=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: Marlene on January 02, 2009, 05:31:48 AM

Title: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Marlene on January 02, 2009, 05:31:48 AM
Hello, My Sister who is paralyzed on her left side from a stroke has an infection. She fell the other night. She is not able to hold food down and her blood pressure is very low and she is weak. I would like you to pray for her. My Mother who lives with me is 88 and is very upset over this. Now, for the rest my Mother has to deal with. Jan. 8th I am to have cervical spine surgery. I have a huge rupture and some other ruptures. I have spinal cord compression and have been in great deal of pain. My Mother is beside herself. I know she wants me to get out of pain but she is afraid she may loose us both. I feel so bad for her. I know, everything is in Gods will. Its just very hard on someone 88 years old.

I  need to have the surgery or I could very well end up with permament damage.  I would appreciate your prayers and pray that God keeps her calm. This is a hard trial we are going through.

In His Love,

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Ninny on January 02, 2009, 09:34:55 AM
Marlene I will be praying for you and your family. Stay strong!
Kathy :-*
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: OBrenda on January 02, 2009, 11:14:26 AM
You got it Marlene, stay strong in Him,
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Jackie Lee on January 02, 2009, 12:02:30 PM
I will be praying Marlene, for you and your family.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Rene on January 02, 2009, 12:37:58 PM
Hi Marlene,

Your family are in my prayers as well.  Please take comfort in knowing that the Lord is our refuge during difficult times.  Continue to cling to Him.

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: aqrinc on January 02, 2009, 01:41:27 PM


It is Always in GOD'S Control. My Prayers are said for you and sister and mom.
Stay strong in The Faith and Grace Of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

george. :) :-* :)

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: iris on January 02, 2009, 03:45:08 PM
Marlene, prayers going out for you and your family.

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Marlene on January 02, 2009, 09:30:44 PM
Thanks everyone for your prayers. They are keeping my sister again tonight. Blood Pressure is starting to come up some. She still cannot keep anything down. She has a very bad heart, but I don't think it is acting up.

I am like Brenda. I do not like being put to sleep. Not that I have any control asleep or awake. I am taking care of myself and eating healthy. So, I don't think my diabetes will be a factor. Just, when you are having the spine messed up kind of scary. Not, sure how much I will be able to get on after the 8th, but I know you will all be praying. As, soon as I can I will try and let you all know how I am doing. I will also keep you updated about my sister she is one who always looked out for others instead of herself. Now, she has to be waited on. She hates it. LOL

I value all of your prayers.

In His Love,
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: cjwood on January 03, 2009, 12:54:19 AM
hi marlene,
i too will lift you, your sister, your momma, and your husband up in specific petition to our God and Father, in the name of our Brother and Savior Jesus Christ. take comfort in knowing that God is with you awake or asleep, and His plan for you, and your family members is for your best, because, as you are very well aware, He loves you with a love that passes understanding. i pray also for your recovery period, as well as that of your sister. stay strong in your faith and in the knowledge that your spiritual family is praying for you.

love in Him,
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: judith collier on January 03, 2009, 05:30:18 AM
Dear Marlene, how difficult but I pray all of you will come through this healthier and happier. I pray your mother's fear to be gone and your dear sister a quick recovery. Your spine trouble has to be taken care of and I pray for all the doctors and you that everything goes well.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Marlene on January 03, 2009, 01:17:24 PM
Thanks Claudia and Judith and All: My sister is doing much better today. Her care was not very good. If, they would have kept her on fluids and the right anti-biotics she would not have been in there so long. At  the hospital she is in the Hospitalist was not very good. My neice who works for the hospital is writing a letter. The er doctor had her on fluids and antibiotics and the Hospitalist took her off.  Her meidcal doctor called in and got that worked out. Her blood pressure is better and she is not vomiting now. She called my mom and gave her the good news this morning.

I am so happy to have Brothers and Sisters in Christ who pray and leave me such kind messages. I love all of you.

I am not looking forward to the surgery, but if it can help some of the pain I will be very happy. Of course, it is not a surgery anyone would like to have, but you have to do what you have to do. LOL. I am use to pain, it is the unknown I don't like. I had a serious illness 2 years ago and God showed me who was in control. He still is and I have to remind my self of that.

In His Love,
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: buckhunter on January 05, 2009, 01:59:25 AM
Hello Marlene-- As soon as I read your posting I offered up a prayer on you and your families behalf. I know it is difficult but rejoice that you are accounted worthy to suffer. I hope everything goes well. I have been under general anesthesia twice and what I tell people (that ask) is that I felt like I did before I was born--I had NO consciousness whatsoever-no time passing,no dreams, no anything!

