=> Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings => Topic started by: ryan_p_boerner on January 21, 2009, 09:19:51 PM

Title: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: ryan_p_boerner on January 21, 2009, 09:19:51 PM
I am very happy that god has blessed us with the understanding that we all have. GOD has shown us that we don't need to follow the false prophets on the pulpit anylonger! I was just turned on to this site by my father a few days ago and i have been shocked daily reading the papers written by Mr Smith. My father has been teaching me alot of things about god for years now and he has shown me different things from many different places. I decided to go to church on my own when i was a child because i felt like i needed god but after a while i felt like the passion was gone and i was going through the motions just so i didn't go to hell. ( hell we all know that is a stupid concept of man) So after a few years i left the church because i questioned so much that i was being shown that i no longer wanted to be there. I was gone from the church for 8 years and they built a new church down the street from my house and i felt that god was calling me so i went one day and talked with the pastor and liked most of what i heard and became a member. I had i good time for a little while my wife liked the church and my children loved going to sunday school it felt like home. Then came the start of a new year and they wanted to know how much money i planned on making that year and how much i was giving to them. I was very put off by this  but i felt that it was good for my family so i did. after a few months the church one sunday instead of speaking the word of god came to us and pretty much gave us an investment presentation and showed us how they planned on growing much much bigger. Then the told us that they wanted to build a 16 by 20 room on the side of the church and it would cost 200,000 to build. Now along with all the money we were already giving the church to give them their 12,000 a month budget now we had to give more. They told us to sell things if we didn't have the extra money to give them because god wanted this room! Then they said if we did not want to pay then we no longer needed to be members of the church. At that very moment i gathered my family and walked away from mainstream religion. I have allways questioned hell and the business of religion and now i have the understanding to show me the way.. Thank you all so much for being here and reading my post i am truly gratefull that there are people put there that don't hate me because i actually look for the truth rather than taking a mans word for it. anyway i look foward to being a member and god bless you all :)
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Beloved on January 21, 2009, 09:49:33 PM
Welcome Ryan

No building projects here...except building up of saints...

625/sq foot wow...what did they want you to sell...your blood

Hope you enjoy reading and fellowshipping with others who have come out of Babylon


Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: aqrinc on January 21, 2009, 10:41:35 PM

Hi Ryan,

Glad you got caught with the searchlight right in your eyes; an  :o ::) opening experience i bet.

Welcome to the forum; lots to read and exchange.

george. ;D

Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Linny on January 21, 2009, 11:47:45 PM
That is such an interesting story. I am so careful about taking up offenses but at the same time, God used very similar circumstances to push us out of Babylon too! We didn't actually leave until we found BT but we were already very unhappy with the church.

Glad you are here!

Blessings, Lin
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: cherokee on January 22, 2009, 10:14:05 AM
Hey Ryan,

Welcome to the forum. ;)

Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: jg on January 22, 2009, 10:37:06 AM
Welcome to the forum!  Not much time to say a whole lot as I'm at work, but Welcome!!!!!

Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Dave in Tenn on January 22, 2009, 10:55:04 AM
Welcome glad for your freedom.
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: daywalker on January 22, 2009, 04:29:00 PM
I am very happy that god has blessed us with the understanding that we all have. GOD has shown us that we don't need to follow the false prophets on the pulpit anylonger! I was just turned on to this site by my father a few days ago and i have been shocked daily reading the papers written by Mr Smith. My father has been teaching me alot of things about god for years now and he has shown me different things from many different places. I decided to go to church on my own when i was a child because i felt like i needed god but after a while i felt like the passion was gone and i was going through the motions just so i didn't go to hell. ( hell we all know that is a stupid concept of man) So after a few years i left the church because i questioned so much that i was being shown that i no longer wanted to be there. I was gone from the church for 8 years and they built a new church down the street from my house and i felt that god was calling me so i went one day and talked with the pastor and liked most of what i heard and became a member. I had i good time for a little while my wife liked the church and my children loved going to sunday school it felt like home. Then came the start of a new year and they wanted to know how much money i planned on making that year and how much i was giving to them. I was very put off by this  but i felt that it was good for my family so i did. after a few months the church one sunday instead of speaking the word of god came to us and pretty much gave us an investment presentation and showed us how they planned on growing much much bigger. Then the told us that they wanted to build a 16 by 20 room on the side of the church and it would cost 200,000 to build. Now along with all the money we were already giving the church to give them their 12,000 a month budget now we had to give more. They told us to sell things if we didn't have the extra money to give them because god wanted this room! Then they said if we did not want to pay then we no longer needed to be members of the church. At that very moment i gathered my family and walked away from mainstream religion. I have allways questioned hell and the business of religion and now i have the understanding to show me the way.. Thank you all so much for being here and reading my post i am truly gratefull that there are people put there that don't hate me because i actually look for the truth rather than taking a mans word for it. anyway i look foward to being a member and god bless you all :)

Hey Ryan,

Welcome to Life After Babylon. Where knowledge & wisdom continue to increase; where the power of the flesh continues to decrease; and where the joy and the freedom that you are feeling never fade away!

