=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on June 17, 2007, 10:46:28 PM

Title: Big Kid
Post by: Craig on June 17, 2007, 10:46:28 PM
> you're just a big kid, huh?
> your site and teachings stopped being about God a long time ago. We all
> need humility, don't feel accused. We all need child-like faith, too.
> At least you aren't going around saying that Hell doesn't exist or
> something crazy like that-....wait...oh, yeah, you're that guy, huh? Giant
> American cult founder #4.....
> In all seriousness. Stop. I'm calling you out in the name of Him who is
> truth. In His might, you will be stopped. Your knee will bow, and tongue
> confess. Be careful with where you're heading, and where you are already.
> Your life has a track record of blindness and spotty reckoning, don't let
> it overtake you. It could happen to any of us, but don't go with it man.

Dear Austin:  What are you drinking? Or smoking?  You don't have it
quite all together, do you?  Take two aspirin and write me in the morning.
God be with you,