=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: ellie77 on January 21, 2008, 08:00:48 AM

Title: hI
Post by: ellie77 on January 21, 2008, 08:00:48 AM
Hi everyone,
                  It has taken me some time to navigate my way around this computer and site. Very in- expert .However I am so pleased to be here.
                  A few months ago I lept onto this site like a bolt of lightening and in my mind were the words...Could it be?...could it be?... Oh Yes!! Truth.  Amazing.. So much more than I imagined.
                 Four years ago I (being so sick...You know... with sin and lies...) began to pray  for truth, every night for nine months.
                 Then I  felt I was led to my local church. I did receive some valuable councilling, prayer,and some healing. BUT, so many things did not 'sit right" with me and the more I was encouraged to join in with all the never ending groups and activities the more I resisted and the more uncomfortable I felt until at last I just felt guilty for going so rarely.
                Just at that time I came upon Rays site and have been avidly reading everthing I can. Really good church.Best church ever. It is so wonderful to be able to go to the scriptures in a whole new way ,have so many lies destroyed,more and more truth made clear.
                 The last few years have been so hard. I have never felt so judged in all of my life. There is hardly a thought , word ,deed or action that has not been placed very clearly in front of me to see. I have sure repented a lot and even more so upon gaining so much more truth from Rays site.It's all so amazing and very raw.I hardly know who I am. I'm glad God does!
              I hope this isn't too long,but I am just so grateful to you all for being there. Is there anyone else from Australia on your forum. I feel very isolated here,making this eager trek out of Babylon.
               Peace to you all.'Ellie77
Title: Re: hI
Post by: brandon h on January 21, 2008, 09:35:15 PM
Well let me be the first (but definitely not the last) to welcome you, ellie. We all have heard the call out of Babylon, and Ray was one God's tool to usher us out. I confident you will love the fellowship here of like-minded believers. No, I'm not from Australia, but we are all joined in spirit.

God Bless
Title: Re: hI
Post by: Kat on January 21, 2008, 09:51:18 PM

Hi Ellie,

Welcome to the BT forum  :)
We have people from all over the globe that fellowship here.  Many find themselves in the same situation as you stated, I feel very isolated here, making this eager trek out of Babylon.
Matt. 5:13 says "You are the salt of the earth..."  We are sprinkled around, not too many close together. 
But I have found that this forum is where I can get the fellowship of like minded people that we all seem to crave.  So I hope you will join in the fellowship, you can share things you are learning or ask questions as need be.
If you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask.

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: hI
Post by: Robin on January 21, 2008, 09:58:45 PM
Welcome Ellie,

I think we are all isolated. I'm so glad we can gather together here.

I went through a long 5 years like the few years you are experiencing and then it slowed way down after that. I actually longed for those days again even though it was so painful. The presence of God in my life brought lots of quick judgment, but His presence was strong. I treasure that time in my life in hindsight.

I'm glad you are here with us,

Title: Re: hI
Post by: hillsbororiver on January 21, 2008, 10:21:18 PM
Hi Ellie,

Welcome to the Forum, I look forward to fellowshipping together.

A big AMEN MG!


Title: Re: hI
Post by: rk12201960 on January 21, 2008, 10:46:28 PM
Hi Ellie,
welcome to the forum.

I know most of us are far away, but have you ever felt so free from false teachings?
Hang in there its well worth the wait.  ;D

Gods speed.
Title: Re: hI
Post by: Samson on January 22, 2008, 06:46:42 PM
Hello Ellie,

               Welcome aboard, you've come to the right place, as the saying goes. Its' our Heavenly Father that leads people to this site, it must be his Will. In my case, I had no knowledge of Rays Web-Site whatsoever and just coincidentally with no plan of my own, found this site.  Yeah sure Samson, " just coincidentally ", your human carnal mind that is. Rays Free Will series was a wake up call for me. Now I have to be carefull about my choice of words, remembering who's running the show in this universe and that I may have choices, but theirs nothing free about them. Our Heavenly Father has a plan he constructed for all of us, His will is going to take place on Earth as it is in Heaven, Amen. The two foremost Truths I've learned on this Web-Site are that Mankind doesn't have a Free Will and that Our Fathers' will is that everyone will eventually be saved, ICor. 15:22-30, ITim. 4:8-10. What a wonderfull and liberating Truth that sets us free. We want to Love God, not through some fear of never ending punishment, but because He wants to help us, refine us and purify us, if not in this life, it will be in the next, everyone will eventually learn righteousness. Hebrews. 12:4-11 and Isaiah. 26:9.  Ellie, looking forward to your Posts and comments in the days to come.

