=> Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings => Topic started by: Grateful on September 30, 2007, 04:47:32 PM

Title: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on September 30, 2007, 04:47:32 PM
Hello, all you wonderful people in spirit!!

I am SO GLAD to have serendipitously discovered Ray's Bible-Truths website two years ago in October  I'm so new at trying to learn how to use all the in's & out's of computers (the only things I know how to do well is Email, web searches, and WordPerfect!), that it's taken me almost a month to get this far to be able to write to you!  Ha!   I have SO enjoyed reading all of Ray's articles, AND all the posts of yours that I've managed to read so far in the past couple of months.   WHAT a body of "New Jerusalem" dwellers you are!!!  I have learned a GREAT deal from reading Ray's and your material.  One thing about me is that I have a streak of curiosity a country mile wide, and I like to KNOW the origin and definition of all words that suddenly strike me as very important at the moment.  For example, I discovered that the word "faith" means "confidence" (the "FI" means faithful, such as the Marines' motto, "Semper FI", and that the word "grace" means both "unmerited favor" AND "discipline, correction".  So, every time I see those words, I am encouraged, because I KNOW that God is showing me His blessed favor sometimes, AND He corrects me when I need His help very much.  Yes, sometimes that correction of His is painful, but I am SO grateful for it!!!  (I wish I could make a Smiley Face here, but I don't know how, yet!!).

THANK YOU ALL, for being "there" for the rest of us!!!  I look forward to continuing to learn from you.  Oh, one more thing...thanks to Ray's mentioning of Rotherham's Emphasized Bible in some of his articles, I bought a copy, and have begun a mammoth Bible Study of my own at home, comparing it (Rotherham's) with my old Scofield's KJV Study Bible, and looking up the cross-references, from Genesis straight through.  I'm in mid-Isaiah right now, and am so excited about alllll the GOOD spiritual information I've discovered by doing that!   I try to read a chapter or three every morning, before starting the rest of my day.  WHAT a day-brightener that is for me!  (Smiley Face).

To God be the glory!!


Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: dawnnnny on September 30, 2007, 04:56:43 PM
( (

Hi Linda,

I'm a little north of you (Western Washington), enjoying the same rain!

Just wanted to say welcome to the Forum, I'm glad you decided to enter in!!

God Bless!
Dawn  ;D

( (
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on September 30, 2007, 05:12:16 PM
Hi Dawn!

Oh, how cute your reply is!!  (The animated splattering raindrops on the pavement!!)   I wish I knew "how to do all that.....the photos, animations, BBC's, and Smileys !  I hope I can learn soon, so I can "dive in and get both feet wet!"  (Ha! pun intended, in light of today's weather!  [ "Cheesy" Smiley Face ] ).  Thank you so much for your lovely Welcome!   One thing I love about Autumn's first real rainfall is the sprouting of the new grass all across the landscape.

Have a great day, and may you be showered with several Blessings today! (Count 'em!)  (Smiley)

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on September 30, 2007, 05:43:19 PM
Well it has been raining here too where I am. We recieved the first rains of the spring season here in South Africa.

Welcome to the Forum Linda and thank you for the encouragement to aquire Rotherham's Emphasized Bible.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Kat on September 30, 2007, 05:45:43 PM

Hi Linda,

I am glad you have joined us  :)  ( click on one of the smiles whenever you want it to appear in your text and it will pop up)
You sound like such a cheerful person.
I am way down here on the Gulf coast in Miss. 
I will give you a few links to check out, but just start looking around a clicking thing and you will be surprised at all that we have here.

'Forum indexes and & Info.',14.0.html

'Ray's audios',2641.0.html

'Transcripts of audios',12.0.html

'Who Am I',12.0.html

Anything else you may need help with don't hesitate to ask.
I hope you will being sharing more with us soon.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on September 30, 2007, 07:36:25 PM
Hello Arcturus & Kat !!  I am so happy to have heard from you already, as well as Dawn!  BTW, I'm totally deaf, due to having a cochlear implant in 2003 (it destroys all usable hearing via hearing aids in the ear in which it's implanted, plus my hearing in the other is nil, for all practical purposes), so I cannot use audio tapes, as it's kind of difficult to read lips from them!  A little history is in order here :  I had the German measles at 9 months of age, and it gave me severe nerve damage in both ears.  I stopped learning new words, and it wasn't until I was 3 or 3 1/2 that my parents took me to have my hearing checked, and found out I was severely deaf.  I've worn a hearing aid ever since, until my cochlear implant.  This implant HAS greatly improved my hearing, but it's not the cure-all, as I still read lips a lot, due to sheer force of habit.  I've gone through public schools all my life, and only got a B.A. in biology in college (not a Bach. of Science, that is).  Also, I AM able to talk, and people usually ask me if I'm from Germany, because I speak with a slight German accent --  well, what ELSE can you expect from someone who's had the GERMAN measles???!!   AH HAHAHA!!   I love the outdoors, hence that's why I wanted to major in biology. 

