=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: UncleBeau on September 18, 2007, 01:46:35 PM

Title: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on September 18, 2007, 01:46:35 PM
Just over a month of being a newly married man, I'm about to be a daddy! We're discussing names for the baby. We just found out about a week ago, so we don't know if we're having a boy or girl. Just thought I'd pass along the good news!

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: dawnnnny on September 18, 2007, 01:58:48 PM
( (
Hey Daddy Beau,

Let me be the first to congratulation you!!!!!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: dawnnnny on September 18, 2007, 02:00:13 PM
oh, and maybe you should think about changing you online name to DaddyBeau!
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Craig on September 18, 2007, 02:41:23 PM
oh, and maybe you should think about changing you online name to DaddyBeau!

Or Fast Draw Beau ;)

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on September 18, 2007, 02:49:42 PM
Maybe I should name my first child "Baba Looey".......that joke might be a little too inside....
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: DuluthGA on September 18, 2007, 04:51:30 PM


Our heavenly Father is expanding His family AGAIN!!

With much joy for you and your wife,  :)

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on September 18, 2007, 05:55:56 PM
What a BLESSING! 8)  It must be LOVE ;D

Thank you for sharing your joy and happiness.  :D 8)

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: pylady on September 18, 2007, 07:14:54 PM
That's great news, Beau!  Congratulations!

Your sister in Christ,

        Cindy  :)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: brandon h on September 18, 2007, 09:38:08 PM
Congradulations!!! May God bless your expanding family with the richest heavenly blessings!
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: iris on September 18, 2007, 10:17:54 PM

What great news!!!

Peace and Love
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Beloved on September 18, 2007, 11:40:00 PM
Congratulations Beau

(   (   Boy or Girl or One of Each

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: skydreamers on September 19, 2007, 04:22:14 AM


Welcome to the adventure of parenting!

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Sue Creamer on September 19, 2007, 10:28:20 AM

Wonderful!!!!  Awesome....!!!   Congratulations!  Now begins the fun.. :)

May you have strength, love, temperance, endurance, knowledge, long suffering, patience, lots of sleep and wisdom and lots more for your journey into parenthood.   ;)

Sue Ann

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: LittleBear on September 19, 2007, 06:15:15 PM
Congratulations Beau,

This is great news alright!!!!!!

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Robin on September 19, 2007, 09:35:41 PM
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: javajoe on September 19, 2007, 10:09:26 PM
Congratulations!  That's coming from a father of four!! :)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on October 03, 2007, 12:14:37 PM
Thanks guys for your replies! We're down to two names now. (Hudson)If it's a boy and (Ariana) if it's a girl. We might change our minds later on, but for now, that's the plan.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on November 07, 2007, 03:29:28 PM
Just an update,

Nola went to the hospital this morning with her mother for her initial checkup and the doctor said everything was fine so far. When she comes back we'll find out whether we're having a boy or girl. She said that the doctor let her listen to the baby's heartbeat and she started laughing because it was really fast and then he couldn't find it again.
The funniest part though, is that we thought she was about three months along (about a month after we got married), but she's actually about 4 months along; so apparently, the baby was conceived on our honeymoon.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Robin on November 07, 2007, 03:41:17 PM
That is so sweet. Let us know if it's a boy or a girl.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on November 07, 2007, 05:00:44 PM
dude im so happy for you man, awsome!! :D
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Kat on November 08, 2007, 10:49:13 AM

Hi Beau,

I just connected who you were at the conference  ::)  What a spiritual feast that was.
So glad to hear all is well with the baby.  Keep the updates coming.

mercy, peace and love
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on November 08, 2007, 12:24:48 PM
Ha, it was good to get to have lunch with you, Kat. Thank you, also. Next year will be a great conference! It's really the only time I get to see my new family.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: gmik on November 11, 2007, 01:21:49 PM
Praise the Lord!!! ;D
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on November 21, 2007, 05:26:22 PM
It's going to be a girl! We've decided (and there's always a chance we could change our minds) her name will be Harley Ariana
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Craig on November 21, 2007, 05:39:58 PM
It's going to be a girl! We've decided (and there's always a chance we could change our minds)

"and there's always a chance we could change our minds"

That would be a good trick, how's that done? ;D ;D

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on November 27, 2007, 04:27:11 PM
Have you ever seen "Trading Places?"
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on December 17, 2007, 03:24:16 PM
Just an update, Nola went to the hospital today for a checkup and another ultrasound. The doctor said the baby was doing great. The funny thing was, Nola said it looked like she was gonna have my feet and her nose. That's like a little troll. It's okay though, we'll have the smartest ugly kid alive, ha ha. :P
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: hillsbororiver on December 17, 2007, 09:33:48 PM

 The doctor said the baby was doing great. The funny thing was, Nola said it looked like she was gonna have my feet and her nose. That's like a little troll.


