=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: eggi on June 10, 2007, 12:41:37 PM

Title: A reality check...
Post by: eggi on June 10, 2007, 12:41:37 PM
I know this isn't a fun post or light-hearted banter, but here goes... (

God bless you,
Title: Re: A reality check...
Post by: gmik on June 10, 2007, 03:54:28 PM
Hi Eirick, I couldn't get it off that link but linked to youtube.  That was interesting.  If only 3 have internet, not many are going to be able to stumble onto Ray's site!!

What to do????  Well, I don't blame the U.S.  How much of the world's poverty is directly laid at the doorstep of some dictator/king/chief/oman whatever who accumulates his own wealth at the expense of his country.  Who desires power even on a big fish/little pond scale.

Look at Africa, Asia....all despots &/or communists, all have poverty, all want US dollars/food, but precious little gets to the little guy. A little democracy and morals would go far to helping this 3rd world nations.

Sorry, but this liberal mindset of its my fault and I should do something.  I did.  I went to school, obeyed the rules, didn't do pot or drugs, didn't end up in prison, pay my taxes & for 30 years my tithe.

This is not toward you at all eggi.  I think I was responding to the remarks on Youtube!
Title: Re: A reality check...
Post by: iris on June 13, 2007, 04:21:52 PM
Hi Eirick,

I had to link to youtube also. We are blessed to know that it will not always be this way. I watched it twice, just so I could hear John Lennon's song again.  ;D

Title: Re: A reality check...
Post by: eggi on June 13, 2007, 08:23:30 PM

what do you mean linking to youtube? I watched that movie here: (
and there was no John Lennon song in it.

God bless you,

* Oh sorry, now I found it. *
Title: Re: A reality check...
Post by: gudazdead on June 22, 2007, 10:33:18 AM
I'm one of the disabled nine.