Arcturus, I LOVE the Rotherham Bible....even though it doesn't sound as "poetic" as the Elizabethan English of the AKJV Bible (but I prefer the SCOFIELD KJV Study Bible, because it gives all kinds of very enlightening footnotes and cross-references (even though I disagree with Scofield's and Strong's interpretation of "hell"  -- you & I know that Ray has successfuly smashed that heretical idol to complete oblivion! -- and Scofield's usage of the words "forever and ever" and the gehenna fire where "the fire burneth and the worm dieth not", all complete parroting of the Catholic Latin Vulgate Bible).  I too am, pardon the pun, incensed at the damage being done to poor souls who are only seeking their "place in the Son", and have no knowledge of the fact that their Eternal Destiny in God's Glorious Heaven is ASSURED!!!  My heart aches for them!! (Sad "Smiley") But at least GOD WILL comfort them ALL in due time, thankfully!  (Smiley)

Kat, I thank you for your references, and I'll get to them (the ones that I can use, that is) ASAP.  I take it that "Avatars" are photos that members can put in to their space below their log-on name.  I thought I read somewhere in BT's write-ups on how to use the Forum that I could choose from an assortment of Avatars photos to insert into the space under my "Newbie" status....right?  (I know I could look it up -- I think, but it seems to take me FOREVER [ and ever...ha! ] to find anything in this all-new-to-me "computer usage stuff" !  Whooey!

Glory to GOD!!


P.S.  Well, as y'all can see, I'm trying to navigate my way through the BBC's and Smileys.  I sure hope they come out alright in the final posting!!  Ha!

P.P.S.  I already posted this letter once, but the BBC's and Smileys did NOT work, so I had to MODIFY this letter and eliminate those actions & characters.  Oh, me, oh my....I hope to learn this soon....
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Beloved on September 30, 2007, 07:38:50 PM
Hello Linda and Welcome

Enjoy the fellowship and sharing of information here at BT.
It will not take long before you learn your way. There are plenty of people here that will help you.



We are having a beautiful sunny day here in Nashville TN
You can preview your post to see if the smilie got it on. I lost mine when I copied it and lost a bracket so I typed it in and got the image back. Sometimes it is too close to punctuation or type and will not show.
If you are shy send a PM and experiment with the buttons and smiles 
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: gmik on September 30, 2007, 08:35:36 PM
Hi Linda.  You are gonna SO fit in here!!!  I love you already!!!! I was exactly in the same spot-not knowing anything about smilies, buttons, what'll get it!

Today in Michigan, it is 75 out and sunny and the leaves are starting to turn glorious red/gold!  I do love autumn!
Linda I would put a picture here of that like so many of the gals and others do, but I don't know how either, specially the ones that move like the rain.  Cool.

Anyhoo, welcome and stay in contact.
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on September 30, 2007, 09:01:04 PM
Hi Gena!!

Hahaha!  To paraphrase Minnie Pearl's famous call, "I'm SO PLEASED to be herrrre!!"  ;-DDD (MY emoticon for a biiig smile.....since I STILL don't know how to get the "Smileys" & BBC's to operate correctly.)  Apparently you DO know how to get your own photo inserted underneath your online name (the twins....did you say once that they're your grandchildren??).  I have been Blessed to have twin girls, 33 years old now, each with two small children, the latest being born only just last Sunday, the First Day of Autumn!!   :->  !!

October has always been my favorite month, because of the fall husband & I got to camp underneath a flaming maple tree of ALL COLORS on our first wedding anniversary in Vermont!!  Ohhhh!!

This to all of you "out there" ....aren't we LUCKY to have the kind of God we do?!!!!   Such Majesty, awesomeness, Beauty of Character, and the Light of Glory!  I could just sing, shout, and dance all over the Universe for Joy!

How Great Thou art, O God!!

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: gmik on September 30, 2007, 09:20:56 PM
Linda, I am so expertise on the forum that I just lost the twins. Yes they are my twin grandsons.  I am not a bit surprised to hear that you have twins---they have come out of the wood work!!!

No really, can someone help me retrieve the "twins" on my avatar.  I am on photobucket and I have tried all 4 options several times and I can't get a new picture on.  This happened last time but I eventually got them w/o really knowing what I did or didn't do.  Which option is the correct one and should the http:// be on the forum line or should I delete that??? Help!
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: dawnnnny on September 30, 2007, 10:02:03 PM
( (

Hi again Linda (and Gena, you might like this too)

This is the website that I get my pictures:

There is a "search" box where you can search for things (like Welcome, Rain, etc.)
When you find one you want, click on it and it will open in another window, then on the bottom of that page, copy (right click copy or Control C) the code in the bottom box (the one for BB's).

Then paste (right click paste or control V) the code in your post.  It will show as code but when you "preview" you should see the picture.

Hope this helps, you know how us women like to decorate!!!   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on September 30, 2007, 11:06:05 PM
Hi again, Dawn! (and Gena)

Thanks very much for the website :
that takes us to the Avatars, and other graphics!!  I've only gone through 10 pages and many are very beautiful!  ;-D

Incidentally, lest any of you "out there" may think I'm "too, too much rah, rah!", I WILL say that my life has NOT been a bed of rose petals by ANY means!  God has dragged me through a LOT that I would've rather NOT have gone through, but as the saying goes, "If God brings you to it, He WILL bring you THROUGH IT."  That is SOOOOO true, I am thankful to say!  And because He DID bring me through my trials to the other side of them, to the point where I could smile again, my faith GREW..!   (Whew.... )

Time for me to go fix pancakes & fruit salad for dinner, so I'll be back sometime!

Linda  ;->
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: LittleBear on September 30, 2007, 11:28:41 PM
Hi Linda,

I love you already too!! I'm really slow at learning new stuff on the computer, but I finally learned how to get smilies in from outside that actually move. This is a BIG accomplishment for me. (

The site I use is  I just copy and paste, but there might be a better way, don't know.