Hi Beau,

You are a witty guy!

I met Nola and she seemed to have a perfectly fine nose, I should be considered an expert in that regard considering the size of my schnoz.

On the other hand I seem to remember thinking "Sideshow Bob" when I saw the shoes on your feet, I guess you don't tip over easily!  ;)

Happy to hear things are going well.


Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Robin on December 17, 2007, 09:47:56 PM
Yay! A girl!

I missed that update.

I'm sure she will be beautiful.


Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on December 18, 2007, 02:06:52 AM
LOL MG...where did you get THAT?! :D ;D

Congratulations Uncle Beau....a girl!...beautiful!

Peace to you

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on January 07, 2008, 01:27:05 PM
If my daughter looks like that ^^^ , I'm charging admition to on-lookers  :D

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: DuluthGA on January 07, 2008, 04:44:41 PM

Beau, I'm so happy for you!

 :) Janice
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Vangie on January 15, 2008, 06:14:56 PM
Hey Beau,
I'm behind the times in reading your news, but wanted to congratulate you and Nola on your upcoming blessing! (we met in Mobile by the way!).  Keep us posted!!
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 04, 2008, 11:18:35 AM
I'm keeping you all up to speed today. Just the other day, the doctor said the baby was into position, a good size, and ready to come out. He also said that If my wife wants to induce labor over the next few weeks, that it would be fine and safe, so we can plan a day if we so choose. I might actually get to schedule a day off from work rather than running out in a panic, but who knows; God's full of suprises.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Robin on April 04, 2008, 07:36:48 PM
My how time flies for those of us who aren't pregnant.

I'm so excited for you both.

Lots of prayers for all of you.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: hebrewroots98 on April 11, 2008, 08:48:05 PM
Hi Beau!

Keep us informed on when the baby gets here. 
Congrats and let us know how DADDY is doing through it all....
What an exciting time for you all!
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 15, 2008, 02:03:27 PM
You know, it occured to me that it's a detrimental step in my growth with God. I've been trying to be like him while forgetting that in order to even come close, I first have to experience being a father know what a father is, what a father does, etc... Trying to become a man in His image without that is like running a race blindfolded. For those of you that already have kids, remember, they're gonna have to be parents one day too! It's good if they know why.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 18, 2008, 09:32:52 AM
I'm pretty sure today is the day. Nola's going to another doctor's appointment at 1:30 and we've got a 90% chance that they're going to induce labor. I think I'm more excited about today than anything else ever in my life.
I was thinking today...about many things in scripture that symbolize giving birth, being reborn, etc.... COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!! [Rev. 18:4] I told Nola she was the church, and when Harley comes out, when she "breaks forth and cries" [Isa. 54:1 , Gal. 4:27], She'll now be her father's. There are many labor pains before she can come out. But in a short time when the crying is over (and we finally except the truth) she opens her eyes, and behold a new creature! ha ha. Do we now understand?

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on April 18, 2008, 06:29:31 PM
Well said! 8)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 19, 2008, 01:31:12 AM
Well, today obviously wasn't the day. The reason we were looking forward to today was that Nola's amniotic fluid index was almost low enough to need induction (under 5 for necessity and she was at 5.3), but today it had shot back up to 7, which was great because she's in immaculate health and incubating wonderfully. We just got excited and hopeful enough that we were a little let down; but we know she's ready when she's ready. The doctor's now looking at the 28th to induce unless little Harley decides to come out before then.

-Beau & Nola
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: KristaD on April 19, 2008, 12:29:30 PM
Is there a reason they are jumping to induce?? There are a lot of dangers with medical induction and it's really best to use it as a last resort.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Samson on April 19, 2008, 02:51:47 PM



                                          Your Brother, Samson.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 19, 2008, 05:36:59 PM
Is there a reason they are jumping to induce?? There are a lot of dangers with medical induction and it's really best to use it as a last resort.

