=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on November 20, 2008, 08:33:47 PM

Title: Thanks for your teaching
Post by: Craig on November 20, 2008, 08:33:47 PM
 Dear Sir (and brother in Christ)! You don’t have to reply to this e-mail. Firstly I want to thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit of God to share the Gnosis and Sophia (knowledge and wisdom) of God that sets free with us on the internet. Jesus clearly stated that we shall know the truth and that the truth shall set us free! Freedom at last!!!

I was a full time Pentecostal pastor for fifteen years in the full time ministry of the church (not of Christ). As a young man I was desperately seeking the truth that sets free. I was a policeman who became an alcoholic and later on a crook. My path cross that of the Pentecostal church and I was “born again”. I left my former life and all that I had and went to undergo my theological training to become a pastor in the fulltime ministry. After I spend three years in training, paid a lot of money, my family and I was on our own again. The church pushed us out in the field to plant a new church under the most difficult circumstances. But I made the most of it and was pretty successful in the eyes of my denomination.

But I soon realize that my wonderful holy and divine vision was nothing more than a nightmare! Why wasn’t I fulfilled? I was supposed to help others see the light but I was even more unhappy than ever before. I felt bound up and the yearning for freedom in my spirit was even greater than ever before. It did not took me long to “see” that the real motivational factor behind the church was “money” and not God. I did not have the guts to break free but God in His wisdom let a very bad thing happen to this good pastor and my ministry was derailed for good by higher intervention.
Today I am free and I am living my life to the fullest. All that you taught was living in my spirit long before I was guided to your website. But it is so nicely and laid out with such detail! The first time I studied your work, I just thank God for the conformation! I meet every Sunday with a small group of people and we study your lectures in detail and we gain so much from it! Thank you for your obedience, you will never know the freedom and joy it brought us! This coming Sunday we will watch your video on free will together.

May God bless you! Looking forward to meet you in eternity!
