=> Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings => Topic started by: Shmeggly on June 27, 2007, 07:22:02 PM

Title: New to the forum
Post by: Shmeggly on June 27, 2007, 07:22:02 PM
Hi.  I just started on the forum, and wanted to introduce myself.  I have been questioning "churchianity" for years, and found Ray's website a while ago.  My family and I left the church we were attending (I was a worship leader for about 3 years).  I have read most of the info on the site, and I finally understood what it meant by "the truth will set you free." 
I still question things, which is good I think.  But church had no answers, only rules and man's doctrine.  I was raised to be fearful, and I was afraid of God and going to hell....even as a young child.  I had nightmares about hell and the rapture, (frequently and into adulthood)  and now I don't worry about any of that! 
I have never really been part of a forum (a couple for short time; few posts) but this is one that is really important to me.  I live in a small town, and most people either don't believe anything, go to church and believe that system, or there's a handful that believe like Ray and this site.  So to be able to talk to like minded people is important.
I am not an intellectual, and a lot of what I have read almost blows my circuit breakers, but I am eager to learn more, and have God reveal what he wants me to do in this life.  I am going through a huge, life changing trial right now (maybe post on that another time) and if it weren't for God and the knowledge from Ray's site, I don't know how I would be able to cope.  I know God is sovereign, and he wants real people, with real problems, to get real with Him.  There is so much covering up and masking in many carnal people (including myself as a worship leader!)...
Anyway, I probably won't be contributing too much to the forum because of time, but I do want to be part and ask for people to be patient as I am not a seasoned forum type person!  I have the best intentions, and will act accordingly. 
Anyway, I have enjoyed what I've read on here, and hope to be a part of it....take care....J
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: YellowStone on June 27, 2007, 07:33:40 PM
Welcome to the forum Shmeggly,  :)

It sounds as if God has you well on the road of truth. Do not be afraid if things become a little rough and your understanding grows dim. This is natural and when seen for what is, can be even joyous, for God is working his good in you.

Most of us have been where you are now, and you are among like-minded friends. Never be afraid to step in and offer something, and yes patience is a virtue of the spirit, something we must all work on. :)

Great to have you here.!!!! :)

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Kat on June 27, 2007, 08:25:49 PM

Hi Shmeggly,

I'm glad you joined up and will be here when time allows  :)
Don't worry about being forum savvy, I am self taught, my teenagers help me a Little.  If you need help with anything, just ask, there is always someone around who can help.
Here are a few links that you might can use, until you get use to where everything is located.

   Ray's Audio's

~Categorized list of Ray's emails~,3108.0.html

~Outline of Bible-Truths Web Site~,2808.0.html

    How to upload a picture,4618.0.html

    sending personal messages (PM),4619.0.html

    Paypal Address,3718.0.html

mercy, peace, and love

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: carol70 on June 27, 2007, 08:32:55 PM
Welcome Shmeggly!
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: iris on June 27, 2007, 08:34:10 PM
Hi Shmeggly,

Welcome to the forum!!!

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: hillsbororiver on June 27, 2007, 09:10:25 PM
Hi J,

Welcome to the Forum!

Being savvy in the way of Forums or the Internet is not important in the least, the first and most important thing is to humbly seek a clearer understanding of our Lord and His purpose and plan for us as His children. Everything else is a distant second.

I am glad you were led to Bible Truths and our Forum!

His Peace to you,


PS I moved this to the Introduction Board as this post fits better here.  ;)
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: skydreamers on June 27, 2007, 09:25:38 PM
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Shmeggly on June 27, 2007, 09:33:18 PM
Thank you for the kind reception.  I appreciate it a lot.  Thanks for moving this topic as it is now where it should be!
Appreciate the links as well Kat, I am going to check them out now....

Yes, I believe that God has gently yet firmly moved me onto the road to's amazing how blind I was.  Even though I have been set free and feel like I have some real biblical "meat", it's humbling to know I will continue to learn till the day I die. 

Thank you again for the welcome....I look forward to "meeting" everyone over time and hopefully be an encouragement to someone along the way, as I hope to be encouraged here.  I am beginning to think more and more that it is the little things in life that can make the biggest a kind word (or welcome on a forum!)
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: GODSown1 on June 28, 2007, 02:14:06 AM
Hey hwz it Shmeggly,
                           Yes a very warm welcum 2 U & may GODBLESS! U most abundantly in HIS Truths all in HIS Glorious! timing of coZ, "Bring it!" lol! :D.
                            muchLOVE!! Pera
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: gmik on June 28, 2007, 03:05:41 AM
Welcome Schmeggly!  Glad you have joined us!!!
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: DuluthGA on June 28, 2007, 03:32:46 AM
HI!!!  I'm very new here too!

And I'm so glad you announced yourself and joined in the mix!


Nor am I anything close to an intellectual giant.  Nor am I even very bible savvy.  Although I do consider myself somewhat of a theologian = I study God.  HA!

I LOVE YOUR DESCRIPTION... reading new truths has "blown your circuit breakers."  I have been very recently quoted to say things just like that, such as, "blew my ol' gourd or was so astonished I almost fell on the floor."  REALLY!