Could you specify these dangers? the "dangers" of induction are not much different from the dangers in natural childbirth.
Actually, it's only a last resort when the baby is OVERdue. If you'd read carefully what I said before, when the amniotic fluid index gets below 5 they HAVE to induce and that's what we were expecting until Friday. If the index get's TOO low (around 2 or so), they have to jump to c-section or the baby can crush it's own umbilical chord. Nola has to plan induction because she's on blood thinnner and we have to keep total track of conditions and the birthing has to be in an entirely controlled environment. There isn't much room for unexpected events.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Beloved on April 19, 2008, 06:54:30 PM
Hi UncleBeau
I am a Ob Gyn physician ,  in your case it does sound like an induction would be the best choice, if on a blood thinner planning would be better, this would give one time so the blood thinning could be do not want this in full effect during the birthing process if you can help it planning is always better. It is a luxory in Obstetrics.

However, the sucess of any induction is totally dependent on the consistency and readiness of the cervix, other wise it is like ( excuse the metaphor) getting toothpast our with the cap on.
The longer and the thicker the cervix the higher the failure rate.

Once labor does get going regardless of induction or natural then you are dealing with three major forces:
The passanger (the size and position of the baby),
The passageway the bony pelvis and the bony head and
The power, the force power and organization of the contractions.

The amniotic fluid index with the biological profile would determine if there was anything happening on the baby's end that would necessitate the need for delivery. This is only one of many other factors to consider.

Did you ever notice on star trek that women were still in a maternity ward and still pushed them out or had a C/S why didn't they just beam the baby abd the placenta out... ::)

My only advise is to ask as many questions as needed to get things clarified. Iif you do not understand the word(s) get them to write the word(s) down for you.

In the hospital know the chain of command. If a person on the floor is a problem ask for the supervisor, if they do not help you then go to the head of the department or administration.

Nowadays you cannot be passive in the hospital, I would bring a note book and keep records, names times etc. 

Ask what the name of the pill or what they are putting into the IV, whats the blood test, why are you having this or that....

and smile while you are doing it  ;D 
Be firm and smile ;D
Say Thank you  ;D,  smile
Call them by their names and titles... smile  ;D

You are the Daddy, you are there to watch over the two of them, so you do not have to apologize for your actions.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: KristaD on April 19, 2008, 07:10:12 PM
The dangers of induction are far higher and more numerous than natural childbirth, not sure where you got that information but this is something I have researched greatly. I simply asked if there was a medical reason as I know many people have inductions simply for convienience and most ob's never tell people the dangers of drugs used for induction and the major increase in c-section risk that it causes. You obviously have a reason for the induction and that is entirely different. I'm sorry I offended you, I was just asking and making sure you knew what was involved. There are far to many people taken advantage of by the medical profession and not enough information is given to people about the choices they have. I pray for the best for your family and certainly meant no harm by my question. I'm not going to waist time getting information for you about the dangers of something that you've made up your mind about and feel you have no choice in. You can seek out information if God leads you that way. FYI I did read what you said about the fluid, I simply don't believe it is accurate information.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Beloved on April 19, 2008, 09:07:56 PM
Hi Krista D

I think you made a viable point .....but comparing "natural" labor and inductions is like comparing the safety of automobiles and airplanes.
More people are killed in and by cars but that does not stop most people from driving them Planes have fewer accidents but when they do they are more scary and involve more people at once.

Childbirth used to have higher mortalities in the past for many reasons, this was before all the technology. The mortality is now much lower, but what is there is often due to higher complexity patients.

The fact that his wife is on a blood thinner...I do not know what the reason is....this alone puts her in a very high risk category..

She is not in a natural state herself...she is about to face one of the biggest hematologic challenges a woman faces.... I am glad that God had provided mankind with more knowldge about the control of clotting. I am also very hopeful that God has provided this couple with a competent team for their delivery. We will all be praying for them here.

I agree with you about information you can never have enough.
One good thing "elective inductions" have been decreasing dramatically for many reasons, and this is a good thing. They are not a 'good thing'.

Medical inductions are another category and they too are used only as needed. I know when I had to do them, I was always between a rock and a hard placel...if they failed I had to do a C/S, If I did the C/S then everyone thought I was knife happy. 

All I know is that I discussed things with my patients and I discussed the options and let them make the final decision. Some want to try labor and some  do not.

