=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on August 30, 2007, 10:09:17 AM

Title: Blessed and Tormented
Post by: Craig on August 30, 2007, 10:09:17 AM
Dear Ray,
> Wow! I do not even know where to begin - I only know that since I have
> come upon your website that I feel both blessed and tormented at the same
> time.
> So much has happened with my walk in Christ in these past 2 years - I
> left my church for the simple fact that I could no longer tolerate the
> "man centeredness business" of it. I stopped tithing over a year ago, for
> I saw it ridicules. So many things that I have been taught from Scripture
> have been slowly uprooted in me...and then I come across your site, where
> now this idea of Hell is being questioned.
> Over 2 years ago I begged God to guide me in His truth at all
> costs...well, with that prayer, the veil is being lifted - though I still
> feel so inadequate! However, I do feel a sense of freedom that in all my
> early Christian walk I have not experienced.
> Back to the Hell issue. The thought of no hell is a struggle for me AND
> let me say that thought of hell is also a struggle for me! I realize how
> hard it is to rid a teaching in people, therefore I am entering this with
> an open mind and the desire to know God's truth! For I do not want to
> cling to man's ideals, but rather, God!
> I have of course read some of your writings and have enjoyed them, not in
> the sense of happy "joy" for they are stirring a feeling in me that I
> cannot quite explain, but nonetheless am enjoying the quest they are
> taking me on. Anything that requires me to look at Scripture and
> challenge me is good...I want to be in God's Light - and as John 3:30
> states, "He must increase, but I must decrease" getting rid of self
> and all of the thoughts that are not His, though painful, are welcoming!
> How can one better study this issue? What translatio n o f the bible is the
> most reliable? And of course I believe in the guidance of the Holy
> Spirit, but I also believe in the stubbornness of man (and woman!). I
> also believe in the power of God - and I also believe that He sends
> delusion. I want to be in His truth...this is where the heartache comes
> from. I do not want to be deceived, nor do I want to deceive.
> Ray, do you feel that though all men will be saved, all men will still
> have to go through the judgment of God? What is this judgment? What are
> the consequences of not living for Christ in this life? Are we rewarded
> differently in heaven for what we do here? Could you explain Ephesians 5:
> 5 & 6...what is God's wrath? And what does it mean when it states that
> "no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God"? And Christ teaches
> us not to hate our brother, but yet hated:
> Malachi 1:3&n bsp; Romans 9:13
> Psalm 5:5
> Psalm 11:5
> Lev. 20:23
> Hosea 9:15
> Please know that I am seeking genuinely into this, I am not questioning
> you about these Scripture to prove anything, I am just struggling with
> this issue...both sides of the issue.
> Thanks so much for your time!
> Sherry

    Dear Sherry:  I appreciate your enthusiasm and desire to learn.  Remember:  "He that
    increases knowledge increases sorrow" (Ecc. 1:18).  I can attest to that personally.
    As for your list of things you desire for me to explain, I'm afraid your subjects are so
    big and involved that it would take me days (weeks) to answer them for you, and even
    then I would just scratch the surface. Your list comes pretty close to asking me to
    EXPLAIN THE BIBLE.  My Lake of Fire series covers a lot on the subject of Judgment
    and will soon go into the area of God's Wrath and earthly reign. But we will be near 1000
    pages by then. Hope you understand.
    God be with you,