Dawn, much thanks for the website; I'm gonna check it out. I'm always on the lookout for new fun stuff.


Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on October 01, 2007, 01:04:36 AM
Hi Ursula!

Thank you so very much for writing to me!  Gosh, I LOVE you too..!  And EVERY Child of God (and especially those who love our Almighty Father INTENSELY)....because our Father thought so much of each one of us as to fashion us and give us a deep Love for all that is Good and Right in this world and the next....!!  I'm so excited at the thought of becoming part of the New Jerusalem and its citizenry someday, in gorgeous REALITY!!!  'S what keeps me going!!  (Yes, I AM aware that I end a lot of sentences with an exclamation mark or three, but gee, I just can't help it!!  I'm just plain EXCITED!!  God does have that effect on us...  And yet I cook, bake, vacuum, dust, scrub our linoleums on my hands & knees, etc., as well.. )

Thank you for the  website!  I'll check into it soon. 

You have a very Good evening, Ursula!


Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: skydreamers on October 01, 2007, 03:08:57 AM

Wow Linda, what an entrance you've made into our little forum family!  Very happy to have you here and look forward to reading more from you and your infectious joy!

Peace to you,
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: DuluthGA on October 01, 2007, 05:24:26 AM
Well it looks like we've got another LIVE ONE on our hands! :D  Beats the alternative. ;)

And I'm not sure quite yet what to do with you.... hug you or smooch you! :P :-*

Linda, it's great you've stepped out and stepped in!  HA!!  I too am one o' those who is filled with exclamations and ha's and ho's!!!!!  I am filled to the brim... with Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  DOUBLE HA!!!!! ;D

I'm so v v glad U R here!  Goodie!

Yes!  'Tis seredipitous, great word, and part of our God's plan.

To relate to you... I was so happy to learn ALSO not too long ago that:

GRACE MEANS UNMERITED FAVOR                                                             GRACE MEANS UNMERITED FAVOR                                                       GRACE MEANS UNMERITED FAVOR

You iz schmart and schpeak goot!  Ha.

[As an aside to Dawn... girl you know I love flowers... that is one beaauutiful bouquet!]

Anyway Linda,

I love your lighter side...

... the German accent... ah haaaa...
... I too am incensed... good good one...  :D

don't forget sweet person, lucky (there is no luck, it  = favor too  ;)

I'm glad you are well read and very functional despite your handicaps, God bless you more, from my heart to yours.

I just thought it was rather funny of our Lord to bring another Rah Rah Rah person into our midst... just as my Rah Rah Rah ooomph has started to dwindle due to time constraints.  I'm up late tonight on my last leg as usual.


Under normal circumstances, in Ursula's group of smileys, I am the one in the back that is going supreme bonkers, and yes, I attest that to the intense power of love for God that I've been given.  (Although I do have the audacity to question Him regularly.  Ick.  Little ol' me.  Honestly Linda, I don't know what He's going to do with me...)   :-\

Anyway Linda, it's nitey time for me and I have to hop... but I love your parting references to our New Jerusalem and ensuing citizenry.... as well as your reference to its GORGEOUS REALITY a great term of it all.  Amen sister and right-on bigtime. :) :P :D  8)

More later,

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on October 01, 2007, 04:42:46 PM
Good Morninggg, Diana & Janice!!!

What a treat to see you both in my mailbox this morning!  Thanks much for your beautiful, heart-filled 'Welcome' , Diana!  ;-DDD   And, Janice, hahaha, let's go for the hug & kiss!!  ;-> !!  You've been infected with the "God-Bug" too, I see!!  hahaha!  ('s incurable!!  Once He REALLY gets "a-holt of you", there's no getting away!!  ;-DDDDDDDD  [ Biiiiiiig Smile !!] ).  "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw ALL MEN (AND WOMEN) unto Me."   :->

Janice, as for "what is God going to do with you," He'll show you sudden insights as you go about your daily living, resting, and lying in bed in night thinking about & to Him.  Be sure to have a notepad & pencil handy all over the house to write down the sudden 'revelations' (of any good kind) that He gives you, no matter what time of day or night it is....and do it quick!!  Because if you DON'T, you will in all likelihood NEVER remember it again!!  I've discovered this time & time again, to my great chagrin (and there was NO "grin" about it!! HA!).  When God gives you diamonds, SET THEM in a circlet around your finger immediately to be a REMINDER of Him and his NEARNESS, every time you re-read that note you wrote down!  ;-DDD  (This is the best simile I can give of what I'm talking about here.)  Also, I know that there is no such thing as mere're right, it DOES mean FAVOR !  And it DOES cause our spirits to exult, doesn't it?!!  Glory to God!!

The Jews have a saying, "See you next year in Jerusalem!"  OH!!!  BTW, I just NOW suddenly remembered something neat I discovered about the word 'Jerusalem' comes from the Hebrew word, 'Yerushalayim' , (the 'shalayim' meaning "Shalom" or "Peace") , and means either "Abode of Peace"  OR "Possession of Peace".  Soooo, the New Jerusalem WILL be just exactly THAT!!  RAH!!!  And Jesus said "Do not look for the Kingdom of Heaven here nor there, for it is WITHIN YOU."  God GROWS IT on the INSIDE of us a bit more EVERY day, and His Exultation becomes OURS too,because that's just the kind of GOD He IS!!!!!  As our Father, He wants His Children to feel the SAME way He DOES!!   YAY!

