=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: Kat on December 02, 2007, 09:51:42 PM

Title: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Kat on December 02, 2007, 09:51:42 PM

I was at Ray's Bible study today, it was really good, the topic was 'Keeping Sabbath.'
But the reason I'm posting is because he is suffering from corpal tunnel syndrome.  He is unable to use his left hand much and is unable to type right now. 
But otherwise he is in good spirits  :)
So I think prayers would be greatly appreciated.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: musicman on December 02, 2007, 10:31:19 PM
He's got my prayers.  As for now, I'm sure that I'm not alone in my willingness to type for him.  All that I need is his spiritual words recorded for me and I'll get to work.
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: jER on December 02, 2007, 11:10:21 PM
Perhaps, he may consider a speech recognition software program for his computer that types as quickly, as one talks!
With EMPHASIS of course...

For illustration purposes:

"He is always, in our prayers!"
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on December 03, 2007, 12:45:31 AM

I was at Ray's Bible study today, it was really good, the topic was 'Keeping Sabbath.'
But the reason I'm posting is because he is suffering from corpal tunnel syndrome.  He is unable to use his left hand much and is unable to type right now. 
But otherwise he is in good spirits  :)
So I think prayers would be greatly appreciated.

mercy, peace and love


I'm so sad ray's getting older! I want him to be with us for a LONG time............. atleast till i can fly on my own!

I'm definately praying for him, ill beg God for a cure! :D

 I know the prayers of a righteous man are heard, but maybe the prayers of an anxious little man will be heard to, who knows? :D

As jer said though, rays always been there for me, and hes prayed for me, i can only do the same with a humble heart for a great man of God!

In Christ,

Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: gmik on December 03, 2007, 01:34:58 AM
Alex, so nicely put.

Prayers going up!!  Like Alex, I can't (and don't want to) fly by my own!
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on December 03, 2007, 03:25:20 AM
Alex, so nicely put.

Prayers going up!!  Like Alex, I can't (and don't want to) fly by my own!

Amen to you big sister! :D

I'm scared too, but we trust in God! A might mighty power moves and works in us, for us and with us!

Yours truly,

A stubborn foolish and very human guy!

Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: GODSown1 on December 03, 2007, 06:45:11 AM
wow! yea! Ow! PrayS!,
                               b wit Ray, may GODS Will B d@ Ray comes bak wit twice da Strength, so our eyez would b opened twice az fast  :D, I Pray! his eyez r Opened 2 more Truths & Revelations 4 each & everyones Benefit here in da Forum , so d@ whomeva GOD draggZ 2 uS it Will b 2 their Benefit az Well, Praise! HIS Mighty! name, Get! Wel!! Ray!!...
                                muchLOVE!! Pera

ps Awesum! wordZ lil brother, gud 2 c U well  :D, takecare!!
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: kweli on December 03, 2007, 08:39:28 AM
"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..."

Wait!  That doesnt cover "suffering from corpal tunnel syndrome". Oh well, I thank God that Ray is suffering in His will.

About the Bible study, that's a very interesting one. If you can share the good news with us Kat, please do. I'm from a different country so our 7th day (Sabbath?) is on  Sunday.

Seeking His Glory,
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Kat on December 03, 2007, 10:54:28 AM

Hi kweli,

The Bible study audio is already posted.

I'm going to try and finish the conference transcripts first, but will do the Bible study after that  :)

Ray is doing some reading now, he's got a lot he wants to research for the next conference.  So he's making good use of his time. 
You know how Paul was butteted,  "a messenger of Satan, that he may be buffeting me, lest I may be lifted up."  Well just maybe this is a similar thing with Ray, as he is being given many revelations  ???  Just a thought.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Dennis Vogel on December 03, 2007, 10:55:07 AM
Perhaps, he may consider a speech recognition software program for his computer that types as quickly, as one talks!
With EMPHASIS of course...

For illustration purposes:

"He is always, in our prayers!"

These have been considered in the past but the software is still not up to speed. They say 99% accuracy but that means one character in 100 is wrong. And Ray uses a lot of non-english words and old-english words.

But thanks for thinking of ways to help JER.

Here's the link to yesterdays bible study: (

Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on December 03, 2007, 04:23:08 PM

Thanks to Ray for another beautifully inspired teaching.

It gives new meaning for me to 1 Thes 5:17 Pray without ceasing....

Thank you Dennis

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: iris on December 03, 2007, 05:02:05 PM
Thank you Ray, for all you have given.
I hope you get to feeling better.
Prayers going out for you and your family.

