=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: kweli on December 20, 2007, 08:30:51 AM

Title: Worth the read???
Post by: kweli on December 20, 2007, 08:30:51 AM
Hi all. Got this from a former friend and I must say, it almost had me quivering with guilt. Thank God for Ray and this site. Now I must just send him the article on witnessing.

Endure...I mean enjoy :D :D :D

One day a woman named Louise fell asleep in her bed, and dreamed a

Very fitful dream. She dreamed that someone in Hell wrote a letter to her,

And it was to be delivered to her by a messenger. The messenger passed

Between the lakes of burning fire and brimstone that occupies Hell, and found

His way to the door that would lead him to the outside world. Louise

Dreamed that the messenger walked to her house, came inside, and gently but

Firmly woke Louise up. He gave her the message, saying only that a friend had

wrote it to her from Hell.

Louise, in her dream, with trembling hands took the letter and read:

My Friend,

I stand in Judgment now,

And feel that you're to blame somehow.

And never did you point the way.

You knew the Lord in truth and glory,

But never did you tell the story.

My knowledge then was very dim;

You could have led me safe to Him.

Though we lived together on the earth,

you never told me of the second birth,

and now I stand this day condemned,

Because you failed to mention Him.

You taught me many things, that's true,

I called you "friend" and trusted you,

But I learn now that it's too late,

You could have kept me from this fate.

We walked by day and talked by night,

And yet you showed me not the Light.

You let me live, and love, and die,

You knew I'd never live on high.

Yes, I called you a "friend" in life,

And trusted you through joy and strife.

And yet on coming to the end,

I cannot, now, call you "My Friend."


After reading the letter, Louise awoke. The dream was still so real in

Her mind and sweat dropped from her body in pools. She

swore she could still smell the acrid smell of brimstone and smoke

from her room. As she contemplated the meaning of her dream, she realized

that  as a Christian, she had failed in her duty to "go out to all the world

and preach the gospel." As she thought of that, she promised herself that

the next day, she would call Marsha and invite her to church with her.

The next morning she called Marsha and this was the conversation:

Hello Bill, is Marsha there?

Louise, you don't know?

No, Bill, know what?


Fellow Christian, is this your testimony? Are you witnessing to your

friends that you are with everyday? Or will there be a friend of yours

in Hell, asking you why you did not tell them about


As your friend. . .

If you don't know Jesus, here's how:

If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus

Died on the cross for your sins and God raised Him from the

dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 - 10)

If you have not done so, just pray this prayer:

"Dear God, I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus

is your son and that he died on the cross for my sins.

Jesus, forgive me of my sins and come into my heart and become my

Personal Lord and Savior.

In Jesus' name, Amen."

I especially like the prayer. Almost what I echoed when I was 'saved'. May God grant him His wisdom.

Seeking HIs Glory,

PS: The friend is not former because I didnt witness to him (I hope). We just grew apart.


Title: Re: Worth the read???
Post by: hillsbororiver on December 20, 2007, 11:15:30 AM
Hi kweli,

Isn't it a horrifying thought to believe that our salvation would hinge on whether some man or woman took the time and/or effort to reveal Christ to us? What if what they taught was so convoluted and mistake prone that we would reject Him because the messenger was preaching the wrong message. Would that doom one to an eternal hellhole of pure torture with no hope for relief? It seems ridiculous in light of what we know now, doesn't it?

Mat 11:27  All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

Joh 6:44  No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

Joh 12:32  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

God's plan is much better than man's version, don't you agree?  ;)

His Peace to you,

Title: Re: Worth the read???
Post by: kweli on December 20, 2007, 11:45:19 AM
I agree with you Joe. Man's version lacks hope, peace and love. It only shatters your faith and throws it in the (carnal) lake of fire and brimstone so you are left with nothing but a feeling of resentment for God, yourself, religion...praise the Lord for His mercy, grace and enlightenment upon us.

Hebrews 10:25. It has been a blessing to find this place of fellowship.

Seeking His Glory,
Title: Re: Worth the read???
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on December 20, 2007, 07:03:52 PM
Hi Kweli

It just goes to show how deceptive the teachings are that are being approved and followed in the Babylon system of false doctrines and blasphemies against God.  It is truly wonderful to be able to see that the blind are blind as Ray teaches. Quotes in blue font.