All for the moment, girls!  Have a very fair day....and be well !!

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: gmik on October 01, 2007, 11:03:40 PM
Wow!!!   Janice and Linda--I think you have scared all the fellas off!!! ;D

Girls, I love all your ha's and ho's and smilies and pics and as Diana (still queen of banners) says, infectious enthusiasm!!

I once prayed for more estrogen on this forum!!!  Yahooooooo

(I would do a pic here but I am too laz, ahem...tired...and its too late)

nite all!
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: DuluthGA on October 02, 2007, 04:35:49 AM
Hi Linda, :)

I'm so v glad to get back to you, have been desiring to all day, just been BIZZY BIZZY.  [More like dizzy dizzy, ha! :D]

For starters, here's a tip for you that I use often... the Modify button.  For example, in one of my previous posts to you I said something about the German measles (but meant: the German accent) so after it got posted, I just returned to my own post and in the upper right-hand corner clicked the Modify button and changed the word 'measles' to 'accent'.  Voila!  Now you know how to make corrections after making any post, just don't forget to click SAVE afterward.

Also, and you may know this already, but Ray has a really great and insightful paper or transcript (can't remember which right now) on how the word 'grace' is also actually a verb... as in... our Lord's chastening grace, an action word.  Can't put my fingers on it's fairly recent... hope maybe Kat our Resource Person can help out on this.  Iz goodie! 

So it's been about two years ago BOTH you and I discovered Ray's site, how cool.  I didn't link to this forum until I read most of his stuff, I guess probably like you.  I joined this forum four months ago.  I really do enjoy Ray too.  Lots of plain truth coming through clouded eyes and mind... happy happy and mind-blowing joy!  But then there's the acknowledgement of the suffering part.... ouch and sigh... yet onward we go.... march march march to our Master!  I still do so with joy... what else is there?  :D  THE BIG ULTIMATE HA!

I most certainly haven't always been 'rah rah' [if you have time, please see my testimonial thread 'Caregiver shares more' at:,5391.0.html]  I am 'rah rah' for the most part for my father to whom I am clinging onto for dear life as he is my (worldly) everything and my joy, and over the past five years of living intimately together, I exaggerate my happiness and joy and my love for him in cheerleading-type antics so that he can receive it with his v v dulled mind.  I shout, I cheer, I dance and perform for him and it makes him smile still today.  This persona has been given to me to carry on, it seems, in whatever I do. 

So yes, Linda, for me too, life's been no bed of roses... I was doing alright (in a rather carnal sense) most of my adult life until '96 then it's been a rough road for one reason or another.  ;) ;)  Yes dear new friend, we [you and I] have been brought through severe trials, and I also invite you to view the many many scripture verses on the theme of suffering/afflictions/tribulations thread which was given me to compile:,5482.0.html  You cetainly WON'T get a sermon on these in any church, HA!  Yet to me, they are the many many witnesses of God's word that we are to follow our Lord in His suffering.  What a God!  Why this?  I don't know... but I do trust in that there is BOTH His and our glory at the end.

And so along with you Linda, I have been given to ENJOY.... no matter what....  exulting Him as well.  Yes "luck" *wink* His sort of "magic" *wink* that so briefly as you say gives us sparks of His revelations (I know whacha mean about writing it down quick!) of truths here and there.  How I love it all and love His fantastical magnificence.

John 3: 27   And John answered and said, A man can receive nothing unless it is given to him from Heaven.  [Green's Literal Translation]

Also congrats on your FOURTH grandchild! Yip! :)

God bless and more later! :)
With Christian love,

P.S.  Can't forget the HUG HUG and SMOOCH! :-*


Oh the joys of a sister in Christ!

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Kat on October 02, 2007, 02:24:02 PM

Well I had a little catching up to do here.
For the most part I'm self taught on using the computer.  I just keep clicking on things and checking out what's there, till I figure it out. 

Linda, I think you have a great attitude and your cheerfulness is a blessing to all.  We all have been through our share of trials, that are indeed life lessons, which I think help us grow in faith.

Gena, You mentioned losing your avatar pic.  When I changed mine to the apples, I had a really hard time.  So I tried the 'I will upload my own picture:' with the browse botton, it worked. 

Janice, The Bible study on 'Saved by Grace through Faith'  audio link;

transcript link;,5417.0.html

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: conrad on October 02, 2007, 07:02:40 PM
hi Linda,
I'm Dave- I'm new here too. I've been reading Ray's stuff for about a year. It has, through the application of the Spirit had such a positive effect on my life (combined with some pretty serious trials). I am starting to realise how true joy can coexist with pain and sorrow. After all Paul commanded us to "Rejoice in the Lord always and (if you didn't quite catch that) AGAIN I say rejoice"! So while you're being beaten with rods... Rejoice! While you're in danger of robbers on the road... rejoice! While you're shipwrecked... Rejoice! While.... you get the idea.    :           )

That's not easy, but it's what we're called (and chosen) for. So, thank you for your encouragement. I guess this is a useful means of fellowship for you with your hearing dificulties. I get the impression it is a small and strong (in weakness) group of people who are truly learning, in many ways, to be overcomers. My battle has, among other things been with acute mental illness. I know for a fact that with God I would never have made it through the past seven years. But, in the suffering we are all growing, and being formed by the Master. Feel free to msg me for a chat anytime.