Your journey has just begun!

- Daywalker
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Heidi on January 23, 2009, 02:13:54 AM
A warm welcome to you Ryan.... :)

John 8:32...and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.....Hallelujah!!!
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Falconn003 on January 23, 2009, 02:15:05 AM
Welcome to the Fellowship of this forum,

Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: charrie on January 23, 2009, 02:54:32 AM
Welcome, Ryan

Charrie  :-*
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: iris on January 23, 2009, 01:22:58 PM
Hi Ryan,

Welcome to the forum!

Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Kat on January 23, 2009, 02:41:31 PM

Hi Ryan,

I'm glad you have joined us  :)
It is such a breath of fresh air to be free of the church.  I was there for 25 long years  :-\  but am free now.  I hope you will enjoy this fellowship, it is a great place to be with liked minded believers.

Here are links to some to the things that we have here, besides the main boards.

The forum rules, it will help you see how this forum is moderated.,3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html

Forum Indexes & lots of Info.,14.0.html

Ray's Videos,8227.0.html

Ray's Audios,2641.0.html

Ray's 2008 Audios,8256.0.html

Transcripts of Ray's Audios,12.0.html

Who Am I? (members pics and personal stuff),16.0.html

mercy, peace and love

Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Marky Mark on January 23, 2009, 05:51:42 PM
Welcome Ryan,

  Pull up a chair and dine on the Bread of Christ,one can never be to FULL. :D

  Peace...   Mark
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: sansmile on January 24, 2009, 11:43:04 AM
Welcome Ryan :)

God Bless you
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: musicman on January 25, 2009, 12:48:20 AM
Now you must send your tithe to us.  Send your 10% donation using "payup" to  You will be greatly blessed for doing so.
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Ninny on January 25, 2009, 12:59:00 AM
Hey, wait , you didn't offer the religious trinket! I want the religious trinket!! ;D
Kathy ;)
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Vangie on January 25, 2009, 09:06:31 AM
"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage."  Darn Musicman, I had all this extra money burning a hole in my pocket that I was gonna donate!
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: Heidi on January 25, 2009, 09:57:05 AM
Musicman you got the web address all is and I do offer some trinkets for anyone who donates.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: ryan_p_boerner on January 26, 2009, 06:34:05 PM
thank you everone for the kind words . i am very happy to be here and to learn all that i can. quick question is anyone concerned that when ray departs from us that the website may be shut down. i think it should stay up until the end of time so that all who look for the truth may be able to find it
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: aqrinc on January 26, 2009, 06:38:12 PM

Quick answer; Take no thought for Tomorrow. ;D

george. :-X ;D

Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: cjwood on January 26, 2009, 07:27:05 PM
thank you everone for the kind words . i am very happy to be here and to learn all that i can. quick question is anyone concerned that when ray departs from us that the website may be shut down. i think it should stay up until the end of time so that all who look for the truth may be able to find it

i believe that if it is God's will and plan that ray falls asleep due to his cancer, that God will provide a way for the BT website to keep going. this is essentially God's website, as He has chosen to use ray and dennis to get the Truths of the scriptures to all who will see and hear and will believe and understand His awesome plan. you can contribute any amount that you wish if God is leading you to that end. there is a posting that gives the info for doing this. but do not despair, all is of God and if it is His will, this website will continue. we can make the choice to help keep the website up and running.

love in Him,
Title: Re: Thank GOD!!!!!!
Post by: jterrell on January 26, 2009, 10:40:05 PM
Welcome Ryan. I attend a church which has an attendance of five thousand. Great atmosphere, great music. Wasn't you re typical T.B.N. type begging for money. These guys are slick, all they needed was 30 million dollars for a new campus so they could reach the world for Christ. All sounded good till one day I was driving to work and was taking a short cut through a subdivision and lo and behold , what did I see? You guessed it. Senior staff driving their convertables out of their big fine homes while they ask you to give sacrificially.  It didn't appear that they were lacking for anything.  Even though I enjoyed the way they did church, I knew then it was time to walk away.  Yes I am positive they will reach their goal the ground has been broken already, the sad part is people's businesses are failing in that church and people are losing their homes the project is still continuing on.  It is as they would put it "our responsibility" to save the lost and reach the hurting people and must come through the needs of a building.  How sad. Man in his own dreams and desires has been blinded to the truth.Yes it is a great honor for God to shed his grace on us.
