeless right now ...

If the "powers that be" at this church would take that $1.5 million (YES, you read that RIGHT) they're using to buy a new plot of land, and put it toward the staff's salaries, I wouldn't be in this predicament.


P.S. Sorry if I sound whiny, but this has been such a disappointment ...
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: Redbird on March 12, 2007, 06:27:33 PM

Maybe this was just God's way to get you away from the "powers that be" at that church.  You said you love animals, what about working for a vet or groomer?  Prayers are still with ya!

Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: rick on March 12, 2007, 07:22:02 PM
Perhaps you could take a laptop to work with you and computerize  the job they gave you to do, if possible. just a thought.......rick
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: gmik on March 12, 2007, 11:47:51 PM
Oh, bummer, Sandy.  Something will come, God has it under control.  Trust.  You didn't come across whiney, but as genuinely disappointed.  We love you and will keep praying.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: rrammfcitktturjsp on March 13, 2007, 08:46:41 AM

  Thanks for the update.  I will keep you in my prayers.  Please by all means keep us updated.

  May God bless you and yours.

  Anne C. McGuire
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: SandyFla on March 16, 2007, 05:13:23 PM

Maybe this was just God's way to get you away from the "powers that be" at that church.  You said you love animals, what about working for a vet or groomer?  Prayers are still with ya!


I've applied to several of those positions, and I had an interview at one veterinary clinic, but nothing came of it.  I do have a feeling that God wants me to quit working for "Babylon," but so far He hasn't opened any other doors. I should've studied to become a vet tech when I got out of high school, but I was headed in another direction. I'm pretty much too old for school now (46); who's going to hire a late-forties woman fresh out of school with "no experience"? I made all the wrong decisions. If I knew then what I know now ...

Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: eggi on March 16, 2007, 07:12:40 PM
Hi Sandy,

I hope things will work out for you. I just got my first REAL job (I graduated from university 6 months ago) a couple of weeks ago. I'm happy with it, but the backside of the medal is that I can't spend so much time studying the Bible, since I have to get up to a certain level in my new job if I want to keep it... See my problem? I just have to try to balance this...

To all,

Please pray for me, I'd like to know how to manage this... Did anyone else feel this conflict? Is it a conflict at all? What are your thoughts?
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: gmik on March 17, 2007, 12:41:07 PM
Eirik, that is a dilemma.  We go through ebbs & flows in our lifetime- and you are in an ebb I guess.  Certain things have to give.  Now, I see why you havent been posting. After university when I got my first job, I had lots of work at home (grading papers, planning etc) so after that I would read the Bible and go to bed.  That seemed like all I did for awhile.  Eventually that evens out. (I never grade papers at home anymore!)  Now, instead of TV I will spend time here.  I haven't actually studied the Bible in awhile because of the forum, I get so much scripture and teaching here. And I am waiting for part D.

Don't stress yourself about it.  A new job is very important.  Keep God first in your heart (as I know you do) and He will balance it out for you.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: gmik on March 17, 2007, 12:42:05 PM
Sandy, what has been happening??  Haven't seen you post in a few days.  Miss ya!
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: sansmile on March 17, 2007, 09:49:16 PM
i am going to ask the moderators to decide wether to post this or not? Reason being that i really don't mean any offense.
Sandy, so many times i have heard that phrase  "be careful what we pray for". I honesty beieve that when God gives us the job etc. that we pray for, He has a reason. It could be that He wants us to thank Him for answering our prayer first of all. It could be that when we get that job we learn new skills, it could be that He will  bring someone in our path that we might never have met. Or it could be that...ok    i give u what u wanted...u know where u want to go in this patient and let me show you..teach you.  Like when He led us to bible truths, everyone of us has a story to tell about how we ended up here, what a joy , a revelation it was and is to us all, in His revealing to us and opening our eyes and ears.  The initial euphoria wears off,  we as carnal beings want to know!

God led you to that job Sandy, cause that was what you prayed for,  He has answered that prayer. Listen, wait learn,  why He has brought you there. Be a servant first, to Him, have patience and He will show you why you were brought there and what it is you need to learn. Don't give up at the first hurdle. Patience.

Sandy, i really don't mean to offend you   i have been there and am going through the same again. One day, maybe tomorrow we look back and see,and can say....yes Lord you answered my prayer because that was and is where you want me to be.