Look forward to hearing how you get on with your bible studying. It sounds quite heavy, but I'm sure you will be greatly blessed. I have never come across Rotherham's. May well check it out.

Well, peace to you sister(s),

He is Risen. He is Risen indeed!


Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on October 03, 2007, 03:20:19 AM
Hi Folks!!

It's late right now, and I just re-read all your wonderful "Emails" (after leaving at 9 am this morning and getting back at 6 pm, from a humongously-long orthopedic Dr. visit (he had an extraordinarily complex case to take care of, prior to several other patients & me, so I did NOT "fume" was IMPORTANT for him to take care of that patient FIRST) -- mine took 2 1/2 hours altogether!!!  Wow!  We ate out, then shopped at WalMart, and I got all kinds o' goodies, including "Baby Clouds" yarn to make a really fluffy wreath, and autumn decor of several kinds to grace our table with the glorious colors of fall !  Yay!

I just want to say one thing real quick, and then I'll get back to y'all at another time :  Conrad, I KNOW what acute mental illness is like, because I was hit extremely HARD with clinical depression (at first it was mental AND emotional, but then turned into just emotional illness -- a hideous agony) 6 months after our twins were born, and am STILL taking antidepressants.  Thankfully, I rarely feel the emotional effects of the depression now, and when I DO feel it, it usually is only for a few seconds.  I have discovered that EVERY SINGLE TIME I went through a bout of depression, I came out on the other side of it HAPPIER than I was before I went through it.....again, ANOTHER faith-lifter!!   (A good joke here is :  "Let GOD give you a faith-lift!!  It's the GREATEST!!"   ;-DDDDD   [ biiiiig Smile!!!  HAHAHA! ] ).  Sooo, Conrad.....HANG IN THERE, even if it feels sometimes like it's by the skin of your teeth for the moment.  Two of the things I've learned in Life is :  one, the Buddhists say "The only thing constant in Life is Change," and two, "This, TOO, SHALL pass!!!"  ;-DDD

LOVE to All , and GOOD Night!!  And TTYL !  (Talk To You Later ! )

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: indianabob on October 03, 2007, 03:50:24 AM

So good to read your message.

We all are grateful and appreciative of what God is giving us.

I hope to hear from you and learn more about your journey toward salvation and serving God.

Please don't fear about taking too much of our time.  Your story is very valuable to each of us.

Regards,  indianabob
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Scribbles on October 03, 2007, 08:36:49 PM
Hi Linda !  It's been sooooooo awesome to read this thread over these last few days. I had hoped to reply sooner, to welcome you. There are a couple other "deafies" here, and one other brother has several members of his family that are're right at home, sis. You're not gonna believe this...I'm deaf too, measles when I was 2 or 3 years old, the german measles that affected my nerves, and my real name is Linda !!!!  I think this is the first time I've ever told anyone here at the forum my real'm pretty "shy" for the most part, but I love the "idiot" side of me, some parts of the states, they say being "backwards" instead of shy. Along my way, I've stepped on alot of thorns while trying to smell the roses, and other times got turned around and wound up in the briar-patch. But, He's always picked me up, to do the walk again....I'm pushin 60, one of the "gramma's" feel so much at home here, even though I spent a life-time not "fitting in", nor knowing where I was suppose to live, who to be/not be with, from having actual powers of darkness to the Lord calling me to serve Him instead of the evil one, from attending all kinds of churches (take your ) recieving understanding of the doctrine errors and staying home to "learn" finding this forum and website. I'm finally "home".....your name says it all....Grateful. There's a host of us here that surely know what you just to think, the Lord has only just to begin on
Welcome aboard
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on October 03, 2007, 11:04:47 PM
Hiii, Scribbles (Linda!! ;-DDD  Biiiig Smile!!) , Indianabob, and just for now, Janice!!

Hey, Scribbles, you knocked MY Email for a loop when YOU posted!!  Apparently you posted just one second before I! did, and then I couldn't find MY original Email that I was directing at Janice, regarding her reference to her testimonial thread, "Caregiver shares more" (about her husband's AND her father's Alzheimer's) !!  HAHAHA!!   Oh well, that Email of mine coulda stood being pared down in size anyhow, soooo that's what I'll do right here in THIS Email!  ;->

So, Scribbles (are those YOUR beautiful cats???), YOU had the German measlies (sic) too, eh??  Tell me, do YOU speak with a German accent TOO?!!!!   AH HAHAHAHAHAA!   My husband & I (soon to celebrate our 40th Wedding Anniversary) do an awful lot of kidding around too....we KNOW what "the idiot side" of human personality means TOO.   OHHHHH, I WISH I KNEW how to "operate" the BBC's and Smiley icons too, so that I could personalize my Emails even more, and "jazz them up", like Janice knows SO WELL how to do!!!  HAHAHA!  ;-DDDD !!   So far, my computer confounds me....   I too have gone ALL my life "not fitting in," so I guess you also know the full meaning of "Loneliness"?? (Even in a crowd!).  Do you read lips too, or do you use sign language, or what?   I've ALREADY pole-vaulted over 60, and am also known as "Gramma" to my grandchildren!  Well, is this a small world (in a VAST Universe), or WHAT?!  Ha!  On another tack, I feel I've "come Home" among all of you dear Spiritual Searchers (or, Warriors?!!) here on this BT Forum, at long last!!  YOU ALL are ONE of the REASONS I am "Grateful"!!!  Yay!

