=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on January 06, 2008, 09:24:57 AM

Title: Non Believer
Post by: Craig on January 06, 2008, 09:24:57 AM
Ill try to be short, i am not a believer in God(s) work(s) simply because i have not read fully into it at all.
   I am writing to you because if i ever was to become a believer that it would be threw something like what your doing. My lack of faith is because of all the controversy and contradiction that i see in the bible and words spoken of holy men. Not to mention the actions of religious people. What impressed me the most was your use of irrefutable fact and no personal ideas or thoughts. Just hard facts. That is what i would need in order to believe in anything.
  I am not saying i will follow your words and become a true believer. I just lead my life in accordance to doing good how i see fit. I might be wrong and i may be right. I always believed if their was a God, if their is a God then me being a good person would always, always be way more important then signing a book or attending a class on Sundays.
  The purpose of my letter is to simply thank you for finally presenting religious material in a way i can appreciate, weather im religious or not. You have opened up mind to so many avenues. I am truly gratefully you continue to do what you do in spite of the criticism you receive.
  Im sure you wont reply to this and i take no offense at all. I hope you do read it like you say.
- David

Dear David: Yes, I have read your email. I hope that you will continue to read the material on our site and that it will give your life purpose.

God be with you,
