=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: jennie on December 20, 2008, 06:02:03 PM

Title: terrible event
Post by: jennie on December 20, 2008, 06:02:03 PM
Maybe I shouldn't have used that title for this post because I know things could be far worse. The very thing that almost cost me my leg late last summer is now threatening my arm. that is a small thing but a worrisome thing too. The terrible thing is this... my brother in law caused so much trouble the other night. He called the police on my husband and tried to fight him too. He is a former alcoholic with 1 year of sobriety so I don't know if this plays into the equation or not. I have heard of "dry drunk" but am not sure what it really is. Any help out there, Jennie
Title: Re: terrible event
Post by: musicman on December 20, 2008, 09:04:48 PM
I know that sometimes real trouble starts after the drinking stops.  Going cold turkey can be a very painful thing because fighting tempations can lead to fighting people. 
Title: Re: terrible event
Post by: Ninny on December 21, 2008, 12:37:46 AM
Jennie, are you talking about the spider bite you got last summer? How is that bothering your arm? Did the poison travel to your arm?
The thing you are most worried about is your brother in law, I'm sorry about that trouble, too I don't know anything about that. I have no experience dealing with alcoholics, but I will pray for you definitely!
Title: Re: terrible event
Post by: winner08 on December 21, 2008, 03:40:08 AM
Jennie I can tell you what I went through, it might help you to understand what your brother and law is going through. A dry drunk is an alcoholic who stops drinking but gets no help with his addiction. You see even though he stop drinking his mind is still sick and needs help in order to heal. One must treat the addiction and the mind as well in order to have some kind of stability in his life. So even though he has stop drinking he is mentality messed up. He will have terrible mood swings. If he is not getting help he needs to. He need to go to a  rehab center. There he will get professional help with his addiction and they will treat his mental state as well. Some addicts will suffer from depression, anger as well, so you see he needs to be treated for the whole body and mind. The doctor at these clinics are great they will get him right. If it sounds like i know what i am talking about, It's because i do. I've been there and done that. I hope i helped in someway. God bless you and God bless your brother in law.

PS If I can help you further PM me and I will try to help you.

Good luck.

Title: Re: terrible event
Post by: jennie on December 21, 2008, 10:28:00 PM
Thank ya'll so much. In regard to my arm, the poison apparrently stays in your body for quite some time and cause secondary problems even months later. I have great hope and faith that it will be okay though. The info. about the "dry drunk" thing was so helpful. My brother in law did quit cold turkey after 25 years of being drunk every day. He didn't seek help although we encouraged him to get it. He said he didn't need it but it explains a lot... the mind and body must be treated. Thank ya'll so much for listening to my issues. I feel like I have a whole world of true friends that care. Much love, Jennie
Title: Re: terrible event
Post by: Robin on December 22, 2008, 02:01:12 AM
I will be praying for your arm Jennie.

When I see my son behave like that I know he is either drinking again or very close to drinking again. I see a lot of people really struggle at their year anniversary. Many think they have made it for a year and can now drink like normal people. It doesn't take long to find out they can't.

I will be praying for your brother-in-law. I hope he gets some help and doesn't try to do this alone. It's hard on the whole family.
Title: Re: terrible event
Post by: jennie on December 22, 2008, 02:43:19 PM
It seems like the holiday season sort of makes it worse.