Indianabob, since I did major in Biology (a science), I have always leaned toward trying to reconcile science & the spiritual side of Life.  My husband & I have watched (captioned) documentaries on suchlike things as archeology (especially of the Biblical lands), human genetics, astronomers & their astronomical discoveries in olden times, the earth (like volcanology, geology, national parks, other countries & cultures), etc., ETC.!   I even read the book, "The Tao of Physics" by Dr. Fritjof Capra, a famous nuclear physicist, and was absolutely blown away by his extremely-scientific revelations (and PHOTOS!!) down to the nuclear level of matter!  As far as I was concerned, he PROVED the fact of God's Existence, if you were to read that book and SEE what I mean.  (I had to read that book THREE TIMES, in order to fully UNDERSTAND what the author was SAYING!  It was SO absorbing!)   BTW, I was baptized Catholic at age 8, because my Italian grandmother wanted me to be (went to catechism from age 6 to 8), never went to church on my own until after my twins were born, and had them go to Sunday School at age 3, because I wanted them to at least have SOME Spiritual Ideas embedded into their minds, although I didn't know at the time that Hell was nonexistent (I'd never really given it much thought, though).  I had gone to Ladies' Bible Studies after I was married, for several years, and as my girls grew older than 3, I went to church, but never "fit in", due to being "ignored" by almost every single person, socially-speaking.  Finally, one day I simply quit going to church, because something finally "snapped" in my mind, about not really getting what I needed so very much:  pure, sheer, undiluted joy of close spiritual comradeship among church members.  To be sure, there WERE two gals, one especially, who DID "pay attention" to me, and I AM SO Grateful for them!!!       ;-DDDD !!  To this very day, I'm in close touch with both of them.

Janice!  I EMPATHIZE "moocho" with dad, too, had Alzheimer's, for 8 years.  My mother took care of him 25/8 ,  if you get my meaning!!!!  According to my mother, he was a 2-year-old in a very strong body, physically & health-wise.   She cooked nutritious meals, and gave him his daily pills (although I once saw him sneakily throw them away when he thought no one was looking).  He became combative toward the end, so my brother had to step in and do for my mother what she could not bring herself to do:  have him put into an Alzheimer's nursing facility.  He was so sad there, missed my mother so much and begged to come back home....he died one month later, peacefully in his sleep in the hospital, to where he was rushed on that April day last year, with my mother and brother & wife at his bedside.  I felt bad that I could not be there then...

I have to go now to fix dinner, and try to send this before I lose this Email (haha!).  Chat more with y'all later!!  ;->  !!

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: DuluthGA on October 04, 2007, 03:46:30 AM
Hello fellow crocheting sister!  ;D

I make all my dad's blankets.  TEE HEE!  Love to shop yarn.  Anyway...

Linda what the heck are you doing to rectify your not being able to use all our buttons and knobs?  Have somebody in your family help you go over the instructions we have posted for you.  Or when you have time to set aside for these tasks read and try to follow them and if you get stuck, PM me back and I will help you further, no prob.  I have PMd you twice and have gotten no response from you.  This is a function that allows us to personally email each other without forum view.  Look at the top of the screen between HOME HELP SEARCH PROFILE MY MESSAGES CALENDAR MEMBERS LOGOUT..... click on MY MESSAGES!!!!!!!  Play around with it when you have time and you will be rewarded by the fruits of your labors.  You will not break anything... so work 'em out! ;)  [Sorry I don't know what you mean by BBCs (?)] ???

Linda v v happy 40th anniversary to you and your loving husband and God bless your wonderful family! 

How familiar I am with the words 'lonliness' and 'lonliness in a crowd' as well as 'misfit.'  Linda, if there were a room filled with misfits, I would not fit inHA! 

I too enjoy the interchange between science and spirituality, especially enjoying the developments over the past twenty years or so of biblical archeology.  In fact, Ray has recently commented on such in an email this August:,5174.0.html

I know and realize that a lot that comes off of the History Channel, etc., is c.r.a.p., but I record them all and either refute them or keep them to be passed on... and occasionally there is the good one as you and your husband have discovered... actually, there are several good ones. The absolute BEST documentary on the O.T. scriptures, especially regarding the crossing of the "Red sea" and so much more is titled EXODUS DECODED.  It is two hours long and worth going to the History Channel's online store and buying it outright... ka-pow from a scientific outlook, that's all I can say.  V interesting for the winter months if y'all get bored. ;)  Or record it when it is surely to come 'round again.

Here is link:  The twenty bucks is well worth it for family viewing. 

Anyway, thanks also for the reference of Capra, will definitely check it out eventually as it has been given to me to be interested in sub-atomic/particle physics.  So cool! 8)  How to try to kiss God... let me count the ways.... Ho ho!! :P :o :-* :D 

Thanks also for sharing your church history... oh well and triple ha... the less church the better. ;D  Me too.... haven't been in one in over 22 years..... wink wink nudge nudge.  All His doing I'm sure.

So overall, Linda, we are not to worry about not fitting in -- in a church way --or not fitting in socially -- in a worldly way -- but I realize it's hard not to sweat this out... He has geared us as social creatures, so why the extra difficulties in this regard I don't know.  I mean, it's bad enough to suffer.... but to add on suffering the social isolation. ???  Part of His process I guess.  I do know that He will comfort us and not let anything get too great for us to bear and I long for the day when we will no longer be isolated, each from the other, indeed.  We cannot comprehend it now, but we will all be one.  Amen. :P

And special thanks for your v personal comments about your mum and dad and what they went through.  TA v v moooocho!!  You hit a lot of nails on the head...