Women may be the weaker vessel but we are better suited to handle all this stuff then the men are.  ;D  Most men do not even get yearly physicals.   :P

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: joyful1 on April 19, 2008, 10:21:19 PM
Hope all is are probably very busy right now....drop a note when you can! God will be with you and your wife and baby through everything....He never leaves us nor forsakes us....ever!
Much love,
Joyce :)
( (
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: ellie77 on April 19, 2008, 11:07:32 PM
Hi Beau and Nola,
                          Congratulations and may God be with you all.Just look at all the people that have replied to you and all that have read your post. W>O>W> People here at B.T. certainly love "good news". Blessings Ellie. :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 19, 2008, 11:47:08 PM
Hi UncleBeau
I am a Ob Gyn physician ,  in your case it does sound like an induction would be the best choice, if on a blood thinner planning would be better, this would give one time so the blood thinning could be do not want this in full effect during the birthing process if you can help it planning is always better. It is a luxory in Obstetrics.

This is what I was trying to say and don't worry, you couldn't offend me if you tried your best. However, this is a thread dedicated to good news...excuse me, Great news! There is no need for worry, we've done all the research necessary and taken whatever precautions that were available to us. We don't live in fear of the future, but your comments are welcome because we're all friends here and I know you're just looking out for our best interest.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 21, 2008, 06:31:17 PM
I haven't mentioned it in a while, but we appreciate all of the comments and prayers concerning the birth of our first child. Words will do their best to describe the love and attention that a sum of you have shown on this subject. I just noticed how many people are reading this thread and it almost seems like a small journal that we've kept in remembrance to the production of the symbolism that must come about concerning Christ and the church; and those that are brought here through fellowship and scholarship alike can see that the most precious of things not only take time and patience, but will strengthen your spiritual house. She won't only be a student of the Word of God, she will also have a chance to be an observer of those with like minds in the things of God. She will learn, she will rebel, she will embrace the world, she will fall, she will repent and she will find salvation....and Daddy will be proud....and so will I.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: gmik on April 22, 2008, 12:32:53 AM
 :) :-*

What an uplifting thread.... thanks all...Uncle Beau what a beautiful sentiment!
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: joyful1 on April 22, 2008, 03:44:59 AM
 :'( :::::tears!::::
UncleBeau-- that was so beautiful!
Joyce :)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 25, 2008, 07:31:39 PM
  Update for today...
Oddly enough I had the day off from work because of slow business, so I went to Nola's Dr.'s Appointment with her and she's ready to induce labor, but it's a good time to do it because the baby's really not gaining much more weight.
  Monday is the day! We'll be checking into the hospital Sunday afternoon  where they will "ripen" her (Beloved will know what I mean) to let her cervix open up some more and it 'should' be smooth sailing from there. We're both just overly excited this weekend!

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Robin on April 25, 2008, 09:39:38 PM
Many prayers for a healthy new life into a wonderful new family.

Don't forget the cigars

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 26, 2008, 02:37:29 AM
Sorry, I quit smoking over a year ago, it wouldn't set a good example either; but If you want I'll pass out something that won't cause cancer, like maybe some gummi bears  ;D
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: joyful1 on April 26, 2008, 09:20:31 AM
 :D I think Gena's cigars are bubble gum anyway! But have some of these just in case! ( (
Keep us posted! Drink lots of water, take YOUR vitamins, charge the batteries for the camcorder! Get extra new batteries for the digital camera or buy lots of disposable cameras and have them made to digital discs later...whatever! :::::running around trying to remember everything you need::::starting to feel like I'm going to the hospital with you guys!:::::feeling like a new grandma all over again! heheheeh:::::::

 Joyce :)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: brandon h on April 26, 2008, 10:36:47 PM
Well, let me add to the congradulations, UncleBeau! With only a few days away you guys must be getting anxious. Hope all is well and you can add my prayers in with the rest.

God Bless
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on April 29, 2008, 08:47:36 AM
I just got back from the hospital this morning to announce that we have a healthy 7lb. baby girl!!! She was born at 11:39 yesterday morning. I'll post some pictures as soon as I can, but she looks so much like me, she's gonna have a hard life ahead of her, ha ha. Nola's still in the hospital while I try and make a living, so I'll be up there as much as I can this week; but I'll try and keep you guys posted.

-Beau, Nola, & Harley
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Kat on April 29, 2008, 09:52:18 AM

Hi Beau,

Finally the news we have been waiting for  CONGRADULATION  (

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Rene on April 29, 2008, 11:34:42 AM


Harley is the first baby born to a forum member since I've been a member, so I consider her to be the first official BT baby. :D  Congratulations and I wish Nola a speedy recovery.