Peace and Love
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Rene on December 03, 2007, 05:34:04 PM
Ray is always in my prayers.  I know he has his share of trials and tribulations.  His health has been a continuous trial.  It is inspiring to see him press on in spite of the pain he endures.

Thanks Kathy for the update.


Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: rk12201960 on December 03, 2007, 09:03:52 PM
Ray is so loved by all here.
Its does the heart good to see such care and love.
I will of course also pray for our Brother.

God bless.

Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: hebrewroots98 on December 04, 2007, 01:21:58 AM
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: cjwood on December 04, 2007, 03:44:41 AM
as per rene, ray has indeed had his share of physical trials/tribulations, ailing in body but "robust" in spirit. i pray that God will show favor to ray, and strengthen his body for His purpose.

God's will be done, and i thank Him that we can come to Him and ask, "Abba Father, please have favor on our brother ray". and that our daddy daddy loves us that much. He has many more things to show us through ray i believe.

love to ya ray, and to everyone else...
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: GODSown1 on December 04, 2007, 08:42:20 AM
muchLOVE!! claudia
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: cherokee on December 04, 2007, 05:32:54 PM
Ditto on prayers for Ray. :)

Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Robin on December 05, 2007, 05:07:58 PM
Sending prayers for Ray. (
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Sorin on December 05, 2007, 11:17:02 PM
I'm sorry to hear that about Ray. He is a great teacher. Even though I've been rebuked by him in the past; I harvest no ill feelings towards the man. I hope God will heal him soon. He will be in my prayers; the next time I do.


Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: brandon h on December 06, 2007, 10:44:32 PM
Thanx for the heads up Kat.

God Bless
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Arthyron on December 27, 2007, 02:10:21 AM
Lord be with you, Ray.  I pray that the Lord relieve you of your pains and allows you to continue to spread His truth for many years to come. :)
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Nikoa on December 31, 2007, 03:14:52 AM
I'm still a new guy here but eating up everything I can.  I love the audio files and was wondering if Ray would consider posting teachings to Youtube or Google videos?  Not sure of all of the health challenges but this seems like it would take the stress off the hands due to typing.
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Kat on December 31, 2007, 04:49:34 PM

Hi Nikoa,

There are a few videos (all I know of is 3) from Ray at pass conferences.
Ray does a lot of research and studying on his computer and he answers the emails too, so I would think he really needs to type. 
But I've noticed we are getting emails again, so his corpal tunnel must be better.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Nikoa on December 31, 2007, 06:05:21 PM
Thanks kat.  Where do I find the latest emails?  Where could I find those 3 videos that you referred to?
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Kat on December 31, 2007, 07:58:18 PM

Hi Nikoa,

There is a main board when you come to the forum, you will see, 'Emails to Ray.'  The new emails are continually posted, here's the link;,6.0.html

I have an audio on 'Esther - The Destiny of Women' but I don't know where I got it or how to give it to you.  I did transcribe it and here is the link to that;,5506.0.html

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Tooostep1955 on January 02, 2008, 01:36:31 PM
Dear Kat,

It has been a few days since your request, and I was wondering how brother Ray is doing?
It is no surprise that he is being attacked, because he is striving to honor God. Yet we all know this in some way is going to be a blessing for him. Growing can really hurt sometimes!  :'(

My prayer- Eph 6:23  May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give our brothers and sisters peace and love along with faith.
Eph 6:24  His favor is with everyone who has an undying love for our Lord Jesus Christ.  (God's Word)
And I say Amen!
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: Kat on January 02, 2008, 01:42:14 PM

Hi Don,

I have not talked to Ray since the last Bible study.  But I noticed he is sending in emails again, so I'm thinking he is better.
I'll put up a post after I visit him for the Bible study this weekend  :)

mercy, peace and love
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: DuluthGA on January 13, 2008, 04:55:45 PM
My sincere prayers for Ray from the top of his head to the tip of his toes.  :)

Gena, re: 
Like Alex, I can't (and don't want to) fly by my own!
Aw, c'mon now Gena ... that's not like you, dear sister, to sound a bit on the negative side....

So to inspire and encourage you:  :)

1John 2:27   And the anointing which you obtained from Him is remaining in you, and you have no need that anyone may be teaching you, but as His anointing is teaching you concerning all, and is true, and is no lie, according as it teaches you also, remain in Him.

And the second witness I think would be:

John 16:13   Yet whenever that may be coming -- the spirit of truth --it will be guiding you into all the truth, for it will not be speaking from itself, but whatsoever it should be hearing will it be speaking, and of what is coming will it be informing you.

With much love,
Title: Re: Prayers for Ray
Post by: gmik on January 14, 2008, 09:25:26 PM
Cool Jbird :D  You are right!!!