God Bless   Sandie
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: Redbird on March 24, 2007, 02:14:34 AM
Oh Sandy,

I am so sorry, I just read your reply today.  Don't know how I missed it because I have been watching for an update from you.  You are definately NOT TOO OLD to go back to school.  There are alot of women in your shoes who return to take a college course - for a 2nd career choice.  Community colleges are inexpensive also.  Check into a vet-tech course just for the heck of it and I bet you'll be surprised. You know we are living longer, 40 is the new 20! Please do not give up hope.....And even if you just got your foot in the door as a receptionist at a vet, it might lead to your desired position.  And Sandy, I do not believe there are any wrong choices, ecspecially for those who love God.  Don't be so hard on yourself......GOD loves YOU. 

Your sister in Christ, Lisa

Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: SandyFla on March 27, 2007, 05:36:11 PM
Thank you all for your words of encouragement.

I'm only working 3 days a week now, trying to get in 40 hours of work into 25, so I don't have as much time to post as I used to. My computer at home is very sloooow, so I rarely get online there. If I do, it's just to read email and a few things before I get tired of waiting for websites to open, LOL.

It doesn't look like I'll get a "real" job any time soon, so I'm looking into wholesale online at sites like E-bay and Amazon. However, I am still looking!

I got a call for another position at the Humane Society, but I turned it down. Much of the time, I would have to eat lunch surrounded by smokers. I can't stand cigarette smoke. It literally makes me sick. The one time I ate with them, I could barely finish my sandwich. I also think that started by bronchitis, which I've been fighting ever since then.

I think I might've already said, but I also signed with a temporary agency. As soon as I get over this bronchitis, I'll let them know I'm available to work part-time. I can't give up my job at the church just yet--it's my only source of income right now. It feels like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. This living in the fire isn't much fun, but I know God has a purpose in it all. I just wish I knew what it was and that I could learn my lesson PRONTO so I can get on with it already, LOL!!!

Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: snorky on March 28, 2007, 01:03:28 AM
Sandy, if God wants you to give up your church job He'll find a way to do it...just like I quit my church cleaning job because of their pettiness, which allowed me to get out of Babylon without the guilt of still taking their money. I don't want Babylon's money if you know what I, keep praying on it and it will come. (I am doing another cleaning job for a 60 year old guy who would probably be better off married;doesn't pay quite as well as the church job, but I'm making enough to meet my expenses.)--Deb aka snorky

PS--be careful about that "wholesaling through e-bay" stuff...I've checked out some programs on that and it seems to me that many are doing that, which means you will be competing against a large number of e-bay wholesalers, selling the same items (electronics, computers, jewelry, DVDs, iPods and the like). Now if some program would come up with more unique stuff, say, pet care or fishing tackle or camping gear or sporting goods, it could's just it seems all these wholesalers are selling the same things!
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: Redbird on March 28, 2007, 01:10:29 AM
Hey, Sandy ~

Try going out to lunch for a can be fun!

Peace, Lisa
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: debbysnotary on April 14, 2007, 04:18:59 PM
sandy first of all I will be praying for you and I personally think that GOD teaches us to be patient and maybe that is what he is teaching you, i dunno coz im not him, but just from what ya said that you wish this would hurry up like pronto and go on.. something on that order forgive me i forget easily. BUT I think GOD has taught me patience and maybe still teaching me, im always wanting things NOW i dont want to wait I want them to happen now always been like that, WELL 8 years ago, i got a rare lung disease called PAH (which they said i wouldnt make it 2 years ,its been over 3 now, but that was without medicine ,which they didnt have medicine like 5-6 years or less to treat it) anyhow I learnt Patience real fast, being stuck at home now. :(  HOMebound and walking around my house with a hose up my nose and hose getting tripped on by me and everyone else,feels like my nose is getting ripped off my face lol. Im not meaning to sound mean or anything like that, i say that with total Love and from my own experience with being patient. I do pray that new doors open up for you SOON. If its in his plan it will happen in his time not ours.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: Jackie Lee on April 14, 2007, 08:12:34 PM
I sometimes wonder if God works this way for instance when I was in church a guy wanted his wife back they had been divorced.
He prayed and requested prayer to get her back they got back together and he wasn't happy so they divorced again.
If we constantly pursue God for something does he at some point give us what we want regardless knowing it is not going to create happiness?
The thing is about jobs we do have to be able to pay our bills, Sandy praying God finds something more suitable for survival.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Wish For ...
Post by: DWIGHT on April 18, 2007, 06:35:12 PM
Hi Jackie Lee,

I'm afraid you're right, listen to this verse...

Psalm 106:15
And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.

This happened to the Israelites in the wilderness...

Psalm 106:14-15
But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.  And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.

We have to be careful not to tempt God with lustful and selfish prayers...God give me this or God give me the prosperity gospel that teaches to pray for wealth.  God may give them what they want, but at what cost?

I'm not saying that God won't give us these things, and if we do get these things, as long as it's His will, it's fine.  It's when we lust after them, that's when we get into trouble.

In Him,
