=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: mrl1970 on February 11, 2008, 01:24:29 AM
I knew sulfur (aka brimstone) has medical purposes but I did not know it was used for the regulation of blood clotting.
It probably helps the circulatory system run smoothly also. For instance, in hell the damned need to be super sensitive to experience the full sensations of the never ending fire. The brimstone keeps the immortal body in good working condition so that the fires of hell will keep burning the regenerating bodies without any mild interuptions.
It probably helps the circulatory system run smoothly also. For instance, in hell the damned need to be super sensitive to experience the full sensations of the never ending fire. The brimstone keeps the immortal body in good working condition so that the fires of hell will keep burning the regenerating bodies without any mild interuptions.
Classic! ;D
Clever Musicman!!!!!
So....does Christ say, "What, Me sulfur??!"