25/8... love it!  Am there!

... and an extremely physically strong and essentially healthy bedridden "youngster."  Got one!  Am there!

So glad you've got good support immediately around you plus friends especially those two special ones that've kept linked to you.  Praise God!

I must say also, thank you for your recognition that Alzheimer's does sometimes go WAY WRONG in that those afflicted with it, whose minds eventually MELT.... will sometimes get "combative."  God bless you for saying that.  My dad is alright in this regard, but my husband, the sweet, genteel southern gentleman he was, got not combative, but VIOLENT, and I did not include this into my 'Caregiver shares all' thread because it simply was too much.  In the end, he too had to be facilitized, and to this day I lament the innocents he brutalized without realizing he had done any thing wrong whatsoever.  Tearfully I explain to people that he was the most wonderful man in the world..... and I live with the memories.

Take good care in Christ! :)
Thank you thank you Linda!

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: LittleBear on October 04, 2007, 10:59:36 AM
Ah, you two!

Linda, you got one smilie going there, so I'm sure we will be seeing more of them from you soon! YAY! Something is working!

And I'm also wondering what is a BBC. The only BBC I know is a Bacardi, Banana and Pina Colada drink.(

Janice and Linda, the two of you sound so outgoing, that I would never have thought that you would be misfits in the church or anywhere. You both sound like the type of people who naturally gather people to yourselves and bless them tremendously. I was always so quiet and just stood back, and like you didn't feel that closeness and heart-fellowship that I craved. Everyone seemed too busy and so into their own adgendas. Thanks for sharing that. Like you say Janice, it's all part of His process.

Scribbles, thanks for giving us your name Linda...I want to know about those cute kitties too!


Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: DuluthGA on October 05, 2007, 01:43:33 AM
Hi Linda,

I just thought of something... maybe you don't realize that your 'Help please' post got moved by Craig, a forum moderator, to the Off Topics section.  It is there that some of us have given you posts of helpful instructions about the smileys, etc.  Hope you have found it!

With lovies, :)
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on October 05, 2007, 03:08:50 AM
Janice, a quick reply, and then I'm buttoning up for today :  YESSSS, I FINALLY found all the Personal Messages I've received, thanks to your prompting!  Rah!!   Maybe NOW I'll get SOMEwhere SOON!!  It'll have to wait til tomorrow, though.  You've heard of the "Bell Curve" (the learning curve) ??  Well, I'm still on the left side of the bell, at the very bottom edge of it!!  Haha!  Hopefully I'll get to the right side of the bell's edge and start it RINGINGGGG!!   AH HAHAHAHA!!  ;-> !!


Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: DuluthGA on October 05, 2007, 04:58:37 AM
Good thing ya got goin'!  Work on it when you can...

We will always be together... ;)  not to hurry or worry....  :-*

Nitey nite,
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on October 05, 2007, 11:30:24 PM
Hi Janice, et al !

I've been SOOOOOO busy this week, that I haven't been able to get back to Y'All and do you justice in a reply to all of you.  For one thing, I'm now taking an 11-week class on Digital Cameras (to  learn to download pix onto computer, manipulate them, print 'em, and / or Email 'em)....yesterday was the 2nd day of class.  My assignment was to go out & shoot pictures.   Ohhhh, boy, DID I get some totally gorgeous storm clouds and BLUE sky!  I CAN'T WAIT to SEE them onscreen, and enlarge & print them!  ;-DDD  (Biiiig Smile!)

I'll try to get back to you later this evening.  I need to re-read all your helpful hints, everyone, and try to make them work PROPERLY.   Wish me luck!  (Actually, I'm gonna need divine inspiration to get through all the instructions correctly!  (I've ALREADY tried to apply one hint, and it DIDN'T work.....sighhhhhh.....)

BTW, one of you asked me what BBC's are.....I'd found them on the "Help" section (on the bar that says :  HOME, HELP, SEARCH, PROFILE, MY MESSAGES, CALENDAR, MEMBERS, and LOGOUT) and the letters stand for Bulletin Board Codes  (which explain the "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "color of font", "font size' ,  etc., etc.). 

Chat with you cooool cats later!!!

<3<3<3 ,

P.S.  The <3 is my way of casting an "O" in a "Heart" shape, and when I combine three of them, I'm in actuality 'sing-saying'  "Holy..Holy..Holy!"   (For,  God our Father is LOVE, AND He is most Holy....)
Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on October 07, 2007, 02:15:58 AM
Hi again, Janice!

I'm STUCK here on MY "Here I am, on a rainy day" thread, because the Internet Explorer will NOT let me reply to YOUR post #44 addressed to me on your "Caregiver shares more" thread (I keep getting booted out of being able to log in online in that discussion board....I have NO IDEA how to get on!).  So, here's the letter I started to you, and put on my EditPad & saved it for later (which is NOW.....   :)    :

Dear Janice,

I didn't discover your reply to my Email until just NOW (it's 3:45 pm PDT).   