Yes, it's very good to view, participate and exchange with like-minded believers... and some unlike believers as well... a true mix.

Please view my recent newbie post entitled "New to the fantastic forum" for a little bit more about me.  I've been a elder caregiver for family for about ten years.

I love reading Ray!  And have checked out all of his work against the Scriptures, and he checks out just fine.


With joy, Janice
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Robert on June 28, 2007, 04:08:45 AM
Welcome to the forum Shmeggly and that was a wonderful introduction. I was particularly moved by your testimony and search for the truth and the liberation you have gained. We look forward to your posts.
In Christ, Robert.
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: sansmile on June 28, 2007, 02:04:02 PM
Welcome shmeggly,


God Bless
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: rk12201960 on June 28, 2007, 02:12:55 PM
Welcome Schmeggly,

Greetings and Gods speed to you.
What a welcomed spirit, yes we all learn till our Lord returns.

Good to have you here.

 ;D 8) ;D
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: mari_et_pere on June 28, 2007, 04:24:57 PM
Hey Schmeggly,

You aren't "old man Schmeggly" from down the road are ya?

So Ray's site's blown your circuit breakers too? I'm sure a lot of us have found that we are in desperate need of re-wiring from time to time.  ;D

Hope you enjoy your stay here, friend.  :)

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: jER on June 30, 2007, 05:48:09 PM
WELCOME SCHMEGGLY to Bible-truths dot like minds! ;)

A friend in Christ - jER
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on July 01, 2007, 12:29:59 PM

 :D ;D

"Having circuits blown" is nothing compared to needing a complete make over  :D ;D as some of us have to experience and endure!

Welcome to the Forum!

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Shmeggly on July 01, 2007, 02:38:07 PM
I hear you Arcturus!  I'm finding I need to completely change the way I have looked at God, the Bible, myself etc.  There is so much indoctrination that needs to be overcome....but I know God is doing it in His time in His way....even though I am impatient and hard on myself because I think I should be "better"....Ray's videos on Google there really helped me to see some needed truth in this area...

Thank you for your welcome.  It means a lot to be welcomed here....specially when I know that I am secretly labelled a heretic here at home....people will still talk to me, but I know they're being warned about me...
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: DizzyD on July 01, 2007, 03:30:23 PM
             Welcome aboard to the forum where you find a big smorgasboard of support and teachings to help with needs. So belly up and get a big ol' heaping helpin'
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: hebrewroots98 on July 01, 2007, 08:35:43 PM
Hi schmeggly,
welcome and don't be so hard on yourself!  God will HELP YOU when the time is right and put the opportunity as well as the words in your mouth, just trust HIM in that!  READ, READ READ Rays' site and all will be even better for you.  Glad you're here :D.  I;m in West Texas, where are you?
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Shmeggly on July 01, 2007, 11:53:28 PM
Thank you for the kind words...

I'm way up here in Canada!  Meet a lot of people from the US; have some friends from there as well.  Some of the nicest people I've ever met have been from Texas.  Very friendly, warm, and welcoming. 

So hi from a friendly Canadian! 

I have pretty much read everything on the website including the emails, but I find I have to go back and re-read in order to really get it all in....there is so much good info and so different from what most of us have learned over the years, but like I said....I feel set free.

Thanks again for your means a lot right now....James
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: hebrewroots98 on July 01, 2007, 11:58:55 PM
Thank you James in kind.   We will forgive you for being Canadian... ;D ;D ;D ;) ;)...(I couldn't resist...)  I look forward to our fellowshipping here.  I too must keep rereading the is meat for sure :P :P :P
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on July 02, 2007, 06:26:03 PM

Hey! don't be to tough on James for being Canadian... :D  My brother-in-law is just as Canadian! He has lived in Ontario for 18 years!.... ;D :D

Peace be to you

.....from your heart of Africa (Zimbabwe) sister ;D

Arcturus :)
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Shmeggly on July 02, 2007, 07:12:03 PM
I just lost my post that took like 20 minutes!!!  Oh for the short version!

Susan and Arcturus:  I appreciate your kindness and your much appreciated joking!  I joke with people from the US from time to time, but it's always good natured kidding.... ;)  I am fortuneate to live near the's amazing how similar and yet how different we are....

It's so cool that you can meet people from all over the world:  I feel very lucky.  It's my dream to be able to visit different places and experience the culture....unfortuneately I have never been outside North America, and even then I don't travel much....due to budget....

But I did live in Churchill for a time and got to see the Inuit culture (and the polar bears) and got to eat raw fish and was a real honor to be able to see and experience that....I loved it.

One day I may get to Texas and Zimbabwe....but until then....

Peace to you from the Prairies of Canada!  James

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Kat on July 02, 2007, 10:44:29 PM

Hi James,

I have read where others have lost posts they had been working on for some time. 

