=> General Discussions => Topic started by: lilitalienboi16 on April 20, 2008, 01:48:04 AM

Title: Hypocrit
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 20, 2008, 01:48:04 AM
Wow, this email was just so absolutely profound and rays words ring so true. I too feel like a hypocrit all the time unworthy of even speaking with God. Completely and totaly ashamed of myself much like darren [emailer] finds himself. Well darren is not alone in his thinking.

Heres the email;

 Hello Mr. Smith. I'll make this short. I always had a hard time showing my feelings. When I talk to God it's like, it's not coming from my heart. I hear a lot of people saying they can feel the love coming out of there heart when talking to God. That's what I would love to have. I feel like a hypocrite. Giving lip service. I feel ashamed
                                                                    Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  Dear Darren:
    I am sure that your problem which also effects many others, is a problem of faith (belief). If Jesus were sitting with you in your living room or bedroom, just five or six feet away, you would have zero problem speaking with Him.  But you do NOT see Him sitting or standing five or six feet from you. You may picture Him way way in outer space or in come uninviting secret chamber of Divine Holiness or whatever.  It is hard to try and speak with Someone in such a setting.  God is ever present RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.  He is closer to you than your own heart and lungs (Acts 17:27).  The song lyrics: "He is in the tree tops, so tall;  in the sparrow, so small," is Scripturally accurate.  You have to know that God is present at all times.  I never try to "send" my prayers into outer space or any such nonsense.  I whisper to God right where I am.  I talk to God (with reverence) in the same words and tones that I spe ak to my wi fe or best friends.  Did you ever take a car trip with a friend that lasted all day?  Do you have to "strain" to make conversation? Do you only talk about profound, deep, spiritual, things, with lofty words?  No, of course not, and neither should you pray to God in such a manner.
    God is your Father and Jesus is your Elder Brother and Saviour. TALK to them of your feelings, and your needs, and your desires, and your frustrations, and everything that is on your mind. When I awake each morning I pray for those coming to our site;  I pray for my web master and my best friends;  I pray for my wife and daughter;  I pray for wisdom and understanding;  I pray for humility--I pray for EVERYTHING THAT IS ON MY MIND!  I KNOW that God is (not there) but HERE, right where I am. If I thought for one moment that God was not hearing me and answering me and concerned over me and loving me--I wouldn't pray at all.  I do not pray as the Church does that God will "CHANGE HIS MIND" about things that are happening and make things better for me than He originally intended. I thank God that He NEVER EVER CHANGES HIS MIND.  There is great security in that profound truth.  God ALWAYS does things RIGHT the FIRST tim e around!!
    We must stop asking God to "get in tune with OUR WISHES," and begin asking God to "get us in tune WITH HIS WISHES!"  Remember always the words of our Lord:  "THY WILL be done...."
    And as Jesus Himself prayed in the garden, "NOT as I will but as THOU" (Matt. 26:39). There is nothing easier than to talk with a close friend. Jesus is OUR FRIEND and we are HIS FRIEND if we obey Him (John 15:14) .  I will pray for you that God will be as real to you as you are to you.

Ray's words are just absolutely profound and so very very true. I was really moved by what ray said.

God bless,

Title: Re: Hypocrit
Post by: rjsurfs on April 20, 2008, 11:31:04 AM
Hi Alex,

I liked that email too.  What is profound is sensing the peace that Ray has been given by his Saviour.  The faith (belief) required to have that peace is also a gift from God.

I was reading the Myth of freewill part B yesterday and a quote from Ray in that paper connected to me with this same email.

"If they only "KNEW" that their lives are totally in the hands of God they wouldn’t be as spiritually frustrated as many are. If they only "KNEW" that ALL IS OF GOD, they could have a quiet confidence that all will turn out well, not for just those who "are loving God," but eventually for the whole world."

This quiet confidence permeates everything about your relationship with God... including prayer.

Thanks to God for this gift that he gives the few now.
Title: Re: Hypocrit
Post by: carol v on April 20, 2008, 12:55:36 PM
Wow Alex, I was on my way to start a new topic on this email and saw yours :D

This got me completely teary and reminded me of the value of this site and this forum. Thanks to all who work behind the scenes and thanks to Ray for his hard work especially.

Title: Re: Hypocrit
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on April 20, 2008, 04:02:07 PM
To bobby;

I reall yhave to re-reread that myth of free will. It's been so long but i know its just filled with so much spiritual insight! A perfect example of what you quoted. Sometimes i'm just blown away by what the Lord has revealed to ray and now given to us. It's amazing, theirs so much informatin here that just truly blows your mind. So much wisdom that brings alot of peace as your quote demonstrates. If only we knew... i know... but sometimes i forget ><

I pray the Lord teach me to always remember even my darkest times.

To carol;

I guess it just goes to show you, we share that same mind and spirit in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen praise be to God! =]

Love to you both,

Title: Re: Hypocrit
Post by: winner08 on April 20, 2008, 05:08:37 PM
 WOW!! This is turly amazing. How one email to Ray can help others. MAN this is great!!

                                The Lord Is Good!