Yes, Mother took care of my dad for 8 years  (My doctor told me that Alzheimer's patients usually pass away in 6 to 8 years, and dementia patients can take up to 20 years to pass away.....apparently Alzheimer's is much more swift. It was actually congestive heart & kidney failure that "finished" my dad in the hospital on his last day alive on Earth.)  How FORTUNATE] you were to be able to sit on your husbands lap and hug him A LOT on his last day!!!!   You & I are both GRATEFUL that their suffering is OVER!!

Yes, Mother is still very much alive (84 years old) and still kickin' (but not as high, as she laughingly said over the phone the other night!   AH HAHAHA!   I told her I'm not either!!   ;D ;D  ).

Ohhhh, I feel so sorry for your widowed friend's mother, being reduced to the fetal position now and having to have a special resting-surface to prevent bedsores!!

All we can do is pray to God the Father:  "O, PLEASE be merciful   to (whoever)....!!" , and let (whoever) pass away peacefully!!

I was just reading online ( that the more self-disciplined a person is, the LESS likely he or she will develop Alzheimer's.  The article even went on to say that those people who kept themselves vigorous in their daily lives, managing and organizing their affairs.....that some of them who were autopsied had the Alzheimer's lesions in their brains but did NOT exhibit Alzheimer's symptoms!!!  Yee haa!!   SO,  there IS   Hope!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing your inner-circle life with me and the rest of us, Janice!!  WHAT a Blessing!  you are!!!

God LOVE ya!!   :-*


Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: DuluthGA on October 08, 2007, 10:51:27 PM
YOU are a big blessing, Linda! :)

I'm very glad to see you are now able to make posts using the buttons.  Yay!

And it's great to hear about your dear and active mum, and I will keep her in my prayers as well.

Also thanks about your info on preventing Alzheimer's.  I try to keep up with the latest info on this because afterall I am an offspring of someone who has it, and there could be a genetic link... although I don't think they know about this for sure.  There was no history of it in my husband's family.  Scary.

From what I have come to understand mostly from AARP's bulletin articles and their invaluable website, the best prevention is to keep your mind regularly doing NEW tasks.... the keys being NEW AND DIFFERENT from the types of thought processes your mind regularly does, and do them often [daily] and once you get used to doing them, then doing SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAT IS NEW for awhile then change to something else again and so on.  Examples include learning a new language, doing all manner of puzzles and games, etc., and doing vigorous exercise as well.

You are so so right my dear, all we can do is pray and accept God's will.  It's a fine line we all tread between life and death in a multitude of ways.  How fascinating it all is! :)

Have a great EXPRESSIVE time at Da Forum Linda! :D ;D

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: Grateful on October 09, 2007, 11:55:36 AM
Hi Janice!

It's so funny (coincidental, that is).....only just this morning before getting online, I was reading last night's newspaper about "exercising the brain," to prevent deteriorating mental "powers".  It said exactly what you did yesterday afternoon, with the ADDITION of something I hadn't thought of the same thing DIFFERENTLY, such as brushing your teeth with your OTHER hand, to train the OTHER SIDE of your brain in facility of coping with "newness".  Haha, I just this second had a funny thought.....could this be part of what God was talking about, when He said, "Behold, I make all things NEW." ?    Another way of saying that there'll be more variety & niceness of life?  I really DO enjoy learning to do new things, ESPECIALLY if they are beautiful in one way or another.  It's fun!!  Makes me wonder just HOw FULL a Spiritual Life can be once we ALL   are safely ensconced in New Jerusalem forever and ever?!!


I'm certainly finding my current humongous project the most challenging and rewarding I have EVER undertaken (studying the Scofield KJV Study Bible and Rotherham's Emphasized Bible simultaneously, from the very beginning....I'm in Isaiah 38 now, in both Bibles).  It sure DOES exercise the "noodle-stroodle" to look up the cross-references, and read the footnotes & marginal notes in the Scofield version, and to write down the page numbers at the bottom of the pages of the Rotherham's where I can find the Scriptural passage listed in the footnotes there (I do that BECAUSE the Rotherham's chapter-numbering system is too unwieldy for me, since they're listed in Roman Numerals!!  That is SO distracting to me!!  I've even taken a yellow highlighting pen and highlighted EVERY chapter number in the body of each page on which they are, since the chapter numbers at the TOP of each page is, again, in Roman Numerals.).  Anyway, I am finding out scads of exciting Spiritual information & truths, as well as just how plain GOOD our God IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   O, HALLELUJAH!!!!!    :D

Thank you, Janice, for your input on this very important aspect of our life :  our mind !!   We NEED the same mind in us that is in Christ Jesus in order to make any sensible sense out of life on Earth as it is today, with the seeming chaos in human affairs going on all around us.  As Ray said in one of his articles (I think it was about Revelation), the "sea" represents "the teeming mass of mankind", and so we who are trying so hard to find out what God's Will is in any given situation and then to DO it, need to keep our heads (minds) ABOVE that "sea" in order BE righteous in GOD'S sight.  It feels so good to "snuggle up to our Father in Heaven" like a small child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (And hear HIS Heartbeat!)   :)

Have a BEAUTIFUL Day, ALL of you Forum Members!!!

Title: Re: Here I am, on a rainy day in Oregon!
Post by: DuluthGA on October 09, 2007, 06:56:17 PM
Thanks again Linda,

That is A GREAT idea about doing the routine things in our lives in different ways like switching hands... an ABSOLUTE GEM OF AN IDEA because it's so easy to do!

So glad you are enjoying your bible studies and more! :)
