=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on August 19, 2008, 07:44:56 PM

Title: Refuting the tektronics article?
Post by: Craig on August 19, 2008, 07:44:56 PM
> Dear Ray,
> I have read hundreds of pages of your work and agree with quite a bit at this
> time. I forwarded your article about "is everlasting scriptural?" to a fellow
> Sunday School teacher. He of course wanting to defend the eternal torment
> position gave me the links to
> and told me of his great concern. Being that this is my first e-mail from this
> person I wanted to respond to it with a good reply. Did you ever write a
> response yourself to that article? I looked on the forum for anything containing
> tektronics but only found a discussion about it but no real responses to the
> article's points. Your help is greatly appreciated.
> In Christ,
> Ron Powers

    Dear Ron:

    I started a few months ago to critique Mr. James Patrick Holding's (alias Robert Turkel) critique of one of my papers on the "aions/ages," but I am only about half finished. When finished I will post this rebuttal on our home page. Suffice it to say for now, there is not one honest or accurate criticism that Turkel has on my writings. Some of his rebuttals are utterly unscriptural and foolish.

    God be with you,
