=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on December 26, 2007, 08:11:43 PM

Title: Bible Truths??
Post by: Craig on December 26, 2007, 08:11:43 PM
You realize that "Bible Truths" is an oxymoron, right? I was raised Catholic, and having read The Bible and done much research into religion in general, I can safely say that whatever you Xians actually came up with yourselves in The Bible, AKA that which you didn't steal from other religions worldwide in order to try and get thier people to convert, is completely ***** up, illogical and impractical. So, before you go blaspheming Father Satan to the innocent masses of the world, you might try doing some ACTUAL research into Satanism and the deities we follow that doesn't involve rotting your brain on Biblical Trash. Anyone who doesn't know that since Xianity's views on us are biased and therefore at least can't be entirely trusted is truly a sheep. Isn't that what you call yourselves? "The Lord is (your) Shepherd", and what does a Shepher d do b ut lead sheep? Just stop struggling, Jehovah-Worshipper, your God has been dead for years, so wise up and stop spreading lies about mine. Aren't you supposed to be "humble" and "love your enemy"? Why then, must you go spreading propaganda about a deity you clearly know nothing about? If you believe Satan to be your enemy, then your own code states that you must love Him, and you don't go trash talking about those you love, if you're even a decent person, that is.
Oh, and P.S. if you've even read this far then I'm actually GLAD you don't respond to emails anymore, because I wouldn't have your Xian Filth in my inbox under ANY circumstances. By the time you read this, there'll be a filter on my account so any response to this message won't even make it to said inbox before being deleted. So how does it feel to taste the cold steel of the Unholy Blade carried by those of us you've likely spent years talking **** about? Now, be a good little sheep and turn the other cheek!
Get a clue,

Dear Val:  Feel better now?  Imagine an entire island in the Pacific populated with people just like you.  No, on second thought, don't imagine it. Too scary!