=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on May 29, 2008, 08:52:49 AM

Title: Writings
Post by: Craig on May 29, 2008, 08:52:49 AM
First, allow me to thank you for the obvious time and attention you put into your site. Few people are willing to navigate the arduous territory of "bible truths", and this I know from personal experience.
I was raised in a Christain home (my father was a minister), and I grew up in the church. I could never understand why, but I always felt a certain uneasiness within the walls and the doctrine, and at the same time a passionate love for my God.
I have spent several years now poring over Strong's, the Lexicon, various "translations" of the Bible, etc. I have found inconsistencies too numerous to list, and the result is that I am without "religion". I homeschool my son (not for religious reasons), and we have studied numerous religions together, both the well-known and the obscure. Yet, with all of my research, none allow me to feel the centered sensation that I have when it is just me, and several documents, books, and reference materials, sitting on the floor alone, talking to my God.
In order to not turn this well-meaning email into a novel, I will get to my question. I've recently been revisiting the Jewish belief system. As I'm sure you are aware, Jews deny Jesus being the messiah due to biblical inaccuracies between the Old testament prophecies and his life. What is your take on this?
I am new to your site, and will no doubt be reading it very thoroughly in the near future. If you've spoken to this already somewhere, I do apologize for taking you time. However, regardless, I am glad I had the opportunity to send along my appreciation for your work.

Dear Jeanna:  It is not that there really are inaccuracies between the Old testament prophecies and Christ's life, but rather that there are inaccuracies in their interpretation of the prophesies.  Was Jesus to come as the conquering "Lion of Judah?" or the "Lamb of God?" or both? at the same time? or with a huge interval?

It really doesn't matter in one sense, because if Jesus Christ rose from the dead, all other bets are off.  If Jesus Christ was crucified, died, lay dead for three days and rose from the dead, then He IS the Messiah!  And the historical proof of Christ's resurrection is undeniable.  Sorry I don't have time to take this further, but I have over three hundred unanswered emails ahead of yours, also waiting for replies. Hope you understand.

God be with you,


PS   In addition to the many eye witness accounts in the New Testament writings, you may wish to read Flavius Josephus, ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS Chapter II Section 3. Also APPENDIX, Dissertation I (it's about eight pages).