=> Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings => Topic started by: LiberatedEagle on January 19, 2009, 07:05:59 PM

Title: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: LiberatedEagle on January 19, 2009, 07:05:59 PM
Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ,

 It feels SO good to finally be able to fellowship with true believers. As I'm quite sure you all know, there are not too many people of this particular persuasion;I often find myself frustrated by the fact that my family and those closest to me cannot recognize that there's something totally wrong with the doctrine we've been taught. It really soothes my heart to know that I can now study, fellowship, worship, serve God together with those of the same mind. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone here who is willing to meet me..Lol

Now here's a bit about me.....

I come from a very, Very strict pentecostal background. For ex: If a woman decided to wear a pair of pants to church... we would pray for her that her soul wouldn't be lost.(it was that serious Lol) Yeah it was pretty strict. Both my father, mother and much the majority of my family are heavily involved in the church. So you can imagine how deeply rooted the doctrines of Babylon were instilled in me.

I can remember, as a young boy witnessing to people about Jesus Christ with zeal and desire. I really wanted to please God. As I grew my desire to know more about God increased, and interestingly enough my questions became a little more annoying. In the church where I was raised, the pastor/bishop was esteemed so highly that it was probably on the verge of worship. So to ask him questions about anything was just something that didn't happen often. But I was a little hardheaded joker and I had questions that I thought if anybody could answer he, the bishop could. Well to my disappointment some of the answers I received were not at all scriptural and/or historically satisfactory.

Back in 2003 the pastor of that church passed. There was a dispute as to who was going to become pastor. The bishop's family wanted the grandson to take over; though he had been in the ministry for only a year or two. The church wanted my uncle, who had been named the pastor's assistant prior to bishop's passing and had served as an elder for over 25 years with bishop, to become pastor. So they had the church to vote and my uncle was chosen as the new pastor. Well the bishops' family didn't like it and they left to start a new church with the bishop's grandson as pastor. My mother and 3 of my siblings along with other family members from my mothers' side went along with the bishop's grandson. Of course my fathers' side of the family stayed there at the church we grew up in as my uncle was now the new pastor.

When I heard of this I was blown away; not especially in regards to their behavior, but because about 6-8 months prior to this I had a feeling to leave this church!!! I knew there were things I didn't agree with and questions I felt my church couldn't answer, but this feeling was more than just a typical "I don't like it" feeling. It was deep and bone-cutting and kind of had me scared to really do it because this was the church I grew up in. I mean we were there for church every Wed, Fri, and literally all day Sunday for years. Everybody was family and I was faced with the challenge to go before them and tell them that I felt that God was admonishing me to leave this very church. It was tough and I didn't fully understand at the moment, neither did my family, but now..... OOHHH boy!! Now that I understand what "Babylon The Great" is and how God admonishes his people to come out of her...I COULD DO A THOUSAND FLIPS!!!

This is just one of a few testimonies I will share. I have this feeling that there will be a lot of similar testimonies here and not only in reference to coming out of Babylon, but how God has spared our lives. (can't wait to share that one)

Again, I'm SOOOO excited that God has lead me here as I feel we will be collectively beneficial to one another in the days ahead....Psalm 133


Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Ninny on January 19, 2009, 07:13:15 PM
Hey LiberatedEagle! It is good to have you here!, Oh yes you are going to find a lot of interesting stories here so PLEASE don't feel alone in any sense of the word!!
Glad you're here and can't wait to get to know you!
Welcome Home!
Kathy :D
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: cjwood on January 19, 2009, 07:45:29 PM
welcome home liberatedeagle! i enjoyed your post very much and can relate to your feelings of being frustrated that family members and close friends cannot recognize the total error of the church doctrine they have been taught. but then i have to remind myself that it is God who is keeping them blind for His purpose. i too felt like turning flips and shouting from the top of the house to tell everyone what a wonderful Father God that we have. but, in order to keep the neighbors from calling the police to tell them that a crazy lady was on top of her house doing flips and shouting something about God, i refrained from that outburst of joy. i just come to this forum and flip out so to speak. and they love me anyway. i am interested in reading your testimonies about God's sparring of your life. He also sparred my life on a couple of occasions and i now know it was because His plan for my life included His opening up the scriptures to me via a man named ray smith, and through my brothers and sisters on this forum. so again, welcome home. we have been waiting for you and we didn't even know it. our God is so awesome!

your sister in Christ,
claudia (austin, tx)
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: emkayfey on January 19, 2009, 07:53:00 PM
Hi LiberatedEagle,
Glad you're here. your story reiterates what I've see and what is prevalent in the 'church', this kind of behaviour is simply typical I know of a church which, after a split took each other to court. Loads of other despicable things that will embarass even a social organisation. You're also very right that these 'ministers' cannot be queried because there is no forum for it, they are always right and always worshipped. Recently the pastor of one of the fastest growing pentecostal church in europe (statistics, few years old) was reading from a book he wrote on new years eve and everybody was shouting Amen, Amen as if their lives depended on this book.