There is a beautiful type in the Old Testament that clearly demonstrates when and in what manner all these Unsaved masses will be saved. This Old Testament type is illustrated all through the New Testament, but the blind and unperceiving eyes of Christendom have for the most part failed to see it, believe it, or teach it.

Many years ago I learned something most profound: "The ‘blind’ can’t see!"

Not many theologians believe that. Surely, if we present it in just the right way, they will see. No, they won’t. If they get sick enough of their life and sins, then they will see. No, they won’t. If we tell them often enough and with enough conviction, with hundreds of scriptures, and with charts and diagrams, and with analogies and examples, surely then at least "some" of the blind will see. No, they won’t. I’ll tell you why. Because the blind cannot see. I told you it was profound. You can hold it closer to their face, you can shout, you can shine a bright light on it. It doesn’t matter, "The blind can’t see!"

Christendom teaches that if people want to see and understand, then they can. It's all up to them. No it’s not. I know people who are physically blind, and they want to see, but they can’t because the blind can’t see.

When God Almighty "blinds" someone, they cannot see. I do not entertain any such notion that this paper will persuade anyone who is blind, to see it’s truth, unless God uses it to open their mind and remove the blindness. Let the Scriptures speak:

"Does not God thrust away His people?... God DOES NOT thrust away His people whom He fore knew" (Rom. 11:1-2).

"Thus, then, in the current era also, there has come to be a remnant according to the choice [God’s choice] of grace" (Rom. 11:8).

"What Israel is seeking for, this she did not encounter, yet the chosen [those God chose] encountered it. Now the rest [the rest of the Jews, all the rest of Israel] were calloused..." (Rom. 11:7).

Who calloused them? Who is operating all? Now pay close attention to this next verse. I just checked twenty-six translations and the Greek Text to be sure I’m right on this point, and they all say same the same thing.

"GOD gives them a spirit of stupor, eyes not to be observing, and ears not to be hearing, till this very day" (Rom. 11:8).

"Till this very day," was written 2000 years ago, and yet "till this very day" today, as a race, as a nation, as a religion, and as a people, the Jews have universally rejected their only Savior Jesus Christ.

Yes it was "God" Who did these things! Why would God do such a thing? Is there some purpose to it all? Yes there is.

Thank you for sharing.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
Title: Re: Worth the read???
Post by: dautyz on December 22, 2007, 11:57:14 PM
hi Kweli,

I have read that article before a long time ago and so I could not read it entirely.  It reminded me of my blind condition and how I am grateful to my father for removing the scales off so that I may see.  It is good to be reminded of where we were and where we are now.  thanks for the reminder.

Title: Re: Worth the read???
Post by: Matt on December 23, 2007, 07:05:59 PM
This poem reminds me of an old friend I bumped into yesterday at the PX here in Okinawa.  I saw him evangelizing all over the place, speaking to many people about Jesus and the need for salvation. 

Later, I bumped into his wife.  I asked where her husband was.  She told me that he went to the car because he was tired.

Something inside me stirred!  In my mind I yelled, "WHAT!  In the car!"  "He is going to let ALL these people go to Hell?"  "He missed a few hundred in here alone, and all he can think about is rest."

I realized how futile and silly the whole "Christian" evangelism was and how much guilt it brought me in the past.  I still tell people about Jesus, but I no longer feel that it is up to me to "save" them.
I am SOOOOO glad that God did not leave it all in our hands!
Title: Re: Worth the read???
Post by: gmik on December 24, 2007, 02:13:51 AM
Thats a good one Matt.  I always wondered why "healing" pastors didn't constantly stay at hospitals and heal people???  Why didn't we all sell our homes and everything and be poor missionaries?

If Babylonians REALLY believed in how awful hell was, wouldn't they do more about it???? (me as well before BT)  I don't think that I was really that worried about my neighbor!

IF these tele evagelists really believed what they preached about hell would you really need 900$ Armani suits, jets, million dollar homes?????  THEY DON'T REALLY BELIEVE ANY OF IT!  Thats what I think!

Anyway reading that poem just gave me chills all over.   THANK YOU JESUS FOR ALLOWING ME TO SEE!