                                   May Our Heavenly Father guide and direct your steps, He Will.
                                                               Agape, Samson(Brad)
Title: Re: hI
Post by: gmik on January 22, 2008, 07:30:38 PM
Greetings Ellie.  Don't worry about isolation.  In time you get so "close" to your forum friends and realize you can behave very normally to your "other" friends in your life. But yes, we seem to all have to go thru the stages.

We have had Aussies here tho off hand can't remember their avatar name. Please take the time (tho not away from Ray's site ;)) to read all about us and even check out some old threads.  You will find you are not so isolated as you think :D
Title: Re: hI
Post by: joyful1 on January 23, 2008, 01:48:36 AM
:D Welcome Ellie! Just curious...did you have a favourite part in the lake of fire series? I'm American, but married to a Canadian and live in Canada....I've been here long enough that I find myself always using "the Queen's English" as in Saviour or that's about as Australian/ Common Wealth as I get...what's it like living "Down Under?"
:)  Joyce
Title: Re: hI
Post by: ellie77 on January 23, 2008, 07:44:20 PM
  Thank you all for your welcome and encouragements. I also notice a thread of correction in the messages as well,which is needed of course. Thanks Brandon I will hang in there. Kat,yes. It really doesn't matter if this little bit of salt is sprinkled in the middle of our Simpson dessert,we are all joined in spirit.
    It does intrige me MG,what is it that you miss from those five years. Perhaps God is giving you rest?Thank you for your words and no matter what I determine to give thanks.Challenging.
   Hi to you Joe and Randy... It is such a blessed relief to be free of so many false teachings. I'm sure my spirit has been  groaning for a long time and coming into this truth is most liberating.
    Sampson it is so humbling to know how much God is in controll. That helps me to accept not only my experiences but others and also love a lot more, more rightly. Doesn't it knock off judgement in a big way, when we know it is all God and what a wonderful hope we have for all mankind.
    Gmic,yes, now in this time in my life it is time be close to God. So much has gone out of my life,situations, people,and now there is this wonderfull fellowship and so much time given to me to spend with God and learning. I need to be more thankfull.
    Joyce. I held the pile of paper in my hands this morning that I had printed out on the Lake of Fire series and I cannot say what is my favourite........ All of it.?...  Like many others I have received all of Rays teachings with a whole range of reactions. I now feel I have a lot of learning,but I'm very aware that it is a real journey ahead of me to translate that into a good solid working knowledge.What a wonderful thing to be able to do.As to what it is like to live in Australia? Well I guess that depends  somewhat on personal experience. However. Aust. is a wonderful country being the largest island in the world. We have all climates here from snow to tropical. A huge dessert in the centre. I live in Port Macquarie,New South Wales,which is a little subtropical, lies on the coast and edged by many beautiful beaches with linking walkways from one beach to the other. In some areas of our land we have massive properties of thousads of acres. They have to be huge to carry the livestock( sheep or cattle) as there it is really dry. In Western Australia there are huge coal mines. That is where hundreds have gone to make their fortune. Reminisant of the  early gold mining rush. I grew up in the country,so snakes ,spiders where fairly common wildlife.Kangaroos are to be seen here frequently on the edge of this city. Koala's are in residence. For cute and cuddly they have 
a deep grunting growl. I went to sleep last night listening to one.
Time in the bush allowed me to see wombats,wallabies,lyrebirds and many other wonderful aspects of nature.
    I had better not write a book here. Thank you all and you are in my prayers.Psalms 136:Oh give thanks to the Lord,for he is good!For his mercy endures forever.   Ellie
Title: Re: hI
Post by: joyful1 on January 24, 2008, 08:02:39 AM
:D kewl! look forward to your posts! :) Joyce
Title: Re: hI
Post by: Little Joe on January 24, 2008, 11:46:27 PM


Good of you to join us from the land down under!   I just made a long transition out of Babylon, and it is good to be here, to say the least.  You will find much encouragement!   ;D

Little Joe