Looking forward to pictures.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Beloved on April 29, 2008, 11:44:06 AM
Congradulations,...... the hidden is now visible.

Now the real fun can begin...a new person has just arrived and you and your wife are part of this miracle.


Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Roy Monis on April 29, 2008, 12:34:01 PM
Congratulations UncleBeau!

And I pray not many sleepless nights for both of you from one who wasn't that well blessed.

God bless and love to you, Nola and Harley

Love in Christ Jesus.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: KristaD on April 29, 2008, 01:10:50 PM
Welcome to the real world ;). And welcome baby Harley :-*!
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Vangie on April 29, 2008, 04:36:35 PM
Congratulations to Daddy Beau and Mommy Nola!  Can't wait to see some pictures of little Harley!

Love In Christ,
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: joyful1 on April 29, 2008, 07:53:19 PM
( (

Baby Harley! :)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: pylady on April 30, 2008, 12:02:50 AM
Beau and Nola,

What wonderful news!  Congratulations Dad  and Mom!

Welcome to the family of mankind, baby sister, Harley.  May God grant you a spiritually rich and blessed life.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on April 30, 2008, 02:49:35 AM
7lbs! WOW! That has to be a really BEAUTIFUL girl! .....even if she looks like you Beau! How wonderful.  ;D 8)

All the Blessed best to you all!

Arcturus :)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: frecklegirl417 on April 30, 2008, 11:50:24 AM
 ;DCongratulations to your whole family!

                   May God guide you and your family through a wonderful time of raising Harley. May she bring you lots of joy, just as Samson's daughters bring to us. ;D
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Robin on May 01, 2008, 02:15:20 AM
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Roy Monis on May 01, 2008, 12:08:17 PM
I didn't know that lots of H2O was a remedy for that particular complaint, Joyce.

Perhaps it's because I'm a stupid old fella!

God bless uncleBeau and I pray your nights are undisturbed and peaceful. If it's any consolation - mine weren't.

God bless all three of you.

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy.    ;D
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on May 02, 2008, 02:28:20 PM
Well, we've brought the baby home the other day and had a couple of those "sleepless nights". Honestly, it's not that bad at all. Harley's actually pretty quiet and when she does cry, she's still pretty quiet. I was telling some coworkers today about how she's already making progress, which is kind of funny to them because I'm trying to notice every little thing. Only a few days old and she's already trying to actually hold her bottle (Nola went with bottle feeding btw); of course it's too heavy for her, but she's putting her hands around it trying to hold it up. She can also take her mittens and hat off and lift her head a little. That might not sound like much to most people, but since we know now the truth on what God has planned for mankind, the firsts and beginnings are so fun to watch. It's a lot like watching a beautiful flower grow. You know it's going to be so amazing to look at when it's fully grown, so when you notice a tiny sprout come out of the ground, it makes you anticipate the end result so much more. So with her being in the world for only a few days, we know of a couple preferences Harley already has: She eats way too fast, she likes sleeping on her stomach when we're holding her (don't think we put her on her face by herself ), and she only burps when we change her position. Now, how could ANYONE...EVER...think that God predestined, or allows, or whetever....anyone to be condemned to a hellhole of torture forever, when He even starts them off as being the most beautiful and precious things that we could ever hope to see in this life? Remember everything we see is a shadow. Even a "shadow" is a shadow of what a shadow is spiritually, if you can follow that. What is an infant child a shadow of? Here's a hint: Without us, they can do nothing.

-Beau, Nola, & Harley
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on May 02, 2008, 03:48:10 PM
Thank you for sharing Beau. Your post reminded me of the first time I saw my son. The experience of love went so deep and it united with the wonder that God too, loves us! That moment was without doubt, the deepest love I have ever felt.

Peace to you and your precious family
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Kat on May 02, 2008, 04:11:32 PM

Hi Beau,

That was great to hear about your first few days with Harley.  Isn't God so great, He puts these helpless precious little people in our care and gives us the love we need to do everything it takes to make sure they have all they need.
I have 3 daughters and have a boundless love for each one of them.  It is so incredible to experience this kind of love.  Now they are starting to leave home  :-\  You are right to Cherish every moment you have with them, they are babies for such a short time.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: ellie77 on May 03, 2008, 05:19:49 AM
Congratulations to you all.Enjoy watching this lovely little flower though I had to tell you that.>!! blessings Ellie :)
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on May 06, 2008, 12:27:20 PM
Lastnight was amazing! Harley's only a week old yesterday and she was trying to crawl! she was lying on my stomach and moved herself all the way up to my face. It took her a couple of minutes, but she did it by herself. I know I sound like an ignorant father bragging on his daughter, but believe me, I've Never, ever, seen this much progress with any child, after three months, let alone one week! Hopefully, I'll have her walking around by September, but we'll wait and see.