For us now (having learnt from Ray's teaching) it is a rather lonely journey having been in the church as far back as one can remember, some of the friends I shared the new understanding with never got back to me...Now I only explain  to those who seems interested and probe me further.

Let us not keep totally quiet because some are already hurting and aware that something is wrong but they do not have an alternative, I believe God will always lead us to them though, as I've experienced once. Shalom
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: aqrinc on January 19, 2009, 08:12:01 PM

Hi LiberatedEagle,

Welcome to the forum, you are so right about other members stories. Settle
in and have a wonderful time reading, learning and conversing (posting).

george. ;D 

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: cherokee on January 19, 2009, 08:57:54 PM
Hey LiberatedEagle,

Welcome to the forum.

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: iris on January 19, 2009, 09:13:20 PM
Hi LiberatedEagle,

Welcome to the forum!
I enjoyed reading your post and hope to hear more from you.

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: mharrell08 on January 19, 2009, 09:16:20 PM
Welcome to the forum, LiberatedEagle. Hope to hear more from you soon.  :)

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Samson on January 19, 2009, 11:11:44 PM
Welcome Liberated Eagle,

                                 Glad to hear you are liberated from Babylon the Great, her Spiritual
                                 Fornication is severe and her Sins are many, she tries to deceive the
                                 chosen ones, if she could.

                                 Although we suffer in the present age in the flesh, we are liberated
                                 in the Spirit by truths we share at this Site.

                                 There are many interesting testimonies and introductions that are easily
                                 accessible in the Archives, the Who AM I section gives you an opportunity
                                 to see pictures and stories of some of the members.

                                                    Kind Regards, Samson.
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Falconn003 on January 20, 2009, 01:30:35 AM

Welcome to the Fellowship and Forum.

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: smeacham on January 20, 2009, 01:53:58 AM

May God use these forums and fulfill this prayer in your life and "Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit." (Psalm 51:12)

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: charrie on January 20, 2009, 02:39:15 AM
Welcome, LiberatedEagle!!!

Charrie :-*
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Heidi on January 20, 2009, 09:59:26 AM
My heavenly family just keeps on getting bigger and bigger and it is awesome ;D.....welcome to the forum.

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Linny on January 20, 2009, 11:57:08 AM
Welcome to the forum LiberatedEagle!
Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Blessings, Lin
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Marky Mark on January 20, 2009, 01:17:10 PM
Welcome to the forums and hope the Spiritual food here swells your heart and mind :)

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Dave in Tenn on January 20, 2009, 01:44:24 PM
Welcome aboard.  I hope your stay will indeed be good for all of us.  The excitement in your post is palpable, and it's not just pentacostals who turn flips at seeing God more closely to who He really is.  Looking forward to sharing more fellowship with you.
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: LiberatedEagle on January 20, 2009, 03:49:35 PM
WOW!!!!! The love here is amazing. I feel as if everyone knows me (kinda like Norm from Cheers).

I reminded of the movie "The Matrix" You all remember how Neo was looking for the answer (Morpheus) for a good portion of his life? Little did he know the ANSWER was looking for him. I have just recently come to understand that the desire I have to know God didn't start with me as if I'm some spiritual anomaly, but God lit the flame of the desire in order for me to realize that HE wants me to know who He is more than I could even imagine. This scripture really blesses me:

And He spake unto Korah and all his company, saying, Even tomorrow the Lord will show who are His, and who is holy and will CAUSE him to come near to HIM: Even him whom He hath chosen will He CAUSE to come near unto Him. Numbers 16:5

I guess the reason we feel as if we know one another is because we know each other after the Spirit.
Thank you brothers and sisters for all of your kind words. I really do feel that God has led me home.

P.S. Are there any webinar bible studies available. I know of the Nashville conference and the recorded audio tapes, however are there any group studies that take place more frequently?

 I didn't mention in my introduction my geographical location. I'm in the great city of Atlanta, Ga and have been here my whole life. If there are any fellow believers here in the vicinity we should get together and form a bible study. I think it would be AWESOME!! (Just an idea).

Love you all,

LiberatedEagle (AKA) Charles P. Wright
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Ninny on January 20, 2009, 06:21:53 PM
Hi Charles!
 I believe Antiawan that would be Akira329 is from Atlanta, too! I think there are others, too, but can't say for sure.  :D
Kathy ;)
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: cjwood on January 21, 2009, 01:10:00 AM
Hi Charles!
 I believe Antiawan that would be Akira329 is from Atlanta, too! I think there are others, too, but can't say for sure.  :D
Kathy ;)

antaiwan aka akira329 and marques aka mharrell08 are both from atlanta. how awesome it would be if i had 2 fellow forum members in my hometown.

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: mrl1970 on January 21, 2009, 02:31:33 PM
WOW!!!!! The love here is amazing. I feel as if everyone knows me (kinda like Norm from Cheers).

I reminded of the movie "The Matrix" You all remember how Neo was looking for the answer (Morpheus) for a good portion of his life? Little did he know the ANSWER was looking for him.