                                    Jim (new member)
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: judith collier on January 05, 2009, 02:41:15 AM
More prayer for you marlene and your upcoming operation, Glad to hear your sister is doing a bit better and God give your mother peace. I really feel for you, I know about pain in the spine and those darn nerve endings. Oh God, I pray you are flexible and without pain in the future. I pray a better outcome than you ever expected. Love all of you so much already!!!!
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: child in the making on January 06, 2009, 06:05:31 PM
More prayers for you and yours Marlene

The Comforter be with you
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: smeacham on January 06, 2009, 06:21:01 PM
Psalm 23:4 "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Dear Heavenly Father, my Sister Marlene and her mother are struggling with fear of what they do not know.  Of course, You know all, and You love them more than any of us can imagine.  Please allow Your Word to comfort and strengthen them.  May Your Spirit reassure them of Your Presence, and confirm that You are there to deliver them.  Because You are with them, they need not be afraid.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Marlene on January 06, 2009, 11:17:26 PM
Steve and All, First thanks for your prayers. Steve, your message hit right to my heart. Today, I am sure it was My Heavenly Father speaking. He showed me that I have fear. I fear for My Mother, but I also have some fear for myself. I know, that no matter what would happen God would be with my Mother. It is hard on her as she is 88 and lives with us. She believes in him, but has a hard time with the truths I have been led to.

It is sin for me to fear God. He brought me here in a time of life, after a fall. I thought I desearved Hell. However, I know he corrects those he loves.  Two years ago I faced death with a sever blood stream infection. Being, a diabetic could have been ha very bad time for me. But, even with the high fevers and having to wait 48 hours to find the right medication for it he gave me peace that he was in control. I still did not know what the out come would be. Most would have been in a coma they told me latter. I believe he used that time for correction and to show me he is in control. He led me to Ray's website a few months latter and I know because I obeyed his correction he brought me through truths.

Steve you are so right. He is in control and is with us every where.  I am so blessed to know truths this time around. Now, I just rest in his hands and know that he will do what is best for me. His will not mine. Thank, for your comforting words.

Thanks to everyone for your comfort and love,

In His Love,
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Jackie Lee on January 07, 2009, 12:41:45 AM
This request for prayer thread is so uplifting, Praying for all here.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Marlene on January 08, 2009, 08:34:03 AM
Hello, Wanted to tell you all Thank You before I leave for my surgery. Last, night My Sisters-In-Law called me and told me wanted I needed was good prayers going up for me from good people. She is still in the church. I told her I had lots of prayers going up to me. To me you have all been a comfort. I just know you really pray and its not just lip service. I value all of you and will be looking forward to being on the board with you all again.

My Mom and Husband are doing Good. I actually slept last night. I have never been one to be able to do that so well. Woke up to snow. But, I want this over with. Roads should be clear by time we leave. Surgery at 11:00.

Love To All,
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Jackie Lee on January 09, 2009, 06:58:13 PM
I just recieved a message from Marlene niece, She got through the surgery fine and will be going home later today.
Marlene hurry back I miss you already. :D
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: smeacham on January 09, 2009, 07:02:44 PM
That's great news!  I've been concerned for two days waiting to hear the news.  Praise God!
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Jackie Lee on January 09, 2009, 07:08:20 PM
That's great news!  I've been concerned for two days waiting to hear the news.  Praise God!

That is great news, and I like you was anxious to hear. :)
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Jackie Lee on January 12, 2009, 07:07:24 PM
I didn't know if should start another thread or not, But an up date on Marlene.

Recovery is not easy for her, she will not be allowed to lift or do anything for 2 weeks.
 The evening after Marlene surgery, her mom took a fall, her husband had to take her to ER.
Her mother has a contusion to the head, she is sore in the rib area also.
She is also recouping so it has been and is rough for their family.
Prayers will be appreciated for Marlene her mother and husband as they all get through this.

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Robin on January 12, 2009, 07:47:25 PM
I have been praying for Marlene and her family and will continue to pray for them.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: aqrinc on January 12, 2009, 08:54:46 PM



I have been praying for Marlene and her family and will continue to pray for them.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: OBrenda on January 12, 2009, 09:01:36 PM
And again Ditto....

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: cjwood on January 12, 2009, 09:10:54 PM
I didn't know if should start another thread or not, But an up date on Marlene.

Recovery is not easy for her, she will not be allowed to lift or do anything for 2 weeks.
 The evening after Marlene surgery, her mom took a fall, her husband had to take her to ER.
Her mother has a contusion to the head, she is sore in the rib area also.
She is also recouping so it has been and is rough for their family.
Prayers will be appreciated for Marlene her mother and husband as they all get through this.


thank you again for the update jackie lee. i know it must be a hard thing for marlene's family especially with marlene and her mother both being in a recovery state. i will keep them both in prayer and also will pray for God's strength and peace to be with her husband. i know marlene is not able to go online to the forum yet, but i know she is drawing strength knowing that we are praying for God's will to be done and that we love her with the love of Christ. what an awesome love!

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Ninny on January 12, 2009, 09:57:51 PM
Jackie lee,
Please tell Marlene that we are praying for her and her mom to have quick recoveries! It is definitely good to have our brothers and sisters here praying! I can attest to it! Give her our love and tell her to get well sooooon!
 Kathy :-*
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Linny on January 12, 2009, 10:41:15 PM
Prayers going up for Marlene and her family.