Here a hint,
if you are making a post of any length.  First type it up on a Works or Word program at your liesure, then cut and paste it here  :)

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Shmeggly on July 02, 2007, 11:49:22 PM
Thank you Kathy!  I have lost a few others, and I take my time even with a short that's probably what I need to be doing....appreciate the help....James
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: gmik on July 02, 2007, 11:54:42 PM
I didn't know that either Kat.  Thanks for the tip.
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: skydreamers on July 03, 2007, 01:14:18 AM

oh ya, that's what I'm talking about!!!!  Listen, Canadians are one of the most loved countries in the world...when I was travelling Europe at 19 I ran into several people who were Americans but sewed a Canadian flag on their backpacks just so they would be treated better.....!!  I ain't lying!  But I love all you Americans, you know that!

James, so nice to have another Canadian onboard....peace and love to ya brother.  You're in the prairies...uhmmm....what do you guys do out there??? just know what they say about the prairies...hohum...I'm in Alberta...gotta love those Rocky Mountains!

(  (

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: gmik on July 03, 2007, 01:45:03 AM
Diana, you are the best!!!!!

Back in the 70's I "did" Europe, and that was true back then as well.  I would pretend I was Canadian. 

Isn't it true that the western provinces really WANT to be part of the U.S.??  You are more like us than you are w/ Quebec, eh?

(i am just teasing anyhoo)  (

PS  Does Canada have a July 4th????????? :D
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: skydreamers on July 03, 2007, 02:09:31 AM
Isn't it true that the western provinces really WANT to be part of the U.S.??

WHAT??  Gena, you know I love you girl, but right then I had a flash of my know...pushing the envelope!! :D :D  I don't think so!!  Anyways, isn't the US suppose to be the lamb like beast??? haha just kidding, right back at ya girl!! :) :)

Certainly it's a beautiful thing to be proud of the country you grew up in.  I definitely know how privileged I am that God chose for me to live here, a land relatively free of strife, peaceful and beautiful (though I admit we certainly have our problems too!!).

When I was in South America my heart broke while walking through Shanty towns...people living in cardboard boxes...whole towns of them...never seen anything like it...children sleeping on the streets....I wanted to take them all home...and yet, simple, happy, humble people....children playing with homemade soccer balls for hours....I watch my children now, and think WOW what a different life....I struggle to keep my children appreciative of what they have.  But I digress...I LOVE Canada, and yes we just had CANADA DAY, July 1st!!!  (I know, I know, we're always ahead of you Americans.... :D ;))

(        (  (

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: GODSown1 on July 03, 2007, 02:19:52 AM
lol! :D :D,
              uZ! 2 r krazy!!!! lol!!! :D, Im in da most beautifullest!! country in dis World, Green az can be, wots pollution!?? :), etc etc I rest ma case opps! not just yet :) our National anthem is "GOD of Nations" lol! ;D much much muchLOVE!! 2 U both n CHRIST JESUS alwayZ!!!, PEACE!!! :)
               muchLOVE!! Pera
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: hebrewroots98 on July 03, 2007, 03:21:18 AM
Hmmm...I think I may have started a little "country rivalry" around here, EH...?????.... ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) ;)..

I feel your pain Shmeggly, Diana and Pera...EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!!!  Me and Gena can't win them all.... ;) ;)

Seriously guys...we are SO BLESSED TO LIVE IN THESE COUNTRIES.  What awesome pictures too, Diana.  Even Good ole' West Texas has it's beauty; awesome sunrises and sunsets!    But, how sad about those Shanty towns.  I would love to take my child around the world in order to show him how good he has it! ;) 

I love you all!!

Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Shmeggly on July 03, 2007, 06:29:48 PM
Loved the pics Diana!!!  I have never been west of Regina SK....only missing out on the best part of Canada!!! (unless you talk to someone from the east coast of course ;)) 

We are blessed to lay down in peace at night in a soft warm bed....that's what I think about....

Pera, where abouts do you live?  You might have said it but sometimes I miss stuff if I'm tired....greetings and peace to you by the way! 

It's nice to see fellow Canadians of course, and was hoping to run into at least a few!!! 
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: GODSown1 on July 03, 2007, 09:41:31 PM
Hey hi  Shmeggly,
                          :) Im frm New Zealand, like d@s under Oz sumwher :D yeyah! LOVE!! 2 u alL!
                           muchLOVE!! Pera
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: gmik on July 08, 2007, 12:25:52 AM
PS  Lets see........You can tell about a country by the # of people coming in and the # of people leaving...hhmmmm  Who dat be????? :D

Where is Arcturus in this lively debate???  Eggi?  Sandie??  Nelson??? Robert??  Who am I missing???   

If pictures are the standard by which we judge, I would have to agree w/ Pera.  At least what I saw on Lord of the Rings! :D :D

I wonder if there is anyone on the forum or who reads Ray's site that is from South America??  My son spent a semester in Chile and my daughter a semester in Equador.  They loved it!!! But had the same response-jaw dropping poverty. But such warm and friendly people.

It is fun joking around, but WE are a holy NATION and have been called out of darkness-  Thank God!
Title: Re: New to the forum
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on July 08, 2007, 07:50:15 AM

I am here...looking....listening..... ;) :D