I lot of us here use The Matrix to describe what it was like to learn  The Truth.
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: OBrenda on January 21, 2009, 03:00:53 PM
Welcome Liberated Eagle,

You will be Blessed,
Loved the Matrix
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: jg on January 22, 2009, 10:35:54 AM
Welcome!  Glad to have you here!  I look forward to learning more about your life being spared too.

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Marlene on January 26, 2009, 07:04:22 PM
Welcome Liberated Eagle! I get so excited everytime someone is set free and joins the forum. I had been ill for a year before joining. I had the blood stream infection that just took the young models life in Brazil. I had not gone to church for a year. The pastor never once called me. During that time I began to question all I was taught in Babylon Church. By what all tell me I should have died. But, God had other plans and led me here. I felt like I had just been given eyes to see and ears to here.

My  second week back to church the minister took the dollar amount my husband and I gave and said, that God might kill you if you did not give your 10 percent. That , was the last time we ever went there. I am not mad I am glad he did that. It has set us free of Babylon false teachings.

I am looking forward to reading your post and about your experiences.

In His Love,
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Kat on January 27, 2009, 12:39:55 AM

Hi Charles,

Glad you have joined us  :)
I'm a little late getting on the welcome wagon, but here are a few links to what we have available here.

The forum rules, it will help you see how this forum is moderated.,3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html

Forum Indexes & lots of Info.,14.0.html

Ray's Videos,8227.0.html

Ray's Audios,2641.0.html

Ray's 2008 Audios,8256.0.html

Transcripts of Ray's Audios,12.0.html

Who Am I? (members pics and personal stuff),16.0.html

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: TeacherLady on January 29, 2009, 06:07:04 PM
Hi Liberate Eagle,

I too am somewhat "new" to Bible-Truths and can fully relate to your pentecostal background.....THANK GOD FOR DELIVERANCE!!! LOL.

I recently got into a discussion with several of my friends on "hell" and eternal torment.  Though I gave scriptural proof they still accused me of just spewing an opinion with thorough scriptural foundation.  As a result, I went into GREAT scriptural detail to prove that what we've been taught is dead wrong.....haven't heard a word from them ever since (as it relates to that topic)....they still love me of course, but just don't want to "get into it" with me.  I challenged them to study it for themselves and that perhaps God will open their eyes as He opened mine. 

Knowing what I know now makes me love God all the more; the "fear" doctrine that we've been fed over the years is such INCREDIBLE baloney I could just scream!!! (sometimes I do....ha-ha).......I'm GUESSING you've read the Lake of Fire series by now.....if not.....fasten your seat's a wonderful ride!
Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: LiberatedEagle on January 29, 2009, 11:49:49 PM
Hello TeacherLady,

Why the display name, TeacherLady? I suppose you're a teacher of sorts. If so what do you teach?

I definitely understand where you're coming from in regards to sharing the true GOOD NEWS to family members. Since I've always been the one to question things my father and various family members feel the Satan has me in his vicegrips. I can't even get far enough with them to share scriptural references because they believe I have yet to fully engulf myself in the word. A cousin of mine with whom I've been very close to my whole life has been avoiding conversation with me because of the revelations God is giving via bible-truths. But hey, though it hurts a little I'm not at all discouraged because Paul states that "He is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power unto salvation". Also Jesus stated that He didn't come to make peace, but division and there would come a time when your enemies would be of your own household. I can definitely understand that scripture better now. I hope and pray that God chooses me so that I can suffer for the name of Christ. What better life to live than a life in servitude to Jesus. Ohh what a blessing that would be.

Thanks for your kind words and I look forward to building a kingdom relationship with you as well as all of my brothers and sister in the Lord.

God Bless,

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: Ninny on January 30, 2009, 12:32:51 AM
Charles, I gotta tell you that most of us here have actually been dragged here in one way or another by God himself!!  No one ever talked to me about this stuff before I got here! What did we all do? We set out to know more about truth and some word or group of words we Googled landed us here at Bible! We are like a bunch of wild mustangs that God is corralling, some of us are wilder than others! :D
I wouldn't worry too much about feeling like you need to tell everyone you know about the truth you've learned here. Just learn it well, so that when God calls on us to stand up for it you will know why you believe! That's what I strive for, to know WHY I believe this and to be able to explain it like the disciples did in their day, like many Christians have had to do since Jesus first came. We have to remember to be gentle with those we deal with. I believe there is counsel along this line in 2Timothy.

Some may not agree with me, but like I always say, that's just the way I see it! ;)
Be happy!
Kathy :D

Title: Re: True Fellowship Finally!!!
Post by: mhykx on February 04, 2009, 10:21:41 PM
Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ,

I come from a very, Very strict pentecostal background.


Hello LiberatedEagle....
You remind me of the "eagle" thing we (my friends in Pentecostal, yes..I was also a member of Pentecostal) used to coined whenever someone is matured enough to contradict (or just even comment) on the teachings of pentecostal.  I wonder where are those "eagles" friends of mine, now.