=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Longhorn on November 05, 2008, 08:56:22 PM

Title: Good odors vs bad odors
Post by: Longhorn on November 05, 2008, 08:56:22 PM
Good- Popcorn in a movie picture show.  mmmmm.

Bad- Belly button lent.  Now why in creation dose our belly button stink.  Trust me , mine does, and so does yours.  If you don't believe old Longhorn, ol well, just try it.

Good-  Biscutts, gravy, and bacon on the stove. mmmmmm

Bad- The sweat between your toe's after you pull off your work boots after haying the cows, and feeding the chickens.

Yall get the picture.

Title: Re: Good odors vs bad odors
Post by: Akira329 on November 05, 2008, 09:08:36 PM
Good - baby powder

Bad - what you put the powder on!

Good - Sausage and Bacon cooking

Bad - The grease left over from cooking

Good - Right Guard Extreme(Fresh Blast)

Bad - Not wearing right guard extreme!
Title: Re: Good odors vs bad odors
Post by: Richard D on November 06, 2008, 01:57:22 AM
This thread reminds me of that movie by Clint Eastwood, The Good the Bad and The ugly. Now that was a good movie……….LOL   ;D

                                            In God’s Love. Richard.
Title: Re: Good odors vs bad odors
Post by: Ninny on November 06, 2008, 01:01:27 PM
I would join in this thread but I think it's a guy thing!! AHa! Ha! Ha! (My Phyllis Diller laugh)
"The smeller's the feller" my mama always said!  :o
You guys are always talking about gross stuff, I guess we girls are just too refined for such stuff!!  ::)
Oh my!
Kathy :)
Title: Re: Good odors vs bad odors
Post by: musicman on November 06, 2008, 09:52:28 PM

Popcorn in Belly button does well.



Oh, that's sick.  Look what Longhorn wrote.