=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Susan on February 17, 2008, 10:00:49 AM

Title: Abiotic Oil
Post by: Susan on February 17, 2008, 10:00:49 AM
I find this abiotic oil discovery fascinating especially since the Nashville Conference will be covering the creation of the earth. A marine geochemist (Proskurowski) headed the Woods Hole team to the Lost City hydrothermal field along the Mid-Atlantic Range at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and found evidence that oil is not a "fossil fuel" but is abiotic, formed at the sea bottom from processes originating within the mantle of the earth. It is an ongoing process. They have also found hydrocarbons on Saturns' moon Titan that NASA has concluded is not of biological origin. It appears the earth is constantly renewing itself through geothermal  processes.

Susan in Sarasota, FL
Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: hillsbororiver on February 17, 2008, 10:55:04 AM
Hi Susan,

I read about this possibility a while back and it did strike a part of me that has always had a difficult time believing the "conventional wisdom" that these huge oil wells past, present and to be discovered actually derived from dead dinosaurs, you sure would need a whole lot of dead animals conveniently all buried together, at least that is how I attempted to envision it.

Certainly I am not expert enough to have a worthwhile opinion but the discovery on Titan should open up some eyes and minds in regard to this subject. Of course the media will ignore it as it does not conform to the "doom and gloom" scenarios they really love to subject us to. Of course if this abiotic oil theory proves to be true we can surely count on the mainstream media to tell us that this unlimited supply spells disaster for the planet from greenhouse gases!  ;)

Interesting stuff for sure!

Here is a link that discusses anbiotic oil for those of you that might want to check it out;


Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: Deborah-Leigh on February 17, 2008, 05:37:22 PM
Thank you for that link Joe. The article was most interesting.

Peace be to you

Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: hillsbororiver on February 18, 2008, 08:36:57 AM
Hi Arcturus,

You are very welcome Sister!

His Peace to you,

Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: Susan on February 18, 2008, 10:15:43 AM

I think you are right, they will use the greenhouse gases theory as a reason to move away from oil even if it is unlimited and becomes cheap. From what I have read over time it has been politics and money that have fixed the price of oil. I don't pretend to understand all the background information but it is so interesting how the science of the earths processes from the mantle is being revealed as if it is time for the truth of creation to be understood, with Ray's help.

Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: Matt on February 18, 2008, 01:22:17 PM
  You are 1 stop shopping for the things that interest me!

Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: joyful1 on February 18, 2008, 02:13:19 PM
CBS 60 Minutes special on the oil sands of Canada. There are about 2 trillion barrels of oil literally in the sand in the middle of nowhere in Alberta. This is about 8 times the oil estimated to be in Saudi Arabia.

Whether it came from fossils of millions of tons of dinnosaurs smashed together during the flood....or from magma (which ruins my hollow earth theory) or from passing meteors really doesn't change much for Canada......everybody's leavin' town (steel guitar in background)...and moving out to Alberta (western province in Canada) to make the BIG bucks!  I noticed an immediate upturn in the economy when this information was released about 2 years ago.....then I discovered that this discovery was discovered back in 1891 (see NY TIMES) -- but like Tesla's discoveries, were kept secret for SOME ODD REASON!  :::::scractches head and gives it a shake::::  oh well! or should I say OIL WELL!  heheheeh   ::) Joyce
Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: rk12201960 on February 18, 2008, 11:42:08 PM
Sorry Susan,
I didn't mean to run over your post.


Thanks Carol. 
Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: musicman on February 19, 2008, 12:08:50 AM
CBS 60 Minutes special on the oil sands of Canada. There are about 2 trillion barrels of oil literally in the sand in the middle of nowhere in Alberta. This is about 8 times the oil estimated to be in Saudi Arabia.

Whether it came from fossils of millions of tons of dinnosaurs smashed together during the flood....or from magma (which ruins my hollow earth theory) or from passing meteors really doesn't change much for Canada......everybody's leavin' town (steel guitar in background)...and moving out to Alberta (western province in Canada) to make the BIG bucks!  I noticed an immediate upturn in the economy when this information was released about 2 years ago.....then I discovered that this discovery was discovered back in 1891 (see NY TIMES) -- but like Tesla's discoveries, were kept secret for SOME ODD REASON!  :::::scractches head and gives it a shake::::  oh well! or should I say OIL WELL!  heheheeh   ::) Joyce

The quality of that oil is way less than what is pumped in the Middle Eastern nations.  The refining process is way more expensive due to the fact that it's, well, in the sand.
Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: joyful1 on February 19, 2008, 12:35:23 AM
You know, I've heard a little something about that, musicman-- but here in Atlantic Canada, Irving Oil is putting in a second refinery? How do they harvest the oil out of the sand in Saudi Arabia? I know very little about this, I can only speculate from what I see going on around me.
Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: Patrick on February 19, 2008, 04:00:20 AM
The major reserves in Saudi is good ol crude oil, not Bitumen (oil sand) reserves that is being used in the comparison. Two different processes in the early stages of refining.

There is Bitumen in the Middle East; the history goes way back:

Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: hillsbororiver on February 19, 2008, 08:52:17 AM
  You are 1 stop shopping for the things that interest me!



It is great to see I have some company here with so many folks interested in things off of the beaten path!

Thanks Matt!


Title: Re: Abiotic Oil
Post by: joyful1 on February 19, 2008, 05:43:04 PM
:D thanks for the link, Patrick! Joyce