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Jackie Lee on January 12, 2009, 10:52:47 PM
Jackie lee,
Please tell Marlene that we are praying for her and her mom to have quick recoveries! It is definitely good to have our brothers and sisters here praying! I can attest to it! Give her our love and tell her to get well sooooon!
 Kathy :-*
Hi Ninny, I will tell her, she may be able to have a quick read in a couple weeks.
Thanks everyone. :)
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: smeacham on January 13, 2009, 12:58:58 AM
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Jackie Lee on January 20, 2009, 07:40:21 PM
Marlene wanted me to update.
She wanted me to thank everyone for their pm's, said she is just not well enough to answer yet.

Here is what she said.

Jackie, Please let many know how we are doing here. I am having much nerve pain some from surgery and some from damage done before. It is very hard recovery. Mom is having stiches taken out of her face today. Many have pm me but I do not feel well enough to answer all. Please, thank them for there love and prayers. This is really hard on me. Hard on my whole family. My husband is wonderful as normal. But, its hard to watch my Mother in pain and hard for her to watch me. This is truly a hard time for us.

I miss you all so much. Want this  to improve soon. I keep thinking about Ray and his family. I try not to feel sorry for myself. I never have liked to do that. But, I feel for my family.

Just tell them all I love them and am looking forward to being back to my Family of God. The more time away the more I realized how much the organized church and the world as a whole is so lost. I value everyone here.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: EKnight on January 20, 2009, 09:59:19 PM
Thanks for the update Jackie.  Please let Marlene know that our prayers are with her and her family.

My heart aches from hearing of her suffering.  It certainly puts my own problems in perspective and for that I am grateful.

Love and prayers,

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Ninny on January 20, 2009, 11:36:30 PM
Send her my love! Tell her to keep her eyes on the Lord. We are praying for her!
Kathy :-*
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: aqrinc on January 20, 2009, 11:51:17 PM

Hi Jackie Lee, thanks for the update.


Hurry up and get back, :-* we really miss you. Got a nice cozy corner of the forum waiting for you and Mom. :-*

george. ;D

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: cjwood on January 21, 2009, 12:48:49 AM
dear jackie lee,
thank you so much for keeping in touch with marlene and letting us know how she is doing. she has been on my mind lately, as i have been wondering how her recovery was going, and how her mother and sister were doing. as she well knows, God uses the times in our lives that are the hardest and most painful to build up our faith and trust in Him alone, and to bring us to that place of humbleness where He can do His best for us through His comforting, guiding Spirit. i will continue to keep marlene and her family in my prayers. i look forward to hearing her post again, and as george said, he is keeping a nice cozy corner of the forum for her. how great is that!!  :D we love her and miss her.

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Jackie Lee on January 21, 2009, 01:27:50 AM

Hi Eileen, Kathy George and Claudia, I know Marlene will appreciate all the prayers and love for her.
I am more than happy to forward her progress to the forum family, actually I feel blessed that God is using me to deliver messages. :)
I will let her know you all are thinking of her praying for her.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: judith collier on January 22, 2009, 04:30:53 AM
Marlene, now I will be praying for your recovery. I was wondering how you were doing. I am glad your mother is doing o.k. and happy you have a good husband. Rest for now, we are keeping you in mind. Love, Judy
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: smeacham on January 22, 2009, 11:30:32 AM
Marlene (via Jackie),

It saddens me to think of you in so much pain still, and of your mother too.  I wish for your mutual swift recovery, and pray for your peace and strength and your husband's patience and love.

Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: OBrenda on January 22, 2009, 03:04:28 PM
 ( (
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Marlene on January 23, 2009, 08:19:45 PM
Hello, Just wanted to thank  you all for the pm messages and other messages of prayers. I had a pretty tuff time with pain. I am still on pain medications but doing much better. Go back to the surgeon for my check up this  coming Tuesday. The incision is still pretty red but healing. Yesterday was very pain filled. But, woke up today with barely any pain. Now, if this just keeps up. I have such a short neck that he had to do my incision different. He went around the collar bone. That, Praise God saved my voice.  I diabetes is doing real well.

My Mother still hurts and has a bad shiner, but is starting to improve. They told her 4 to 6 weeks of healing. She is 88 and a tough cookie. She is a very small woman and is lucky not to have broken something. 

My Husband is a wonderful Man and has taken good care of us.

I know your prayers worked. There was so many ways I see Gods hand in all of this. Things could have been worsed with me and with my Mother. We have suffered together.

I miss you all so much and being able to read Rays papers and the post on here.  I am not staying on long as I do not want to get something strarted. I will ease in to all of this as the Doctor told me to. I have many problems in the thoraic and lumbar and I am sure he will want to address them at some time. Right,now I just want to be recovered from this.

Well, once again thank you all. I love you all so much. Its not that fake love either.

In His Love,
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: smeacham on January 24, 2009, 03:12:48 AM
Praise God.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: judith collier on January 24, 2009, 03:23:09 AM
Thank God Marlene.
Title: Re: Need some prayer for my love ones.
Post by: Ninny on January 24, 2009, 04:14:05 PM
Marlene I'm glad that things are looking up! You are going to heal just fine I know your mom will be ok too!
We will be here for you with prayers and encouragement!
Love ya!
Kathy :D