-Beau, Nola, & Harley
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on May 06, 2008, 04:23:23 PM
THAT'S LOVE IN ACTION!  :D 8) Harley does not know that she can not crawl but she knows she loves you!!!

Peace to you all
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on May 28, 2008, 03:33:37 PM
I realize it's not even June yet, but I think we'll be bringing Harley with us to the conference in September. Nola doesn't want to leave her and I don't either. However, even considering this, Harley has turned out to be the quietest baby I've never heard. She only cries when absolutely necessary for her to, and when the problem's fixed (feeding, diaper change, etc.), she's fine. Ray and I talked about brining a screaming baby into the conference and we don't want that, so no worries, If Nola has to walk out or something she will and no one should be disturbed, but you will all get to meet her either way.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Roy Monis on May 29, 2008, 06:44:47 AM
THAT'S LOVE IN ACTION!  :D 8) Harley does not know that she can not crawl but she knows she loves you!!!

Peace to you all

Hi! Arcturus

It's great to see you're back safe and sound. This news and Beau's really makes my day complete. Praise God! I hope the situation has settled down now and everything is peaceful once more.

I'm sure we'll all be looking for your postings which are truly edifying.

Welcome back.(

God bless sister in our walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Craig on May 29, 2008, 08:29:45 AM
Uh, Roy hate to rain on your picnic ;D  but that reply from Arcturus was on May 6.  Hopefully she will get wired again soon.

Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Roy Monis on May 29, 2008, 10:33:30 AM
Uh, Roy hate to rain on your picnic ;D  but that reply from Arcturus was on May 6.  Hopefully she will get wired again soon.


Hi! Craig

Today has been a real bad day for me. First I mislead the many with a hoax email I received and now the news that Arcturus is not yet safe. I'm switching off till, God willing, tomorrow.

Goodnight and pleasant dreams.(

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: UncleBeau on December 20, 2008, 01:32:05 PM
Just an update. Little Harley is crawling around like you wouldn't believe! She's almost 8 months old. She can stand up against a wall by herself. She can pick herself up against the furniture, and we taught her how to wave to people. Most importantly she can say "da da".

~Uncle Beau~
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: gmik on December 20, 2008, 02:17:45 PM quickly they grow up!!!
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: unclebeau on December 20, 2009, 03:25:30 PM
Hey everybody! It's been a while, but just so you all know God has been putting us through trial after trial and no matter how hard it is, I couldn't feel more at home with it. (You know when you put the square peg in the square hole and it just slides right in) I'm in the position right now where I only teach the truth of the Scripture when I'm asked and so far only two people in total has held on to it (that seems appropriate to me for some reason, lol), but I remembered what Paul said about the matter:

Philippians 1:15-18 (New International Version)

 15. It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16. The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. 18. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.

Anyway, the purpose of this thread was to originally announce my beautiful daughter Harley. She gets prettier every day and she's highly intelligent for a 1 1/2 year-old. She's pretty well behaved and I think she might have ended her phase in drawing on the walls.

So in good measure I now announce that we're apparently going to have yet another daughter! Even though I've been without a job for a while (for the first time in my life), and we've been so close to being thrown out of our apartment, for some reason it was in our hearts to have another baby. Some might call it foolish, others already know that If God saw it unnecessary for us to have another one, we wouldn't have. Don't get me wrong, I'm not diving off a cliff in the hopes that God will catch me. I'm doing my part in building His Family. In my state, it's really all I can do.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Dave in Tenn on December 20, 2009, 04:11:07 PM
Hi Beau.  Welcome back and thanks for the update.  I remember Harley from Nashville, the youngest, cutest, AND best behaved attendee at the conference.  God be with ya'll in all ways.
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: Linny on December 20, 2009, 07:08:33 PM
Babies are a gift from God and all should be welcomed as such! Great news!

Blessings, Lin
Title: Re: Great, Great News!!
Post by: OBrenda on December 21, 2009, 09:01:15 AM
Congratulations & Welcome back!
